Mysterious journey

Chapter 787 Clue 2

Garen sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling like he was almost frozen into an ice sculpture, and every part of his body was surrounded by extreme cold from the inside out.


Finally, the last piece of white malachite with impurities was completely reduced to powder.

In the palms of Garen's hands, countless cold blue lines invisible to the naked eye quickly shrank back into his palms.

And the attribute skill bar that he had been staring at from beginning to end finally began to change.

‘——Han Jing Peacock Kung Fu: Secret Martial Arts of Life, source unknown, first level entry level, second level completion rate 12%. ’

Percent Twelve finally started to move.

Slowly, from slow to fast, the completion progress increased from 12% to 15%. The speed is getting faster and faster.

16\u0018"0Ei’\u00100%! !

At the moment when it reached 100%, Garen could clearly see that the Cold Prison Peacock Skill on the skill bar was finally slightly blurred. When it became clear again, it had completely changed.

‘Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu: The Secret Martial Arts of Life, whose origin is unknown. The second level of heart transformation uses the Cold Prison Peacock Bloodline as the standard to transform the heart to achieve the purpose of gradually strengthening the whole body’s physique. Transformation time: two months and fifteen days.

The third floor is 24% complete. ’

Garen looked at the changes in the icon with satisfaction and recalled the reason why he was unable to advance to the Cold Hell Peacock Technique. There are two conditions required to enter the second level. One is an extremely cold environment. There is no way around this. General icehouses are far from meeting this condition. The second one is white malachite.

Although there is no way to achieve the first condition, you can use a large amount of white malachite to melt and absorb and then forcibly evaporate and disperse to simulate the special required environment. This is also the reason why he has absorbed so much impurity white malachite, but only made such a small progress.

According to the proportion, the more than 200 impurity malachites here are at least equivalent to the weight of more than 20 pure white malachites, and only one is enough for the second level of Galleon advancement, and the rest are used by him to simulate the extremely cold environment. .

"Successful." Garen clenched his fists and felt a chill all over his body. The secret martial arts seeds naturally absorbed the components of white malachite and began to gradually grow and sprout in his body.

"Two months and fifteen days should be the time it takes for the Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu to completely transform the heart. I wonder what kind of changes will happen after the complete transformation is completed?" Garen was getting more and more excited.

This is the path that the real ancient warlocks took, and it is the most orthodox path.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower again. My body was all sticky with a layer of light blue mucus, which kept giving off a faint stench. This is the body impurity that has been initially transformed.

After rinsing his whole body and putting on a clean school uniform, Garen poured all the powdered white malachite with impurities into the prepared bottle. A large amount of powder filled a large bottle, which was about the same height as an ordinary mineral water bottle.

"The remaining fuel is high-energy fuel and can be sold for money."

After cleaning up everything, Garen lay on the bed and rested for a while, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Toot. Toot.

Suddenly the watch terminal rang, waking him up from his sleep.

He raised his hand and looked at the watch terminal. It was Aier's phone number.

Garen pressed the connect button.

Al's face appeared on the screen.

"Nono, what are you doing? It took you so long to answer the phone."

"You're sleeping, what's wrong?" Garen yawned. This body is just an ordinary person's body. The transformation of the Cold Prison Peacock Skill will take time and cannot be accomplished overnight. Just enduring the cold and absorbing the malachite was already a bit overdrawn.

"Would you like to go see Mia?" Aier lowered his voice, "I met her cousin today, and only after listening to what she said did I know that Mia seems to be having problems at home recently, and I haven't seen her come to play with us. .”

Garen recalled the girl at the same table who had been visiting him during his surgery. She was one of Nonosiwa's only two friends.

"when to go?"

"Tomorrow. Qualifying will officially start the day after tomorrow, and you will definitely be dragged into pre-race preparations."

"That's okay."

Make an appointment with Aier, and Garen disconnects the terminal. I couldn’t get through my call to Mia, so I called Coach Ham to ask about the time and place of the qualifying match, as well as the time and place of pre-race preparations. Make everything clear before re-adjusting.

"You can try it first to see if there are any changes in the exercise method."

Breaking through the second level of the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu and improving one's physical condition, Galen speculated that it might have a positive impact on exercising one's consciousness.

While sitting cross-legged on the bed again, he tried the exercise method again.

Unfortunately nothing has changed and progress is still slower than a snail's pace.

After spending more than half an hour, Gallon exited the exercise state. He simply clicked on the tablet and tuned it to the news auto-play channel.

‘. Regarding the recent visiting team from Luoyang Academy, Maria Academy sent the first chief Su Anna, known as Zero Gun, to greet them. The two colleges have reached a number of consensuses on friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two domains, and have actually signed technology exchange transaction documents across multiple fields. Is the cooperative attitude of Luoyang Domain and Maria Domain beneficial to Black Disk Aurora? The extent of the pressure caused by the alliance between the two domains is yet to be determined.'

Galen watched the news pictures flashing on the screen. In the gorgeous golden spaceship hall, several men in tight black skirts and a group of blond women were interacting with each other. Both parties turned sideways and posed with smiles for reporters to take pictures.

Maria College and Luoyang College are both powerful domain controllers adjacent to Black Pan College. There are three large domains near the black disk. The largest ones are the Luoya Domain and the Maria Domain. The smallest ones are the Aurora Domain. There are seven or eight other small domains here and there. Adopting the strategy of distant friendship and close attack, Black Pan Academy and Aurora Domain Alliance obviously put great pressure on Maria Domain and Luoya Domain.

"I heard that Maria Domain and Luoyang Academy are different from Black Disk. They adopt a normal academy training system, which is different from the survival of the fittest and survival of the strong system here." Related information flashed in Garon's mind. It is recorded in the data that Black Pan Academy is an outlier among these colleges. The average students are fine, but the elite students of Black Pan adhere to the elimination tactics that focus on actual combat and put the elite students into dangerous mission environments to hone their skills. Practice, and those who survive safely in the end are the truly powerful elites.

In other academies, most of them use peaceful methods. Most of the students in the academies play the role of defenders and protectors, and the competition among students is not so fierce. But in comparison, the selection process when entering the school is much stricter than the black board.

Garen changed the channel.

What was displayed on the screen was Local Radio 2 with a black plate. The Black Disk Domain is very large, as large as several provinces on Earth where Garon once lived, and naturally has multiple local stations.

Channel 2 is playing a recruitment advertisement. Another channel, the entertainment channel, sells home robots, intelligent flying cars, automatic full-body massagers, and even artificial dolls imported from other regions, which look no different from real people.

Garen pressed the news button again.

Following the local news, live coverage of the city's riots was being broadcast. A female reporter and a photographer squeezed through the surging crowd.

'It is rumored that Master Black Star Diofi will officially participate in the investigation of this riot. Black Star Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Chris officially announced that the most severe and ruthless blow will be given to this riot, and those who deliberately disrupt social order will be punished. Terrorists who endanger people's personal safety will be dealt with mercilessly! ’

The reporters pushed forward while reporting with difficulty.

Gallon noticed a name mentioned by the reporter.

"Black Star Diofi?" He knew that this person was the strongest chief of the Black Pan Academy. He owned a powerful mecha named Black Star. His most famous record was that he single-handedly destroyed the Black Star in an external battlefield. Thirty-five special mechas and six destroyers were killed, almost single-handedly changing the outcome of the battle in the Black Pan Territory.

You must know that the characters he killed were not ordinary mecha characters. The opponents were also selected elite mecha masters. Killing thirty or so ordinary mechas was nothing, but killing an elite mecha master It has a completely different meaning.

Whenever a mecha master is an elite, the lowest overall level is level 2, and the slightly stronger ones are level 3, or even level 4. This is a terrifying span.

While listening to the news, Garen gradually gained a clearer understanding of his environment.

Within the home star federation, conflicts and conflicts between domains are increasingly intensifying. The battle for reunification is only a matter of time. Each college is stepping up its efforts to cultivate its own powerful talent elites. The situation of separatism in various places has been completely finalized, and the civil war is endless throughout the entire home star federation. Today there is a truce here, and there may be a direct war there. Although strategic weapons such as nuclear weapons of mass destruction and radiation cannons cannot be used due to the blockade of the Skylight system floating in space, the intensification of conventional conflicts in various places is still inevitable.

Gently tapping the touch screen of the computer, Garen watched the news broadcast with an expressionless face. War broke out again in a certain domain. The war between certain domains restarted, with heavy casualties. What kind of construction of people's livelihood has been increased in the black disk domain? invest.

The news is like this. There is war raging outside and the people are so miserable that they can hardly afford to eat, but at home there is all kinds of peace and beauty, with great welfare.

Then there's the extraterrestrial reporting, and the platitudes of still trying to make contact.

Since the parent star federation fell into disintegration, the federal countries have fallen back into a state of separatism and independence, and communication between planets has almost been cut off. Dozens of planets have almost become independent kingdoms. Fortunately, once external forces infiltrate, the original forces of these federations will unite together in an instant to defeat the foreign enemies.

After several attempts by other countries, large and small, around the Federation, they were all beaten badly. Instead, several small country planets were directly annexed by the Federation forces. I don’t know what emergency standards are used between the planets. It seems that At a critical moment, they can open up the connection between the planets and fight against the enemy together without avoiding past grudges.

On the other hand, the Galactic Alliance was at war with the Fenites again, and the fight was in full swing. They had no time or energy to pay attention to the turmoil here.

In such a situation, the first thing Garen thought of was the state of the Three Kingdoms period. Similarly, the princes are divided and separatist. Some are aggressive, some are defending the city, and some are united vertically and horizontally. The large and small princes are densely packed.

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