Mysterious journey

Chapter 781 Test 2

Garon knew very well that this gap was like someone who was about to finish all their credits just after their freshman year in college. Or just after the freshman year of high school, someone took the college entrance examination and scored at least 600 points.

He carefully observed Fei Bailie's sword skills, and there was a faint rhythm in them. It was obvious that he had already mastered it, and he had perfect responses to attack, defense, and evasion. For someone who is only a teenager, this looks really unusual. With this observation, he could barely guess the extent of the development of fighting skills in this world.

After Faber came down, then Sarah came in second place.

She is a long-range shooter, and a mecha-type long-range target rises on the field.

There is no point in thinking about this. When shooting from a 500-meter fixed point, three out of ten shots hit the target, with a hit rate of more than 30%. Two out of ten shots hit while moving, and all shots missed when moving relatively.

Garen's mind was immediately fixed, and he didn't look at it at all.

"Excellent! As expected of Sarah, her movements are very smooth and standard, and she can achieve such a high hit rate even when shooting from 500 meters!" Teacher Ham applauded with a look of relief.

Other students also clapped along with smiles on their faces.

Garen then remembered that they were only freshmen in the first grade. Most students could not even move and walk smoothly. Being able to use their consciousness to push the mecha to shoot and move smoothly was already very good in itself. Not to mention that it can still hit the target five hundred meters away without computer assistance, although the hit rate is a bit low.

"The last one, come on Nono!" Ham patted Garen on the shoulder.

Garen nodded and walked towards the warehouse.

Sarah came towards me.

"Come on!" The other party smiled kindly at him. After looking at him carefully, he seemed a little surprised that he was different from his usual clean and tidy appearance.

"Thank you." Garen nodded politely.

Entering the warehouse, it felt cool and comfortable. Three mechas stood side by side inside, with an automatic robotic arm loading and unloading some parts to the mechas.

Garen scanned the three mechas. They were all standard White Goose mechas, all white. This was a veteran mecha from Black Pan Academy. Its data were average in all aspects and it was known for its high stability.

All three platforms were the same white humanoid. Garen picked one at random and stood on the elevator.

With a whining sound of movement, the black elevator took him up to a stop in front of the mecha's chest.

With a crisp click, the mecha's chest opened automatically like a bud, revealing the control cabin inside.

Garen jumped directly in, and the mecha protective panels behind him automatically closed and closed.

After putting on the control helmet, a circular visual window suddenly appeared in front of you, allowing you to see the outside scenery. A row of options appeared below and in front of you, options that could only be seen while wearing the helmet.

‘Please select a weapon loading module’

Three modules, one ranged, one melee, and one defensive.

Garen clicked on the remote icon. After all, Nonosiwa was the long-range mecha he had been using.

Two options pop up automatically in the remote range, double pistol and single pistol.

Choose dual pistols.

"Weapons module starts loading."

There was a click, and the mecha shook slightly.

‘Loading completed. Testing can begin. ’

The mechanical sound sounded.

Garen moved his consciousness and injected it into a small circular hole in front of him. He felt that he had completely transformed into a mecha body, and then he tried to move.

After five full seconds, the mecha slowly moved and took a step forward.

"My consciousness is not good at all." Garen sighed, helplessly taking out the small crescent moon from his trouser pocket and placing it on the right edge of the console.

There seemed to be a suction force on the small crescent moon. As soon as it was placed on it, it stuck firmly to the console and quickly glowed slightly with white light.

Garen suddenly felt an electric tingling sensation throughout his body. The feeling of delay just now disappeared immediately.

"You still have to rely on this thing."

He took a deep breath and carefully paid attention to Crescent Moon's condition. Last time, Nonosiwa almost caused a disaster because Crescent Moon suddenly malfunctioned, causing the mecha to be unable to move. Now it seems that he used Crescent Moon too much, causing it to be overloaded for too long.

Controlling his body, Garen strode out of the warehouse. His eyes suddenly lit up. The sunlight outside shone brightly, and was even a bit dazzling.

The test content is a variety of basic movements, followed by a set of standard tactical simulations.

Garen chose dual guns, and the simulation content was similar to Sara's.

A mecha target rose five hundred meters away.

Garen stood at the door of the warehouse, raised both guns, and turned on the safety. This was not a laser gun, but a metal bullet firearm with anti-shock power.

Bang bang!

After two gunshots, the target in the distance lit up, indicating a hit.

Two consecutive shots hit the target, immediately causing slight exclamations from the onlookers.

Garen looked sideways and saw that the instructor Ham also looked surprised, and he immediately calmed down a little. For him, he is a top master of martial arts, and his control of the body is extremely precise. Shooting at a fixed point of 500 meters is not difficult at all. After all, it is a five-meter-high mecha target.

The second time Gallon deliberately lowered the muzzle of his gun.

After a double bang, no hit.

Suddenly there was a sound of pity from the side.

Garen took the time to look at the crescent moon, and the white light above it flickered. Different from the simulated online battle last night, this one was actually piloting a mecha after all, and the load on it was obviously much greater.

He quickly fired the remaining shots at a fixed point without moving much.

Three out of ten shots hit, the same as Sara.

Then there's the moving target.

One shot hits.

Relative movement shots also all failed.

Finally, relative movement shooting required movement. Garen watched with fear as the crescent moon started to smoke slightly, and the white light flickered more and more urgently. Knowing that after being damaged once, Yue Ya became overwhelmed. If he had done this before, there would have been no problem.

"The test is over." Teacher Ham's voice penetrated the protective film.

Garen quickly stopped and walked slowly back towards the warehouse.

When I walked to the location where the mecha was parked in the warehouse, the crescent moon's white light had dimmed. It looked like it was dead, and it was very hot to the touch.

Garen took off his helmet and raised his hand to look at the white watch terminal.

"About eleven minutes, maybe a little longer. If the mecha moves a little more quickly, it won't work. Even if it ends up being the same slow movement, it can last up to fifteen minutes."

"It seems that even if you don't want to be a long-range shooter, you can't do it." Garen had no choice but to be a long-range defensive shooter. It only requires very simple movements and does not require complex combinations of movements with the whole body.

Picking up the crescent moon which was still hot to the touch, Garen left the cabin and stood on the elevator.

Al was already waiting for him below the warehouse.

"Good performance!" Aier smiled and patted Garen on the arm.

"It's not bad." Garen smiled.

He was still concerned about Yue Ya and didn't know how long it would take to recover.

"Nonosiwa, are you interested in competing with me?" A calm voice suddenly came from the door of the warehouse.

Garen and Aier looked up and saw Fabrier standing at the entrance of the warehouse looking over.

"A competition?" Garen frowned. "Not interested in."

Fei Bailie was a little stunned, as if he didn't expect Galen to refuse so readily.

He also saw that Garen seemed to be very smooth in controlling the mecha, and he seemed to achieve Sarah's results very casually, obviously without exerting his full strength. Only then did I get a little interested, but I didn't expect the other party to reject it cleanly.

He was not good at talking and didn't know what to say for a while. Usually, when he asked, others rarely refused him. After all, his family background and his own excellence made other students in the class unable to refuse.

There was silence.

"Forget it." When he came to his senses, he said calmly, "The person you injured has someone at home in the teaching office. Teacher Ham suppressed the last incident, but it's probably not over yet. You should be careful."

"Thank you." Garen thought of it himself, but when he heard Fei Bailie's reminder, he became a little concerned.

Last time, his abnormality actually frightened the other party, so that the other party froze. Finally, he was hit by a counter-fire shot. Half of his body was burned, and he almost lost his life. Fortunately, the medical technology Strong, he was discharged from the hospital half a month earlier than him.

If he was still paralyzed in bed, maybe the other party would just let it go, but now that he was discharged from the hospital safe and sound, the other party probably had some backup plans.

He walked out of the warehouse with Aier, and Fei Bailie left the arena directly and walked to other arenas, seemingly to watch the assessments of students from other colleges.

After greeting the instructor and seeing that most of the students around him had dispersed to watch other competitions, Garen found an opportunity to walk side by side with the instructor alone.

"Teacher Ham, I would like to ask the student who I accidentally injured last time, what is the situation at his home?"

Teacher Ham showed no signs of surprise.

"They're looking for you?"

"No, I just heard from Fei Bailie that I want to understand it thoroughly." Garen answered calmly.

"The student's name is Corlanu. Someone in his family is an instructor in the academy. He is pretty good. Don't worry, I will help you with your matter. After all, it was just an accident. No one meant this." Ha. Teacher Mu lit a cigarette and took a breath.

"Thank you very much, teacher." Garen nodded, although he didn't agree with it.

After leaving the teacher, he left directly with Aier, walked around the arena, and looked around at the grading assessments in other arenas.

In the fierce battles between mechas, their movements were vigorous and fast, and the techniques and skills reflected in them were not at all inferior to some of the third-rate and second-rate fighting skills that Garen knew, and there were many movements that were exquisite and difficult. However, most of them are at higher assessment levels.

But even this gave him a clear understanding of the world.

Although he is a master of secret martial arts and can be said to be at the pinnacle of his era, he seems to be not bad at fighting skills here, and may even develop and evolve even more. Some of these combination skills, various powerful and complex hot weapons combined with cold weapons, produce strange effects. Without understanding the effects of the opponent's weapons, if combined with top-level fighting skills, Garen's current level may also be affected. , after all, his physical fitness is too poor and is far less powerful than in his previous life.

After walking around in a circle, he went directly back to the dormitory and began to practice the exercises diligently.

The biggest trouble now is that his strength is not his own, but obtained by relying on Yue Ya. Once discovered, violating the academy's rules, and deceiving the upper echelons of the academy, it is possible to even directly abolish the consciousness.

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