Mysterious journey

Chapter 837 Mingwei 2

"It's okay, as long as you like it." Garen smiled, watching the ball of light at the top of the cane disperse automatically, and he swirled it gracefully in his hand. It felt good.

"Okay, since you chose the wrong thing first, I'll recommend something you can use." Mingwei seemed a little embarrassed. "In the corner on your right, there is a small silver-white box. Do you see it? That thing is called a Setsuna carton. It is a disposable consumable. The moment it is opened, a repulsive force field bursts out. The intensity is equivalent to that of a heritage pilot. The consciousness force field burst has only one effect and is non-lethal. It can only push the opponent away. The range is fifteen meters. It can be a life-saving tool when used at critical moments."

"Okay, that's it." Garen listened to the other party's opinion and chose the Setsuna carton. He got two items, the Zhiyin Cane and the Setsuna Carton.

"Okay, you can go to the UFO room and take a rest. I will take you directly to the correct entrance of the black disk domain at the edge of the radiation belt to avoid all kinds of trouble."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Garen said politely.

"Isn't helping you also helping me?" Mingwei said happily.

Gallon was in a good mood. Under the leadership of the robot, he walked out of the small hall and began to unlock and demagnetize the items. The items in the warehouse were reinforced with strong magnetism to prevent any fluctuations from being detected by outsiders.

A white beam of light hung from the ceiling. Garen put the Zhiyin Staff inside first, letting it float naturally in the beam of light.


Garen's expression changed instantly. No one noticed that Mingwei had left, and the robot was still manipulating the light beam to demagnetize. No one noticed that Garen's eyes became very strange and strange at this time. His expression changed for a moment and then quickly returned to normal. But he couldn't suppress the weirdness and joy in his eyes.

After a crisp sound, a trace of black air flashed around the cane, and then quickly disappeared.

Garen reached in and grabbed the cane, gently took it out, and then placed the Setsuna carton inside, letting it float freely.

No one saw that he was holding the cane very tightly, very tightly.


The room where the flying saucer rests is a bedroom in the shape of a ball. All the balls are mounted on silver-white stands. From a distance, it looks like two rows of football World Cups lined up side by side in the hall.

The accommodation area was deserted. Under the guidance of the robot, Garen entered a bedroom and briefly checked the surrounding monitoring conditions. The bedroom was very safe. The walls were made of very high-standard alloys. General explosives were not even exposed to the skin. Can't be rubbed off.

As soon as he closed the door, he took hold of the Zhiyin cane.

This thing feels extremely smooth and round, like human skin.

Closing his eyes slightly, Garen took a deep breath.

Gently began to rub the red gem on the top of the cane with his fingers. The gem had black cracks on its surface, like molten magma, and was extremely beautiful.

A trace of inexplicable coolness flowed into his body along his fingers, and Garen was deeply immersed in that long-lost feeling.

"Finally found the potential point."

After observing the surroundings vigilantly, Garen stood up and turned on the computer in the room. He sat on it and quickly checked the situation after he left, pretending to be bored and surfing the Internet.

As he clicked the mouse, a large number of screen images flashed in his eyes. A large number of information web pages were filtered out by him from countless information and gathered into his mind.

"The Black Disk Domain and other domains are now trapped in the vortex of the White Light Organization. There seems to be a big game involved. Something terrible is in the Black Disk Domain, which is the center of everything."

He had noticed it before, but he just didn't pay too much attention. There are more and more outsiders in Heipan City. This cannot be an accidental phenomenon. Through various information, he could only get some rough information. In order to identify the current situation.

"But no matter how troublesome the domain is, it's none of my business. As long as I follow the steps and move forward according to the plan, there won't be any problems." Garen quickly clicked on several pages and flicked his fingers across the keyboard.

All the major events that happened in these heavenly realms have been summarized into one document. Arranged row by row above, you can see that not only the Black Disk Domain, but also the Aurora Domain, Maria Domain, etc. have begun to take action.

Garen's intelligence was twice that of ordinary people, and his reaction speed and logical thinking speed were very fast. He quickly deduced that something big was happening in the Black Disk Domain.

It is very likely that the changes in the White Light Organization and various major domains are due to this incident.

"Big events outside are mainly handled by elite students and above. Most students still have no impact and can be ignored. The Black Disk Domain has attracted everyone's attention. On the contrary, the territorial competition in the Aurora Domain this year does not seem to attract too much attention. Maybe I can give it a try." Garen skipped these thoughts and landed directly on the originally planned territory. In this regard, he could take the opportunity to consult Mingwei. He is a glorious nobleman in the Aurora Domain, and he probably has the right to do so. Influence.

The competition for the Black Disk Domain is too far away from him. What he has to do now is to work hard to improve his own strength.

During the time since his reincarnation, his recovery of strength has been too slow.

"Last time, I absorbed white malachite and reached the limit of improvement. I kept suppressing it, just waiting to get a good enough new exercise method to improve together."

Garen casually picked up the two pages of information placed next to the computer desktop in the room. Those were two exercise materials that Mingwei had placed in the room in advance.

He looked through it, and the Brilliant Light was the focus of his inspection. The Eagle Claw was just a general popular training method, and like the basic version of Galaxy Halo, they were both available on the market. In other words, among those who practice exercise on the street, there are one or two who use this Eagle Claw, but most people can only get up to three levels, and this version is five levels, which is much better. I had seen galleons on the market at that time, but they were too mediocre and I didn’t think much of them.

"That's it. This is the highest-level exercise method I've come across. If I hadn't come into contact with Mingwei, I might have had to spend a lot of money to buy it from Blue Narcissus."

Garen opened the Eagle Talon and began to read through the pages carefully. It was relatively easy for him to switch from Galaxy Halo to this practice, because that practice was not deep and his consciousness had not been completely modified into that special form. .

The exercise method is very simple, and after just reading it once, Garen fully understood the trick. Different from the previous exercise method, the Eagle Claws are the first choice to activate the arms to stimulate the awareness of the arms. Because this is the most commonly used part, it is easy for ordinary people to achieve the activation as long as the awareness reaches the standard.

Follow the steps above, draw the existing flow of consciousness to form two marks, and stay on both arms for a short while until the induction mark is completely formed and embedded in both arms. The first layer is successful.

Garen's consciousness has already reached the first level, and the basic level can be ignored. Turn to the second level of the second level.

Feeling the suppressed urge to advance to the Cold Hell Peacock Skill in his body, Garen relaxed his consciousness and let go of the suppression.

Woo. Woo.

In a daze, it seemed as if a child's cry sounded in my ears. It was the cry of a peacock.

Garen just sat in front of the computer, turned around, and let the leather chair rotate with the inertia. His skin began to turn faintly blue, a light ice blue.

A warm and soft touch came from the right side of his cheek. An ice-blue, slender and beautiful peacock bird appeared behind Garen at some point. It stretched out its neck and gently rubbed the side of Garen's face.

The whole body of the peacock is translucent and it makes a subtle bird call.


Suddenly, Garen opened his eyes and saw that there was nothing around him. There was no peacock at all. He gently touched his right cheek, and there seemed to be something extra there.

Turn off the computer monitor and use the translucent screen as a mirror.

Garen suddenly discovered that an inexplicable ice-blue mark had appeared on his right face. It was a pattern similar to a flying bird, occupying a small half of his cheek. The strangest thing was that the mark seemed to be embedded in the skin, completely It doesn't look like it was painted on.

"Basic level leap, is this the end?" He felt that he didn't seem to have changed much.

Checked the attribute bar in the lower field of view.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 3.1, agility 3.0, constitution 4.7, intelligence 2.1, potential 0%. Soul Limit 40.’

''Consciousness - Level 2 lower level, (obtain a certain level of enhancement of the Secret Martial Arts of Life)'

(Exercise method: Eagle Talon Level 2.’

‘Potential – Void Stalker’

‘Soul Seed—Northern Halberdier Cold Flame True Water Evil Technique, Holy Phoenix Magic Book. ’

'Military Martial Arts - Cold Prison Peacock Skill: Secret Martial Arts of Life, fifth level, fifth level completion rate 100%.

Obtain the ability talent - Devour (devour all things to restore yourself).

Obtain ability talent - Seed of Distortion (causing chaos is the Peacock's biggest hobby)

Obtain the ability talent - Chaos Cold Zone (it naturally causes space-time oscillations, with the main body as the center, emitting natural cold air to a surrounding 20 meters, forming a chaotic low temperature zone as low as 0 degrees. At the same time, there may be a small probability of causing confusion in the enemy. Random attack.)'

"The overall attributes have improved to more than three points, which is a big step forward. The previous average was more than double. Sure enough, there will be a big improvement after crossing the basic level.

Then came the Chaotic Cold Territory, with the diffusion range increased to twenty meters and the temperature reaching 0 degrees. It's still barely usable. "

Garen looked at his changes with slight satisfaction.

"The main reason is that the consciousness has finally been upgraded to the second level. Sure enough, the improvement of the secret weapon of life will strengthen the overall body, and the resulting little joint effect can evolve with the consciousness. It is indeed a powerful secret weapon applicable to all universes."

"Next, it's time to look at the only thing with potential that I encountered after coming to this world."

Garen's eyes fell on the Zhiyin Staff, his eyes burning. If he can obtain potential points, his improvement speed will make a terrifying leap.

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