Mysterious journey

Chapter 770 Trough 1

When everyone scrambled to rescue the pilots from the two mechas, both of them were unable to move.

Garen's whole body was twitching, his eyes were closed, and his whole body seemed to be convulsing. He looked extremely terrifying.

The other blue-haired boy was covered in burns and charred black, and he had completely fallen into a coma and was unconscious.

Both of them were in extremely serious condition. The bearded teacher knew that something was in trouble at the first sight and immediately contacted the hospital. Soon the hospital ambulance arrived and sent the two people out.

All the remaining students watched the ambulance leave. Only a few people got into the car with the instructors to escort them, and some people went to notify the school leaders and record the status of the disability accident. This kind of disability is not uncommon in the academy, but someone must come to determine whether it is a mecha accident. If it is a mecha accident, it is extremely rare in the entire school.

"I really don't know why Nonosiwa's mecha suddenly stopped moving. If it hadn't been like this, this problem wouldn't have occurred in this assessment."

"Who knows. Maybe Nono himself is suddenly ill?"

"No way, I went through a thorough physical examination when I entered the school."

The students in each class discussed quietly and spontaneously dispersed to their dormitories. The assessment teachers have all left, and naturally the rest of today's assessments have also been cancelled.

One of the white-haired boys stood for a while frowning in the direction of the ambulance before slowly leaving.

He is one of the top three in class C5, Fe Bailie, and is the perennial No. 1 in the class. Almost no one can shake his status.

He has completely seen that the second place is still far behind him, and he is confident that he will maintain this gap until graduation. But he couldn't see clearly the third-placed Nono Siwa. He was taciturn and there were only a few people in the class who were close to him, so he couldn't get much information.

"But it's meaningless now. If it's just this level, there's nothing to be afraid of." He muttered to himself, turned around and walked towards the simulation training ground.


White ceiling.

Garen opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was pure white. There are dark blue fluorescent electronic circuits flashing faintly on the ceiling, which has a sense of technology.

"you're awake?"

He heard a voice coming from his left ear. The voice was not in any language, but a weird language with a lot of retroflex sounds. Fortunately, he had absorbed Nono's language memory and could still understand it.

He remembered it as the federal lingua franca.

The voice came from a man, a bit rough.

Garen tried hard to turn his head and look at the speaker, but the stiff muscles and nerves in his body didn't obey his orders at all.

Then he saw a muscular man with a beard standing up, a large face appearing above him, looking down at him.

The man was around thirty or forty years old, with a slight frown on his brow.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Garen tried hard to open his mouth. He knew this man. He was the administrator of the class where this body was studying. His name was Hamm. He wanted to answer out loud, but unfortunately, his facial nerves were no longer under his control, so he could only blink his eyes and make a hiccup sound in his throat.

"Can't even speak?" A trace of disappointment flashed in the man's eyes. "The doctor diagnosed you with extensive nerve damage throughout your body and muscle spasms. You can only relax by forcibly injecting sedatives."

Galen huffed a few times, but was still speechless and could only helplessly stay still.

"Brother Nuonuo, are you okay?" came another girl's voice from the side. Soon the teacher turned Garen's face slightly with his hand, and he could immediately see the situation on the left side.

Four male and female students were sitting next to the hospital bed. The one who spoke was a beautiful girl with a delicate appearance and a good figure. The girl had short red hair and was looking at him with concern.

Fragments of memories suddenly appeared in Garen's mind.

This girl's name is Lisa, and she is the current girlfriend of his body Nono Siwa.

There were three other people beside Lisa, including Nono's friend Aier, her partner and friend Mia, and one person she didn't seem to recognize.

Three students wearing white-on-blue-striped school uniforms sat on the edge, all looking at me with concern.

"He can't speak. His nerves are damaged and it's very troublesome." The teacher whispered from the side.

"Did the doctor say what caused it?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know." Teacher Ham shook his head.

Garen listened to the two talking to the side, and also quickly sorted out the remaining memories of Nono, because at the last moment, Nono's soul was forced out by him to explode with maximum power and control the mecha, causing the soul conflict to tear apart. Most of the fragments disappeared and dissipated, leaving only a small part that was absorbed by him, so the memory he got was incomplete.

Judging from the conversations between several students and instructor Ham, his condition is very serious and he will need at least a year of training to repair the damaged nerves and muscles after surgery.

Garen carefully observed the people who followed him. He knew from Nonosiwa's memory that Nono's only friends were these few. Lisa is his girlfriend, and Al is his good friend and sparring partner, and they have the best relationship. Mia is his deskmate and duo partner, and the two have always had a good relationship.

The remaining person was not very impressive, probably because the relationship was not that good.

Listening to the chats of several people, Garen gradually understood the condition of this body.

Nonosiwa himself is taciturn and has few friends in the class. The only people he has good relations with are a few people here. He always looks cold and arrogant and keeps strangers away. This is actually concealing his own Crescent Moon secret. But in the eyes of outsiders, he is cold and arrogant.

He is now inexplicably seriously injured and is almost in a vegetative state. But the teacher also said that there should be a way to speed up the repair, but in this case, he would have to owe the college a large amount of medical expenses. There was also the pilot of the mecha from the opposite side who was injured at that time. His injuries were also serious and he also needed a large amount of medical expenses.

"Notify your family."

Teacher Ham made the final call and stood up.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

He seemed to be in a bad mood and strode out of the ward, and soon there was the sound of a door closing around the corner.

Only a few friends were left sitting in the room.

As soon as the teacher left, the remaining people became a little restless and didn't know what to say.

"Nono, please have a good rest. I have something to do and will come see you later." Girlfriend Lisa gritted her teeth, stood up and whispered. His cheeks were red and his head was bowed.

Soon the door closed again. The unfamiliar student also stood up and left silently.

Al and Mia were the only ones left in the room.

Aier had short brown hair and was an ordinary boy who looked a little soft. He quietly took out an apple and started peeling it.

"Nonnuo, don't worry about your cultivation. With your level, you can catch up quickly when you get better. Don't worry."

Garen blinked in response.

Mia sighed.

"Your parents are almost here. They will be at the hospital soon."

Garen continued to blink.

Several people were speechless immediately. They just sighed. As one of the elite students, Nuonuo suddenly encountered such a dilemma. However, they were both Nuonuo's best friends and believed that he could reply quickly. Even if A large amount of money from Qian Academy can be paid off in the future.

The two of them sat there bored and started chatting about why something like that happened during the assessment.

Garen was lying on the hospital bed, slowly closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

Soon he vaguely heard the sound of this body's parents arriving. Not only his parents, but also his younger brothers and sisters came, and there were uncontrollable sobs in the ward.

Nuonuo's family is from an ordinary family, and it is already very difficult for him to go to college. It was only through the help of his younger brothers and sisters that he had to pay for the tuition. Now he has to spend such a large sum of money, which makes the two adults have more wrinkles on their faces. , his eyes became darker and darker.

"Don't worry, Nono is very capable and so good. Isn't it easy to become a mecha master and make a lot of money in the future?" Mia hurriedly comforted her.

Aier also echoed, explaining to Nuonuo's parents how a mecha master can make money. He can earn at least millions a year, with high salary and benefits, and he can pay off any debt he owes in a year. It’s nothing.

This made Nono's parents feel better.

On the way to Galen, he opened his eyes and uh-huh a few times, which was considered as a greeting to his parents, younger brothers and sisters.

Since you occupy this body, you naturally have to accept this identity.

Next, the nurse came in to wipe Gallon's body, and everyone in the ward went out to wait.

Garen finally had a chance to look at his current body.

He closed his eyes and let his energy sink into his body. The entire blood, meridians and organs of the body are all present in his soul.

After carefully checking them one by one, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This difference is a bit big. On the surface, it looks similar to the body of the previous two lives, but in fact it is completely different. The subtle cell mechanisms are completely different."

His soul was conceived in the body of the previous two lives. Now it occupies this body and has a strong incompatibility reaction. This is the fundamental reason why he still cannot control his body until now.

His two soul seeds are constantly emitting aura to transform this body, but unfortunately, the soul seeds were consumed too much in the mother river, and now they can only transform slowly, at an extremely slow speed.

Garen cast his gaze on his attribute bar. Sure enough, his body had changed and his attribute bar had also changed drastically.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 0.5, agility 1.1, constitution 0.3, intelligence 1.3. Potential 0%. Soul Limit 40.’

"Sure enough, the soul limit has been increased because of the soul seed. This is the only good news."

Garen felt slightly comforted and continued to look down.

‘Potential – Void Stalker’

‘Soul Seed—Northern Halberdier Cold Flame True Water Evil Technique, Holy Phoenix Magic Book. ’

'Military - None'

Seeing the secret martial arts column instantly return to zero, Garen felt helpless in his heart. Although he knew that condensing the soul seed meant condensing all his life's cultivation into it, leaving nothing behind, but doing this twice in a row also made him not an ordinary person. headache.

He began to examine the details of the current body and the circulatory functions of each system. As a martial arts master, he naturally has a very strong vision, and he quickly came to a preliminary conclusion.

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