Mysterious journey

Chapter 776 Analysis 1

In a room in the student dormitory

A black-haired boy wearing a white-on-blue-striped school uniform sat in front of the bed with his head down, facing the table, lying on his stomach and reading some book. The cover of the book says "Black Disk Workout" in generic text.

Garen has been reading this book for more than half an hour.

Put down the book and rub some sour eyes.

"My body is simply too weak to read a book for a while. I must exercise as soon as possible." He gently placed the black book upside down on the table, leaned back, and relaxed his waist.

"The book roughly explains the latest status of training methods and introduces all the training methods in the Black Disk Domain. It is quite comprehensive." Garen touched the information book that Nono Siwa had collected.

"The problem is a bit difficult to solve." Garen gently touched the cover of the book and fell into thought.

‘If the content above is more realistic, then the only way I can get in touch with the world’s mainstream system is through the academy. ’ Gallon recalled the contents of the book.

‘Federal laws, local laws, and even all other laws and regulations stipulate that the consciousness training law is classified, that is, at least one level or above, and cannot be circulated at will. Only a small number of people with specific identities are qualified to practice and watch, and it cannot be spread outside. Only academy students are eligible to trade, exchange, or even purchase and give away exercise methods. Once ordinary people are found practicing the advanced training method without authorization, they will be directly punished as serious criminals, and 100% of them will be sentenced to death. This kind of punishment is even stricter than the control of firearms in China on Earth. ’

Garon stroked the cover of the book, feeling the delicate and cool touch on it.

'Only qualified students can purchase formally classified exercise methods. Otherwise, it is illegal and will be arrested by the government. The only ones who can legally allow the practice of exercise methods are twelve schools headed by Black Pan Academy, and others. They are not allowed to learn training methods and trades, and they can learn the other party's level 3 or above training methods without the consent of the academy. Once discovered, the foundation of consciousness will be directly destroyed. Cruel enough! ’

Garen is not the first brother who doesn't understand anything now, he has a little understanding of this society.

Once the consciousness is completely destroyed, the whole person will become a complete vegetative state, worse than death, and even self-awareness will definitely be lost.

"It seems that my identity as the best Black Disk Academy student from the beginning is a good advantage, although I still owe Teacher Ham a large amount of money."

Garen turned his face and looked out the window. From the window, he could see a large locust tree outside the dormitory. The leaves were very tall and thick, almost covering most of the gray sky, leaving only a little gap to shine through. It makes the dormitory room a bit dark.

"This student's identity must be maintained." He set the direction. "Otherwise, it would be illegal to even trade and buy exercises."

It would be really outrageous if Bai De's legal and advantageous status is not used. And with the continuous integration of soul and body, he has been completely integrated into this body, and there are no other sequelae.

It's just that Nonosiwa's consciousness was only at the basic-intermediate level before. No matter how powerful Garen was, it was impossible for him to become a basic-advanced, or even first-level. He himself was a guy who relied on Crescent Moon to cheat.

This issue is tricky.

Galen recalled the exercise methods that Nono had learned before.

""Universal Basic Consciousness Exercise."" Gallon pulled out a yellow booklet that was almost torn from the bookshelf on the side.

"This is the basic exercise method that Nono used before. Most people use this booklet for all basic exercises. They can reach the first level critical point at most, and then they can choose the exercise method that has been upgraded. The critical point that is about to enter the first level is for ordinary people. The highest level legally possible."

Garen's mind flashed with relevant data and memories.

He moved a white tablet from the edge of the gray desktop and pressed the power button. A rotating Rubik's Cube pattern was displayed on it. Soon the Rubik's Cube disappeared and a white computer control window lit up with colorful icons like Just like an ordinary computer desktop.

"Welcome to the black disk client." A sweet girl's voice came from the computer. The laptop-sized tablet actually produced a surround sound effect that was no less than that of a home theater.

"Student C534 has automatically logged in, please select the entry option." The sweet female voice continued.

Garen quickly clicked on the exercise method market icon.

Soon, rows of densely packed small icons flashed on the screen. Each small icon was a different exercise method, which was dizzying.

He glanced down from left to right along the top.

‘Rikka exercise method’, ‘Master Kaslan’s exclusive exercise method’, ‘Ocean blue exercise method’, ‘Maxwell collar method’, ‘Laser charging method’ and ‘stream of consciousness exercise’.

There are all kinds of weird and weird names, and every icon is very beautiful and strange. At first glance, people feel that this thing is definitely not an ordinary thing.

But Garen just glanced at the leftmost sidebar, where it was clearly displayed that all this page was only for level three exercises.

"Level 3 training methods, that is, the highest level that can be achieved is level 3, and these training methods have to be purchased layer by layer." Glancing at the price, Garen was slightly stunned.

An ordinary Hailan exercise method is priced at 150,000 points. According to the judgment and observation in this month, it is equivalent to the purchasing power of 300,000 RMB on the earth, and this is only the price of the first floor, only the price of the first floor. After clicking on it, the follow-up instructions indicate that if you want to continue to get it For the second-level training method, you need to pay 200,000 general points, and for the third level, you need to pay 250,000 points.

"This market seems to be connected to the entire federal market." Gallon clicked on other exercise methods in the sidebar with his hand. The price of Hailan Exercise Method is quite reasonable and low.

All of these are training methods that can reach the highest level of third-level consciousness. Each has its own advantages and strengths, and the possible practice cycles for different qualifications are also explained in detail. It can be said that the service is door-to-door.

Garen glanced at the transaction records below. Every user who purchased a level 3 or above exercise method had their username displayed below. The username was not displayed in its entirety, but only the last word was displayed.

Garen slowly flipped through the third-level exercise market.

Once the direction of the exercise method is set, it is very difficult to modify it, because the consciousness exercised by this method has been finalized with development, and even if it is successful, it will be difficult to reach a very high level.

And because what he got now was Nonosiwa's body, the training method he used before was ostensibly level one, and he had already chosen the training method, but in fact it had not been determined at all.

Because Nonosiwa couldn't afford any advanced training method.

Gallon casually browsed through the catalog in the market and flipped through dozens of pages. They were all similar. Not to mention the prices were ridiculously expensive. Some of the exercise methods also had certain requirements for the buyer's identity. They were simply not picky. Some have a strong merchant atmosphere, and they come wherever it is convenient for buyers.

He saw that it was almost done, so he clicked on the next level of the exercise method market, the fourth level exercise method.

In the market menu that you click on, there are only a few icons to choose from.

‘Hurricane Roar’ ‘Hammer of Cassis’ ‘Precision Sight’

There are also a bunch of restrictions on buyers, and their identities must be comprehensively registered with the Federal College Alliance. According to the above explanation, the level three exercise method has a relatively loose circulation market. Generally, the exercise methods on the market are up to the level three level, but those who can truly reach level three are even among the students of the Black Disk Academy. It is the top elite, and the teachers in ordinary colleges are at this level. Moreover, he has been practicing for so many years and at such an old age. More people are unlikely to reach Level 3 in their lifetime.

After coming back to his senses, Garen continued to click on the menu of the fifth-level exercise method.

There is nothing in it, and there are no more advanced options later.

Exiting the exercise method market, Galen entered the personal center and looked at the number of universal points left on his account with a wry smile: 9854.

"No wonder Nono's dormitory doesn't have a level-level training method. It's so expensive to do it for half a day. This amount of money can't even touch the edge of the first-level level training method."

Nono Siwa, a child from an ordinary family, graduated from an ordinary middle school with excellent test scores. His consciousness reached the critical level of the first level. He squeezed out a huge number of competitors and got into the Black Disk, the highest school in the Black Disk Domain. College study opportunities.

There are many civilians like him in the entire academy. Their only chance to obtain advanced training methods is the academy-specific basic training methods they receive after entering the academy.

The exclusive basic training method of Black Disk Academy is "Black Disk Control", which allows learners to enter the first level and move towards the second level. It's just a free benefit for students, although this is just the most common and mediocre level-up training method without any expertise or special abilities. But it is the only chance for civilian students to change their destiny.

"What a cruel blockade." Garen sighed.

Stand up and resume the restorative exercises you've been doing every day.

He closed the curtains, turned off the computer, and began to slowly point the fingers of both hands at various parts of his body.

Every time he clicked, he used the sharpest point of his fingertips. The moment he clicked, a look of great effort appeared on Garen's face. Soon, after more than ten minutes, every time he clicked, a little drop of sweat would appear on his forehead.

After more than half an hour, he slowly stopped and let out a long breath.

"If I couldn't practice any secret martial arts, I wouldn't be able to train with this simple external martial arts technique." Garen sighed helplessly.

For more than a month, he tried to practice various secret martial arts, whether it was Baiyun secret martial arts, black water true skill, or the original water bird fist killing hand. He tried dozens of advanced secret martial arts, and the final result was indeed In fact, just as he imagined, there is no soil for the growth of any secret martial arts here, because his body is fundamentally different from the body structure of the creator of the secret martial arts.

Therefore, all training secret weapons cannot be used. I tried the more advanced Sheng Zhiwu in the last world, but there were no extremely rare materials, so I might as well forget it. The Peacock Kung Fu in the previous world was at the entry level from beginning to end, and it was never broken through until leaving.

Under such circumstances, Garen could only continue to review and understand his body while he was hospitalized, and then create a new set of simple secret weapons for himself.

He named this secret martial arts "Seal of Steel".

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