Mysterious journey

Chapter 849 Patrol 2


Garen took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

"Look, that's a black cloud-level advanced mecha!!" A child's joyful cry suddenly came from behind. "That adult is the driver! So awesome!"


Garen turned around and saw a group of passing elementary school students on the road looking eagerly at the tall mecha on his side. They were all obviously avid mecha enthusiasts.

But the originally eager expression froze when she saw him suddenly turning his head.

Several primary school students carrying schoolbags were frightened by the fierce look on his face and stepped back.

"How awesome!! He is indeed a man who can drive a black cloud!!" A little guy pointed at him loudly.

"Boys," Garen said in a funny voice, but his smile obviously looked more sinister, giving people a vague feeling of a ferocious sneer.

"Run!!" A group of primary school students dispersed and disappeared in an instant.

Garen touched his face speechlessly. No wonder Wei La was so frightened by his few words before. It turned out that he had unknowingly developed a very intimidating face.

"It's time to continue patrolling," Garen breathed out and returned to the cockpit.

Time passes slowly, and potential points are constantly accumulated, but Garen has no intention of using them. His biggest problem now is that his foundation is not solid. While completing tasks every day, he is also pondering the details of the training method for Panying's claws. , as well as the use and response methods of various techniques.

The patrol mission went by day by day, and it was the same every day, going around to inspect the mission status of each team member. But in fact, Garen just randomly picked the patrol area of ​​a team member to check out, and was too lazy to go to the rest. Most of the time It is to rest on the platform by the river, blowing the river breeze and breathing fresh air.

Elementary school students and junior high school students passing by after school every day always bring him a relaxed atmosphere.

As time went by, Garen's various uses of the Eagle's claws quickly caught up with other senior students in the Eagle's Nest. The original lack of foundation caused by rapid improvement was quickly made up for.

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

The weather is getting colder, and the faint sunshine in the morning is still there, but the temperature has become weaker and weaker, and I feel nothing when it shines on my body.

Garen stood beside the weight-bearing point as before, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Didi, didi.

The phone on the watch rang slowly.

He clicked to connect.

"The news about your brother has been found." Xilin's first words made Garen perk up. "It's not unexpected. He was involved in the big explosion by the river. He may be involved in the white light terrorist incident. You have to be mentally prepared."

"In other words, two things are actually one thing?" Garen frowned.

"That may be the case. Although you have been asked to set out dozens of patrol teams all over the city to capture the red and white mechas, no one actually expects you to really catch him. I got the news that as long as you find a dilapidated mecha The black patchwork mecha should be able to find the forbidden core."

"Old black mecha?" Garen repeated. "What about my brother?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I'll give you a location. It's the information I got from the Intelligence Department. The area where the other party is most likely to flee should be in this area."

The data was transmitted quickly, and Garen opened it and glanced at it. His eyes flickered.

"From this point of view, the area where I am stationed is really the most possible area."

"It's true. Although I don't know why, the other party is indeed running towards you." Xilin affirmed, "You'd better pay attention to your surroundings at all times."


"That's it. I will support you at any time. Call this number at critical moments."


After disconnecting the phone, Garen's heart became heavier and heavier. He was now certain that his brother Beren must be related to this matter.

"If Allen is really involved, then there is another important reason for coming to this area, which is to visit his parents and family. This explanation is barely feasible. did their whereabouts get revealed? Even if you were exposed, you could still escape smoothly?"

Garen speculated that the other party must have a powerful escape method unknown to everyone.

After getting on the mecha again, with a pop, blue flames erupted from the back of the mecha, slowly took off, and began to truly patrol along the fixed patrol route.

Time passed slowly, from morning to noon, and after lunch, it was still peaceful. When he patrolled the fifth division, Garen suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The fifth district is a cluster of factory buildings, warehouses, and the like. There are not many people there. There are tall ‘alleys’ formed between the factories everywhere. Vehicles can occasionally be seen entering and exiting.

In the afternoon, there were not many people to see here.

Garen slowly landed on the weight-bearing point, and his extremely keen senses allowed him to feel subtle differences through the mecha.

Frowning slightly, Garen began to carefully identify the source of the strangeness in his senses.


When the cabin opened, he jumped out and stood on the ground.

"It's a shock!"

He narrowed his eyes.

"The ground is shaking"

This vibration was very, very weak, and even the sensors could not identify it, but Garen's powerful five senses allowed him to clearly feel that there seemed to be some heavy object running under the earth.

"It's a mecha!!" He came up with the answer instantly. "sewer!"

He suddenly turned over on the mecha, and flew directly into the fuselage, heading towards the nearest sewer entrance. The patrol missions of these days and his memory of the area map in advance have made him very familiar with the nearby terrain.

He instantly called up the sewer network design diagram from the Internet, memorized it, and flew towards the entrance and exit quickly.

As soon as I arrived, I saw the entrance and exit of the sewer. The cover specifically for engineering mechas to enter and exit had been opened. It was dark and nothing could be seen inside. There was a series of water-stained footprints on the roadside. They were obviously mechas. imprint.

“Sure enough, it’s here!!”

Garen quickly picked up the communicator and was about to call the team members, but then stopped. Instead, he directly dialed the number Xilin gave him.

"How about it!?"

"Bring your people here. Locate my location, quickly!"


Without any further words, the phone hung up.

Garen concentrated on following the footprints to catch up. The factory area was very large, and the team members who were originally stationed there had gone somewhere to have fun. There were no people here, not even a guard spider mecha.

Garen quickly chased in the mecha, quickly crossed the open area, made a sudden left turn, and entered the alley between the factories.

Coincidentally, a black and worn-out mecha was facing away from him, running quickly towards the other end of the alley. What was strange was that the opponent's mecha did not have a flight engine, but its footsteps made no sound at all when it stepped on the ground.

"caught you!"

The galleon engine exploded violently, and the mecha rushed forward. Both arms instantly drew swords.

Klin was so frightened that he saw the black mecha rushing behind him from the sensor on his back.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!!" he shouted.

"I can still support you in short-distance jumps! Pay attention!" Chi Yue shouted loudly. "flash!"


Just when Galleon was about to hit the opponent, the old black mecha twisted and disappeared from the spot, completely dissipating out of thin air. A whirlwind swayed in its place.

Garen's expression remained unchanged, he had already anticipated that the other party might have troublesome means of escape.

The mecha squatted on the ground, its head sensor lying on the ground and listening carefully.

After a moment, the mecha flew up and quickly flew in the other direction.


Klin was panting and sweating as he quickly ran between the warehouses.


A black exquisite mecha suddenly landed in front of him, blocking the way. The violent swords swept over like two silver-gray mist.

"Flash!!" Chiyue flashed and jumped again without saying a word.


As soon as his eyes blurred, Klin appeared again in another alley.

"That guy is too scary. I've fought against that guy Bai Hong a few times. How come I have no power to resist against this guy?!" Klin's face was filled with confusion.

"It's different! Bai Guang's mecha has a weak foundation. Except for its strength, everything else is useless. Now this mecha obviously has a very solid foundation, and its skills in combat are very good. It's not like most characters that rely on consciousness. ." Chi Yue quickly explained.

Suddenly, a silver-gray mist shot over and was in front of him in an instant.

"Be careful!!" Chi Yue shouted, it was too late.

Klin only felt his body shake violently, and his shoulder was shot directly through. A long knife split the shoulder, then pierced the ground behind him, and penetrated deeply with a sneer.

The electric sparks of the damaged machine body flickered, and before there was any time to think, a black mecha fell out of thin air and hit him with a knife in the head.

clang! !

At the critical moment, Klin raised his right arm to block, and at the same time kicked his opponent's lower body hard with his right leg.

"Look at my trick!" Boom! !

The legs of the Klin Mecha suddenly separated automatically, and shot out like rockets, hitting the Gallon Mecha between its legs. But unfortunately, at the critical moment, Garon raised his knee and knocked it to the other side.

"How is it possible!!? Even Hongbai was tricked by my trick?!" Klin shouted in disbelief.

"Run away! This guy is not something you can handle!!" Chi Yue activated Flicker again.

It was extremely thrilling, and a silver-gray sword flashed across the place where he originally stood, but it was completely empty.

"You can't escape quickly." He put away his sword and stood, the eyes of the Gallon mecha lit up red.

"Is everyone here?" He raised his wrist and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Miss, let us all obey your orders." The man opposite replied.

"Pay attention to the spread. With a distance of 500 meters around my position, that guy can't jump very far. His energy is being consumed, and the distance is getting shorter every time." Garen ordered.


The pilots sent by the Xilin family all operate miniature mechas, so as not to attract attention. Only the army and the security department can operate the mechas openly in the city. And Garen happened to have the name of a military department and patrolled openly.


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