Mysterious journey

Chapter 803 Opponent 2

Garen moved his shield.

"Game start!"

As soon as the initial sound fell, he raised his hand and fired two Gauss cannons.

With two muffled bangs and bangs, the Gaussian shell slid out of two black lines and crashed into the tower shield in front of the black mecha. Then it suddenly slipped, deflected to both sides, and bounced away. There seemed to be an invisible force pulling the two cannonballs.

"Stop making these useless tests and see the real chapter directly." The opponent's voice came from the black mecha on the opposite side. He took out something like a black ball with his backhand, only the size of a mecha fist.

"Look at my homing grenade!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly moved to the left to avoid the incoming shells, and then threw forward fiercely.

Amidst the roar, the black ball flew directly towards Garen's head. Then it exploded with a bang and turned into large black round beads, which rained down all over the face.

"Heavy magnet jamming grenade!"

Galen's heart skipped a beat. This weapon can actually be used by opponents. This is a weapon of mass destruction that even the second-level consciousness can only use three times. The powerful interference force will produce a huge distorted signal at the moment of contact with the mecha, and then It affects the internal signal transmission of the mecha, causing the mecha to move slowly or even directly paralyzed.

"Must stay away!"

At this time, he had no choice but to stop moving. Even if he blocked the scattered bullets in this range with his shield, the falling sub-munitions would automatically connect into a magnetic field, affecting the mecha's energy consumption and increasing its burden.

It was difficult and unstable for him to control the mecha in Yueya. If he added this thing, the chance of failure would be very high!

For the first time, Garon felt that the game was out of his control.

"But fortunately, I only raised my consciousness yesterday, and Yue Ya's burden has been reduced a lot. I should be able to support more intense movements." This thought flashed through my mind.

He glanced at the countless iron bullets falling from his head, rolled on the spot, and quickly moved a certain distance to the right. With a muffled sound, a Gauss cannon was fired from his body as he rolled, and the shells were fired at him. The black mecha brushed past his shoulder when he wasn't paying attention, and almost hit the head of the control center, scaring the other person into a cold sweat.

"Awesome! But only opponents like this are worth killing!" Long Yuka seemed to be even more excited. He took out a heavy magnet interference grenade again and threw it again.


A large number of grenade bombs once again covered Garonne.

For the mecha, the coverage area of ​​more than ten meters can be avoided with one movement. However, Garen's own consciousness is weak. At this time, he can only roll again to avoid the coverage net. He raised his hand and fired two more shots.

Gaussian shells are only about the size of a gun for mechas and can be easily picked up with one hand, but the shells still hit the opponent's shield and were bounced away.

"It's a turtle shell again!" Although Garen had already expected it and read the other party's information, he was still very unhappy when he actually encountered it.

The two mechas were dodging grenades and the other was throwing grenades in the arena. Occasionally, a few gauss cannons sounded, and the game was at a stalemate for a while.

The white mecha controlled by Garen rolled on the ground time and time again to avoid the opponent's grenades, but the power of the heavy magnet jamming grenade seemed to affect even the consciousness. It was indeed a skill that the opponent used in combination with consciousness, and the power was really weird.

He vaguely felt that his consciousness was becoming a little sluggish, and he couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

After another roll, Garen unknowingly approached the black mecha, and the distance between the two was less than twenty meters.

Crescent Moon did not make any mistakes this time. It seemed that because of his enhanced consciousness, Garen felt a little more at ease. He checked the time in a hurry and saw that only two minutes had passed.

Seeing that the black mecha didn't notice his approach, Garen quickly moved to the left to avoid the scattered cluster bombs falling on the ground.

A sneer came from the black mecha, and he raised his hand again. This guy was actually preparing to throw a grenade again! And it's a frontal throw!

The moment he raised his hand, the grenade was still in his hand.

Garen's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"It's now!"

He rushed forward with a bang, and the mecha almost rushed forward. The blue thruster behind him suddenly burst out with the strongest blue flames.

Bang! !

The two mechas collided hard and slid more than ten meters apart on the ground.

"You guy!!" The black mecha dragon Yuka made an angry voice and squeezed the grenade in his hand.


The grenade instantly exploded a large swath of submunitions, covering the two mechas together. The large black munitions were adsorbed on the surfaces of the two mechas as if they were alive.

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation from the audience, obviously no one expected such a change.

Garen's face was indifferent, and he raised his right elbow and slammed it down. At the same time, one knee was stuck between the opponent's legs, and the other hand directly triggered the gauss cannon.

Elbows, cannonballs, all at the same time.

coax! !

The white mecha was a complete novice in close combat, and was hit by Garen's consecutive heavy blows with almost no pause. The shields of both mechas were knocked out by the impact, and there was no longer any way to stop them.

There was a loud explosion, and the black mecha cockpit exploded into a ball of flames. A black rescue capsule popped out and was pulled up by the gravity field above.

‘The game is over, Nonosiwa wins! ’

The electronic sound of the arena sounded.

Garen's white mecha was also covered with cracks caused by the explosion, but compared to his opponent being instantly killed by a sudden attack, the result was naturally much better.

‘Amazing victory! Student Longyuka practices the giant sea current exercise method passed down from his family, and has nearly twice the total amount of consciousness compared to the general exercise method of his peers. This is also the reason why he can use the heavy magnet jamming grenade as a conventional weapon, but Unexpectedly, he was killed by a long-range opponent using melee combat. This was undoubtedly due to his carelessness, and it was also due to the powerful and comprehensive variety of his opponent's tactics. ’ the narrator began again.

Standing up quietly, Garen looked up at the unwilling Long Yuka in the rescue cabin. This young boy with yellow hair seemed to be unable to believe that he had lost.

After looking at the crescent moon, sure enough, the series of violent actions just now made this thing start to flicker with white light again. It is estimated that it will not be able to support it for long before it will go out of action.

Garen then slowly drove the mecha back, not daring to move too fast or too fast, just walking slowly.

But the feeling given to others is indeed unusually calm.

‘It seems that player Nono Siwa was calm even when facing the finals. After the victory, he still returned to the mecha arsenal with his own unique gentle pace. He is worthy of being one of the only four players to have won all the games so far. ’ The commentator’s voice kept ringing in the sky.

Garen was too lazy to think about it. After changing the mechas, there would be a wheel battle. He could only take a short rest. The finals on Fei Bailie's side were probably about to begin. If they couldn't win, the other opponents in the other class would also. Let him continue to deal with it.

Returning to the hangar, he walked out of the mecha and rested against the wall. He watched the damaged white mecha being carried away, and a new white mecha came out of the inner warehouse. Maintenance lights shone on the surface of the mecha. There was no one around. He was the only one there. Everything else was automated facilities, but he could clearly feel that the monitoring equipment around him was constantly monitoring everything here. .

“It’s just my first opponent and it’s so troublesome.”

Heaving a sigh of relief, Garen closed his eyes and rested his mind.

If nothing goes as expected, he will have to face two tough opponents next.


Fei Bailie's eyes were already mesmerized by sweat dripping down his face. He didn't dare to wipe them away. He could only try to keep his eyes open and stare at the white mecha wrestling with him in front of him.

The two mechas collided tightly on the field, their elbows intertwined, and they kept fighting like a bullfight.

When the performance of the mechas is the same, the only one who decides the outcome is the pilot. The pilot's awareness and whether the posture he adopts is favorable are the keys to victory.

Fei Bailie didn't know how he got into this wrestling state, but he knew that it was the most beneficial state for him.

"Don't waste any effort." A frivolous voice came from the mecha on the opposite side. It was a woman. "When have you ever defeated me since you were a kid? I didn't transfer here just to waste my time with you this time."

"I will win!" Fei Bailie didn't say much, he just urged his consciousness even more and continuously poured it into the mecha's input port.

"it's useless."

The white mecha's knee hit Fe Bailie directly in the abdomen, sending out a series of sparks.

Keep a little distance between the two. At this moment, the white mecha started with a bang, and its elbows and legs suddenly exploded, rushing towards Fe Bailie like a violent storm.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Fei Bailie managed to block it time and time again, but the entire machine was constantly being beaten back.

"Damn it! Why why why why!!! Why can't I always win her!!" His expression became more and more ferocious, and his consciousness poured into the input port almost desperately.

But it was to no avail. The mecha that lost its balance suddenly flew up, and was directly chased by the white mecha with a single stride, and struck with an elbow.

Bang! !

Fei Bailie felt a strong force push him out.


He knew it was a rescue capsule.

"You're so weak." He lowered his head and could see the disdainful expression of his opponent, the green-haired girl, through the glass.

‘C2 Banxi Lin Sheng!’ the electronic sound sounded.

Fei Bailie closed his eyes. He lost to the opponent again. Ever since he was a child, he had never defeated him even once!

Xilin is the genius of the family. Whether it is internal competition within the family or inheritance of the family business in the future, if his father's hard-earned career cannot be defeated by her in the end, then that share of the family business will eventually be given to Xilin according to family rules.

And his inheritance rights will eventually be replaced by Xilin due to incompetence. The family only allows the strongest person to inherit, without exception.

Xilin is undefeated

That guy not only has second-level comprehensive strength, he even has the background to challenge Melseth and Barry! .

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