Mysterious journey

Chapter 850 Tracking 1

"Next, let me see your strength, kid." Pulling out the two swords on the ground, they struck each other, and the red light in the eyes of the Gallon mecha became more intense.


Amidst the roar of the mecha, Garen rose into the air and flew towards another sensing location.


Klin piloted the mecha and ran on the ground as if it were flying. The mecha was extremely fast and did not look as heavy as its appearance. One of its arms showed signs of breakage, which was the result of blocking Garen's sword just now. It was released earlier. One of the legs from the sneak attack also flew back automatically, which shows Chiyue's powerful ability to transform the mecha.

The large alleys in the factory area are tall and spacious, perfectly suitable for mechas to run at high speeds. Klin's mecha made no sound of footsteps, and even the slightest bit of electromagnetic induction was wrapped in a special force field to prevent any leakage. .

"What to do now?" Klin asked while panting violently. The mecha's speed required his own pilot to bear the burden.

If it weren't for the fact that the nine giant cannons were so magical and allowed him to reach a very high level of physical fitness in a short period of time, another pilot would have run out of energy. After all, there is no buffering equipment inside this broken mecha. After several difficult movements, it only takes more than ten seconds for Klin's whole body to detect blood imbalance, and his head will be dizzy due to the inertia of the mecha's movements.

"What else can we do? Run!" Chi Yue said angrily. "If you see an opportunity, run to the sewers!"

"Go again"

"Then what else can you do?"

"Okay?" Klin was helpless. The smell of the sewer was unbearable. If he hadn't been forced to do so, he really didn't want to go there a second time. Unfortunately, current events forced him to do so.

The old black mecha was like an incredibly agile disabled person, half running and half jumping as it rushed towards the nearest sewer entrance.

"Watch your back!!" Chi Yue shouted loudly.

Klin quickly rolled forward. This move allowed him to escape many times during the chase with the red and white mecha. He rolled forward quickly with the power of nine giant cannons, firing them with great force. The distance was long and the speed was fast. It is called the number one trick to escape in battle.


There was a deep knife mark where Klin originally stood.

Behind him, a black mecha fell from the sky and stood up on one knee. This mecha is clearly the Gallon one from before.

"Here it comes again! Damn it! Speed ​​up!!" Chiyue was also anxious. Such jumps consumed the energy he had accumulated over the years. "Damn it! If the last explosion hadn't consumed too much energy..."

After hearing this, Klin quickly took a big step and flew out, just enough to avoid the knife coming from behind.

"Still want to drill a hole?" A cold voice came from behind, and another sharp wind blew over. At this moment, a second knife struck from behind.

"This speed is incredible!!" Chiyue roared, mustering up the last energy, "Flashing!!"


Klin moved instantly, and his eyes suddenly flashed, and he no longer knew where he was flashing. But it was obvious that the sewer was inaccessible.

"Ugh!!!" Finally couldn't help it anymore, Klin was vomiting violently while sitting in the cockpit. The continuous jumping and flashing made his body finally unable to bear it. His stomach seemed to have let go of the dam, and he vomited everything. out. The yellow, white and brown ones are mixed together, making it as sticky as eight-treasure porridge.

Suddenly there was a disgusting sour smell in the cockpit.

"Don't get it on me, you disgusting brat!" Chiyue shouted quickly.

The mecha continued to move forward, turned over, and ran forward with long strides. Klin could no longer tell the direction and was running randomly.

"Found you! Bastard!" A dilapidated red and white mecha suddenly appeared from behind. The mecha was in tatters and looked even more miserable than Klin's. The green crystal inlaid on its chest was also broken. For the most part, it looked bleak.

"It's that guy from Kohaku! What a tragedy!" Klin was so weak from vomiting that he reluctantly ran forward, but Kohaku behind him was getting closer and closer.

"Don't be afraid, I have prepared a secret weapon for you!" Chi Yue said quickly.

"What secret weapon?!"

"Touch your lower back!"

Klin touched it and scoffed.

A big, thick, black thing suddenly popped out and fell into Klin's hand.

"It's so thick!" Looking at the big guy in his hand, Klin couldn't help but marvel.

"Fuck your sister! Come on quickly! Turn around and give him a blow!" Chi Yue roared.

He clenched the huge stick in his hand, which was half as thick as an organism. He didn't know how it was inserted into his body. Klin didn't think much about it, and rolled down on the spot. It originally seemed to be moving forward, but suddenly he rolled back, directly hitting Hongbai behind him.

The giant stick in his hand suddenly hit the opponent with a sound of wind. In an instant, the tip of the stick flashed and actually poked out from behind Kohaku.

"Seeking death!" The red and white mecha sneered and grabbed the giant stick with one hand. Even if the level 5 consciousness was seriously injured, it would be effortless to deal with a level 1 little guy. Even if you fight hard, it is far more than that.

Bang! ! Caught off guard, his hand was empty, and the tip of the stick disappeared one meter in front of him. Then Hongbai felt a pain in the back of his head. The sensor clicked instantly.

With a bang, Klin disappeared in front of him again.

"Fuck!!!" Hongbai went crazy.


"What was that just now? So powerful!" Klin endured the discomfort and asked while running at top speed.

"Magnetized giant rod and small-area space extension technology. A must-kill skill at critical moments! If you hadn't been able to break the skin of someone else's mecha, we would have killed the Hongbai who was chasing him." Chi Yue Huoda replied. .

"Front!" Klin suddenly stopped. In front of him were several micro-mechas with black disk logos. These micro-mechas were only as tall as a person and were worn like tights, like steel warriors.

What they have in common is that they all have fluctuations in consciousness that are much stronger than Klin's.

"You were able to escape for so long while being chased by the captain? Stay with me!"

The leading soldier opened his arms, and his body suddenly emitted a concussive wave of consciousness, blasting towards Klin.


The distorted wave of consciousness was shaped like a comet, colorless and tasteless, and very fast. Three consecutive waves rushed over in a line. The ground and walls seemed to be twisting and undulating, turning into a soft texture and constantly vibrating.

"It's that guy's subordinate! Retreat!!" Chiyue said with a hint of fatigue in her voice, "Dodge!"

Klin felt that his body was numb, and he had the illusion that the huge distortion caused by the space jump seemed to be immune to him.

Suddenly, he appeared in front of a tall black mecha again.

"What a coincidence." Klin turned pale, smiled, opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, "Ouch!!"

Suddenly, there was a violent vomiting in the mouth, and all the breakfast he had eaten was vomited out, even yellow bile water was mixed in it. In the cabin, his entire clothes from the chest down were covered with vomit.

Uh-huh! !

A silver-gray sword light struck straight down from top to bottom.

Klin moved the giant stick forward like a reflex and smashed it directly. The front part of the giant stick disappeared instantly, as if it was piercing into space, and poked out from the back of the black mecha's head.


In an instant, a silver-gray scimitar was retrieved in front of the giant stick, and he steadily caught the attack.

"This trick is useless against this guy! Damn it! Let's go!" Chiyue roared unwillingly, and Klin's eyes flashed again.

Swish! Two sword lights lit up from where Klin was originally, leaving two bright scratches, only a moment slower.

Garen stood quietly on the spot and slowly sheathed the knife.

"He can't get far. Chase him."

"Yes." Several replies came from the communication terminal.

After looking at the sensor map inside the machine, the red dot was not far away. Galleon's breath became more and more stable.

"sucker Punch."

He actually sat down in the alley and thrust his two swords into the ground on both sides.


"No," Klin vomited loudly. There was a faint trace of blood in the bitter water, which was a sign of gastric bleeding. "I can't do it anymore"

"How can a man say no!! You brat, you usually don't listen when I tell you to train more, but now you know how powerful you are! Run! You can't fall here!" Chi Yue yelled.

"No. It's really not possible." Klin felt like the world was spinning. He couldn't bear the excessive jumping even if he built the foundation with nine giant cannons. My body was severely exhausted, my vision was blurred, and my vision was blurry.

"Why, it didn't work just now?" Klin reluctantly started running and asked about the situation just now.

"That guy's close-quarter reaction is too fast, and his fighting skills are terrible. This kind of person has always been a typical example of leapfrog fighting! It's okay to sneak attack an average person with a strange move, but it's useless against such a master!" Chiyue quickly explained, " Now I have to use one-third of the remaining energy to prepare a big move, hoping to pass the difficulty, otherwise we will really be doomed this time. If it is less than two-thirds of the energy, I will fall into a coma, and then you There is absolutely no hope for a person to escape!"

"How much time will it take?" Klin reluctantly asked, not continuing to jump, allowing his body to recover a little, "I can't do it anymore. If I jump again, it will be over!"

"I know that if you jump two more times, your body's circulatory system will collapse. If there is no way to treat it, there will be no way to survive!" Chiyue replied, "Run this way! The final entrance to the sewer is ahead. Once we get into the sewers, we win half the battle!”

"I feel like I'm going to die." Klin was so weak.

"Xiao Lun is still waiting for you at home!! If you don't want to die, give me a try!!"


"Go!!" Chiyue flashed, and the mecha rushed out, spanning dozens of meters, and appeared in another alley, with the entrance to the sewer in front of it.

The dark manhole cover was like an angel in a dream. In Colin's eyes, it was comparable to the most perfect bride in the world. With tears in his eyes, he opened his arms and rushed over.

"Ah~~manhole cover!!!" At this moment, tears filled his eyes.

Time seemed to slow down all of a sudden, and this beautiful moment seemed to be slowed down and slowed down again and again.

Suddenly, a black mecha slowly walked over and used its strong and tall body to completely block the perfect manhole cover in front of him.

At this moment, the beauty and tears burst out of Klin's eyes.


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