Mysterious journey

Chapter 789 Qualifying 2

At this time, everyone in the class regards themselves as a member of the class, as a whole, and sincerely cheers for the three of them. After all, as the class ranking increases, the average treatment for each student will be better. For example, every student ranked If you move up one rank, the tuition will be reduced by one percent. The tuition fee will be reduced to a certain proportion according to the ranking. For example, if you can be ranked third, then the tuition fee will be reduced to 30%. If you are ranked first, then you will only pay 10% of the tuition fee. , you can also enjoy the opening of many special facilities of the college. The opening of these special facilities and venues can only be enjoyed by outstanding students. This is also one of the methods used by the college to stimulate students to compete for rankings.

The strong get stronger, and the weak will only become mediocre if they don't work hard.

Fei Bailie was walking in the aisle, his expression was indifferent and unusually calm, while Sara was a little uncomfortable. After all, it was the first time she had seen this situation. As for Galen, he also pretended to be slightly unnatural, after all. This is in line with his current status and family background.

Compared with the cheers of Merseth in front, the three of them were naturally inconspicuous. Only people in their own class were shouting. As soon as they walked over, the three of them heard a loud cheering sound from behind.

The crowds in the aisles on both sides erupted like boiling water.

"Arelo! Alelo! Alelo!"

"Barry! Barry! Barry!! Tear him apart!!"

Two tit-for-tat cheers sounded loudly.

Less than two hundred meters away, on both sides of the aisle, the empty black playground was filled with crowds of students roaring.

Representatives from two teams of three walked on the black carpet one behind the other.

The leader of the three people in front was a sturdy boy with yellow hair and a spiky head. There was a crack and scar extending out from the right side of his mouth. It seemed that someone had cut his mouth open to the right with a knife. He looked extremely ferocious.

There was another group of three people walking behind. The leader in the middle was a blue-haired boy with silver earrings. The boy had a faint smile on his face. He was very charming and had a strong figure. He also had a faint scar on the side of his face. He adds a wild feel.

Fei Bailie and the others looked back at the two groups behind them.

"Caus Arelo, his grade level strength should be third. He is also ahead of me, and his strength is unknown. He is rumored to be Barry's strongest challenger. He is one of the chiefs who suddenly appeared recently. He has never been famous before."

He glanced at the two people next to him. Sarah's eyes were filled with deep fear, while Garen's face was calm and his fists were clenched slightly. It was obvious that he was also disturbed by Type I thoughts.

"Nono, you have to be careful. Ariello is the younger brother of the test student you injured. He will probably target you in the competition."

Garen nodded and said nothing.

Groups of participating teams enter the competition area and each enter their own assigned grid.

The entire arena was divided into grid areas by a large number of energy-supply mechas, and the schedule began to be arranged according to the original class rankings of the previous level.

Class C5, the class of the three Garonne Fabres, after the seniors from the previous level were promoted to Class B, the one who stayed was ranked thirteenth, which was neither high nor low. However, tuition exemptions and special facilities are not available. Only the top ten students have the opportunity to enjoy these benefits.

There are fifty-six classes in the whole grade. It is undoubtedly difficult to stand out from the elites of all these classes and compete for the top ten.

The sweet female announcer began to arrange the schedule for the elites in each division.

All classes will conduct preliminary rounds according to their previous rankings, and compete in pairs. The winner will advance to the next round of confrontation. In this way, they will be eliminated continuously and finally enter the final group.

The loser does not completely lose the opportunity, but enters the loser group and survives the fittest again. The top three winners in the group can eventually challenge the final group. After winning, they can replace the challenged person and enter the final group.

Finally, the final round will be held, and the one with the most wins will be ranked first. And so on.

After the rules were played, the players in each class began to receive pre-match guidance under the comfort and arrangements of the instructor, while waiting for their opponents and competition areas.

Teacher Ham and Wesson, the mecha combat teacher of Class C5, stood together and gave the final guidance to the three of Fei Bailie. Standing in a separate square grid next to the assigned wall of the arena, staff members were coming and going and making noise, but Teacher Ham seemed completely unaffected, and slapped Fei Bailie heavily on the shoulder with both hands.

"Fa Bailie, remember your key point! Your attacks are smooth enough, but as a melee mecha, closing the distance is the only thing you need to pay attention to. Because your marksmanship is also good, I suggest you choose a combination of long and close combat. Only in this way can you give full play to all your advantages, and when necessary, you can abandon your firearms and engage in close combat with all your strength."

Fei Bailie nodded.

"I see."

Ham let go of him and changed to Sarah. Your advantage is shooting, moving and shooting. You just need to do this well. I know you didn't show your full strength during the test, but now, I I hope you will give your best, after all, this is not just for the class, but also for yourself! "

"I know." Sara nodded, trying to calm down.

"The last one, Nono." Teacher Ham came to Garen, "Your body has not fully recovered yet. You can perform normally without putting too much burden on you. You have great potential. You are not weaker than Sarah in shooting. You can choose how she fights.”

"I understand, teacher." Garen also nodded, indicating that he was prepared.

"Come on, have a drink of water first!" Teacher Ham asked the nutritionist behind to come up and deliver the prepared nutrient solution. He took Fei Bailie, who was about to drink, to the side and taught him privately. Obviously, he put his best hope into it. It rests on Fei Bailie.

Garen and Sara sat quietly in their seats, waiting for the schedule to be announced.

The schedule for each group will be released soon.

"Class C6 vs. Class C5, opponents are assigned freely. Game start time."

Soon it was their turn to schedule, and the game time was slightly later. After all, C5 was also a class ranked in the front part.

The schedule is arranged and the first game officially begins.

A huge light and shadow screen was displayed in front of everyone. There were many screens more than ten meters high, erected in various directions of the competition area, so that outside viewers could understand the situation inside. What is displayed on the screen is the detailed situation, and the entire overlooking scene in the stadium can be seen freely, and the protective barriers are all transparent.

The entire arena was surrounded by aristocratic spectators like those in an ancient gladiatorial arena. Not only the students, but also the teachers and teachers were also shouting, and the family members were even more excited. Just like a celebrity concert, some even customized huge cheering banners with someone's name written on them.


The gunshot sounded at the beginning of the game.

Suddenly, the entire arena was in a state of excitement. The light and shadow effect of a large number of pink petals slowly fell. A suspended metal platform below the battleship was the referee's seat. There were dozens of people sitting on the referee's seat, and they were referees for different grades.

The first game of each grade officially begins.

Garen quietly listened to the thunderous cheers and cheers all around, and various sounds came and went. He looked up at the two black and white mechas confronting each other on the big screen.

"The mechas are all the same, exactly the same, just different colors." Sara whispered as she sat next to Garen.

"Our opponent is here, Class C6. Do you have any plans?" She seemed a little nervous and seemed to have nothing to say.

"No." Garen shook his head, "Just perform normally." He was telling the truth. Although he was indeed much stronger in combat consciousness than the original Nonosiwa, Yueya's abilities were relatively weak. It has also been greatly weakened.

For him, the most important thing about his ranking in the qualifying round is the valuable bonus and the qualification to join the elite students. This qualification should be the step to truly enter the core of the academy. Once you enter, you will be able to come into contact with the real high-level power of the college.

After all, if you can't join the high-level, you won't be able to get more advanced exercise methods. To prepare for a rainy day, the highest level of exercise methods that can be purchased with money on the market is only Level 3. Level 4 requires verification of background and identity, and only military personnel are eligible to purchase. This represents the world's absolute monopoly on the secret methods of middle and high-level power.

"If I can get into the top three individually, then the tuition fee exemption will also be of great help to Mia, and I will also have the opportunity to repay the surgery fee advanced by Teacher Ham." Gallon understood clearly, "In addition, being in the top three Being able to become an elite student, you can get support from the upper level in the college, and be accepted as a disciple by Professor Mei in the inner courtyard. Your status will immediately become different, and your family environment will also be greatly improved. Elite students are said to have their families properly arranged, and every year They will all enjoy great benefits. When I go out to join the army in the future, I will at least be a school-level officer. According to the arrangements of the Black Pan Academy, even if the elites die in battle in the future, their families and relatives will still receive good treatment."

Such a quota is a rare resource that is absolutely desirable no matter who it is, as long as it is a person living in the Black Disk Domain.

However, the black market has a very strict control over this system, and the survival of the fittest is carried out. Even elite students have a battle fatality rate. At the same time, there is absolutely no loophole for favoritism and malpractice in this regard, and it can be said to be merciless.

Galen also roughly found out the family background of the student he injured last time in the past few days. They bribed the dean of Department C and several teachers with money, and rejected the application for surgery fees at the regular meeting. As for the identity of an instructor, he is actually a former retired elite student.


Suddenly, a violent shaking sound brought Garen back to his senses.

The two mechas on the big screen had already decided the winner. The black mecha raised the long barrel in its hand and saluted in all directions.

The white mecha on the other side was paralyzed on the ground, smoking all over. The driver was pulled out from inside and taken away by an ambulance. It looked like his injuries were unclear.

A close-up shot clearly appeared on the big screen, magnifying the injury of the injured person.

Both legs were broken, a hole was pierced in the lower abdomen, and a small section of intestines leaked out. The head was covered with blood, the person was in a coma, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive. It was frightening to see. Maybe if you don't handle it well, your life will be in danger.

Some foreign students who came to watch the battle slightly exclaimed, obviously having a new understanding of the cruelty of Black Pan Academy.

Garen knew very well that in this competition held by Black Pan Academy, even the students from the outer academy would have casualties. After a game, it would not be surprising for hundreds of elites to die and severely injure dozens. The purpose of the college is that only life crises can force people to burst out their most powerful strength.

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