Mysterious journey

Chapter 832 The Truth 1

The sky gradually darkened, the clouds became thicker and thicker, and the sunny weather was no longer the same.

Galleons floated above Colored Light Lake, and the strong smell and radiation made his stomach churn.

The whining wind became louder and louder. He lowered the aircraft and slowly dropped towards the lower altitude. The closer you get to Caiguang Lake, the more you can feel the stench coming towards you.

The dark green lake water is like a large pot of thick paste. Bubbles are still emerging in some places. The bubbles bulge and expand, and then turn into balloon-like bubbles that float and leave the water, but they do not fly out. It exploded when it was high enough, and a drop of green putrid liquid fell down.

Garen landed gently on the green carpet by the lake. He raised his hand and looked at his protective clothing. The original black protective clothing had turned slightly yellow. The huge amount of radiation suppressed Garen's own cold energy. The radiation continued to retreat until it retreated into the protective suit and was barely supported.

"The pollution here is too serious." He looked up and saw no living creatures or other plants around him.

"Let's see where the white colored light stone is first?" He walked slowly along the edge of the lake.

Not long after, between the lake water and the fungus carpet, you could vaguely see colorful stones of different sizes, some of which were white, some red, green, bright yellow, and all kinds of colors.

Garen walked over, picked up a white stone through his gloves, weighed it, and shook off the dark green lake water above.

"It does contain the kind of material components contained in the slime peacock, which can provide me with the evolutionary practice of peacock skills. For other people, this place is an uncomfortable and disgusting place, but for me, it is an absolute blessed place."

Garen pressed the white stone gently, and the entire stone immediately weathered quickly and turned into a bag of powder that he sprinkled down. Then it was melted into the lake water, and no trace of it could be seen anymore.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and thick dark clouds are pressing down out of thin air. Almost only a few beams of light shine down from between the gaps in the clouds. Without the reflection of sunlight, the Colorful Light Lake looks even more dark green and gloomy. There are fewer and fewer bubbles in the lake water, and gradually Restore calm.

“We need to find a good place, a place with more white rocks, to concentrate on absorbing.”

He squatted down, endured the stench, and stretched out his hand to lightly dip some green lake water.


A trace of white smoke came out from the fingertips of the protective suit and gloves, and the smell of something being burned mixed with it and filled the air.

The smell was like burning some plastic foam and mixing it in the toilet just after defecation. Pungent and nauseating.

Garen held his breath, and a small hole was directly corroded into the protective suit on his fingertips. The moment the lake water touched the skin of his fingers, he was surrounded by a large number of blue silk threads.

"Swallow!" He retracted his fingers, and a large number of blue lines quickly wrapped up the little bit of lake water, and immediately drilled back into his body skin.


Suddenly, Garen heard the loud beating of his heart.

The lake water that was wrapped back immediately decomposed into little inexplicable black substances in the body. These black substances could not be used by the peacock function. They contained too little nutrients and energy, and more of them were highly toxic toxins. After being swallowed by the blue thread, it turned directly into impurities and was thrown into the twisted seed of the 'tumor' on the chest.

"The worthless lake water can only be used to create twisted seeds." Garen frowned and stood up.

Continuing to walk along the edge of the lake, Garen carefully observed the distribution pattern of white polished stones.

It took more than two hours, and the sky was completely dark. He turned on the radiation lamp, and the light shone greenly in a nearby area.

"Fortunately, the surroundings are full of cold energy radiation from his body, otherwise the radiation lamp may be damaged." Garen continued to search for the distribution of the radiation lamp like a lantern.

Unknowingly, time passed by minute by minute.


Suddenly a voice came from the distant sky, it was a man.

"Then this is our territory, outsiders!"

Garen looked up and saw a small group of black miniature mechas slowly flying towards the sky in the distance. This kind of mecha is only half the height of a normal mecha, more than two meters tall. It looks like a layer of black metal armor wrapped around the human body. It is not so much a mecha as it is a mecha. Metal clothing.

There were six mechas in this small group, and the sound of engine flames could be heard from behind. The yellow flames ejected were only a little bright in the dark night, which was very inconspicuous.

The opponent has a night vision device on his head, so he can obviously see the situation without using light.

"This Caiguang Lake is the territory of our wasps, get out of here, get out of here!"

"Ultra-miniature mecha?" Garen recognized the opponent's equipment. This kind of ultra-miniature mecha is the favorite weapon of humans without consciousness.

It has flexible operation and strong defense, can adapt to many harsh environments, and can fly freely. With the addition of various weapon systems, it can even threaten ordinary pilots. Basically, if three or four ultra-miniature mechas are equipped with sufficient weapons, they may threaten regular pilots. Their defense power is equivalent to one-third to one-fifth of mechas, but their speed is much more flexible. It’s just that the cost is very high. Two mechas are equivalent to the price of one standard mecha.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" the mecha man in front shouted loudly. Seeing Garen showing no reaction.

"Don't worry about it. Kill him and throw him into the lake so no one can find him. This is the secret place we discovered and cannot be known to outsiders."

A mecha man behind whispered.

Garen below frowned.

In this environment, the other party easily said something to kill someone. Obviously, the level of chaos in this inter-regional desolate area was beyond his imagination.

Before he could finish his thoughts, Garen saw the mecha man at the front of the opponent. Red tongues of fire shot out from his hands and flew towards them.

He moved to the left almost at the same time. A row of tiny holes suddenly appeared on the original ground, all of which were bullet holes.

"Is it an ordinary machine gun? You are still using this backward primitive weapon." Garen dodged and glanced at his original position.

After completing the fourth level of Peacock Kung Fu, his overall physical fitness has been greatly improved. Although he is still far from his previous peak, it has given him a certain confidence to deal with any danger. It just so happened that he also wanted to try out how powerful his Peacock Kung Fu combined with martial arts would be.

"This kid is so slippery!" He heard the mecha man shouting loudly from above.

Garen ignored it and jumped lightly. He suddenly jumped four to five meters and landed on a stone by the lake. He stepped on it hard.

Bang! !

He actually jumped up, jumping seven or eight meters high. In just a series of blinks, he suddenly appeared in front of the mecha that fired the gun.

"A single whip covers the ground!"

He pulled out his right hand and suddenly expanded out of the air, almost doubling its original size. It was like a thick black iron fan aimed hard at the mecha.

Buzz! !

The mecha man didn't even make a sound, he was knocked down without any reaction at all, and fell into the lake water, splashing up large green waves.

"I didn't expect that the Eastern martial arts absorbed in the previous world would be very useful." Garen fell down gently, stood in the original position, and moved his body.

His strength is not as terrifying as it seems, but as a pilot, he is very aware of the fragile links of mechas. When it comes to ultra-miniature mecha-like suits, he can naturally find a flaw in an instant and defeat the opponent's power with one blow. Thruster. Rather than saying that the opponent was knocked down by him, it was better to say that he was pressed down by the huge gravity of his own mecha suit.

But the other people in the sky didn't know this. They just saw an ordinary guy in protective clothing knocking down a mecha man with one leap.

Several people didn't realize what happened for a while, and they were floating in the air blankly.

"Henry. Henry was actually beaten down by that guy in one fell swoop!" A mecha man turned around and tried to run away.

"What are you afraid of! It must be an accident! Henry's thruster suddenly went out of fire, I can see clearly!" The voice that first said he wanted to silence spoke up, and quickly stabilized his companion.

For a while, the remaining five mechas began to hover in the air and stared at Garen. After a while, they switched to communicating secretly, and the mechas began to pull up quickly.

"Kill him!!"

Garen just killed a mecha man with a sneak attack. In fact, it was a coincidence and the right angle. Now that the opponent is wary, it will be difficult to do so.

No matter what, he is only twice as physically fit as an average person, so he is still powerless against the high-strength alloys of this era and cannot penetrate them.

Looking at the mechas getting higher and higher in the sky, Garen didn't have any emotions in his heart. He has fought countless battles in his life, and even if he now fights against mechas with his body in such a harsh environment, he is not shaken at all.

We have seen far worse environments than we do now, and such a small battle is nothing at all.

"Just how to get rid of the remaining ones?" As soon as he started thinking, he saw flames bursting out, bullets raining down from the sky, and a large number of bullets crackling down, forcing him to move around quickly and avoid high altitudes. firearms.

Some big rocks on the ground were riddled with bullets, the fungus carpet on the ground was beaten to pieces, and streams of dust-like green mist slowly rose up.

Garen moved quickly and picked up a few rocks and used them as hidden weapons to hit the mecha man in the sky.

Amidst the clanging sound, the mecha that was hit only shook a few times and then continued to attack without being affected at all.

"What a hard alloy!" Garen's heart trembled. In the previous Miwu period, an ordinary earth wall of more than ten centimeters would have been directly smashed through. Even if the mecha man's mecha was strong, the concussive force of the high-speed smash would have made the people inside extremely uncomfortable.

But now it seems that the mecha man's armor should have good shock-absorbing equipment.

"It's so difficult to fight a mecha with a human body, even the most fragile ultra-miniature mecha. It's really troublesome." Garen moved at high speed, quickly picked up a dark green branch by the lake, and dipped some water on the lake.

"I can only watch this."

He jumped to the left, used his strength to step on a small green tree by the lake, rolled sideways, and shot out the branch in his hand.

The branch flew straight towards the mecha man who was giving the command in the sky, and the end stained with lake water hit the right side of the mecha man's head like a thunder.


There was a crisp sound. The lake liquid on the branches splashed hard on the temples of the mecha man's head.

"Ah!!!" He screamed and fell straight down. Suddenly there was no sound.

The other four mechas were stunned. For a moment the fire stopped.

Bang bang bang!

Three more branches were pulled up, dipped in the lake water, and hit on the same position of the mecha man.

The three mecha men quickly fell down screaming.

The last mecha man left was trembling all over and almost dropped the machine gun in his hand. He was suspended in mid-air without daring to move.

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