Mysterious journey

Chapter 833 The Truth 2

Garen stood below and panted heavily. It was easy for him to smash out so many branches in succession, but if he wanted to accurately penetrate the lake water dipped in the branches into the mecha man's air circulation system hole, that would be a This is a very delicate and difficult skill, which consumes a lot of mental attention. Because he also had to pay attention not to be hit by bullets, and he also had to run and pay attention to the terrain.

"Fortunately, I know the ultra-miniature mecha very well, and the courses I studied have targeted content, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to deal with this troublesome turtle shell. It can't be penetrated even if it is hit, and the buffer system is probably not effective even if it is strong. .”

He walked over to the only mecha that didn't fall into the lake and kicked it, but there was no response.

"get down."

He raised his head and said to the last mecha.

The guy was so frightened that he trembled all over and quickly fell down obediently. He soon landed in front of Garen. He quickly threw away the machine gun in his hand and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Take off this guy's mecha suit." Garen ordered.

"Yes, it is!"

The last person responded timidly, and immediately began to skillfully take off the mecha suit of the person on the ground.

Garen stood watching and started asking some questions casually.

"I just heard you say that you call yourself the Hornets and this is your territory?"

Seemingly seeing that Garen was not going to silence him, the man relaxed a little and relaxed for the time being to answer.

"Yes, boss, we, the Wasp, are the bosses of this nearby territory. The colored light stones and black misha nearby are all resources we occupy."

"How many of you Wasps have mechas like you?" Garen asked while watching the movements of his hands.

"There are about twenty people. We belong to the fifth team, one of the two largest teams, and there is only one boss." The man placed the unbuttoned mecha suit next to Garen.

The person wearing the mecha suit inside was a dark-skinned middle-aged woman, lying on her back in a coma. As soon as her skin came into contact with the air, she twitched slightly, and her whole body actually began to rot and melt, like a burning candle. The whole person melted from the skin inward into streams of dark green mucus, flowing along the ground towards the Colorful Light Lake.

Garen could see that this guy was already dead. The air filtration system was corroded by the lake water, which penetrated the two layers of filtration devices, causing the air inside the mecha suit to instantly turn into a highly toxic and stinky environment. With these people With such a physique, naturally he couldn't stand this kind of stimulation for even half a second, and he was directly poisoned and died.

"This is your mecha suit." The man bent down to the side somewhat flatteringly and placed the mecha suit in front of Garen.

"Are there other forces around here? Have you always lived in this inter-domain area?"

Garen asked in a low voice.

"Yes, we are radiation people. Some of the organs and tissues in our bodies are contaminated, and we have a certain degree of radiation toxicity. We are not allowed to live in any domain. We can only survive in the territory between domains." The man quickly replied . "You are not a radioactive person, why do you come to us? Most natural people would not want to have anything to do with us."

"Why?" Garen picked up the mecha suit and inspected the workmanship.

"Because the radiation on a radiated person is contagious, it is an incurable disease. Natural people will be infected if they are not careful. All infected natural people will be expelled from the territory, and then they can only become radiated people." This person Explain quietly. "We have no way to survive. We can only occupy the only resources in the realm, collect them and exchange them with natural governments and merchants for necessary supplies. Food, drink, shelter, and radioactive water. We need almost everything."

"Isn't it raining a lot outside?" Garen frowned. From this man's words, he seemed to understand another unknown side of the world.

"Yes, but because the planet is too polluted, the rain is also radioactive and toxic. Without a good filter, you can't drink it. If you drink it, you will get sick and hasten your death. The natural government will not care about our life and death, no There are no medicines, no medical facilities, and even clean water has to be exchanged with one's life!" Speaking of the misery of the radiated man, this man seemed to have barely forgotten his fear and became more and more angry. His tone was filled with envy of natural people and hatred of the government.

"Natural people radiate people." Garen had never noticed this kind of information on the Internet before. Obviously, this information was blocked by the government and was a dark side that would not be understood by ordinary people.

"Are there many radiated people?" he continued.

"A lot," the man replied in a low voice.

"What's your name?" Garen looked at the man carefully.

"My name is Mondeo, sir." The guy took a small thing from his waist and handed it over, "Sir, this is our wasp's regional map."

Galleons turned out to be the Mondeo's map, with the slightest push of a button on the little thing.

With a beep, a small hole in front of the east and west spurted out a red light, which was directly projected on the ground, forming a rough rough map. Some big place names are marked on it in ugly handwriting.

The Black Disk Domain and the Aurora Domain are among them.

What surprised Garen was that compared to other huge territories, the two major domains were like two small sesame seeds on top of sesame seeds, completely inconspicuous.

He took a deep breath and pointed at the vast territories outside the territory.

"These are all inter-domain radiation areas?!"

"Yes, sir!" Mondeo nodded fiercely. "The city of natural people is just a small area on the ground. It is the paradise that the irradiated people yearn for. There they don't have to worry about food and clothing, they don't have to fight for their lives with dangerous alien organisms and germs every day, and they don't have to kill people every day just to grab land and food. . It is a place that all radioactive people yearn for. Some people have made rough statistics. Even if people die every day, the number of radioactive people must be more than ten times that of natural people. And as the pollution further worsens, natural people are being killed every day for various reasons. Drive them out and become radioactive people.”

Suddenly, Garen truly felt at this moment how rotten the home star federation had become.

Radiated people. This huge group was actually completely covered up by the government. A complete blockade system has even been established in the region, allowing the people to continue to live in ignorance.

"Have any radioactive people ever entered the domain?" Garron asked.

"Never heard of it." Mondeo shook his head. "But you must be a natural person, right? If you have a watch terminal in your hand, then after you come to the radiation people's territory here, you will be subjected to a radiation physical examination when you return, and you may also encounter a memory wipe."

"Radiation physical examination? Memory cleaning...?" Garen knew these two methods, and he checked the radiation. His own cold energy radiation was visible but not light. And memory cleaning. This technology is basically to open your own memory, let others browse page by page, and then cut and modify it!

Most people don't know the details and think it's just erasing the recent part of their memory, but Garen, who is in the Black Pan Academy, knows best that this technology is the darkest way to completely abandon human rights laws!

For a moment, his expression darkened inside the protective suit.

"Once it is determined that you have been to the radiation belt, you will be directly ordered to perform a memory sweep. This is the rule." Mondeo continued. "It is said that once the nephew of a big shot in the region came out of the radiation belt. When he returned, his memory was still wiped away. Although the big shot objected angrily, there was nothing he could do. As a result, many of his family's secrets were leaked."

"Are there many such radiation belts between domains? Isn't it just between the Aurora Domain and the Black Disk Domain?"

Garen pondered for a moment and asked again.

"No, it's like this everywhere. There is one person in our team who was brought by other radiation. Each domain has divided activity areas. Outside the activity areas is the radiation belt. No natural person is willing to take the initiative to come to the radiation belt, because when he comes, There may be no going back." Mondeo sighed.

Garen carefully sorted out the relevant information he had obtained before.

The huge environment and world structure of his home planet filled his mind again.

On the huge blue planet, on the large blocks of land, each domain is like a gem dotted on the earth, small and precious, and on the periphery are huge pollution radiation belts caused by the era of big science and technology.

The Academy Alliance is undoubtedly the most powerful force. They control everything, maintain all order, and block everything externally, but there is also a quiet civil war within. They should be the real black hands who maintain the relationship between natural people and radioactive people.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Garen put aside the topic, "How many more colorful lakes are there here?"

"The Caiguang Lake is the only one that has reached the flame level. We have to send people to patrol every day. Today it is our team's turn." Mondeo quickly answered. He guessed that Garen should be a natural person who had just been expelled. Know the importance of resources.

"My lord, if necessary, you'd better collect some more colored stones as a resource to bring with you in exchange for food and drinking water. Food and drinking water are very precious in the radiation belt."

"Thanks for the reminder." Garen nodded. The colored light stone was just an ordinary gadget in the region. Unexpectedly, in the radiation belt, it became an important survival resource that was cherished by the radiation people. If he hadn't gone out for a trip, he wouldn't have known that the situation on his home planet was so bad.

"So besides the billions of people on the home planet, how many radioactive people are living in the radiation belt is an unknown number." He felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Okay, you can go." Garen waved his hand, indicating that Mondeo could leave. This guy is very sensible. At first, he was so scared that he wanted to run away. Now he cooperates honestly and does not use any crooked ideas.

Mondeo, as if he had been granted amnesty, quickly ran towards the distance. After running a certain distance, he looked back and saw that Garen had no intention of chasing and killing him, so he quickly flew up and left in the distance.

Garen looked at him until he was completely gone and no shadow could be seen, then he picked up a piece of mecha suit parts on the ground.

"What a backward technology. It's equipment and materials from at least fifty or sixty years ago." He stroked the production mark on a component: Aurora - 13329760.

Looking back at Caiguang Lake, the white stones he had found so far were of the small type, which was far inferior to the previous batches of white stones that others had brought over for him to absorb collectively.

He finally understood that the white stones he absorbed before were probably picked up and accumulated by large groups of radiation people.

"This is far less efficient than the concentrated absorption before. Forget it, let's go back. Fortunately, the watch terminal was frozen by my cold energy radiation and its function was suspended."

After looking around, his eyes fell on the huge colored light lake.

"However, since I have come here, I can't just go back empty-handed. This Caiguang Lake"

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