Mysterious journey

Chapter 792 Battle Situation 1

Garen stared at the mecha opposite him quietly. Through the panoramic mirror, he could see the irregular fluctuations of the opponent's constant movement. This kind of fluctuation has no rules at all, and even the opponent can't quite grasp the rules of this movement. This feels very strange.

"Is this the mid-to-high-level mecha skill in this world? It really has its own uniqueness." He carefully observed the opponent's movements. As for the laser beam attacks that came from time to time, they were completely useless. He only needed to turn them slightly. Easily dodged.


Garen tried to raise his hand.


The two laser cannons shot towards each other separately, one after the other, pulling out two white lines.

This time, instead of concentrating his fire, he fired the two shells separately. Immediately, the black mecha on the opposite side started to scramble. It relied on that weird pace to avoid the first bombardment. Then it failed to completely dodge the second bombardment. It was hit hard on the waist and popped out with a hiss. Green smoke.

Garen checked the time. Including the time he spent observing, only eight minutes had passed, which was still early before Yue Ya's limit.

Woohoo! Continue to shoot two laser cannons, locking the two sides of the black mecha separately. This time, Galleon's judgment was slightly more accurate. The first shot hit the opponent's right leg, and the second shot once again grazed the waist of the black mecha.

He faintly heard the man's curse coming from the other side.

"Is this the chief's strength?" Garen stimulated the other party unceremoniously, and his voice was heard through the mecha's external loudspeaker. "Or are you, the chief, the weakest among them?"

"Don't be proud!" An angry voice came from inside the black mecha.


This time the two laser cannons merged into one and shot straight towards each other.

But the black mecha twisted strangely, and the strange dance steps suddenly appeared again, and it even avoided the laser cannon beam as thick as an arm. At the same time, he raised his hand and fired two shots back. With this weird dance, the shot fired back almost hit Garen's evasion.

Garen was also slightly shocked.

"The opponent's movement trajectory is unpredictable, will it cause trouble in evasion?" This was the first time he encountered such a situation since he learned the secret weapon.

In fact, his martial arts has always been without taboos. He doesn't pay much attention to dodge and avoidance, but more to crush the enemy with overwhelming force and overwhelming force. This time there was such a situation where he could not avoid it, which undoubtedly made him feel more novel. This path is not very similar to his previous fighting style. It can be vaguely seen from the opponent's dance steps that the fighting technique used by the opponent definitely has more than this effect. It seems to be just a basic version of a more advanced fighting technique. .

"Interesting. But it's better to end it early. No matter how strong this kind of dodge is, it must be used by someone with sufficient strength." Garen never wasted time and directly fired two separate shots. The black mecha was hit on the arm and thigh again.

After firing separately and firing like this again and again, Garen basically stood still, just firing out again and again, twisting slightly to avoid the opponent's shots.

Because as the black mecha suffered more and more injuries, its flexibility of movement also declined rapidly. His weird dance steps seemed to require high flexibility. Once this point dropped, it immediately caused a large amount of evasion. The effect disappears.

"it's over."

In the stands, the white-haired old man whispered.

"Although the Gers dance is powerful, little Gers has not yet fully exerted its power. This kind of dance based on the disordered fluctuations of consciousness has the ability to automatically choose the best route to avoid dangerous threats. It can truly display its power. The stage of power should be after reaching an advanced level.”

"But it's pretty good to be able to do this at this age." The serious woman next to him nodded.

Suddenly, there was a huge exclamation from the other side of the stadium. It was not the exclamation of one or two people, but hundreds or even thousands of people. Many people stood up suddenly in the stands, their mouths slightly opened, as if they were very surprised to see it. things.

"That's...!" The white-haired old man turned his gaze and looked at the B-grade display screen on the other side. The battle situation above showed the scene of a certain special competition area.

"Spear of Victory!" A rare look of surprise appeared on the serious woman's face. "The ultimate skill of the third-level violent heart of consciousness!! That mecha can actually release it twice in an instant! Incredible genius!"

"The Spear of Victory condenses a large amount of violent high-voltage current around it, which can have strong interference with Gaussian electromagnetic weapons and metal weapons. It can also play a powerful role in distorting the opponent's electric field and consciousness in close combat. In It is an extremely powerful skill among melee mechas!" The old man said in a low voice, "A sophomore student in Grade B can actually reach the third level of consciousness, and has completely trained his violent heart to the top. He is definitely the top. Genius. Black Pan Academy truly deserves its reputation."


In the B-grade battlefield area, two mechas, one black and one white, were moving at high speed and facing each other. The black mecha was holding two terrifying spears that were extremely sharp and shining with a large amount of blue electricity in both hands. Countless electric currents flowed on the spears, so much so that the material color of the spears itself was completely covered up, as if both spears were completely condensed by electric current.

"Die! Goldo." A cold man's voice came from inside the black mecha.

"The Spear of Victory can only mean that your consciousness is strong enough! If you want me to die, it depends on whether you have the strength!" The same cold female voice sounded from the white mecha on the opposite side.

Clang! !

The two mechas suddenly collided at high speed, one holding a spear and the other holding a sword. The white giant sword slashed hard on the electric spear, making a harsh metal creaking sound from the friction. In an instant, a large amount of electric current spread fiercely downward along the body of the giant sword.


Garen shot two more shots to break the black mecha's arms. At this time, he also heard the exclamation from outside. Suddenly, he knew that something was happening outside, causing all the audience's attention to be drawn to the other side.

But the black mecha was still resisting and had no intention of giving in. Both arms were broken, and he was actually running towards this side at high speed.

"Really tenacious." The two cannon muzzles next to Garen once again lit up with white light.


Suddenly the white light went out directly. Garen seemed to hear a small noise ringing around him.


He suddenly looked at the little crescent moon on the stage, and saw that the crescent moon was flashing white light intermittently, which seemed extremely unstable.

He tried to move the mecha.

"Oops! You can't move! What's going on? It's only the tenth minute!" Garen's heart was shaken, and he knew it was bad. The entire mecha was actually completely unable to move.

Looking across the mirror, he saw a black mecha running towards him crazily. The mecha used the remaining half of its right arm to hold an alloy dagger, and the sharp tip of the dagger stabbed towards the middle of his cockpit.

boom! boom! boom!

The black mecha is getting closer and closer, and the footsteps are getting heavier and heavier.

Garen was still trying hard to control the mecha to move with his consciousness. But Yue Ya was not only unable to help him control the mecha at this time, it even created huge resistance and interference, making it impossible for him to practice the basic movements of the mecha.

"Damn it!" His forehead was sweating slightly, and the black mecha in front of him was getting closer and closer.

Twenty meters! Ten meters! Five meters! ! Three meters! ! Two meters! !

"Move it!!!" Garen suddenly urged his consciousness.

coax! ! !

A loud, dull sound.

When everyone was dumbfounded, when Teacher Ham and Teacher Pierbo opposite were dumbfounded, even Fabrier couldn't help showing a hint of strangeness.

On the field, the black mecha collapsed in front of the white mecha. He tripped over a small crater made by his own shooting. The entire mecha fell to the ground, and many small arcs of electricity crackled on the surface of his body. The black dagger was no longer good and fell to the side, and the entire mecha could no longer stand up. Climbing in front of the white mecha.

"Winner: Nono Siwa." The sweet mechanical voice sounded again.

Garen was sitting in the cockpit, watching the white crescent moon flashing with uncertain white light. He still couldn't control the mecha. Obviously, there was something wrong with the crescent moon's control time again.

Until the black mecha fell down and was scrapped, and the victory was determined, he still waited for more than a minute before he felt the white crescent moon recover again.

Sitting in his seat, his heart kept screaming secretly.

In the situation just now, if the opponent really stabbed the cockpit, the result might be that he was seriously injured again and lost the game. With the quality of his current body, it is impossible to avoid this blow as quickly as possible. The final result may be that the game is lost and the person is severely injured and cannot continue to fight. When the time comes, let alone the top three, don't even think about getting into the top ten.

When the two of them left the arena, Pierbo, the instructor on the opposite side, left angrily, while the pilot of the black mecha stared at Garen with a complicated expression.

"Why don't you give me one last moment?" he asked coldly.

Garen looked at him, didn't answer, and left directly to go back to his class's partition.

The driver was just a black-haired boy with an unruly face. In the end, he just stared at Garen's back without saying a word.

Back in the rest area, Teacher Ham came up and patted Garon on the shoulder, with a smile on his face.

"Well done! I didn't expect you to make such great progress!"

"It's all thanks to you, teacher." Garen replied with a smile. But my heart was still sweating from the thrill just now.

I looked at Fei Bailie next to me. He didn't have any expression. He just sat quietly in his seat and didn't speak. I guess my position as chief was taken away, and I felt a little uncomfortable after all.

Next came break time, and Garen excused himself to go to the bathroom and carefully examine the crescent moon on his hand.

The crack in the middle of the crescent moon is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to be about half larger than before. Perhaps this is the ultimate reason why Crescent Moon failed just now.

"It seems that we can only reduce the fighting time as much as possible." Garen made up his mind. The limit time of the crescent moon test is fifteen minutes, but there will obviously be occasional emergencies in the middle. In order to reduce accidents like just now, it is best to The solution is to shorten the combat time as much as possible.

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