Mysterious journey

Chapter 756 Trump Card 1


Thunder rolled in the night sky, and a bolt of lightning flashed across, instantly illuminating the vast grassland below into a blanket of snowy white.

This grassland located on the border of the United States and Canada is a complete desert. Even the nearest villages and towns were moved by government troops in advance and left quickly. There is no human habitation for hundreds of kilometers.

The strong wind blew, and the tufts of grass higher than a person's knees kept swaying in the wind, making a swishing sound.

On the edge of the grassland, only tens of meters away from the forest, there were rolling hills. The grass above was now ablaze, burning with red flames, lighting up almost half of the sky.

The flames spread with the wind and quickly burned towards the grassland in the distance.

A group of people stood sparsely on the black ground burned by the flames.

Hosiman was surrounded in the middle, and outside were the men and soldiers of the Holy Fist Palace. Quentin and Seidon dealt with it attentively, and Tu Lan glanced at the outer periphery.

Outside the manpower encirclement of the Holy Fist Palace, there are two large groups of men led by a man and a woman. Each of these men is dressed in black, wearing a black scarf, and they are all vampires and vampires with blood-red eyes.

The atmosphere became more tense and tense.

"Tu Lan, you are the new Dead Apostle of our clan, why did you choose to side with the Holy Fist Palace?" The handsome blond man in black robe said at this time.

"I just found that the Holy Fist Palace is more suitable for me to stay than the Blood Alliance. It is here that I find my true pursuit." Tu Lan answered seriously.

She didn't lie. Only in the Holy Fist Palace could she freely practice Huan Lou Quan and Mi Wu Quan while receiving the guidance of Garen's soul. It almost gave her a brand new pursuit of life, which was boring compared to before. , a life of eating and enjoying is simply countless times more meaningful.

After trying the life of the Holy Fist Palace, which allowed her to continuously improve and strengthen herself in pleasure, she would not let her return to the boring life of the blood alliance before.

And now she is also a Dead Apostle, equal to the other party, and has her own right to choose.

"Do you really want to stand on the side of the Holy Fist Palace?" The man frowned slightly.

"I have my pursuits and dreams here, but the Blood Alliance does not." Tu Lan said calmly, "Maybe I was forced and unwilling at first, but it's different now."

"What a pity." The female dead disciple shook her head slightly. At this time, there were more and more black-clothed vampires behind them.

But there are also more ordinary Holy Fist Palace soldiers gathering from a distance. Groups of bombers and fighter jets continued to fly through the sky, and the sound of propellers from armed helicopters approached rapidly from far to near.

Both the Blood Clan and the Holy Fist Palace are mobilizing force on a large scale. There are more and more people gathered in this small area, and they are getting stronger and stronger.

"Although it's a little hasty, today is the day when the myth of the Holy Fist Palace will be shattered." The female dead disciple looked up at the armed helicopter hovering in the sky, and a red light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly, a helicopter flying by suddenly spun around, circling and slamming into another helicopter beside it.

boom! !

The two planes collided and exploded into a ball of fire.

Countless radios communicated quickly, and the instructions to retreat were quickly transmitted. The pilots of the aircraft panicked and moved away from the area.

Tu Lan watched their actions coldly, without any intention of taking action. She had already guessed the other party's intention. They wanted to use herself and these senior officials of the Holy Fist Palace as bait, coupled with Hosiman and the mask in his hand, to seduce them. Garen came directly over and rescued him personally.

Apparently they had prepared something good and were waiting for Garen.

But at the same time, Tu Lan also has enough confidence in Garen. As long as the Boxing Saint comes, no difficulties can stop him from moving forward.

Hosiman did not expect that things would develop to this point. Inadvertently, he seemed to be the trigger for the decisive battle between the Blood Alliance and the Holy Fist Palace.

He tightly grasped the mask in his hand and tried his best to seize the time to allow his body to recover more. Unfortunately, he was overdrawn for too long and did not have enough food and water. At this time, his recovery ability was greatly reduced. He could only manage to straighten out the internal injuries and barely stop the bleeding from the external injuries.

"Now the mask is the only trump card to save life."

He secretly felt that whether it was the Holy Fist Palace or the Blood Alliance, there were several eyes falling on the mask in his hand. It was clear that both parties were intent on seizing the mask.


Suddenly there were two soft sounds, and two more figures appeared next to a male and a female Dead Apostle. They were Wellington and Hongyue in different clothes.

One of the two was dressed in a white suit, and the other looked like a homeless man. He did not have the demeanor of a Vampire Death Apostle at all.

"Meng Ge and Marianne are all here." Wellington glanced around coldly, "I don't see how Gallon can escape this time!" His expression was cold, but his words gave people a feeling of gritted teeth. . Apparently he still remembered the tragic situation when he was beaten by Garen and was unable to resist.

"Don't worry, Garen will never come back this time." The handsome blond man chuckled, "The Holy Fist Palace is just a flash in the pan after all, and it will be completely destroyed tonight."

"Don't be careless, Brother Meng." Hongyue glanced at him lightly, then closed her eyes to rest.

The other two people stopped talking and closed their eyes to prepare themselves.

The faint auras surrounding the four dead disciples were all connected together like a vast ocean, oppressing everyone present to the point of being breathless.

Tu Lan secretly used the Huanlou Fist, signaling everyone around her to move closer to her, and then slowly moved towards the weaker direction of the vampire circle.

The strange thing is that the vampires don't seem to have any intention of stopping it.

Tu Lan suddenly glanced at the mask, which was still vibrating, and suddenly understood.

"These vampires must have brought all the masks they obtained. They must have mastered some special skills to activate the resonance between the masks. If the masks are used as bargaining chips, they really don't have to worry about the teacher not showing up."

"What now?" Quentin asked in a low voice in charge of Seidon.

"Just wait and see what happens. Everything will be fine when the teacher comes." Tu Lan whispered.

Time passed minute by minute, half an hour passed quickly, and the people of the Blood Alliance remained motionless, showing a lot of patience.

At this moment, a huge shock suddenly came from the distance.

It seemed like something was vibrating violently, but the vibration quickly disappeared.

"Here we come!" Hongyue turned her head suddenly and looked towards the horizon in the distance of the grassland. Through the gaps between the hills, a large convoy of black armored vehicles was slowly approaching.

The convoy stopped very far away. It was obvious that the other party knew that ordinary people could not play any role in such a fight.

With the click of the car door opening and closing, a tall masked man stepped out of the first car. He also had blond hair, but his eyes were not the blood red of the vampires, but clear dark blue.

The man is wearing the martial arts uniform of the Holy Fist Palace, with a black background and white edges. There is a holy word embroidered on the right chest, and there is also a big holy word on the back.

Getting off the bus with him was another little old man who looked shriveled and thin. Dressed in rags and wearing a cane, he looked as if a gust of wind could knock him down.

This person was clearly an AG who had just come out of seclusion. As soon as he received the news that the Holy Fist Palace and the Blood Alliance were about to fight, he hurried over. Not only him, but also a large group of masters from the Lightless Alliance and the Dark Witch Guild. Leader Nesera is also hiding nearby, ready to lead the team. They are preparing a strong witch formation to assist in the battle.

As soon as the two got out of the car, the armored vehicle quickly evacuated the place. It was obvious that they had planned not to stay on the battlefield. These armored vehicles look very strong and tough, but for the level of Death Apostles, it is very simple to kill them, especially the veteran Situ. As long as their human control skills are swept by their sight, it is very likely that they will be killed. into their control.

If they had not temporarily attacked the people in the Holy Fist Palace, I am afraid that Quentin, Seidon and others would have been completely controlled and committed suicide before Garen arrived.


The raindrops finally fell, and together with the faint thunder from the clouds, it gave people a depressing and low feeling.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the moon is also covered by thick dark clouds. Planes are no longer dispatched at this time. Fighters flying at low altitudes in such weather will undoubtedly have large bellows and will have little impact on the battle situation.

Soon, a large number of human troops were ordered to evacuate. In such a battle, their bullets would have no effect on the veteran vampire dead disciples. It was also difficult to accurately locate missiles in this weather. It was more likely that they would affect their own people. It is better to evacuate your own people first and then use various methods more easily.

Garen and AG looked at the four dead disciples of the Blood Alliance from a distance. We also saw Tu Lan, Quentin and others in the encirclement, as well as the mask in the hand of Hosiman in the center.

"The situation is a bit complicated."

"How do you plan to solve it?" AG asked calmly.

"What the vampires want is undoubtedly an opportunity to fight me to the death. They want me to fight them willingly, and it won't happen without some means." Garen knew it well, "The mask and the surrounded people are all A pawn to use to coerce me. Of course, maybe they want the mask too."

He clapped his hands directly, and two figures quickly appeared in the darkness behind him, both men wearing white Holy Fist Palace Taoist uniforms. The two men carried a black sealed metal box and came behind him.

With a bang, the box was opened, and inside were all the masks Garen had collected so far. The masks were stacked one after another, and they were vibrating together. The vibrations on Thursday were not very strong. Strangely, the lips of the mask opened slightly, getting wider and wider, and finally turned into a howling black hole. Even the mask Garen wore on his face was no exception.

"The Sleepless Face. The vampires must have brought all the masks they got. Including the one in Hosiman's hand, the twelve masks should have been collected today." Garen said calmly.

He glanced at the potential points in his attribute column.

‘Power 7. Agile 7. Physique 10. Intelligence 12. Potential 33124%. Soul limit 30. ’

The two masks he just received were obtained by Tu Lan himself, providing him with a large number of potential points. At this time, he has more than 300 potential points, which can improve his own attributes. But he hesitated and still didn't use it immediately.

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