Mysterious journey

Chapter 88 Return 1

Quickly catching up with the carriage that had already run away, Garen turned over and jumped onto the carriage.

Two black carriages moved quickly along the white driveway. The sound of wheels and hooves sounded unusually quiet and clear on the road, as if they were the only two carriages moving forward around them.

Garen sat beside the driver's seat with a calm expression.

"This exchange meeting must be premeditated. It is a unified action against the Twelve Southern Sects. Moreover, the opponent can even detonate the hidden dangers of each sect in an instant, and coupled with external attacks, it will reach the point of internal and external troubles. Being able to bring so many forces together Gather together and launch together." Garen suddenly remembered that he was called out last night and was seriously injured by Xianflan, "Why last night and not other times? All combat power has been lost, and the opponent's intention is to completely subvert South Twelve Gates"

He became more and more alert.

"In this way, the force hiding in the dark will never let us leave easily. But with so many sects scattered, and there are military forces covering them, the opponent's manpower will definitely be scattered."

Closing his eyes and not thinking too much, Garen slowly adjusted his body condition. No matter what, the only way now was to see what he could do. Those who appear earlier are just minor characters, and soon the real troublesome masters will appear.

He knows his own level. He has cultivated the secret martial arts of Baiyun Sect to the highest level, and at the same time he has broken through to an unprecedented level. He has cultivated a giant elephant secret martial arts to a level that no one has ever reached. Although it sounds exaggerated, Garen himself doesn't know exactly what level it reaches.

He could only compare himself to the opponents he had come up against so far.

The only person who could compare with him on the same level was the Inverse Ten Stars of the Star Ring Sect. He felt a dangerous aura from that person.

Sitting on the carriage, he kept analyzing and sorting out his thoughts while adjusting his body, waiting for the next trouble.

The other disciples, Ke Lingsaimen and others, felt much more at ease after Jia Long came back to take charge. Jia Li was responsible for taking care of Fei Baiyun who was in a coma, and wiped the sweat from Fei Baiyun's forehead with a sweat towel from time to time.

"Ke Ling, do you know who our Baiyun Sect's biggest opponent is?" Garen suddenly asked.

"Bo Wu Club! President Bo Wu and the owner of the museum have been enemies for many years. There is no way he would let this opportunity pass!" Ke Ling showed a trace of worry on his face.

"Bowukai" Garen did feel that there was some trouble. However, the opponent's main strength has been eliminated, and the few remaining forces are basically not enough to cause trouble.

It’s just who is hiding behind the Bow Martial Arts Association! That's what he cares about.


On the carriage driveway, almost to the edge of the city, in front of the second-floor window of a white double-story hotel. A rickety old man with white hair and beard stood in front of the window, quietly looking at the two approaching carriages.

"It seems that the people from the Bow Martial Arts Association still can't stop these three small sects, and we need to take action ourselves."

"No way." In the shadow behind the old man, a pale-faced woman replied in a low voice. "The small sects like the Bow Martial Arts Association don't have any experts themselves. They are all second- and third-rate people. They can barely reach the upper level. What else do you expect them to accomplish?"

The woman was dressed in black and was playing with a short dagger in her hand. Her left arm was naked and sleeveless, and she had a huge spotted python tattooed on her white skin. The dagger kept flipping and cutting through the air, making a slight hissing sound.

"Is there any news from other routes?"

The old man nodded. "I just received the news that three of the ten interception teams failed. Among them, the leader of the Dongji Fist Sect woke up and forced his body to defeat the interceptors. After that, it was the Baiyun Sect and the Lucerne Brotherhood, the leader of the Lucerne Brotherhood. He was seriously injured, but his second son suddenly appeared. He was very powerful. His arms were said to be harder than fine steel, and he was extremely fast. Guns couldn't hit him. He should have mastered both Lucerne Wind and Lucerne Iron Fist. At the same time, the level of perfection." He paused and continued: "As for Baiyun Sect's leading disciple Jia Long, he should have trained the Baiyun Sect's only secret martial arts giant elephant to a great level of secret martial arts, and his strength is the same as that of his master Fei Baiyun. It’s not much different when you’re young.”

"Do both of them have E-level?"

"Definitely." The old man nodded.

"Then let's do it ourselves?" The woman was a little unsure.

"There is no rush. Let's take a look at the situation. It would be good to let others consume his strength. The more critical the situation, the more you can see the foundation of a sect. This is the case with the Lucerne Brotherhood, and the same is true with the Baiyun Sect. We are not in a hurry, in case of an attack If another trouble suddenly appears, it will be a real trouble." The old man whispered as if he was answering the woman's question or talking to himself.


The forest on the other side of the road was quiet. There was no sound of insects or animals in the deep woods. In some tall grasses and behind the broad tree trunks, faint breathing could be heard.

I don’t know how many people were hiding in the woods on both sides of the road.

This is already the closest distance to the city.

Garen sat beside the driver's seat and gradually became more vigilant. Others in the car also lowered their bodies and placed themselves under the carriage rails to prevent themselves from being exposed. Fortunately, the guardrail of the car is very high, more than one meter, and you can completely block your body by squatting down a little.

He knew that it would be much safer as long as he walked this distance into the city. After all, the impact of doing something in the downtown area of ​​the city would be too bad. So the best range of action is this distance.

"You will use your pistols to protect yourself in a moment. If someone shoots the horse, just jump out of the car." Garen whispered.

"Senior brother, don't worry, we can still handle ordinary small roles." Ke Ling replied in a low voice.

Garen shook his head and said nothing more. Two small silver carriages have already arrived on the road. There are two or three people in both cars. The passengers and grooms in the front car all have gloomy eyes and strong bodies. Although they are wearing ordinary people's clothes, they are faintly... There is a hint of danger.

The car behind was an ordinary family of four. The father was driving the car with a riding crop. There was a middle-aged woman sitting next to him. There were two young girls sitting in the back seat. They were wearing white tight ballet skirts and white stockings. They seemed to be going to a dance school. Come back from dance lessons. The two girls were chattering and laughing. They looked innocent and cute, but they were only fifteen years old.

Garen frowned slightly at this distance.

The two carriages slowly passed each other. The person in the first carriage just glanced at Garen, made no move, and continued to drive past.

Garen sensed the dangerous aura of the person in the car and originally thought he was going to take action, but he didn't expect that the other person wouldn't move at all. His body was tense and he might get violent at any time.

Carriages passed each other, and the clatter of horses' hooves was the only sound.

The first carriage passed by slowly, and after a little distance, the carriage of a family of four was approaching.

Garen breathed a sigh of relief. The people on the carriage didn't seem to be opponents.


Suddenly he heard a slight movement, opened his eyes, and pulled back with his backhand.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

In the air above the carriage, a woman in white flew towards her from behind and was hit on the waist by Garen's palm. She made a clicking sound in mid-air, like a broken firewood stick, her waist was folded into a ninety-degree right angle, and she rolled and landed on the ground on one side. He vomited blood all over the floor and fainted from the pain.

Garen snorted coldly, jumped off the carriage and turned around to chase the carriage behind.

The car was not very fast, and the driver wanted to speed away, but he caught up with him and slapped the black horse on the head.


The horse neighed and fell to the ground, and the entire carriage suddenly stopped. The other horse was frightened and frantically tried to drag the carriage away, but was also slapped on the head by Garen, foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground.

The remaining two people in the car had ruthless expressions on their faces. Knowing that they couldn't run away, they jumped out of the car with two Mitsubishi Thorns and rushed towards Garen. The two of them were extremely fast. They rushed to Garen's side with several spinning steps. One stabbed his ears and the other stabbed his waist and eyes.

Two black Mitsubishi thorns were like two black snakes, piercing Garen's body with a hissing sound in the air. There was a hint of blue on the tip of the thorn, which was obviously poison.

"Just pierce a little skin! You're dead!" Both of them had the same idea in mind, and used all their strength on the spikes on their hands. The poison on the sharp tip is the No. 9 spider venom they prepared in advance. It is a mixed venom. As long as a little bit is stained, the poison is so strong that it can kill an adult man directly in ten minutes! Even for a person with a strong constitution, there is no cure for this venom, and they can only support it for a while longer.

The two spikes were almost touching Garen's body. At this moment, Garen's throat trembled.

"Roar!" A roar like thunder came from his mouth.

The sound was like a thunderclap, instantly causing the two of them to slow down.


Garen's arms instantly bounced to both sides. The terrifying explosive power suddenly exploded, and the muscles in both arms swelled a little in an instant, turning into two giant pythons and pounced on the two people's chests.


The two of them stood motionless, their chests penetrated directly, as if they were strung together by iron rods. Garen's arms held the two of them and swung them around, throwing them out and falling to the ground.

After killing the two men, Garen strode towards the carriage that had already gone some distance ahead. When they passed the carriage of a family of four, before the four people in the carriage could react, the two yellow geldings swerved away from Gallon in fear and kept making panicked roars.

"Ah!" The lady in the car suddenly screamed, but her husband immediately covered her mouth. When the two daughters saw Garen, they closed their eyes in fear and hid in the carriage.

Garen glanced at the four of them and strode forward with an indifferent expression.

It took a little more effort to deal with these two people than the previous ambushers. The kung fu of these two people has reached a high level. They are definitely not small players. They are not much different from the tenth golden ring they met back then.

However, killing everyone on sight without leaving a single person alive. Such ruthless methods also made the hidden enemies and opponents fearful. After losing so many people in a row, the first ones to attack were ruthless characters who hung their heads on their waists and risked their lives. They were all solved with a few Galleons.

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