Mysterious journey

Chapter 777 Analysis 2

Purely through external stimulation to strengthen physical fitness, because the body's meridians and genes and other structures cannot be fully understood, Jia Long did not dare to practice ordinary external skills casually, and could only use this method step by step to practice and strengthen himself.

This external skill uses a special pulse-cutting technique to stimulate the muscles. Although the core body structure cannot be determined, the family has a clear understanding of the functions of blood vessels and organs within a month.

As he continued to move his body in the room, a fine layer of gray sweat gradually seeped out from his skin.

It took him more than an hour to rest and walk to the bathroom mirror.


The faucet was turned on, and a stream of cool water rushed out.

Garen filled a basin with half a basin of water, put the towel in, soaked it, wrung it out and covered his face.

An icy cold feeling immediately spread from my face. He waited until the towel was warmed by his face before taking it off.

Turning off the faucet, Garen wiped the sweat off his body with a towel.

Putting down the towel, he accidentally saw his face reflected in the basin. The entire face has changed. Only the eyes, the familiar look in the deep blue eyes, are still the same as when he traveled through the first world.

Taking a deep breath of the cool air, Garen felt a little cool breeze blowing in from the side window, even though the curtains were closed.

There is a faint scent of baking bread in the air, as well as the slight smell of dust in the dormitory, and the scent of ink pens on books and notebooks.

There were students talking on the phone upstairs, and the gentle laughter came down, a little blurry. Other than that, it was quiet, with the faint sound of wind blowing leaves outside and the sound of the engines of passing cars.

"It's so real." At this moment, Garen truly lost the illusion and unreality he felt when he came to this world.

"This is the real world, not a game." He washed the towel gently and watched the water in the white basin becoming turbid.

"I don't know when, the pursuit of strength and strength has almost become my instinct." He hung the clean towel back on the shelf. "Even an existence as powerful as Hesas, a demon king, will eventually perish in the time and space of the universe."

Feeling the two slowly rotating soul seeds in his mind, Garen's originally tired spirit suddenly regained a sense of motivation.

"Even compared to the Legion level, I am far inferior, let alone the Demon King level. There is no shortcut in the world. Keep moving forward is the only way. Why do I think so much now?"

Shaking his head, he put aside these inexplicable thoughts and began to consider his current situation.

"Try the exercise method first."

He changed into a close-fitting black vest and trousers, sat back on the bed, and read the basic exercise booklet of Black Pan Academy.

Opening the page with the words "Black Disk Control" printed on it, the clear writing inside was displayed in front of Garen's eyes.

‘Consciousness is fundamentally derived from physical instincts. If attention is the product of the brain, then consciousness is the focused product of the whole body’s instincts. According to the fundamental source of consciousness, the body can be divided into countless consciousness areas similar to brain divisions. What we want to record here is the most important central consciousness area - the main three areas, including the three internal organs of the heart, lungs and stomach.

Lines of detailed text continued to be turned over, and Garen concentrated on reading the contents above.

Slowly, he began to gain a certain understanding of the consciousness of this world. According to the theory of consciousness, there are neurons in any tissue and organ of the human body. These neurons also exist like the neurons in the brain and have various similar functions. When activating these neurons, a special force field is generated. It is the so-called consciousness.

"To put it simply, it means using neurons in other parts of the body as a brain, and ultimately building a second brain elsewhere in the body, which becomes the source of consciousness and generates second attention, and the second attention is the so-called consciousness. ." Garen understood clearly. "The theory is very easy to understand."

He lowered his head and continued reading.

The first part is an overview, and the second part is the targeted exercise to stimulate the organs. The exercise part controlled by the black disk is the stomach, which is also the exercise part selected by almost all the exercise methods on the market.

‘The middle of the stomach is the center of the human body, and the natural gathering point of the human force field is also here. This part is also the easiest place to gather consciousness. In addition to the blood vessels and nerves, there is also an invisible energy transmission network in the human body. In the middle of the stomach, between the two ribs, there is also this invisible energy network. The center of the network.'

Next is to exercise the second consciousness, which is the key to consciousness.

‘The second consciousness is essentially the instinct of the human body and is located in the deepest part of the human body. Before humans understood the world through written symbols, in the era when there were no words, humans had always used this instinctive attention to understand the world. ’

‘It has no words, no symbols, only images, and only a grasp and understanding of the external world as a whole, so the second consciousness is also called overall cognition. This kind of cognition is our own innate ability. It is only because after learning written language symbols later, we are gradually forced to use written symbols as bridges and windows to understand and define the world. ’

‘So the key to training your consciousness is to forget all symbols. ’

Below is a series of various exercise methods, steps, and precautions. Particularly important places were marked with horizontal lines by Nono with a red pen. I also took a lot of notes on the side.

Garen read through it carefully and roughly understood what consciousness was.

"The so-called consciousness should be the purest attention that is not affected by any symbolic language. And it is not even the attention of the brain, but the instinctive attention of other parts of the body. The system of this world is really wonderful." Gallon flipped. Follow the exercise content. Then correspond to the progress of your body one by one.

He touched the pit of his heart in the middle of his body, and there was a faint feeling of cool breathing there. He had not noticed it before, but now he concentrated on it, and he immediately felt the difference in the pit of his heart.

It's like there is an extra mouth and nose in that place, breathing slowly and rhythmically. Even if you concentrate on this place, you can feel something eerie. It's like there is a pair of eyes there, but they are closed.

"Is this the second consciousness?" Garen quickly read through the entire booklet on Black Disk Control. "Abandon the mode of thinking in terms of literal symbols and activate the instinctive holistic cognitive mode. Why animals have crisis premonition instincts, but humans have degenerated and disappeared? It is because the second consciousness has been degenerated by the symbol system. It makes sense."

Putting down the pamphlet, it was all about using various drugs and equipment to stimulate the body and achieve the purpose of semi-forcibly developing consciousness. There are only a few methods that can be used to practice alone.

Garen sat cross-legged on the bed and could clearly feel the hair-like airflow swirling around his heart and above his stomach.

This is the consciousness that Nono has developed.

Judging from the records, it is indeed still at the basic intermediate level.

The exercise method that does not require equipment or drugs is very simple. It is to focus on the pit of the heart, imagine that your mind is hidden in the pit of the heart, not elsewhere, and imagine that your brain is in the pit of the heart, but you have no eyes there. , no ears, no mouth and nose, only touch.

The method is simple, but the actual operation is very difficult.

My family was completely unsuited to this kind of transition. After trying for a while, there was no result. More than half an hour was wasted, so I could only put it aside for the time being.

According to the booklet, the first exercise of consciousness must be assisted by drugs or equipment, otherwise it will not be able to accurately identify the feeling, and it will easily affect the automatic digestive function of the human body, leading to body failure.

He took out the crescent moon from the pocket of the clothes he changed into.

Galleon held it in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.

There was a big crack in the middle of the crescent moon, and the surface of the white texture was covered with fine cracks, like a glass window that was about to break. The originally smooth texture like porcelain felt a little prickly to the touch.

Recall one of the two methods Nono once used.

Garen frowned, mobilized a trace of the second consciousness in his heart, and felt towards Yue Ya.


There was a sudden soft sound, and the crescent moon actually shimmered with white light. It was slightly permed and almost thrown onto the bed by Garen.

"Sure enough, it can still be used." Garen was slightly happy. "As long as it's still usable and you're careful not to overload it, you should be able to continue pretending."

He doesn't want the truth about his lack of consciousness to be exposed now. He was originally recruited into the academy with a critical level of consciousness. If his consciousness suddenly drops significantly, once he investigates carefully, he will definitely find that he cheated and was on the blackboard. College cheating.

In accordance with laws and regulations, the student's qualifications will be revoked, and no second admission will be allowed, and other colleges in the federation will be notified. More importantly, in order to take back the content of the training method, the academy may secretly directly abolish the consciousness or even kill it directly. In this chaotic era, human life is not a big deal to those in power, let alone such a taboo violator.

"There are only Level 3 training methods on the market. Level 4 training methods are almost limited to those in large powerful groups. It seems that I must choose to join a group and follow the orthodox path to obtain better training methods." Long made a decision in his mind.

But come to think of it, now that I haven’t even reached the first level of consciousness, I don’t have to think about anything else.

He also began to test the use of the crescent moon. Introducing consciousness into the crescent moon can produce an amplifying effect. When placed on the mecha control console and then introduced with consciousness, the effect of activating it to automatically control the mecha can be achieved.

This crescent moon is simply a universal amplifier.

After studying the lower crescent moon, Garen continued to try exercises to strengthen his consciousness. Unfortunately, he seemed to have no talent for this, or in other words, this body really had no talent and was very mediocre.

After working hard for a long time, I only have a little feeling. No wonder Nono Siwa has made such little progress after entering the academy for more than a year.

"It seems that we need to find an instrument to assist in training our consciousness. In addition, it's best for Yue Ya to actually control it and try it out to see the effect." Garen made a decision.


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