Mysterious journey

Chapter 838 Mist 1

Potential points can quickly reduce the accumulation time. As long as you have enough mental and will levels, you can improve them in the shortest time without side effects. Even some low-level skills and abilities can be forcibly improved directly through potential points.

Garen's eyes flickered, as if he was holding the cane and appreciating the caressing, but in fact he was carefully feeling the cool breath flowing into his body from the cane.

Only when you gently rub the cane gem, a hint of coolness will appear. This is different from the doomed antiques you got before.

I looked at my attribute column. I saw that the potential column had been missing for a long time and finally started to move slowly.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 3.1, agility 3.0, constitution 4.7, intelligence 2.1, potential 10%. Soul Limit 40.’

In just a few seconds of rubbing, the potential value increased by ten percent. Although it wasn't fast, it was still no better than before. Drifting in the mother river consumes a lot of potential points. If it can be left, it will not be in this world for so long.

After carefully observing his skill bar, Garen selected the skills that could be upgraded with potential points. As expected, the low-level consciousness training method Eagle Talon can be forcibly improved with potential points.

"Is it equivalent to the level of intermediate secret martial arts? Two potential points increase one level. It seems that within the scope of power that transcends matter, it cannot be a low-level level."

Galleon calculated the number of potential points needed and made a comparison.

In the world of secret martial arts, it takes 1 point to upgrade a low-level secret martial arts, 2 points to an intermediate level, and 5 points to a high-level secret martial arts, and advanced secret martial arts skills also need to meet specific conditions for practicing secret martial arts. Panying Talon requires two points to upgrade to one level, and it seems to be at the level of intermediate secret martial arts.

Seeing the hope of rapid improvement, Garen began to carefully study the cane in his hand, trying to discover the source of the potential aura.

He grabbed the gem alone, without any breath coming out. But as long as you rub the gem gently, it will produce a slight cooling breath. It won't work if you rub it harder. Only with the right intensity and gentle caressing can the potential aura reach its maximum.

After stopping the rubbing, Garen found a knife and gently tried to scratch the red gem on the top of the cane.

Amidst the rustling, a tiny bit of powder was scraped off by him. I don't know what kind of material the gem was made of. It was not very hard, but looked like ordinary limestone.

After scraping off a little of the surface, Garen gently rubbed the hanging area with his fingertips.


A large amount of potential energy surged into his body, surging like a river. What's strange is that this aura is slowly getting weaker and smaller as time goes by.

"Sure enough! This thing is a material with the ability to repair itself." Garen found that the surface of the crystal had become smooth again, and the scratches he had made with a knife suddenly disappeared.

The potential value suddenly surged from 20% to 83%, and then began to slow down.

102\u00111\u00137\u00144\u00150% finally stopped at 153%.

"Why did you stop?"

Garon scratched the crystal with the knife again, then touched the scratched area with his fingers. But there is no such huge potential aura impact just now, but the speed of improvement is slightly faster.

In the following time, he kept trying various methods and scraped off a lot of crystal gem powder. These powders would naturally evaporate and disappear in the air, and the gems on the top of the cane no longer exploded like the first time. Instead, they scraped off a lot of crystal gem powder. After wiping, the potential breath flow only slightly increased, and then there was no movement.

He initially judged that the gem of the Zhiyin Cane should be a treasure that can automatically generate potential breath. This kind of treasure will accumulate a part of its potential breath inside, but the accumulated amount is not large, and it will also be slowly released and wasted at the same time. That's why the small amount of spewing phenomenon seen before appears.

Gallon quickly retrieved the information on the Zhiyin Cane on the Internet.

It was discovered that this cane has always symbolized life, reproduction and vitality, and is the ceremonial status symbol of the root elders of the home star federation. The quantity is unknown, but it is very rare and collectible.

In less than two hours, Garleon finally accumulated 200% of his potential, which means he got two potential points.

Without hesitation, he directly invested his potential points in training the eagle's claws.

The moment his arms took effect at the potential point, they made a clicking noise, as if something was tightly binding Garen's arms with a rope, and they were tightened in circles.

"So tight."

Garen raised his arms, feeling as if he had practiced the Golden Image Kung Fu before. The skin on his arms was very tight.

"It's a pity that in different time and space universes, the Golden Image Skill cannot be practiced, but it can be modified and supplemented based on the Eagle Claw." Garen felt that his consciousness began to slowly increase again, and under the influence of the potential point, he moved towards the third level. Levels rushed away, my mind relaxed, and I began to think about how to strengthen this exercise method.

Since he was at the top of martial arts and was close to the legion level, it was very easy to use his past secret martial arts experience to make up for this low-level training method and reach the point where his body and consciousness improved at the same time.

Soon Garen mentally simulated a relatively simple route, decomposing the parts that could be used for his once most powerful idol function, and merging them with the Eagle's claws. The awareness training part of the Eagle Claw itself remains unchanged, but the strength training of the arms is supplemented.

Miwu trains the strength, toughness, resilience and other comprehensive qualities of body cells, while consciousness is the deep biological force field erupted by the cells themselves. The two should have a good synergistic effect.

Garen consulted a lot of information and found out that there was indeed a correlation between physical strength and consciousness, so there was once a school of pilots who exercised to the extreme, but it was discontinued because it was not easy to popularize.

"Now that we have found a direction, we can try to combine them."

With the function of potential points, Garen is no longer worried about the speed of progress, but the direction of his progress. His realm level is enough to be raised to a very high level, but if the direction of the training method is not grasped well, it will be restricted. Your own development may even lead to dead ends and delay yourself.


Black Disk Domain Black Disk Academy

Under the quiet shade of the trees, Wei La slowly walked to the boys' dormitory building.

Nonosiwa had been gone for a few days, and some of his student ID cards were magnetized, so the school issued a new one. Teacher Ham saw that Nono and Wei La were very close, so he handed her over to Nono.

Wei La, together with the girl from before, has been following Nono Siwa in a clinging manner recently. She was originally just an ordinary beautiful girl in the class, but she was a bit more innocent, but after getting close to Nono, even though he was not very close to her As a result, she gained the respect of many students around her. Even students in other classes vaguely regarded her as Nono's girlfriend when they saw her.

The various flattery, envy, and jealousy among the girls made Wei La enjoy this feeling very much. She felt that she was born to enjoy life.

Holding her student ID card, Wei La calmly walked into the dormitory building. When some familiar students around her saw her, they all smiled and said hello.

Wei La walked to the door of Nono's dormitory, hesitated for a moment, and gently inserted her student ID card into the retrieval device at the door.


The retriever door lock rang twice, and the door suddenly opened automatically.

"Put your student ID card in and leave. When Nono comes back, I will use the old one to transmit the information and replace it with a new one." She thought about it, walked in, and put her student ID card on the table in the room.

He turned around and was about to leave, but his heart felt like a cat scratching an itch, and he couldn't pick up his steps at all.

"Anyway, Nono is not here, why not just take a look at what secrets he has. How can he make those princelings of Blue Narcissus value him so much."

Wei La's heart became slightly hot.

She closed the door gently, glanced left and right, and closed the curtains.

First of all, there was the bedside table in the room. I rummaged through it and found some very ordinary changes of underwear and socks, but nothing else.

Then there is the desk, with three side-by-side drawers opened one by one. The first drawer holds study notes and textbooks, and the second drawer holds electronic parts, chargers, and the like. Wei La pulled the third drawer hard, but it didn't open.

"Could it be the secret in this drawer?" She felt excited and rummaged around the room, but couldn't find the key. Finally, she tried to shake it at the keyhole with her student ID card.


The lock is unlocked.

Wei La was immediately delighted and quickly opened the drawer.

Inside were actually thick stacks of white paper documents.

"What is this!?" She picked it up and flipped through it casually, "High-energy fuel powder agreement? Agreement person Nonosiva Vivian Silin"

Hiss. Suddenly she took a breath of cold air, and what suddenly came into view on the document was a series of huge profit sharing figures.

That’s an amount of over one million universal points! And it’s only a month’s share!

"It is mentioned in the document that these parties will share the income proportionally. Nono actually has such a proportion! This is simply a gift of money!" Wei La was shocked, and she felt golden light flashing in front of her eyes.

He quickly took out all the documents. At the bottom was a large stack of cash banknotes. The light green banknotes were all in the maximum amount of 1,000 points. The thick ones were estimated to be at least hundreds of thousands.

"So much money...!" Although Wei La's family is very well-off, she still manages her children's petty expenses very strictly. The amount will not exceed 10,000 per month, and her family background is only average in the academy. Outside Maybe she could still be a princess, but here she really couldn't be more mediocre.

In such an environment, girls compete with each other to get rich, which has become the criterion for judging the worth of beautiful girls.

Wei La's own monthly expenses are often not enough. She goes to some high-end shopping places and soon has nothing left. But compared with some other girls, she may not even be able to afford someone else's bag.

She had been looking for ways to make money in private, but unfortunately none of them were very effective. She almost couldn't help but accept the support of others several times. But she endured it in the end. She was confident that one day she would find someone rich and powerful enough on her own terms.

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