Mysterious journey

Chapter 859 Military Rank 2

Garen shook his head slightly. He was actually pretending to ask about his brother's situation everywhere, but he kept the real situation deep in his heart and did not dare to say it. After all, it was involved with the core of the taboo. Such an impact was not something his family could bear now. Yes, speaking out will bring disaster.

Seeing him shaking his head, his parents suddenly felt cold, and his mother, Amy, lowered her head and began to sob.

Only my sister, the youngest one, still looked indifferent, still chewing bubble gum in her mouth, with a look of indifference in her eyes.

"Look at you all acting like this. Aren't you just temporarily missing? You can't do it openly but secretly. You can always find a way. If you cry, cry, cry, you can find someone back by just crying?!"

Sister Cole said impatiently. She is completely different from before. She is wearing a white short skirt and a navel-baring top, her lips are painted red and purple, she is wearing thick foundation and dark eye shadow, and she has a pair of large silver earrings hanging from her ears. She is sitting One leg was also raised high on the chair, and she didn't care that her underwear was exposed.

"What are you talking about!" Father Rondo stood up and scolded.

"What's going on?! You want to hit me? Come on! Hit me here!" My sister stood up and pointed at her face and shouted loudly, "You didn't beat me to death last time, so just beat me to death this time! I'm tired of living anyway. No! It’s not interesting at all here!”

"Cole." Mother Amy opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately interrupted by her sister.

"Anyway, I have no use except to embarrass you. Come on, beat me to death. I don't want to live anyway." Cole's voice became louder. Seeing that his father was forced to become speechless, Cole's face suddenly changed. Show a cheerful expression.


Garen yelled suddenly.

The house suddenly became quiet. My sister Cole gritted her teeth and shut up, not daring to say anything. She and Beren had always been afraid of Nono, their eldest brother, since they were young. Now, even if they see the world outside, they are still afraid of it. Fear him.

My father sat down and continued to light a new cigarette, lowering his head and smoking hard.

For a moment the only sound in the room was the mother's sobs.

Garen sat down with a gloomy expression and glanced at Cole.

"Master Cole will go out and mess around in the future. Do you hear me?!"

Cole closed his mouth tightly and looked away.

"Look at what you're dressed like! What do you look like walking on the street?" Garen slowed down his tone, "I've already got an idea of ​​Allen's matter. I know he's relatively safe, but I can't find anyone else for the time being. , Mom and Dad, don’t worry.”

"Alas" Father Rondo sighed deeply. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have continued to agree to let him work."

"This is no one's fault. None of us could have imagined what happened." Garen said in a low voice. "Okay, everyone goes to work as usual, I will handle this matter."

"Alan is really okay?" Mother Amy wiped the tears on her face.

"Really." Garen knew that Chiyue's core was not a fuel-efficient lamp. With his care, he should not encounter any serious problems.

"Nono, you must get your brother back, you must!!" Mother said hurriedly, her eyes began to fill with tears again.

"I will" Garen nodded.

After leaving home, Garen felt a little heavy in his heart.

Because he really doesn’t know if Belen can be found, or even if he is found, he has no way of knowing whether he can still be accepted by his family.

He is not discriminating against transgender people, it’s just that in this kind of life, you will always encounter a lot of discrimination and setbacks, and there are too many colored eyes.

Since he became the person Nonosiwa was and received the favor from his parents, he naturally had the responsibility to take good care of his family.

After leaving home, Garen went to the patrol station. The only team member who was damaged in the battle had been replaced by someone. She was a girl with short red hair who looked very silly and innocent, and looked like she had a strong sense of justice.

Alexander, who had his mecha reassigned, had also received a commendation and was officially promoted to a second lieutenant in the military. This guy was showing off a new black mark on his shoulder with the other team members, looking very proud of himself.

Not only him, but all the team members under Garen's command also received awards, most of which were awarded the rank of sergeant. As a basic first-level pilot, his rank in the mecha unit is one level higher than that of other teams. This also made everyone a little excited.

"Assemble!!!" Garen was already in a bad mood with his hands behind his back. Seeing this group of people beaming with joy, he felt even more unhappy.

If he is unhappy, he will make others unhappy too.

With a loud roar, more than a dozen players on the field suddenly became excited and quickly ran to him to form a line.


Not quite a neat salute.

"Hello, Captain!" The voice was quite neat.

Before Gallon could speak, Alexander decisively couldn't help but speak.

"Captain, your military merit reward notification has also come down!"

"Is mine coming down too?" Garen was about to vent his anger on the team members, but his attention was temporarily diverted when he heard this.

"it is this!"

Alexander carefully took out a small silver disc from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

The disc suddenly chirped and emitted a silver halo, forming a one-meter-diameter silver disc, on which a middle-aged female officer wearing a black military uniform slowly emerged. Looking at the two stars on her shoulders, she turned out to be a colonel-level officer.

"Holographic projection?" Garen was stunned, then saluted with a slap.

The other party quickly returned the favor.

"Second Lieutenant Nonosiva Lin, in view of your heroic performance in the terrorist attack, you will now be awarded a first-class merit award. The Military Staff Office has decided to grant you the rank of captain. You can check the privileges on the military website."

Garen knew that his original temporary military rank was second lieutenant, which was also the basic benefit that came with joining the army with level three consciousness. Now, one military purchase can lead to two levels in a row, reaching the level of captain.

It is said that the captain level can get a lot of various benefits. As for the school level above, it is the class that truly controls the real power. Every school level in the Black Disk Domain has at least level four strength, with brilliant records or powerful Qualifications and resume. The number is rarely less than a thousand, and they are the backbone that truly controls all the military power of the military department. Naturally, it will not be awarded so easily.

"In addition, the patrol team you lead will be your own fixed team from today on, and there will no longer be mobile replacements. You will have the power of appointment and dismissal independently. After that, you can submit a report to the staff department."

After a brief introduction by the female colonel, the military salute was given again, and then the image disappeared.

Garen returned the favor, looking thoughtful.

"A fixed team, and the right to appoint and remove myself. Doesn't this mean that I can cultivate my own party members? It seems that my performance has finally attracted attention. Do the higher-ups want to train me, or do they want to use me as an observation object?"

Ever since he advanced to the nameless taboo exercise method, he felt that his body and mind were being repaired all the time. After being detected by the secret weapon, he was surprised to find that all the hidden injuries he had suffered during his previous training were being repaired by this method. The consciousness of exercise method is constantly vibrating and repairing. Follow the most natural and harmonious way and blend into one with the entire body.

It's like having a piece of repair equipment on your body. As long as you suffer a little injury, you can receive treatment at any time.

He was not in a hurry to upgrade to the second level, because if he relied on his own training to improve, there would be no sign at all, but relying on potential points to improve would be a bit wasteful, because the level of the training method this time was a bit high, far beyond the Eagle Claw. It has reached a higher level than advanced secret martial arts. If the intermediate secret martial arts requires two points to advance to the first level, then the advanced secret martial arts requires five points. However, this training method actually requires ten points to advance to the first level.

The total inventory of Garen is not much, and he can only save two points every day, so he plans to upgrade the Secret Martial Arts of Life, because the promotion of the Secret Martial Arts of Life will also improve the Panying Talon and this unknown training method, which is cost-effective Very high, boosting all three at once.

With the support of enough white malachite, the secret martial arts of life has been slowly improving. Garen's Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu has already crossed the highest level of the basic level, which is the fifth level. After passing this level, it truly leaves the foundation level and enters the formal cultivation stage. The power of the Cold Prison Peacock Skill will gradually be revealed.

But Garen insisted on training himself according to the secret martial arts of life every day, but he didn't notice much change. The effect of white malachite has become very weak. Obviously this thing is only useful when building a foundation, and it is useless at other times.

And now he has just obtained the potential points. With the existence of the Zhiyin Cane, Garen can store two potential points every day. Up to now, after a few more days on the basis of the original twelve points, the points have also been accumulated. To the point of twenty o'clock.

"Okay, let's disperse." Garen's mood improved slightly due to his promotion in military rank, and he waved his hand for everyone to disperse.

The young team members hurriedly dispersed as if they had been granted amnesty, and disappeared in a flash. In the distance, you could still hear a group of people going to drink flower wine with their arms around each other and shouting.

Garen was too lazy to pay attention to these bitches. Except for Alexander, everyone else was useless. At the critical moment, not a single person could be seen. The only person he summoned at that time was Alexander, who took the initiative to run over without fear of danger and was almost killed by the terrorists. The cannon goes out.

"The victory this time was all due to the Chaotic Cold Realm of the Cold Hell Peacock Technique. This thing is simply a bug. It can affect the human pilot itself through the mecha. The effect of chaotic minds is simply a bug for those who are not determined. A big killer." Garen thought in his mind, if it wasn't for the Chaotic Cold Territory this time, he might have been seriously injured, and he might not be able to keep the other party. It will never be so easy to win.

"Ascension of the Secret Martial Arts. The white malachite was missing before. Now that it meets this condition, it must be possible to use potential points to increase the accumulation time, right?"

he guessed.

His eyes fell on his attribute bar, aiming directly at the Secret of Life Wuhan Prison Peacock Skill.

'Military Martial Arts - Cold Prison Peacock Skill: Secret Martial Arts of Life, sixth level, sixth level completion rate 1%.

Gain the ability talent - Devour Level 1 (devour everything to restore yourself).

Obtain ability talent - Seed of Distortion level 2 (creating chaos is the Peacock's biggest hobby)

Obtain the ability talent - Chaos Cold Zone Level 3 (it naturally causes space-time oscillations, with the main body as the center, emitting natural cold air to a surrounding 20 meters, forming a chaotic low temperature zone as low as 0 degrees. At the same time, there may be a small probability of causing the enemy to lose consciousness Chaos, random attacks.)

(The basic level is five levels, the derivative level is three levels, and the full level is eight levels.) The completion of each level of skills will purify one's own bloodline, gradually move closer to the cold hell peacock physique, and finally achieve the highest form, with the limit being the legion level. ’

There are still twenty potential points left.

Garen tried to add potential points to the Secret Martial Arts of Life, but unfortunately, it still didn't work. The Secret Martial Arts of Life itself was still the same as before and did not accept the improvement of potential points.

Instead, he found that using potential points seemed to improve the effectiveness of the three additional talents brought by Peacock Kung Fu.

The three abilities are all improved according to the standards of advanced secret martial arts, and each level requires five potential points.

Garen hesitated, whether the potential points should be used to improve these natural abilities, or to use new training methods. This made him somewhat hesitant.

The talent ability Chaos Cold Zone has a very strong effect, and it has a clearing effect when used suddenly. The training method is equivalent to internal strength and is the source of the power of all moves. It is very effective against one-on-one masters, but the subsequent training methods are in the hands of the Taboo Core.

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