Mysterious journey

Chapter 769 Moment 2

Nono was still immersed in the shooting game of capturing his opponents and didn't feel anything strange at all.

The little crescent moon he got was actually just an auxiliary controller part inside a high-end mecha. The energy inside it was originally insufficient. After such a long period of use and idleness, the energy inside was almost exhausted. In addition, It lacked a heat dissipation device, and the high temperature generated by the crescent moon could not be dissipated, and finally the crescent moon slowly began to crack.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, but it was immediately drowned in the beeping mechanical sound in the cabin. Nono noticed nothing at all. He did not notice at all that the small crescent moon on the side had completely dimmed at this time, no longer the same as before. of flashing white light.

The mecha rolled to the right to avoid the opponent's fourth shot.

Nono took a short rest and saw the opponent's mecha fine-tuning its muzzle again. He immediately recognized this as a secondary supplementary shooting technique, but he did not panic at all. At this time, his control speed was too late to respond to the subsequent follow-up attack. His real level is just entering the basic level. At such times, he always uses Yueya's automatic control to assist in avoidance.

His finger was already pressed on the button to fire the magneto-optical gun, waiting to dodge the opponent's shot and then fight back.

Suddenly he realized something was wrong. Why didn't the mecha move? !

"What's going on?!??" He suddenly saw the opponent's gun pointed back at him, but the mecha still didn't move, and he suddenly panicked. Glancing at the little crescent moon, I immediately saw that the crescent moon was completely cracked, and there was no longer any light inside.

"No!!! My Crescent Moon!!"

He yelled suddenly, with incomparable fear in his eyes. If the magnetic light gun hit the cockpit accidentally, he would be crippled even if he wasn't careful!

He wanted to reach out and grab Crescent Moon, but the intense fear that suddenly surged inside his body prevented him from moving at all! His whole body was so stiff that he could hardly move his fingers.

But at this moment, the muzzle of the gun is getting lower and lower, and the finger of the mecha in the distance is already pulling the trigger.

"I don't want to die! No! Don't!" Nono finally broke down and cried, tears and snot streaming down his face.

"If you don't want to die, then give your body to me." A voice echoed from the bottom of his heart.

No one could see that Nuonuo's face suddenly swelled with countless blood vessels. The large blood vessels were like a network and instantly covered the face, making it look extremely terrifying.

A flash of black flashed across his deep blue eyes.

boom! ! !

Nuonuo felt his head jolt, and his extremely frightened consciousness was finally able to satisfy his will. He escaped from the frightening situation in front of him and fell directly into the unusually peaceful darkness.

In just an instant, he completely lost consciousness. He was satisfied and finally out of danger, but he didn't know that after this sinking, he would never have the chance to wake up.

The changes in the depths of the soul are extremely complex, but the changes in the outside world only last for a moment.

Nono's eyes suddenly opened, and a little darkness suddenly appeared in the middle of his pupils.

At this moment, the fear on his face completely disappeared, replaced by a faint expression of extreme calm.


The magneto-optical gun fired.

The red fire flashed away, and the gray bullet from the gun flew straight towards the cockpit of the mecha.

"That's wrong!!!" As soon as Garen accepted this body, he felt something was wrong!

His soul power was tightly imprisoned in his body, unable to exert its power at all. And this is not the most troublesome, the most dangerous thing is that the body structure and genes of the humans here are actually different from the bodies in his previous two reincarnations! completely different!

As soon as it took over the body, a tearing pain suddenly burst out from inside the body. It was a run-in between an overly powerful soul and a completely incompatible body.

This kind of running-in meant that he hadn't completely connected to the nerves in his body, and it was extremely difficult to even move. There were still waves of severe pain that penetrated into the bone marrow all over his body, as if some drill was constantly drilling into the bones.

Garen's soul tried its best to slow down the magneto-optical gun bullets he saw in his eyes. He could only barely connect to his five senses, but at this moment it was too late.

The magneto-optical gun is about to hit the cockpit. Once hit, the body he has not mastered yet will be severely damaged immediately. It takes a lot of soul power to occupy a body, and once it is occupied, it cannot be replaced. Otherwise, the large amount of soul power spent previously will be in vain. In his current state, he can no longer withstand such consumption, otherwise the soul seed will be in danger of collapse.

And the most important point is that once he takes over the body, it is equivalent to obtaining a legal identity in this world. When the legal identity dies, he must follow legal steps and is likely to be forcibly decomposed by this world or even sent back again. Mother River is also possible.

"What to do!!?" Numerous thoughts were racing in Garen's mind. He never expected that there would be an incompatible reaction between body and soul. He originally thought that he could take over the body at the critical moment when he was weak and frightened, and he could easily solve the problem, but he didn't. I thought this would happen.

A strong sense of threat rushed over his face. It was absolutely impossible for this body with no foundation in secret martial arts to withstand such a powerful hot weapon.


on the field

Of the two mechas, the one on the left raised his hand to shoot, while the one on the right was motionless and suddenly became completely stiff. The originally smooth evasive action actually froze in an instant.


Gunfire rang out.

The students standing next to the instructor couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene. Everyone's face showed nervousness and their eyes were wide open.

"What's going on? Why did Nono stop!"

"Is there something wrong with the mecha?"

"It's over, either seriously injured or directly killed!"

No one expected that such a change would happen, and even the teachers opened their mouths. Although Blackpan Academy has always managed the school with the cruel rules of survival of the fittest, a murder really occurred. If it was a problem with the mecha, even he would have to suffer. Heavy penalties.

Moreover, Nono is one of the best students in his class and one of the three heroes. If something happens to him, it will be a serious blow to his class!

But it's too late now, no one can do anything. At this moment, even if he was ordered to stop immediately, it would be too late.

Next to her, Mia covered her mouth and looked horrified, not knowing what to do.

at this time.

On the field, on the curled right arm of Nono's mecha, the magnetic light gun in his hand actually slightly adjusted the muzzle, and also pulled the trigger.


At this moment, two bullets passed by each other, and the huge recoil force caused Nono's mecha to vibrate and deflect.

One after another, the two mechas were shot almost at the same time.

The examiner who shot did not dodge because he was stunned, but Nonosiwa's mecha was definitely hit.

After two muffled sounds, a small hole was penetrated into the two mechas at the same time. A gray, palm-length bullet was embedded in the hole, and green smoke continued to float out. The bullets continued to rotate, getting slower and slower, and almost penetrated half of the mecha.

However, Nonosiwa's mecha also moved away from the cockpit due to the huge backlash, and was shot in the shoulder. Although the mecha was directly paralyzed, the man was fine after all.

Everyone on the side breathed a sigh of relief. This accident was so frightening that it almost made everyone's hearts unbearable.

"It's too dangerous." The teacher with a beard took a long breath. Wiped the sweat from his forehead. Nonosiwa was an elite student in his class, and he had high hopes for him. If something happened directly here,

"Not good! The energy module of the mecha on the other side was hit!!" a student yelled.

The beard suddenly raised his heart to his throat again.

When he saw the situation of the other mecha, his expression almost became distorted.

"Hurry up and save people!!" he shouted.

At this time, the other mecha exploded with a bang, and half of its body was covered in flames. The pilot inside did not know whether he was alive or dead.


Garen was sitting in the cabin, covered in sweat. Under the surface of his skin, his muscles and nerves were twisting and spasming, sending waves of severe pain into his brain.

"Completely different. This body is not! The bodies of everyone here are completely different! The structure is completely different!!" His heart felt cold.

If not for the last moment, he directly pushed out all of Nono's soul, using his soul as the final energy source to slightly control the mecha with his consciousness. It was really over just now. Once he loses his body, his efforts in the previous world will definitely be ruined, and his soul seed will definitely be destroyed.

But the current situation is also very bad.

The body still has violent rejection reactions from time to time.

This is still the best body for him to search for a suitable body after entering this planet. But who would have thought that the deep genes of the body are completely different from the previous body.

Although he is slowly using his soul to forcefully adjust and twist his body, he will not be able to use his body flexibly in a short period of time. His body is stiff and unable to move. He is almost like a living dead and can only barely blink his eyes.

It was because of the forceful movement of his body at that moment that Nono's body was even more traumatized and a large number of nerves were damaged. The situation was very bad.

To put it simply, he is no different from a vegetable now.

And even if you master the body, there will still be a long process of genetic adjustment and adaptation. Moreover, Garen felt that this cosmic world seemed to be stronger than the vampire world, and seemed to have extremely strong rejection and suppression of any non-homogeneous matter.

He had already felt this when he was looking for the body in the soul-soul state.

Also, from the remaining memories of Nono's soul fragment, he saw that the so-called consciousness that controls the mecha is actually a special force generated by the exercise and strengthening of the human body here, or a special energy field.

It is fundamentally different from his soul power and mental power. It is a brand new force field that is higher than mental attention.

"Now we're in trouble"

Feeling the strangeness in his body, his heart became sinking.

Because he cannot completely guarantee whether the body can completely recover. If it cannot recover,

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