Mysterious journey

Chapter 87 The situation is bad 2

"Ke Ling, tell me carefully what's going on inside the door." He turned back to look at Ke Ling in the car.

"Okay!" The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead. Knowing that the situation was troublesome, she didn't say much. "Now within the sect, the senior sister has rebelled against the sect, the whereabouts of the second senior brother are unknown, and the third senior brother cannot control the situation. The power controllers of our Baiyun sect have always been ambitious, and may take advantage of this incident to carve up the sect's industry. This is within the sect. Trouble! The master is in a coma. The entire South Twelve Sects are supporting each other. Now they are all paralyzed and have no allies. There must be chaos in the Sect. There is an urgent need for a powerful person to go out and take charge of all affairs. Senior Brother, you must go back immediately to calm the situation. And Our enemy will definitely not miss this opportunity, and there will definitely be trouble on the road!"

"It depends on how big the trouble is!" Garen looked slightly cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, groups of black-faced people suddenly walked out from both sides of the white road in front of them. Some were tall or short, some were fat or some were thin, but they all wore black scarves. He has a strong martial aura about him.

This group of black-faced men laughed and blocked the path of the horses. The leader, a tall and thin woman, stood up with a sneer.

"Fei Baiyun, I didn't expect you to be here today, right?" The voice was dry and hoarse. The woman's figure was young and hot, but her voice was extremely unpleasant.

On the side of the road in the distance, several people slowly appeared in the woods. These people were dressed in red and white, and they were all unmasked. A dozen disciples gradually gathered behind them, looking like masters.

"Angela the Red Scorpion will go first. It's okay to let this woman explore the bottom first." A short, fat old man with his nose cut off said with narrowed eyes. "Not only are we staring at the Baiyun Gate now, but there are also countless opponents staring at the South Twelve Gates. This is a big piece of fat. If we don't move quickly, we won't be able to drink any soup."

"After waiting outside for so long, the time to divide the cake has finally arrived. Fei Baiyun is in coma, leaving only one disciple who is so tender that he can squeeze out water. The two pillar disciples in the sect have also disappeared. The current Baiyun sect basically has nothing You have the power to resist, but you have to be careful about other people." Another woman in white whispered.

"The South Twelve Gates have suppressed us for so many years, and this time we finally give him a solution!" the short, fat old man said with a smile. "Just be careful of Baiyun's counterattack before death."

"It doesn't matter, President Bowu is right behind. He is waiting for Fei Baiyun." The woman sneered. "We Yushan Sect and Chris Quan Sect are mainly responsible for other people."

Garen sat on the carriage and looked at the people blocking the road in front of him. He then glanced at the surrounding woods on both sides. He didn't know how many dangers and threats were hidden in the deep woods.

"You guys continue on your way, I'll go down and deal with it!" Gallon's eyes turned cold and he jumped off the carriage without waiting for Ke Ling and others to reply.

He strode towards the black-faced woman in front.

"Hand over Fei Baiyu"


Without saying a word, Garen strode over and punched out with his right arm.

The woman moved quickly, sideways to avoid it, and wrapped her hands around Garen's hand. "Cut off your hand first!" She said harshly, and with a sudden force, her hands seemed to be wrapped around a steel pillar, unable to twist the opponent at all.

In an instant, a strong force surged forward, and the woman was thrown away like a sack. She rolled backwards on the ground more than a dozen times, and hit a tree trunk with a bang. She screamed in agony, clutching her chest tightly and her face turned pale. For a moment she was speechless.

Garen smashed the female leader away, without looking at the result, and rushed forward facing the two machetes. The machete broke and there was a loud clicking sound. Unknown how many bones were broken by the three black-faced men in front, and they flew back and lay on the ground unable to move.

Garon's expression remained unchanged, his arms stretched out to both sides in a radial shape, he directly grabbed the hair of the two black-faced men and gently tore them off. Two bloody scalps were torn off directly, and the two screamed and staggered away.


A gunshot rang out suddenly, and Garen only felt a slight pain in his abdomen. He glanced down at his lower abdomen, where a brass bullet bounced off his skin and fell to the ground with a ding.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Even bullets can't penetrate it!!" Someone's voice trembled. All the black-faced men immediately retreated in horror.

Garen kicked away the black-faced man on the right. The man's waist clicked, his spine twisted unnaturally and he rolled back, making no sound. Without even looking, Garen rushed straight towards the black-faced woman under the tree.

A step on the shape.

With a muffled bang, the woman was instantly trampled, a big hole was made in her entire chest, and she died without saying a word. The pistol in his hand was also tilted to one side.

Gallon picked up the pistol and threw it on the carriage, turned around and rushed deep into the woods.

The look of shock on the faces of the short, fat old man and the woman in white had not faded away in the forest, and the disciples around them lined up in a fan shape. Just look at Garen rushing over with an expressionless expression.

Bang bang bang!

With three muffled sounds in a row, Garen savagely knocked away the three disciples who were blocking the way. Those who were hit either had broken bones or were blown up with blood all over their bodies by a casual punch. In an instant, no one dared to stand in front of Garen.

The short and fat old man had a dagger in his hand. He clenched his hands tightly, and his palms quickly turned blue. He walked around Garen very quickly, picked up the dagger and stabbed it hard at the waist.

The woman in white sneered, wearing a silver spiked glove on one hand, hersing through the air, and in an instant she shot out three silver fist shadows to stab Garon's face, chest and abdomen.

The two attacks hit Garen almost at the same time, but apart from scratching his clothes, they had no effect. For a moment, both of them had a look of horror on their faces. They stepped on their feet quickly and retreated outwards, but it was already too late.


Garen closed his eyes, not caring about the opponent's attack at all, and flicked his fingers together, lightly swiping across their necks.

There were two crisp sounds, and the short, fat old man and the woman in white passed by Garen.

Without even looking behind him, Garen rushed towards the depths of the forest again.

The two people behind them stood blankly, and there was a sudden click on their necks, and their heads actually rolled off their necks. Blood gushed out for a while before the body slowly fell to the ground.

The surrounding disciples stood stunned for a while before suddenly screaming.

"It's a massacre!"

Ke Ling and others on the carriage looked at Garen with pale faces and strode out. Everyone who came into contact with him exploded like a balloon and a blood mist exploded. No one can stop his progress!

Simon and the other two disciples sitting in the back were stunned, and one of the female disciples was frightened by the bloody scene.

"Get out of here quickly, we are just a drag if we stay here now!" Simon reacted immediately, raised his whip and whipped it hard, speeding up the carriage.

"Senior Brother Garen is worthy of this level of strength!!" The leader of the two sects, the silver-haired boy Lan Pace, also accelerated. He endured nausea and looked at the corpses and wounded on both sides, muttering in an exclamation tone.

"Senior Brother Lampace? Should we be safe now?" A petite and cute female student asked with a pale face, covering her mouth.

"Not necessarily. With the protection of Senior Brother Jialong of Baiyun Sect, we may have no problem in the first part of the journey, but after that we have to return to our own sect. As the senior sister, you also have to bring your own people back to the sect to take charge of the overall situation. Now South Twelve The sect was in chaos, and the master was seriously injured and needed to practice before he could recover." Lampace glanced at the disciples of the Baiyun sect in the carriage in front of him, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Garen rushed towards the two tall and thin figures standing in the woods with their hands behind their backs. One of them was a middle-aged man, wearing a black tight-fitting leather suit, with two black scimitars clasped upside down in his arms. On his right chest was printed "博武" ' letters.

The other person had an old face, was wearing black loose clothes, and was holding a short white stick in one hand. He looked at Garen rushing over, the shock on his face had not faded.

"Baiyun Gate Galen! The strongest of the twelve southern gates! I want to see how much physical strength you have!" The old man stepped back, and the middle-aged man in black immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Tsk tsk tsk! Three consecutive sword beams stabbed Garen's face head-on, two of which were aimed directly at his eyes.

The man in black looked cold, like a black shadow. He stabbed Garen three times at the moment when he was about to collide with him. At the same time, he rushed forward with his right knee, and a spiked black knee pad popped out of his knee. Directly to the area where Garon was shot in the lower abdomen.

"Serial swing!"

Gallon turned his upper body in a circle like a top, raised his straight arms like propellers, knocked away the scimitar, and struck the opponent's neck.

This rotation also avoided the attack of the spikes on the knees.

Bang bang!

The two scimitars were directly knocked away. The man in black was extremely powerful. He just stepped back and grabbed Garen's eyes without changing his expression.

"Hey!" Garen punched the opponent regardless of the front, and exchanged with the opponent.

Bang, as soon as his eyes were closed, Garen felt that his eyelids were as hard as iron, blocking the opponent's fingers from digging.

clang! !

When his fist hit the opponent, there was a metallic collision sound, as if something was blocking his fist.

Garen smiled evilly and increased his strength.

Bang! puff!

Immediately after the muffled sound of a heavy object, the sound of a middle-aged man vomiting blood was heard.

He opened his eyes and saw that the opponent was punched on the tree trunk. A piece of metal armor on his chest was directly punched through, and the chest cavity inside was also punched through. Even the tree trunk behind him had a bloody depression.

Without any pause, Garen turned around and charged at the other person.

"Kane!! Even the steel armor was penetrated!! How is that possible?!"

The old man was holding the short stick and sweating heavily on his forehead. He raised one arm and the short stick suddenly turned into several stick shadows covering Garen's upper body.

But both strength and speed were far inferior to the man in black. It is obvious that he is old and frail and unable to do what he wants.

Garen made a dash, raised his fist, aimed it at the chest, and smashed it directly.


A ray of silver light flashed across his face in an instant, stopping his forward thrust.

Garen stood there and narrowed his eyes.

"you again?"

Behind the tree trunk on one side, Ni Shixing slowly walked out with a smile on his face and a silver stabbing sword in his hand.

"You can't kill him. He is President Bo Wu and an ally of our Star Ring Sect."

"Are your Star Ring Gates too strict?" Garen said in a low voice with a cold look on his face.

"It's our business to take care of it. Do you want to try my swordsmanship?" Ni Shixing's eyes darkened and he stared at Garen's neck. An inexplicable aura was faintly emanating from his side.

Garen instantly felt a hint of threat.

"Star Ring Gate" He suppressed the anger in his heart, turned around and left. There are also junior brothers and sisters in the sect who need to be taken care of. It is impossible for him to compete with this person here. Until now, he has not used the true secret martial muscle expansion form, just to preserve his strength to deal with the danger behind. The real threat is not just that little bit.

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