Mysterious journey

Chapter 786 Clue 1

On the endless dark green grassland, black metal fragments and small white stones are scattered everywhere. Some of the fragments and stones are stuck upside down on the ground, and some are lying flat on the edge of the hills.

The dim reddish sunlight in the afternoon shone down from the west, casting a black shadow on a three-meter-high black metal fragment. The shadow fell obliquely to the ground, hitting the green grass as thin as cashmere.

The sky is light red, and the white clouds are in the shape of steps, one level at a time, one in the east and one in the west, dyed light red.

Between the clouds, a black-painted shuttle-shaped battleship slowly swooped down, and its huge thousand-meter-long hull cast large shadows on the ground.

The entire battleship is like a torpedo boat, completely dark, with small openings on the surface that are densely packed like honeycombs. At the tail, there are two tail fins that are slowly opening, spraying light green flames downwards.


A humanoid mecha flew out from the honeycomb opening below the battleship. The mecha was completely black. It carried a heavy pulse gun in both arms, and carried a smooth and shiny disc black shield on its back. There was a red line on each shoulder. It looks more like a firefighter's outfit.

After the four-meter-high humanoid mecha flew out of the battleship, another similar mecha flew out of the battleship, buzzing downwards like bees leaving the nest.

One of the slightly taller mechas landed lightly on the edge of the largest piece of debris below, and the red electronic eye on the mask scanned it.

"The battle will end in less than half an hour, please search the surrounding area!" A young man's voice came from inside the mecha.


Mechas carrying black disks spread out, with more than twenty of them densely packed, and began to conduct a carpet-like search around them.

Light blue flames erupted from the back of the mecha's legs, pushing it to search all sides of the grassland.

After a while, a mecha sent a signal.

"We found it! There is a cave here, and there is a person hiding in it! He was seriously injured."

"Is it him?! How could this happen? Send him back for rescue immediately!"

A few minutes later, a mecha carried a dirty boy and flew towards the battleship. A large number of mechas behind them quickly retreated to the battleship and returned along the original hive entrance.


In a dark little room

Garen gently opened a large bag in front of him, which was filled with irregular white malachites. He took out one and padded it before putting it in another pocket on his right hand side.

The car owner sat opposite him and watched him inspect the goods quietly.

Neither of them spoke, only the dim lights in the rental house shone down.

Garen took out the stones one by one, putting weight on them one by one, and then put them into the bag on the right side. His movements were neither fast nor slow, and his expression was calm.


Garen pinched a stone and frowned.

"This...isn't the stone I want?"

The car owner laughed dryly and quickly took the stone from Garen's hand. "I took it by mistake, I took it by mistake."

Garen snorted and continued to examine other stones.

Soon several more were found. The car owner's face became more and more ugly, and there was a slight trace of sweat on his forehead.

"Did you get it wrong again this time? Did you get so many wrong items again?" Garen glanced at him. "It seems you don't want to trade."

"How could it be? With so many stones, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. After all, there are more than 200 stones." The car owner wiped his sweat and said with a smile.

"There are two hundred and fifteen stones in total. I'll pay you one thousand and fifteen for them all." Garen said calmly as he put away the last stone.

"What? One thousand and fifty?" The car owner was stunned, "We didn't agree."

"I didn't agree with you to deal with fakes." Garen interrupted him.

"But it's just one thousand and five dollars. This is at least four thousand points worth of goods!" The car owner was sweating more and more.

"Four thousand?" Garen smiled, "You can sell it as long as you find someone to pay this price." He leaned back on the sofa behind and looked at the car owner leisurely.

"Aren't you dishonest?" The car owner became anxious and stood up.

"Credibility? If you don't mix fakes, I will still be honest with you. But if you mix fakes, you can't blame me for lowering the price." Gallon looked calm, "Besides, the purchase price of this batch of goods of yours is at most five points a piece." , the price I gave you is already very good, forget it if you don’t want to sell it, I’ll find someone else who sells this thing.”

The car owner did the math and realized that a thousand and a half dollars was equivalent to seven points a dollar. His purchase price was only four points, so he still made some money, but it was just a little less. And as the other party said, if this batch of goods is in his hands, there will never be so many people willing to buy such a large amount. It is really not easy to find a buyer besides the student in front of him.

He gritted his teeth. He originally thought that the student in front of him was a prodigal. He was either rich or noble and had too much money. He didn't expect that he would be so miserable in a blink of an eye. He didn't get a big advantage at all from the price.


He raised his eyes and glanced at the right Garen. The opponent was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. He was calm and confident. He wanted to use violence. He thought of the strength of this guy just now and his status as a student of Black Pan Academy. .

This student is very shrewd, but he kept the price down so as not to push me into a hurry and give him some leeway. It seems reasonable and not arrogant to lower the price only by finding fake products. He seems to be very short of money, and with his status as a black plate student, maybe I can

"I can give you a thousand points for this batch of goods." The car owner suddenly made a decision in his heart.

"Oh?" Garen was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that the other party would say that after suffering a loss. "What are your conditions?"

"I want to cooperate with you." The car owner took a deep breath and whispered. "You are a student of Black Pan Academy. With this status, we can cooperate. If you can help me get some special information in the school, we can achieve a win-win situation."

"Information? What information?" Garen was really surprised this time. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him still had such thoughts.

"Information about the star students of Blackboard Academy." The car owner became serious, "To be honest, there are basically no people in your academy who are short of money. I have been looking for a long time but haven't found a suitable partner. Let's try this time and see if it works. .You know, the outside world is also very curious about the internal situation of your college, and exposing the information of those star students in advance can also increase their popularity, and they can get more powerful bids before graduation, which is also good for them themselves. benefit."

"It's a good idea." Garen nodded, "But if you can think of it, then naturally others can also think of it. Why hasn't this kind of information been leaked for so long? Have you ever thought about this?" He smiled. , stood up and picked up the selected bag, a heavy bag.

Use the watch terminal to quickly mark a thousand points for the other party.

"You said a thousand points, I have to leave beforehand. Thank you very much this time."

The uncle of the car owner was stunned by what Gallon said, and he woke up when he heard the prompt tone on his terminal. Garen was about to go out at this time, and he stood up in a hurry.

"Hey! Can you tell me your name?"

"Nonosiwa. I'll come back to you next time if I need anything."

"My name is Kende! What's your phone number?!" The uncle quickly asked.

Garen glanced at him and read out a series of numbers. Although this guy is a bit stupid, his decision-making is still good.


After returning to the dormitory, Garen directly hung up the do not disturb sign, closed the curtains, and began to truly practice meditation.

Turning on the white light, he poured all the stones onto a large piece of paper. Garen carefully took off his clothes and sat cross-legged in front of the stones.

"With so many impurities in white malachite this time, it should be able to successfully break through to the second level, right?" He felt a little hopeful.

In fact, he has never really practiced a pure secret martial art of life. In the totem world, he was interrupted midway, went astray, and practiced evil skills. In the world of vampires, his secret martial arts only had one entry level from beginning to end.

Unexpectedly, in this world, the rare materials needed to create secret martial arts are sold as trash, completely worthless.

"This is the difference between the worlds," Garen sighed in his heart. My mind quickly sank into the record of Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu.

The first five levels of Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu are the foundation for building a foundation, used to improve one's physical condition. Only the last three levels are the real breakthrough and advancement. Only after the seeds of the Secret Martial Arts of Life have completely taken root and sprouted, the latter three levels are based on the body constitution of the practitioner and combined with the special techniques produced. It can be said that it should be a truly powerful Secret Martial Arts that is completely suitable for Nonosiwa's body. That’s why it’s called the derivative layer. Only after the foundation is completed can you be qualified to derive the next three layers.

"I don't know what will happen after entering the second level." Garen slowly closed his eyes and gently pressed his hands on the pile of white stones in front of him.

In the room, his body sitting cross-legged gradually emitted a faint chill, and the skin all over his body turned faintly light blue.

On the pile of stones in front of him, several white stones that his hands touched slowly began to melt and shatter. Silently, the stones quickly turned into piles of white powder. As the amount of powder increased, Garen's hands and arms became increasingly blue.

The air temperature in the room was getting colder and colder, with gusts of cold wind blowing around Garen, and a thin layer of ice slowly formed on the pot of green cactus on the windowsill.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Garen's entire mind was focused on the changes in his body.

The moment the impurity malachite was absorbed, all the cold current threads in his body rushed out from the palms of his hands like crazy, and densely penetrated into the small pile of white stones.

A large amount of viscous liquid was madly sucked into the body, and was quickly divided and swallowed by countless blue cold lines inside the body. And as the cold threads continued to swallow up the liquid material, they themselves became thicker and thicker, starting from the size of a hair, gradually becoming the thickness of chopsticks, and then actually becoming the thickness of a finger.

These cold threads circulate crazily in the body, and wherever they pass, any part of the body will naturally condense into thin layers of frost.

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