Mysterious journey

Chapter 802 Opponent 1

Closing his eyes again and calming down, Garen's eyes once again fell on his conscious part.

‘Consciousness—Basic Intermediate Level,

(Exercise method: black disk control, free training method of black disk academy, continuous training effect is weak, the progress rate is twelve years/each level)’

"Is it still the intermediate level?" Garen frowned slightly, but at this moment, a faint cold current slowly poured into the pit of his heart, the first part of his mind to cultivate consciousness.

The moment the cold wave entered, the skill bar of consciousness finally changed slightly.

The words "Basic Intermediate" jumped suddenly and blurred for a moment. When it became clear again, it had become "Advanced".

‘Consciousness—Basic Advanced, (obtain a certain level of enhancement of the Secret Martial Arts of Life)’

"It really works!" Garen was relieved. According to his inference and analysis, the first part of the exercise method is the pit of the heart, that is, the stomach. Then the secret martial arts of life can strengthen the body's quality, and naturally the stomach will also have some effects. A certain degree of strengthening will definitely affect the method of exercising consciousness. After all, consciousness itself is derived from the force field of the collective consciousness of cells. As all cells become stronger, the increase in consciousness is inevitable.

"In this way. When I practice the Secret Martial Arts of Life, my consciousness will also increase to a certain extent." He breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the Secret Martial Arts of Life would have little effect on his consciousness.

Checked the slight increase in consciousness.

He was already close to the advanced level, but now he has been promoted to the advanced level and is almost reaching the peak of this level.

The levels are actually just divided categories, and there are gaps in between. The improvement of the secret weapon of life has also directly improved the level of consciousness. Although the basic advanced level has not reached the first level, it cannot control the machine freely. A, but it’s already a big improvement compared to before.

"At least we can see hope." Gallon began to put the powder made from the impurity white malachite into bottles. The powder itself was also mixed with some other mineral impurities, but it was easier to extract than before, with a little processing. Expensive high-energy fuel powder can be extracted in one click, and money matters can also be solved at the same time.

Garen glanced at the terminal on his watch. There were only a little more than a thousand general points left on it. This money would have been spent carelessly. The treat just now cost more than two hundred points. Now there are 1402 left.

"We have to find a way to make money. As long as we get a batch of white malachite next time, we should be able to break through the first level. But now it's too late. The breakthrough just needs to be stable, and I don't have the money to buy a sufficient amount of white malachite. "Garen thought about it in his mind.

He looked at the bottle of powder he had filled.

"These powders can be sold for money, but there must be a reasonable cover, otherwise I, an ordinary student, can actually separate high-energy fuel powder by myself. Once this cheap technology is discovered, it will be a crime of concealment."

Where high-energy fuels can be separated.

"Laboratories, biochemical factories, research bases, etc. Only places with high-precision technology can achieve this kind of fuel separation."

Garen mused.

"So how do you put on this skin?"

For a moment, he didn't have a clue. If he set up a laboratory by himself and didn't have strong financial resources and connections, there was no need to think about it, and the laboratory was the cheapest among the three.

Putting aside his thoughts in this regard for the time being, Garen looked at the time and saw that the sky was already getting slightly brighter. He had hardly slept all night, but he was in good spirits. The promotion of Peacock Kung Fu also strengthened his physique.

He simply didn't want to sleep anymore. He took a shower directly, sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing the exercises.

In this state of meditation, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the alarm set by the watch terminal rang.

When Garen opened his eyes, he could faintly hear the voices and footsteps of students passing by outside, and the sparse sound of the horn of the hover car was also coming from outside.

Taking a long breath, Garen felt that his consciousness was still unresponsive, and he knew that this exercise method was still not very effective, and it was far less refreshing than absorbing white malachite at once.

"It seems money is the most important thing now."

Soon the teacher Ham called.

"How are you? How about rest?" Instructor Ham's fat face appeared on the watch terminal, with a hint of drunken blush on his face. His hair was messy. It looked like he must have been up all night to celebrate last night.

"Not bad." Garen nodded. "Teacher, you are not going out for a night of fun, are you?"

"Um, let's not mention this little thing. We played well today. I couldn't be more satisfied up to this point. If we win or lose, we will win! Don't feel any psychological pressure." Ham waved his hand cheerfully. .

"I understand, just go all out." Garen nodded clearly.

"Just understand. Come out and have breakfast quickly, I'll hang up first."


After hanging up the phone, Garen read the text message again, as well as the messages from his parents, all of which encouraged him to compete, pay attention to his own safety, and not to work too hard. Then came congratulatory messages from younger siblings. Some congratulations and inquiries from Elmia.

After quickly replying one by one, Garen dried his hair and took Crescent Moon directly out the door.

Outside, the whole school's broadcast was reviewing the finals. Garen put aside irrelevant matters and listened directly to the key points.

'..In the semi-finals of the qualifying match, Melseth suppressed Nubis's red shield defense with the third-level skill of the three-pronged beam gun, and finally broke through the limit and won an easy victory with a surprise attack on the ion disruptor from behind. This is already Merseth's Si has demonstrated level three skills for the third time. Does this indicate that she is about to enter the level three comprehensive level? Even by our black market standards, the level three level is a well-deserved teacher level. Melseth has been known as a genius since he was a child. He has been able to stimulate his consciousness since he was more than ten years old. He has practiced the most difficult secret ritual hourglass exercise method and is still able to break through to the third level at the age of nineteen. In this way 's progress rate'

What follows is a series of words of praise for Melseth. Melseth, this young female student, has an invincible strength and image among her peers, and has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all the students of her grade.

As Garen walked, he ate nutritious meals, bread and milk boxes and nutritional balls bought at a roadside shop. These were all synthesized from artificially cultivated grain materials. They looked like bread and milk, but they were not. Really, it is an imitation. Real natural food is very expensive, and ordinary families can only afford to eat it during holidays.

The development of various high-energy fuels, the rapid development of scientific and technological civilization, and the wanton destruction of war have led to the planet's ecological environment getting worse and worse. The harm caused is that food can only be synthesized by ourselves, just like synthetic drugs. Otherwise, there simply won’t be enough, and even hybrid rice and the like will be of no help due to huge population pressure.

Follow the college road, get on the bus at the campus bus station and go directly to the competition venue.

The stadium was almost full of people, many of whom were parents of students who came from outside to watch the game. Nono's parents were on a business trip, and his younger brother was working because he was afraid that he wouldn't dare to come over. His younger sister had been missing all day. I don't know what I was doing.

"Hey, I'm over here."

As he walked into the arena, a bearded Hu Kende's voice came from high up on the right side. Gallon heard it and saw that this guy actually came into the academy to watch the game.

He waved to him and walked directly to where the players entered the field.

The arena became more and more lively, and there were not many players left. When Kaus, Barry, Melses and others entered the arena, they all attracted a lot of attention.

After the same process prompts as before, the game officially begins.

Garen sat quietly in his player area, eating the breakfast in his hand. When the synthesized food entered his stomach, he directly used the ability brought by the Peacock Kung Fu to swallow it.

He could feel the food digesting in his stomach at an astonishing speed when devouring started. A piece of bread almost the size of a fist was stuffed into it, and in less than half a minute it was digested as if it had never been eaten.

He finished his food and drank no less than four bottles of nutrient solution under the surprised looks of Fabry and Sarah. These things rushed into his stomach like a bottomless pit, and there was no bloating at all.

Garen himself felt strange, but he could feel that there was a cold liquid stuff inside his body, just below his stomach. The more he ate, the bigger the stuff got.

"The swallowing ability not only improves the physical fitness, but also condenses the produced impurities to form the power to freeze the opponent. Is this what it is?"

Garen speculated in his mind.

But there was little time, and it would soon be his turn to play.

‘C5 Banno Siwa VSC2 Banlong Yuka. ’

The sound of the radio rang directly.

Garen stood up from his seat.

"Come on!" Instructor Ham raised his fist at him and smiled, "Just pay attention to safety, it doesn't matter if you lose."

"Don't worry." Garen returned a no-questions-asked gesture, smiled, and quickly walked towards the entrance passage that opened behind him.

At this point, almost all opponents are absolute top elite talents, and no one comes up by luck.

Sitting in the mecha, Garen squinted at the black mecha opposite.

"Long Yuka? Strange name."

'The game has entered the top ten competition. It is now a duel between the C grade group. Long Yuka, ranked in the eighth class, versus Nono Siwa, ranked in the ninth class. Both of them have their own strengths in strength. Long Yuka was in the previous In the record, they only lost two games to Barry and Usala, and won all other games. And Nonosiwa is even more powerful. He has never lost a single game and entered the finals with an absolute victory record.’

The broadcast is no longer a mechanical sound, but a professional commentator explaining the situation on the field with foaming at the mouth.

On the field, two mechas faced each other, hundreds of meters apart. They are both motionless. The similarity is that both of them choose long-range shooting methods, and they are similar long-range defense methods, using long-range weapons and defensive shields.

The huge black and white tower shield almost covered most of the bodies of the two mechas behind them.

However, this shield looks powerful, and if you don't know how to use it, it will be destroyed in just two hits. .

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