Mysterious journey

Chapter 860 The situation suddenly changes 1

He hesitated, but still chose to invest in the exercise method. This thing is the foundation of everything. In this world, the level of the exercise method affects a person's status, power, and everything else.

Although his own Level 4 Eagle Claw looks very high-level, it is actually only equivalent to the effect of two levels of other people's top-level training methods. At most, the total amount of consciousness is greater, and the rest has no effect. .

His eyes fell on the attribute bar. After staring for a few seconds, the skill nameless training method suddenly blurred. When it became clear again, it had jumped to another stage instantly.

Jumped from the first stage to the second stage.

‘Forbidden exercise method: when the second level is reached (a total of five levels, incomplete), the reaction ability is improved by two levels, the endurance is improved by two levels, and the self-healing is improved by two levels. Involves the back, legs, and head. ’

The improved attributes have changed. In addition to these marked ones, there are also unmarked parts that Garen can feel. That brand-new consciousness, wrapped in the consciousness of Panying's sharp claws, tightens in the core of the inner body. everywhere, slowly circulating on its own, like a self-circulating river.

"I am afraid that many masters above level 4 can feel the claws of the fourth-level Panying. It is probably impossible to hide them. However, with the wrapping of this consciousness, the inner taboo consciousness should be able to be covered. "Jia Long knew clearly in his mind that precisely because of the non-conflicting nature of the package, it completely covered up the fluctuations in the consciousness of the inner taboo exercise method, making outsiders think that she only had the outer layer of consciousness of the Eagle Claw, and ignored the other one inside. Consciousness.

Five potential points disappeared due to improvement.

Garen looked at the remaining fifteen points and simply focused on the taboo exercise method.


The exercise method icon was blurred for an instant, and this time it became permanently blurred, and did not reappear clearly for several seconds.

After more than half a minute, the icon of the exercise method was cleaned again, and it no longer showed the darkness as before. Rather, it is a four-winged bird that flutters its wings and is ready to fly. Against the dark background, the four-winged bird looked like a giant eagle, its scimitar-like claws swooping down, as if it wanted to grab something.

Garen glanced at the process.

'Forbidden exercise method: reaching the fifth level (a total of five levels, incomplete), the reaction force, endurance, and self-repair are increased by an average of five levels, resulting in a special derived power: Enduring Heart - greatly improves the self-repair ability, with an increase of one class. The self-healing power is now at the sixth level. ’

"Enduring Heart?" Garen frowned slightly, vaguely guessing a possibility from the appearance of this thing. "So, with better training methods, if you reach a certain level, you may have this kind of derivative power?"

Lacking information in this area, he could not compare with other advanced training methods, but the training method given by Taboo Core was more powerful than he expected.

If this training method focuses on one of the three attributes of explosive power, speed, and strength, then reaching this level is simply terrifying. The power produced by the combination of three fifth levels is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After standing on the playground for a while, Garen exhaled slightly, and a faint wave of air suddenly spread around him. If someone looked carefully, they would find that it was not a wave of air, but a pure force field spreading in all directions. This is a powerful force field that can only be produced when the consciousness is pure to a certain extent, and it is also the true iconic product of level five pilots. Some people at level four may be able to master the ability to spread the force field to the body surface to deal with enemies, but level five Different, the strongest point of the fifth-level pilot is that the force field can be spread out in the form of a mecha. Each type of consciousness force field has a unique effect, but just like the internal force, they are all exclusively corrosive. Simply When applied to it, even the mildest consciousness can have an anti-enemy effect, but the nature is different.

Garen carefully felt the flow of consciousness. The fifth level was huge and sophisticated.

After leaving it out for a while, he quickly put it away and wrapped it with the fourth-level eagle claws.

From level 4 to level 5, it takes many years for an average pilot to break through, because it also involves willpower, but Garen does not have to worry about this, but in terms of soul will, even if he is not a system , the comparison in this aspect is far superior to that of ordinary pilots.

"It seems that it will take some time to get used to this new power." Garen opened his palms, and the edges of his palms could not suppress the slightest fluctuation of consciousness. That is the involuntary dissipation of soaring consciousness.

It's like a man suddenly turns into Hercules. The cup he originally picked up with two points of effort, but now uses another two points of effort, the cup instantly explodes into powder.

Silently practicing the micro-manipulation of subconscious control alone, Garen quickly restrained the fluctuations of his new consciousness. It would take many years of training for most people to get to this point, but for him there was no problem in this regard.

A few days flew by.

Garon's patrol mission is over, but he has also been awarded the rank of captain by the military. This rank comes with many privileges and benefits, including family members being received by special commodity facilities, and many things that were originally not eligible for purchase are now eligible for purchase. . For example, there are gene enhancement solutions, various nutrient solutions, and various blended essences that can extend lifespan and increase physical fitness. Others even have mechanical repair platforms, and self-purchased mechas!

Life in Garonne has become a matter of going to the academy every day, and then spending more time back at the temporary base to train the team members. Some of these team members were deployed one after another by themselves, because after all, they were still students and did not come here to hang out regularly. Some of them came from relatively poor colleges and their family backgrounds were not very good, so they continued to insist on signing actual military service contracts. , become a member of the squad.

Garen also officially gave the team a name. Since the mechas were all equipped with double-edged humanoid mechas, they simply called it the Double-Blade Team concisely and clearly.

There are a total of five remaining team members. They are no longer a patrol team responsible for patrolling, but a special team that can independently take on tasks. This type of team is also the main type of team in the Black Disk Domain.

After many students come out, they accumulate military merit in this way. The military headquarters issues tasks, and all parties take the tasks and complete them. After that, if there are members in the team who perform well and have been trained for a long enough time, then Will be truly absorbed into the military's black-clad generals.

It has been calm for more than half a month without any incident.

In addition to training five team members every day, Garen is adapting to his newly acquired training consciousness alone. At the same time, he is also concerned about the whereabouts of the Taboo Core through various channels.

Every day's training made the five team members complain endlessly. Among them, Alexander was the one who liked to cheat the most. In sharp contrast to him, the girl with short red hair exceeded her training target every day. Among the other three, they all come from poor families, and the colleges they come to are all relatively poor in the black disk area. They are randomly assigned places by the computer. Although the three of them complain every day, in fact, they all have no chance at all. No corners are cut to complete the training mission.

This made Garen slightly satisfied. Since this team was a privilege given to him by the above, he must firmly turn this team into his own strength. He trained Xilin in half. The results of these people's courses will eventually lead to a significant improvement in the fighting ability and combat literacy of these five people. Although they will not reach the elite level in a short time, like last time, only Alexander rushed over to support him recklessly. The scene is no longer possible.

At least in terms of courage and quality, the five of them are no longer mere rookies.

More than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The Eagle's Nest computer-simulated martial arts training that Garen applied for was finally approved, and the specific timetable was also announced. Avoiding the scheduling times used by others, his application was scheduled for Sunday afternoon during the weekend.

Galen, who had long wanted to see the Eagle's Nest analog computer, quickly arranged everything after receiving the notification, and on Sunday afternoon of the weekend, he officially drove to the Eagle's Nest headquarters, which was already very old and unvisited.


The entire Eagle's Nest still looks deserted. From a distance, it looks like a huge silver bird's nest. There are not many people coming in and out. On weekends, most students either have something to do or go back to rest and spend time with their families. Others They go to work and not many come here to train.

After all, there is a special training place for training. All that can be done here is to simulate martial arts corrections, communicate with other members of the Eagle's Nest, and finally accept external tasks.

The first two only have a large number of people at a specific time, and the latter's external tasks are not suitable at all times.

Garen got off the school bus far away and strode towards the Eagle's Nest.

The gatekeeper was an old retired man on duty. He smiled and said hello when he saw him.

"I haven't seen you here for a long time, Nono." The old man held a glass of strong-flavored wine and sipped it comfortably with his legs crossed. He knew all the students who were somewhat famous in the Eagle's Nest. This old man was also a member of the Eagle's Nest when he was young. Later, he was injured by love in an accident and broke one of his legs.

However, there is no particular discrimination in Gallon.

"Long time no see, Abel." He smiled and waved to the other party. He always felt that this old man was not very simple. He had been guarding the gate here for decades, and no one had ever seen him driving a mecha.

Striding into the Eagle's Nest, it was empty. There were only a dozen or so people walking around in the central martial arts arena. The simulated battle room was also empty for a while, with not many people there.

There were only a few people standing at the door of the task room, but there was always someone waiting there, so that if any cost-effective task came across, they could get it as soon as possible.

The top teams in the Eagle's Nest all sent people to guard the place. The mode of these teams is the same as Garen's current team mode. They are all established after successful missions.

Garen walked over and glanced at it.

Team Wasp, Team Stinger, Team Bell, Team You Who Love Me, Don’t Leave.

These four are the top four strongest in the Eagle's Nest. Their strength is unknown. It is said that they even have elite students inside. Those elite students who resonate strongly with mechas are all future stars. They hope to become level five or above in the future, so they are naturally very powerful.

The top four teams are stationed in the studio all year round, and a counter is set up inside to recruit people.

Garen's appearance also vaguely attracted the attention of several people inside. Apparently they recognized Garen's identity. This Nonosiwa, who caused quite a stir as soon as he joined the Eagle's Nest, was also the former chief freshman, so naturally he would not The reputation is diminished.

Garen didn't take it seriously. He skipped the task room and walked to the simulated martial arts room on the far left. He took out his student ID card and swiped it, then opened his eyes wide.

The two red lights moved a few times, aimed at the pupils and flickered for a moment.

"Reservation discovery, Nono, I wish you a happy torture." The female computer voice said in a naughty tone.

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