Mysterious journey

Chapter 780 Test 1

There was a dull sound of falling to the ground.

The white mecha hit the crater and rolled several times. When it got up again, it was already in a mess, covered with red clay ash on the ground.

Garen stood at the edge of the pit and looked down, while the white mecha stood at the bottom of the pit and looked up.

"I*!! If you dare, beat me to death!" The white mecha suddenly went crazy, spread its legs and pointed at the penis, "Come on! Hit me here! Hit me!"

"Fight! Why don't you dare to do it anymore?! I didn't do it just now, but I felt so good!?" The white mecha crossed its legs and pushed towards Garen. "You actually dare to trick me! Okay! Are you afraid now? I'm telling you, this is not a problem..." Chi! !

Two laser beams hit his penis accurately, and a puff of green smoke slowly rose up. This place is indeed relatively fragile, and the protective armor is far inferior to other parts.

The environment suddenly became quiet. The white mecha looked down at his crotch area in disbelief. Then he raised his head and looked at Garen again.


There were two more crisp sounds, and the smoke became thicker.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" the white mecha erupted.

He pointed at Galleon.

"Don't fucking let me know who you are! Otherwise you're dead! You're dead!! How dare you play dirty tricks! And how dare you hit my crotch!! You."

Bang! !

Two more lasers hit the same spot. Before the white mecha could finish speaking, it exploded with a bang and turned into a ball of yellow fireball.

"It turns out the problem is in the crotch."

Garen looked calmly at the flames below, his mood untroubled. This simulation game is not the internal network of the academy, but a large network linked to the entire federation. Who knows what you are, if you have the ability to go to the federal government military department, this simulation game is a network jointly run by the top brass of the government military department. In order to To ensure fairness and fairness, and to select civilian talents, the protection of personal information here is very strict. Otherwise, this cannot be done. If those rich and powerful children lose and are abused, they can find the other party's real-life information to seek revenge at will, and no one would dare. Entering the simulation game.

After the victory, a seven-color Rubik's Cube suddenly appeared in front of Garen and spun around.

‘Congratulations on defeating your dad. Get a reward of 100 general points, please keep up your efforts. ’

‘Your father has invited you to fight. Do you want to respond? ’

Galen's complexion suddenly turned dark.

With a snap, he reached out and clicked on the reject option.

"This guy is so cheap."

After exiting the battlefield, Garen glanced at the room again. Rows of arena rooms were densely packed.

As for the white mecha just now, it would be absolutely impossible to win if it were replaced by the previous Nono Siwa.

The key point of the mecha is that the crotch is not the normal head and cockpit, not to mention the opponent's mobility is definitely not just as simple as level 1 or 2, but at least level 3, otherwise it would be impossible to be so fast.

For a level 1 mecha to be able to reach the speed of a level 3 mecha, it needs at least tens of thousands of common parts, and definitely more than one. This is simply the power of money. Normally reach level 2.

There is also the opponent's defensive armor system, which can directly ignore the level 1 laser gun. This is a crushing level. It is at least level 3 armor. Its lethality is slightly weaker, but it is at least level 2. Just look at that and cut off half of the galleons with just one strike. Just look at the double swords at the waist.

This guy is obviously what is commonly known as a RMB player.

In Nonosiwa's memory, he had encountered this kind of rich player several times. The result was normal, and he was abused without any accident. Being abused without breaking his defense would undoubtedly hurt his self-esteem.

Garen recalled Nono's previous memories, and there were still some fragments of his battles. In the home planet Federation's planet division, Nono's original ranking was 215,433, which still included Yue Ya's ranking. A completely unranked noun.

I randomly ordered a level 1 practice match again.

It is still the land of meteorites. This map is very popular. This time, the opponent did not go out of his way. Like Garen, he was a standard first-level ordinary mecha. His skills were not as good as Nono's. Garen, who had a strong sense of combat, hit him with a few random shots. Go ahead and kill instantly.

After playing a few more games, he became roughly familiar with the control of the mecha. It was almost eleven o'clock before Garen exited the simulation system. Glancing around, I saw that most of the people had left, and a quarter of the machines were still open. It was obvious that these people were preparing to stay up all night.

Standing up from the simulator, Garen moved his whole body and felt that his body was fine. There was nothing unusual. It was just that the mental exertion was a bit high and he was very tired.

I left the simulator and returned to the dormitory, washed myself casually, and then lay down to rest.


Ding dong ding dong

There were bursts of doorbell ringing at the door.

Garen slowly woke up from his sleep. The quality of sleep in this body was not very good, which made him feel restless.

"Nono, wake up! Let's go to the formal simulation test right away!" Aier's voice shouted loudly outside the door.

Garen lifted the quilt and sat up from the bed, rubbing his face.

"Got it! Come right away." After waking up a little, he quickly got up from the bed and opened the curtains. The sun had come out outside, and through the big locust tree, he could vaguely see the black plates in the entire Black Pan Academy. architecture.

"I remember Teacher Ham said that today is the official restorative simulation test to actually control the mecha. If it goes well, he should be able to participate in the class ranking competition." Garen recalled the information he had received earlier.

The doorbell rang again. He walked over and opened the door, and Elle rushed in with a quick stride.

"Hurry up! Those who don't go to the test field early to queue up can wait until lunch. Half of the school's simulation tests today are in the seventh field." Aier combed his hair in a braid. His original brown hair was as fast as the girls. Chin up. He didn't know how to braid it into several small braids mixed in between the hair, which looked a little neater and more pleasing to the eye.

"What's wrong with your hair?" Garen glanced at him. Go to the bathroom and start washing.

"My sister came over and made it up for me, don't blame me," Aier said distressedly, pulling his whip with a look of helplessness on his face. "Hurry up. I guess the teachers have already arrived at the arena. Today, students from other colleges are coming to our school for placement exams. Most of the arena is occupied, so it's not as tense as usual."

"I know." Garen smiled and sped up.

After washing up quickly, the two of them took their pens and paper and hurried towards the seventh arena.

Sure enough, there were suddenly a lot more students between the college buildings. In addition to the white and blue striped uniforms of our college, there were also two uniforms of pure red and black and white. It was obvious that students from other colleges had arrived.

Arriving at the venue quickly, there were already many people lined up around the door. Aier pulled Garen in through the side door. Instructor Ham and others were already waiting on a playing field.

Mia was also there, along with several students taking the same test. One of the boys had white hair and a very cold expression, giving the impression that he was indifferent to everything.

"It's just the right time." Ham walked over with a smile, "How are you? How are you recovering?"

"Very good." Garen nodded politely and smiled. This Teacher Ham paid for the surgery with his own money. He is indeed a good person.

Harm nodded. "There are five people who will participate in the test this time. The first person to participate in the qualifying round is Fei Bailie. No one has any objections. The second place has also been decided. The third place will be chosen between you and Cole. .So today’s test is partly to see how well you recover and partly to sort out the third qualifying position.”

"My injury may not be healed." Garen showed a slightly embarrassed expression. He didn't really want to participate in any class qualifying competition. It was better to practice more exercise methods if he had this time.

"This is a grade-wide event that represents the class. The top ten individuals will all receive a bonus of at least 10,000 universal points." Ai Er reminded in a low voice from the side.

"Although my injury is not healed, I will do my best for the honor of the class!" Garen said loudly, patting his chest.

Elle covered his face and turned away.

I am very short of money.

Gallon felt calm in his heart, and did not show any blush at all when he changed his words in person. Instead, he stood next to the teacher Ham with a calm face, alongside the white-haired boy Fei Bailie.

Fortunately, he was the only one who heard Aier's voice, and none of the other students showed any unusual expressions.

Teacher Hamm patted Galen on the shoulder with a pleased look on his face.

"You were right! Come on!"


For Garen, this little thing is nothing. When he was in the world of secret martial arts, as a top master, he was not as agile as when he was adding insult to injury. Otherwise, Ansha Luo would be beaten away by him in front of his face?

Several people followed Teacher Ham and waited on the side of the field for a while, and soon a transparent protective film silently rose around the field.

"Fabriel, you go on first." Ham looked at the white-haired boy.

"No problem." Fei Bailie had no expression and looked very calm. Quickly walk towards the entrance to the arena on the right, where there is a gray warehouse attached to the back of the black plate building.

Not long after he walked in, the sound of whining engines could be heard on the field.

A pure white humanoid mecha came out of the warehouse exit. It was six meters tall. Its arms were equipped with sharp scythes like a mantis. It looked somewhat similar to the double-blade mecha that Garen fought, but it lacked the ones on the back. Blue flame thruster.

‘The first round of simulation testing begins. ’ A sweet mechanical female voice sounded.

With two crisp sounds, the white mecha's double scythes slashed across both sides of the body, and the entire machine started to gallop. The sword kept moving back and forth, swiping in all directions, and from time to time there was a crisp sound of the blade breaking through the air.

It doesn't look like a mecha, but more like a living person, raising the two swords and constantly using a set of sword skills, and it is extremely flexible.

"Fe Bailie's comprehensive evaluation of mechas is at the upper level of the first level, and most subjects have reached the first level level. It has a very balanced strength." Teacher Ham nodded with satisfaction. "Coupled with his own melee speed training method, he is superior in mobility and shooting speed. Once he gets close, it will be very troublesome."

The students around him couldn't help but nod when they heard this.

The second Sarah, a blonde girl, also spoke.

"We have no objection to Fe Bailie being ranked first in terms of strength. This test is just a formality. If nothing happens to Nono Siwa, the three of us in the class will be allowed to participate."

Others didn't have any objections. There were more than fifty people in the class, and the top three were all proven to be strong. Almost most of them had played against the top three.

Compared to the top three, the other students were more advanced and could pass the first level in one or two subjects, which was considered good. After all, they had only been in school for one year. Reaching the first level in all subjects is already the minimum graduation standard for students. Compared with actual mecha masters joining the army, the only difference is actual combat experience.

In the eyes of ordinary students, this is basically the difference between heaven and earth.

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