Mysterious journey

Chapter 778 Simulated War 1

I stood up and looked out the window. It was already getting dark. The white clock embedded in the wall showed the time was 19:56.

There were sounds of vehicles passing by from time to time outside the window, but there was no sound from other surrounding dormitories.

Garen leaned out of the window and looked around, but could hardly hear any sound.

"This time is the time when students generally exercise their consciousness. It is very quiet. There should be no people in the independent control room and enlightenment room. After all, the consciousness enlightenment equipment in the enlightenment room is only effective for people who have not been exposed to consciousness exercise for the first time."

Garen made up his mind, put on a clean school uniform, put on his keys, and looked in the mirror. He felt a little unhappy when he saw his black hair covering half of his face, so he directly found a rubber band and tied it up. Tail into a pony on the back of the head. He smoothed his messy hair with his hands, and his whole body suddenly looked much fresher.

His fair and pale complexion, high nose bridge, tight pink lips, and eyes give people a dull and lazy look, and he seems to be very lack of energy. This is the disguise of galleons, or saving spirit.

"This body is still very young and very malleable." Garen pulled his hair, threw the clothes he changed into the automatic washing machine, opened the door and walked out.

There were students passing by in the corridor outside. There were conversations and low laughter, and from time to time there was the sound of electronic beeps. I didn't know what kind of equipment was making the sound.

After closing the door, Garen walked out of the dormitory building along the corridor. It was completely dark outside, and the street lights not far away were connected in a line extending into the distance. Some students who were in love were hanging out together on the street beside the street lamp, not knowing what they were doing.

After recalling the location of the enlightenment site, Garen walked out along the alloy road, and soon the dormitory building behind him slowly became smaller and darker.

Walking along the road fence, passing through several corner intersections, and following the directions on the electronic road signs, Gallon quickly found the dark testing room.

The enlightenment room is an independent area. It is said to be a room, but in fact it is a large area with more than ten black buildings.

The area is surrounded by a fence, and the gate is a black staircase going up.

When Garen arrived, there was a male student sitting on the metal steps, with his sleeves and trousers rolled up, his head lowered, not knowing what he was doing, and not talking.

Glancing at the man casually, Garen walked past him and walked directly into the area gate.

‘Scan passed,’ a low electronic sound sounded from above the door frame.

Garon paused and waited until the scan was over before continuing to walk in.

The enlightenment area was filled with a faint yellow light, with lights on in some places and not on others. Small patches of uncertain light and darkness divided the entire area into grids.

"Fortunately, it's open around the clock." Garen walked into the first black door of the building and walked through the cold and dark passage.

I found a random enlightenment room and pushed in the door. It was empty, with only a round instrument in the center of the rectangular black room, like a large black stone.

Garen walked to the side and took out his student ID card and swiped the notch.


A white beam of light suddenly fell from the center of the entire enlightenment room, hitting the black stone instrument.

Garen walked over and lay down on the surface of the instrument as he remembered.

'The inspiration begins.'

'Detect brain wave status.'

‘Detect body indicators.’

'All indicators are qualified, start enlightenment.'

With a chirp, a dazzling white light with the thickness of a pencil suddenly fell from the white light pillar, hitting Garen's eyebrows with precision like a laser.

"Please exercise according to the exercise method." The mechanical voice said.

Garen closed his eyes and began to focus his mind on the pit of his heart according to the exercise method, imagining that his brain was in the pit of his heart.

Being in the enlightenment room seemed different from being in the dormitory. There seemed to be a power here that helped Garen concentrate his energy more easily in his heart.

Within ten minutes, he was completely in the state of exercise. Think of your stomach as your second brain.

This kind of exercise feels almost like sleeping. When Galleon wakes up, he feels much more refreshed.

I looked around the room, but there was no movement, and there was no sound in the corridor outside. It seemed like he was the only one in the entire area.

Getting up from the black stone platform, he felt the process of entering the exercise method with a hint of anticipation.

Close your eyes, think a little, and instantly enter the imaginary state of exercise.

"The effect is good. It is said that the first enlightenment in the enlightenment room is the biggest jump in the progress of human consciousness. I don't know if I have made any progress."

After carefully identifying the consciousness in the pit of his heart, a trace of disappointment flashed in Garen's eyes.

"There are no changes. It seems that this body does not have any talents."

He stood up from the instrument, straightened his school uniform, opened the door and walked out. The lights in the room behind him automatically turned off the moment he left and closed the door.

The surroundings were quiet, except for a faint sound of voices and shouts in the distance.

Garen ignored it. From Noono's memory, he knew that this area was only used once a year by freshmen, and the rest of the time it was vacant. There were basically no people around, and a large area of ​​land was vacant, which meant that it could often be used. Seeing some campus violence and couples loving each other, Nuonuo used to come here occasionally and saw such things several times. It was no surprise.

Walking along the corridor, when Garon passed a glass corridor on the right side, he saw several girls surrounding a little girl in the small garden outside the corridor, pointing and wondering what they were doing. The light was a little dark, and it was in a dark corner, so I couldn't see anything clearly.

He didn't bother to pay attention and quickly left the corridor. The leading one of the girls there looked back at him. Although she was very beautiful and had a good figure, her eyes were very fierce.

Without paying much attention to him, several girls continued to say something to the surrounded man, seeming to be shouting and cursing.

Garen walked through the corridor and quickly left the enlightenment area. After the first enlightenment, he could enter the exercise state more easily. In the future, he can only come here occasionally to review and consolidate this state, and he doesn't need to come here often.

"But it's very quiet here, so it's a good place to find a place to practice alone." There are some things in Garonne that are difficult to practice in the dormitory. Some of them are necessary steps in the practice of external skills, such as striking training, which is the most difficult to practice in external skills. For the basic part, the noise in the dormitory is too loud. The environment here is quiet and quiet, and there are few surveillances. Most of them are in disrepair and useless, so it is very suitable as a training environment.

In addition to the enlightenment area, I looked at my personal terminal watch and saw that the time on it was already past nine o'clock. I had spent more than an hour in the enlightenment room.

"There's still time to go to the simulation room."

The simulation room is right next to the inspiration area. Just around the corner from Digital You and the path is the simulation room.

When Garen came over, people were coming and going, and there were quite a few students who were still practicing hard at night. Some came out covered in sweat, some were frowning, and some were even pale, having exhausted too much energy.

People often stay up late to train here, and some peaceful challenges and general competitions come here.

This place is divided into a free area and a paid area. Nono has never been in the paid area, so she doesn’t know what it’s like inside.

Walking along the path of the free area, there were more and more people. Most of them were students coming out of it. There were boys and girls. Many of the girls were crooked and unkempt. In just ten seconds, , Garen saw four or five girls walking out with more than a dozen boys, all covered in stinking sweat and not caring about their image.

It makes sense when you think about it, after spending so much energy practicing hard, there is no time to dress up. Even if you don't dress up, your appearance will be only five points.

Walking along the corridor, there is a silver metal door on the right side of the free area. It is oval in shape and has a jagged crack in the middle that constantly opens and closes. The students who occasionally come out, both male and female, are clean and tidy, completely different from the students coming out of the free area.

That's the toll area over there.

Garen passed by the entrance to the toll area and looked inside. Inside were rows of rectangular boxes similar to life-support cabins, neatly arranged in two rows, all silver and very beautiful.

Don't look any further and walk faster inside.

There are also rows of densely packed analog computers in the free area, which resembles a hemispherical cockpit, like rows of densely packed black egg shells. The ventilation system above keeps making a hissing sound, sucking out the strong smell of sweat. go.

It was not too late at this time and there were still many people.

Garen found a machine and sat on it, took out his student card and swiped it, put on the helmet hanging in front of him, and lay down on his back.

It feels like an Internet cafe.

There was darkness before my eyes.


Instantly a horizontal line of white light lit up. Randomly, a rotating colorful Rubik's Cube icon appears.

‘Welcome to the simulation battle platform, the student number has been entered. ’

‘Record loading’ electronic synthesized sound continued to sound.

‘Dear Mr. Funny, please select your model. ’

Garen was helpless. He didn't expect Nonosiwa to have such a speechless nickname.

However, a platform with blue flashing red lights appeared in front of him, and three human mechas stood on it. One white and two red. It doesn't look like the structure is very complicated or sophisticated, nor does it have any aesthetic appeal. It is obviously the most ordinary thing.

I randomly selected a red humanoid: Caigus No. 1 Universal Machine.

'Kegus No. 1, long-range combat mecha, armor level 1, critical point 3, basic laser gun killing range of fifty meters, lethality level 1, maneuvering speed level 2.'

‘Comprehensive evaluation: Level 1 mecha (free basic mecha)’

"They are all about the same. One of the other two has thicker armor and is level 2, and the other is more lethal, but this one moves fast. This is the one."

This was Garen's second time controlling a mecha since Buddha Mother, and everything felt quite new.

'Enter holographic simulation state.'

With a sudden hiss, Garen felt his mind go dizzy, and his whole body suddenly entered another environment.

There is a circular glass viewing window in front of you, and you can see a starry sky outside.

A clear floating screen hung in front of him. Above it was a white window similar to a battle platform. Inside the window were rows of buttons and small windows, all filled with various slogans.

‘Challenge with a Bounty of 1,000 Universal Points – Glow’ ‘Challenge with a Bounty of 200 Universal Points – Grubis’ ‘Death Battle (Started) – Naro vs Corduba’

‘Practice match – unnamed’ ‘Practice match – unnamed’ ‘Practice match – unnamed’.

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