Mysterious journey

Chapter 788 Qualifying 1

After watching the news in the dormitory for a while, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Garen turned off the computer, stood up and opened the door.

Aier walked in, his face a little ugly.

"What's wrong with you?" Garen was a little surprised.

"It's okay, it's just that I asked carefully about the situation at Mia's home." Aier closed the door and sat down to pour himself a glass of water. "What are you doing? There's a weird medicinal smell in the house?"

He frowned and looked at the messy dormitory room. The floor was covered with paper that had not yet been collected. It was used to place the white stones just now, and there was still some white goose powder left on it.

"I'll clean it up." Garen rolled up the paper on the ground and threw it into the trash can. He then went to find a rag and wiped some areas with a lot of stone powder.

Aier watched Garen busy, put his hands on the sofa and continued talking.

"Mia's family made a mistake in their business investment and lost a lot of money. Now they still owe a large amount of foreign debt."

Garen thought of the girl who often visited him in the hospital. Although he did not completely get the memory of Nonosiwa, he would not forget who was really good to him. In his opinion, Mia was indeed sincere. There is nothing selfish about being nice to Nonosiwa, it is just a pure relationship between friends.

"What about the impact on her?" he thought for a moment and asked.

El breathed out, and there was no surprise in Garen's calm tone. Nonosiwa had always been like this, taciturn and introverted. Being able to ask this already shows that he is very concerned about this matter.

"It may affect her tuition next year."

"Tuition fee." Garen nodded. The tuition fee for Black Pan Academy is 70,000 yuan a year. For rich people, this amount of money is not much. For ordinary families, this amount of money is an astronomical figure. 70,000 yuan is a common point. Many ordinary families have their entire annual income, and many families even do not have that much.

"I'll go back and think of a solution." Aier was silent for a moment and then said.

"What can you do? What about Mia herself? What did he say?" Garen also poured himself a glass of water, took a sip and sat down.

"What else can I say? She plans to go out to work and start earning next year's tuition for herself now. With her is a former school girl of hers. Her family is also very difficult. She goes out to work in order to study. Her school girl is the one who works. Introduced to her." Aier looked helpless. "Before I came to you, I just went to her place once. She had lost a lot of weight and was very haggard."

Garen nodded.

"Don't worry about Mia. I may be able to think of a solution here."

"You? What can you think of?" Aier couldn't help but raise his voice, "You yourself still owe the teacher more than one million."

Seeing that Garen wasn't in a hurry at all, he felt a knot in his heart.

"You're impatient." Garen shook his head. “Impatientness doesn’t solve anything, it only makes it worse.”

"It's me who is impatient." Aier also knew that he had lost his composure, lowered his head and lowered his voice.

"It's precisely because I owe more than one million that I want to find a way on my own." Gallon was interrupted by Aier before he could finish.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll talk to my father when I get back and see what he can do. You should rest first." Aier lowered his head and didn't want to talk anymore, and stood up, "I'm leaving."

Garen watched him get up and open the door, slamming the door hard as he left. He also stood up without saying a word, just sighed. The current social situation is turbulent, and the lifeblood of business depends largely on the government's policies. Policies change day by day, ebb and flow, and there will be ups and downs like this every once in a while. This is the sadness of troubled times. Without power, there will be no power. You can only let others slaughter you.


The black disk qualifying match is held in the shadow under the huge battleship. This shadow is the safest place in the entire black disk academy.

A conical silver light curtain is projected from below the battleship in the sky. From a distance, it looks like a silver veil, looming. Inside the silver gauze is a huge cylindrical arena with a diameter of more than a thousand meters.

The White Arena is divided into many competition areas, and each competition area is surrounded by specialized energy-supply robots that constantly replenish protective barriers. Teams of people from various departments walked along the entrance of the arena and walked into each competition area.

The teams at the entrance were one after another, surrounded by spectators and students who were watching and cheering, as well as some family members of the visiting students and other college students. The cheers came one after another, and there were even various fireworks and salutes simulated with light and shadow effects.

"The teams entering the competition now are the B2 grade teams. As the top three representatives, they are all girls. Compared with last year when only one boy was selected, this year is obviously more extreme."

The radio voice was full of enthusiasm and introduced each participating team impassionedly.

Garen stood in the team of class C5, standing side by side with Fei Bailie and the second place Sara. Slightly, Fei Bailie, as the first place, had to stand a little further forward. The three of them stood alone among a large number of participating students. Compared with the outstanding students from other classes around them, they suddenly looked inconspicuous.

"Did you see the class in front of us on the right?" Fei Bailie suddenly spoke softly. Amidst the lively cheers, his voice was directly heard by Garon and Sara through the pager. "Pay attention to the dark-haired girl in the middle."

Garen and Sara followed his gaze and saw that among the three people in that class, a girl with short black hair was talking with one hand on the shoulder of a weak girl with long pink hair. She looked carefree and her eyes revealed an incomparable aura. Confident, the sharp hair tips are like many fine spikes, combined with the girl's bold and bold gestures, giving people a strong sense of confidence and courage.

"That person's name is Merseth, one of the two strongest people in our C grade. I was defeated by her last year and didn't last a minute." Fei Bailie said calmly, but his pupils were deep. There is still a hint of unwillingness everywhere. However, he has always kept his emotions and anger hidden, and did not show it clearly.

"Merses' melee control level has reached at least level two. He is a very powerful opponent. You two are both long-range shooters. Be careful not to let her get close." Fei Bailie solemnly warned.

"Understood." Sara and Garen both nodded.

Garen knew that without Yue Ya, he had tested his own strength, and it was only less than level one. If he used his true level, he could even run on a mecha, let alone dodge and fight. It is undoubtedly very fragile compared to these real elites.

His strength is actual combat outside of mechas, but he is completely unfamiliar when used on mechas. Although he has the operating experience of Buddha Mother, this world is completely different, and the operation mode is also the pure mental control of Buddha Mother. Differently, consciousness looks more like the cellular consciousness of the whole body, the cellular biological force field, which is closely related to the development of the body.

Garen thought about it, and estimated that if he had practiced the Secret of Life Wuhan Prison Peacock Kung Fu to a certain level, it should be able to play a certain role in improving his consciousness. But now he is still extremely fragile.

Faced with such a state of his own, this opponent named Melseth is really a very tough guy.

"Besides this person, there is another person, who is considered the strongest person in our C grade." Fe Bailie introduced the situation of the competition to the two of them. His family is not an ordinary small force, and naturally he has already known this information. Collected, in order to increase the overall ranking of one's own class, at this time, the two teammates can actually increase their understanding of the opponent to slightly enhance their chances of winning.

"Barry Visalia, everyone calls him Barry. He hasn't come yet, and that man is also a very scary guy. Be careful!" When mentioning that man, Fei Bailie also showed a rare look of fear.

"Scary?" Sarah narrowed her eyes, "Why do you say he is scary?"

Fabrier glanced at Sarah. "Barry has a nickname, called Mecha Crusher. More than half of his opponents were destroyed by 80% of the mechas directly using the weapons on his hands. His two-handed weapons are a pair of high-speed cutting chainsaws. . He once tore through more than a dozen mechas in the entrance test competition. Killed three people and seriously maimed twelve others."


Sarah took a breath of air. The power of a weapon like a chainsaw is very huge, but the consumption of energy blocks is also very terrifying. For two chainsaws, this kind of consumption can only last for one and a half minutes for a standard mecha. In other words, those who dare to use this kind of weapon are either crazy or have absolute confidence in themselves.

"Barry and Merseth" Gallon knew in his heart that this time he came directly for the championship spot. As freshmen, he received special treatment. The top three in the same department were not only qualified to be included in the academy's elite team, but also received a hundred thousand yuan. Point rewards, even the top ten will receive at least 10,000 points.

It is said that the first place will also be rewarded with customizing a personal mecha in advance.

Having your own mecha, especially a special mecha controlled by consciousness, is a very luxurious thing. All mechas in this world are actually based on the core technology of biological mechas and can be connected. Human consciousness is a very high-end technology.

Therefore, a mecha is worth at least hundreds of thousands of universal points, which is still the lowest price for a popular model.

The most important thing is that the first place will also receive a mecha control certificate issued randomly. This thing is like the gun license in other worlds. It is proof of legal ownership of your own mecha, equivalent to a mecha master's certificate.

What worries Garen is that his consciousness is too weak now. Without Crescent Moon, it is difficult to even move, and Crescent Moon obviously cannot support a long-term battle.

"We can only decide quickly." He made a decision in his mind.

"Now is the time for the representatives of class C5 to enter. Student Fei Bailie, one of the top five most favored students in grade C, is the leader of this class." It was their class's turn to appear. Fei Bailie took the lead, followed by Garen and Sara. Behind them, three people wearing special red slim-fitting competition uniforms walked onto the black carpet and walked towards the arched door of the arena. The students in the classes on both sides shouted loudly, and some kept whistling.

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