Mysterious journey

Chapter 757 Trump Card 2

He has recently carefully distinguished his own time-travel reincarnation. If the potential point is energy that can only act on the body, then condensing one's own insights to achieve the soul seed is to turn the body with the potential point to the limit into the energy of the soul and store it. This is an extremely pure cohesion, so every time it seems extremely difficult. But it is also the only way to a higher state.

There are two key reasons for not increasing potential points immediately.

If he turns on the fifth star and reaches his highest limit attribute, he will have to continue to consume a lot of vitality, and the vitality of the Killing Hand is simply not enough. When the vitality is damaged, he can replenish his physique through potential points to make up for it. Effect.

Another point is that once he activates the fifth star, no matter how high his basic physical quality is, he can only reach the ultimate average quality of 30 points. It cannot be upgraded, so it is better to keep it as a restorative resource.

With a calculation in his mind, he raised his eyes and looked at the Death Apostle opposite.

"Let's go and see the most powerful people in the Blood Alliance."

AG grinned.

"This can be regarded as the pinnacle meeting of the century."

He followed quickly.

The evening wind blew the heavy rain down harder and harder, and the raindrops were like sloping lines, constantly hitting everyone.

But no one dared to speak loudly at this time.

Garen and AG got closer and closer, and finally stood on a hill, watching the Death Apostles from a high position.

This is a look down on them, but none of the Dead Apostles are displeased. You must know that they usually look down on others, but now it is Garen looking down on them. These arrogant vampires actually have no dissatisfaction. Yue meant, but his expressions gradually calmed down and he seemed to be more calm.

Unknowingly, the vampires let go of the encirclement, and the men from the Holy Fist Palace quickly withdrew and gathered behind Garen and AG. At Galen's signal, even Tu Lan asked him to evacuate here.

Soon, in the heavy rain, only the four Death Apostles were left confronting Garen AG.

The only person still watching the game was Hossiman, who was holding a mask.

He was caught between two invisible auras, his body stiffened, and the mask in his hand kept vibrating, as if trying to break free from his restraints.

"The twelve masks are all here." Meng Ge, one of the Dead Apostles, said. "As expected, you came here for the mask." He stared intently at Garen's eyes on the hill, showing no intention of retreating.

Garen's expression was indifferent, not much moved by the mask he mentioned.

"Try all your efforts to lure me here, and use whatever means you have."


He took a step forward.

Countless shadows suddenly flew out from the soles of his feet, like countless black tentacles and tails, spreading down the hills and instantly covering the entire area where all the dead disciples were standing.

The wild wind and rain were constantly being thrown around by the huge black shadow. The shadow was swaying like a tail, giving people an extremely monstrous feeling.


Suddenly, Brother Meng, one of the Dead Apostles, took a step slowly, and the ground between the four of them began to shake slowly.

The earth cracked, cracks separated, and scarlet blood slowly gushes out from the ground, turning into large and small blood pools and rivers.

Amid the violent vibrations, a blood-red long knife slowly rose from the plasma.

The long knife is more than two meters long. There is a spherical blood eye pattern in the middle of the handle and the blade. The blade is densely covered with thin black threads, and the thin threads weave pure black roses on the blade.

Meng Ge smiled slightly and reached out to grab the handle of the knife.

At this moment, the other three Dead Apostles suddenly turned into three streaks of red liquid, which gathered around the red knife in his hand, turning into a ring of three red light spots, slowly rotating around the blade.

"The ultimate holy law. The red light of heaven."

Meng Ge suddenly raised the red knife, the tip of the knife pointing to the sky.

Boom! !

There was a loud thunder, and a crimson thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, striking hard on the hill where Garen and AG were standing.

A violent red light shone, and for a moment nothing could be seen clearly.

Even Galleon didn't expect this attack to come from above.

Countless red thunder and lightning suddenly enveloped Garen, like countless extremely sharp arrows piercing his skin. The AG next to him was pushed away by him immediately.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

Suddenly, a pale ring suddenly opened around Garen. The ring instantly broke through the red thunder and lightning, and was surrounded by black shadows, directly piercing through the surrounding thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, and Garen in the middle was unscathed. He just stretched out his left hand, with nearly transparent air vortices swirling in his hand. It was a special technique formed by the convergence of high-speed vibration and vigor.

This is a secret martial art that is close to godlike.

The secret of the original water bird fist. Double swords.

They are both double swords, but the effects achieved by Garen and Hosiman are extremely different.

"The red light of the sky. It finally looks decent." Garen flicked it lightly, and the cyclone in his right hand suddenly flew out, expanded rapidly in mid-air, grew bigger and bigger, and turned into several sharp air blades at an extremely fast speed. .


The air blade was knocked away by Meng Ge directly wielding the red knife.

He stepped forward, jumped up out of the air, and rushed directly towards Garen, his body almost flying close to the ground.

Surprisingly, although Brother Meng was blocked in his special move, he didn't show any surprise at all. His body turned into a red line, and in an instant, a red lightning appeared in front of Garen. The tip of the knife was pointed forward, aimed at Garen's abdomen, and a little dark red liquid-like flame ignited on the blade.

Garen stretched out his right hand and was about to meet it steadily, but suddenly felt a crisis instinctively. Knowing that he couldn't handle it with one hand, he grabbed it with his left hand in an instant like lightning.

"First star!!"

Bang! ! !

In the dull loud noise, a concussive ripple formed by a circle of rain spread out with force, shocking Hossiman who was hiding on the side and spurting a mouthful of blood. He flew out and hit a hill hard. sink directly into the ground. The mask in his hand also flew out of his hand, flying straight towards the box where Garen placed the mask.

During the fight between Garonne and Meng Ge, Meng Ge had no expression on his face. With the red knife in his hand, his speed, strength and combat awareness seemed to have increased several times, and even his physical recovery had reached a terrifying level. . It was actually possible to reach this point in the area suppressed by Longying's spirit.

The two of them fought hand to hand, and he waved the red knife in his hand to draw bloody lines. Galleon, who actually activated the first star at once, was evenly matched.

During the fight between the two, air waves rolled, and thunder and vibrations were constantly heard. If there were ordinary people around, the sound of thunder alone could turn people into idiots.

Faintly, Garen gained the upper hand again. After all, his power was much stronger than his opponent. After turning on the first star, it had reached a height of fourteen points, which was also a terrifying power level for the Death Apostles.


Brother Meng was severely beaten and flew away. His face turned pale and his chest was slightly sunken. It was obvious that he was punched in the chest.

In mid-air, he suddenly reached out and crushed a red ball of light on the blade.

With a pop, the light ball exploded and turned into countless red light spots that converged on his body. At this moment, his whole body suddenly glowed with red light. It was not a real halo, but the skin around him turned into a skinned corpse, bloody, reflecting the light from the blade, far away. Looking at it, it was as if his whole body was glowing with red.

The final holy weapon summoned by the four dead disciples, the red light of the sky, is not only powerful in comprehensively improving physical fitness, but more powerful is that this long sword holy weapon can convert blood essence and supply to the sword holder, instantly turning it into A very strange attack power.

At the moment when the red light ball shattered, a dark golden light spot lit up on Meng Ge's blade. The light spot was only the size of a thumb. It looked inconspicuous, but it gave people a feeling of extreme danger.

With a bang, he landed on a hill, stepped on the ground with his legs, flew out again, and rushed towards Garen.

While moving at high speed, Garen was not as fast as him, and he was still in place and had just straightened up from the pit. Facing the knife head on, the tip of the knife was close to Garen's face in an instant, and it actually wanted to stab him through the head.

"Second Star" Garen suddenly clasped his hands together and clamped them towards the blade.

At this moment, his head suddenly hurt, and an extremely terrifying mental shock surged from behind. As soon as the impact appeared, it instantly appeared in his mind, as if the attack was bound to hit as soon as it appeared!

This familiar feeling.

An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart, but Garen didn't look moved at all.

Since he knew there was an ambush, how could he rush over without any preparation?

"Finally out." Almost the moment he was hit by the mental shock, Garen's eyes widened instantly, and a touch of gold flashed across his pupils.

"Holy Phoenix!!"

A loud bird song rang out, rushing towards a shadow behind him.

"The Supreme Holy Child!"

With a clear whistle, a slender girl's figure instantly flew out of the shadows and landed not far away. She was still wearing a jet-black short skirt and black stockings. Her long black hair was flying, and her face was as fair as jade. People have a strange and calm feeling.

The Holy Phoenix's spirit struck in front of her, but was suddenly blocked by an invisible barrier. The two clashed violently, causing strong airflow fluctuations.

"Long time no see. Garen." Nadia opened her right hand, and a huge and slender long knife appeared in her hand. The huge knife was stained with bright red blood at some point, as if it had just experienced countless killings.

At this moment, a dark golden light flashed away.

Garen's pupils shrank instantly, and the dark golden color from Meng Ge's blade in front of him flew out in an instant, stabbing him hard between the eyebrows.

‘This is not the power of this world! ! Hide quickly! ! ’ Hesas’s voice sounded anxiously in his ears, but it was already too late.

Garen watched helplessly as the dark golden color flew towards him and hit him hard between the eyebrows.

The only thing he could do was to muster up all the strength in his body, and the terrifying aura of the fifth star suddenly burst out.

There was no sound, and a circle of dark nine-headed dragon shadows exploded. With Galen as the center, large areas of dragon shadows surged with energy. Meng Ge's whole body seemed to be hit by a giant truck, and flew backwards like a cannonball.

Countless dragon shadows roared madly and silently, occupying an area of ​​hundreds of meters almost instantly under the heavy rainy night sky.

Nadia smiled and looked at the dragon shadows in the sky without making any movement. Her violent aura blew her long hair to the right. She gently stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch the dragon shadow flying by, with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Only I, as the Nine-Headed Dragon King, am the one who best understands the Dragon King's will." Looking at the black shadows in the sky, a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. "Garen, you're done."

At this moment, the ground beneath her feet suddenly bulged, and an unimaginable suction force came out of thin air, firmly fixing Nadia on her body.

A giant gray-black hand with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly rushed out from the ground and aimed at Nadia.


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