Mysterious journey

Chapter 793 Battle Situation 2

In the next battle, Garen and Fei Bailie advanced all the way and killed their opponents instantly. As the battle gradually entered the middle, most of the classes were eliminated, and soon only ten classes were left, entering the winner group.

The loser group also determines the winners except for the five classes, and has the right to choose the opponents of the winner group.

Garen's C5 class barely made it to the bottom of the winner's bracket, ranking ninth in the winner's bracket when Sarah lost four games in a row. Almost the entire ranking is supported by Faber and Gallon.

"I let you down." Sarah was in a bad mood.

Teacher Ham didn't say anything, just patted her on the shoulder.

"It's okay. Just adjust your condition and give your best in tomorrow's victory or defeat match. We've already come this far, and it's already better than our previous class ranking." Garen comforted.

"It goes without saying, I understand." Sara lowered her head and looked very unhappy.

Fei Bailie stood aside in silence. The successive smooth victories just now allowed him to regain some confidence again.

The sky was gradually getting darker. After a day of competition, both the players and the spectators were very tired. The schedule was announced to continue on the next day, and the entire stadium gradually withdrew.

Garen turned down the celebration banquet with Teacher Ham and others, and walked out of the arena on his own, walking towards Al and Mia who were waiting at the edge of the crowd.


"Same joy." Garen smiled and looked at Mia.

"Nono. I was a little impulsive when I spoke before." Aier apologized in a low voice with a blushing face.

"It doesn't matter." Garen waved his hand, "Let's go and eat first."

Mia said with a smile.

"Let's go eat where I work. It's just for business, and the food there is pretty good."


It doesn’t matter where to eat Galleons.

Walking with the two of them, we also learned about various interesting things that happened on the field today. He missed many other competitions because he was concentrating on preparing for the competition, but El and Mia did not miss them, and used the monitor to select and watch the schedule at any time.

I learned from the two of them that in the grade qualifying competition of Blackboard Academy this time, the C graders were mainly Barry and Melseth, who were invincible all the way, and then Caius only lost one game, and it was because of one time Accident. These three people are recognized as the strongest three in Grade C.

Especially the first two, they can be regarded as geniuses among geniuses. They have at least second-level comprehensive strength at a young age. At only seventeen or eighteen years old, he is equivalent to those veteran pilots who have practiced training for most of their lives. This is a terrifying gap in qualifications.

Compared with other C-grade students, the average ordinary student, that is, Aier's level, has only reached the first level in a few subjects, and has not even touched most other subjects, let alone participated in actual combat. Have a fighting match. Only those who have reached level one in these necessary comprehensive subjects will have the minimum qualifications to participate in the competition, because these subjects are the most basic part of operating mechas in actual combat.

The current level of Grade C in the entire arena is that Barry, Melseth and others are on the first level, and they have reached the overall level of the second level. Kaus and the unpopular player who defeated him are on the second level. They have basically reached a comprehensive evaluation close to the second level. In other words, at least one or several subjects have a second level level. The difference with Barry and others is that not all All subjects have reached Level 2. Garen thought that he was at this level, as well as Fei Bailie and the black mecha pilot he had defeated earlier. Then there is the third level such as Sara. This level is able to control mechas smoothly in combat, but it only has mediocre basic skills. There is nothing outstanding. It just depends on who is more proficient and who has better brain luck. The difference is very small.

For example, Galleon's laser cannon aggregation skill is a second-level skill. This skill can be used to kill ordinary first-level players in one shot, even for opponents whose dodge level is not high enough.

But against a guy with comprehensive second-level strength, it's impossible to have a decisive blow with one blow.

"So next time your opponent may not be easily dealt with using the laser cannon aggregation technique."

The three of them were sitting in the coffee and pastry shop, and Mia said sternly to Garen.

Garen nodded, he naturally understood this, but his problem was not this, but his main consciousness. If his consciousness was enough, he could develop his own mecha combat skills. But the problem now is that the level of consciousness is too low. His real consciousness is actually not even level one. He couldn't even control the mecha smoothly. In other words, his body's qualifications were about the same as those of ordinary students like Elmia, maybe even not as good as them. Only by relying on Yue Ya can he freely join this talent-studded qualifying competition.

You must know that Black Pan Academy is a huge force that controls several large provinces. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of students entering the academy every year. The ranking match is a battle between the elites selected from among these people.

"But now that we have reached this ranking, our class has made progress. As long as we maintain stability, we will be successful." Mia seemed very optimistic. Even if she ranked ninth, she could still get 10% of the tuition fee, and she would also be able to pay for it. You can enjoy some special facilities and locations that are only open to the top ten. This is a benefit that extends to the entire class. With benefits like these, it is possible to make some extra money. This put her in a visibly good mood.

"It's hard to stay stable. The losers in the back are all very strong elites." Aier sighed from the side. He is an honest person, because he said harsh words to Garen before, and he has been apologizing all the way, and now he is back to his usual self.

"I heard before that there were cases where the loser group all chose a ranked class to challenge, and in the end the round battle forced that class to be defeated and replaced. This must be paid attention to." Mia nodded.

Gallon had naturally investigated this information, and upon hearing this, he just nodded indifferently.

With his combat experience and combat awareness, the laser cannon is not the only move. As long as he pays attention to the timing of Crescent Moon, everything else will be easy to deal with, and he will not almost get an own goal like just now.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

At this moment, a group of students came outside the coffee shop. They were all wearing C-grade school uniforms. The leader had a bad look on his face. As soon as he entered, he started looking around, as if he was looking for someone.

"Where is An Yixuan?" The boy in the lead, who was eighteen or nineteen years old, asked loudly.

The cafe suddenly became quiet, and several waiters responsible for delivering food and drinks stopped at a loss.

"I'm An Yixuan." A young boy with a cold face stood up in the corner. He calmly stared at the people who came in.

The leading boy immediately walked over and led a group of people to surround the table.

"Let's go out and talk." The voice suddenly became quieter.

No one else could hear the sound very much. Only Garen seemed to have slightly improved his five senses because he had reached the second level of the Cold Hell Peacock Skill. He could faintly hear a few intermittent words.

"Next time you compete, you have to admit defeat or else"

Probably he still heard the meaning clearly.

"An Yixuan is one of the few students who won the winner group without any background or power at all." Aier leaned forward and explained softly, "Those people must want him to lose on purpose next time. Nono, you Also be careful of the other party using this trick."

Garen frowned.

Watching the group of people walking out surrounded by An Yixuan, he faintly heard that the other party was using An Yixuan's family's job benefits as a temptation and threat.

Most of the students in this Black Disk Academy are either rich or noble, and all of them have extraordinary social status and backgrounds. Their influence network is spread throughout the Black Disk Domain. It can be said that as long as they go back and talk to their families, they can threaten the livelihood of ordinary people's families. This is caused by the huge social gap.

The opponent is obviously using the impact this gap can bring as reward for An Yixuan deliberately losing the next game. This is an exchange and a threat.

He raised his head and saw Mia and Ai Er looking at him worriedly. Suddenly he smiled slightly, showing a trace of calmness.

"It's okay, don't worry, I will take care of it."

All three of them have families that are at the bottom of the academy. Even Mia was not from a wealthy family. This is the key reason why the three of them are able to come together. At this moment, when I saw An Yixuan being embraced by a group of powerful disciples, I suddenly felt a sense of sadness in my heart.

But there was nothing they could do.

According to the normal path, if a student like An Yixuan is selected into the academy with excellent results, his family will definitely bear a heavy burden for his tuition. Even after he graduates, he will definitely have to find a high-paying job, including joining the Blackboard Academy. It is probably not realistic to become an elite, but as a graduate, it is very possible to enter the mecha divisions of the government or the army. If you offend these powerful children now, it will be really difficult to get along in the future.

"Doesn't the academy care about it?" Someone whispered beside him.

"It's not that he doesn't care, but he deliberately condones it. The upper management of the college believes that family background is also a kind of strength. If one's talent and IQ can break through this shackles, it means that he is an absolute true genius. At that time, he is the talent that the college really values. "

"Then the higher-ups are not afraid of going too far. What if the students who have been trained for so long are accidentally destroyed by a secret hand?"

"There are supervisors above who control a certain degree. As for what degree, I don't know. I just heard about it from my cousin among the elite students."

The three Gallons sat here and heard the discussion, and El and Mia felt very uncomfortable.

Some cakes and breads were served, as well as a special fruit platter, but the three of them just ate some casually and had no appetite. These were all artificial foods, not natural. Now they heard these words and felt even more unhappy.

Several calls came in from the Galleon terminal, all from the class. The teacher, Ham, called and asked him where he was eating and if he wanted to go there to relax and sing. He declined. His younger brother called and said that he saw him on TV. Although his name only flashed by in the game results, it was enough to make him happy and excited.

Then the younger sister who had never seen anyone called him for the first time and chased him to ask about the specifics of the competition, as if she was going to show off to her friends.

There were constant calls during the meal, and I became unusually busy. It took a long time before the calls gradually stopped.

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