Mysterious journey

Chapter 89 Return 2

After jumping on the carriage again, Garen's expression became serious.

"Next, the minor character should be restrained by me. If there is still trouble, he is definitely not an ordinary character. Be careful."

Ke Ling and others nodded quickly behind them.

"What about Senior Brother Lampace at the back?"

"I can't take care of everything for them. There are some things that I have to face myself. I'm not a nanny." Garen said lightly. He kept a calm and indifferent expression on his face. The more times like this, the more he had to stay calm. He had to be quick and accurate to deal with the opponent, and he had to be relaxed, so that he could intimidate the opponent to a certain extent.

If anyone jumps out in this situation, it can only be a master! A master who is much more troublesome than before.

The two carriages connected one after another, one behind the other, getting closer and closer to the city.

The surrounding woods gradually became sparse, with occasional small white bungalows appearing. The number of farmers and passers-by on the roadside gradually increased. From time to time, there are shouts from some fruit farmers carrying fruits.

Not far in front of the carriage, tall buildings gradually rising could be seen in the distance on both sides of the road gate.

"It's almost time. As long as they completely enter the city, the other party is unlikely to attack on a large scale! Only now is the best time to attack!" Garen became more and more vigilant.

Suddenly, a red-haired woman suddenly stood in front of the carriage, directly blocking the direction of the carriage.

The woman's face was beautiful, and she actually had a silver round hand-guarded stabbing sword at her waist. She stood in front of the carriage path without saying a word. She just stood like that, but the two black horses involuntarily neighed in fear, and actually stopped and stopped moving forward.

"Master!" Garen narrowed his eyes.

"Where do so many masters come from!? Have you never seen them before?" Ke Ling bit his lower lip and said bitterly, "I have lived in the south for so many years and have studied all the top masters, but these people appeared today."

Garen quietly jumped out of the carriage and strode to the front of the car.

"Are you here to stop us too?" He had just walked ten steps in front of his opponent when he felt a cold and sharp breath rushing toward him. He glanced at the thin sword on the opponent's waist, and sure enough he saw the silver stabbing sword. It was cold, reflecting the cold light, giving people a cold and sharp feeling.

The red-haired woman looked cold. Pulling out the thin sword from her waist, her movements were strange, from slow to fast, and the last squeaking sound accelerated instantly, and the tip of the sword rubbed against the scabbard and made a crisp sound.

"Don't blame me, I am also entrusted by others. Remember the name of the person who will kill you immediately. My name is Si Kafei. You should feel honored to die under the Howling Sword."

"Xikafei? Howling Sword?" Garen frowned slightly. He could feel that his opponent was not far behind him and was about to enter that level. He had just entered that level, and the blood balloon in the center of his chest and abdomen was the symbol of this level.

Anyone who is close to this level will have at least one secret martial arts at the top, and they are definitely not easy to deal with.

A master of this level has surpassed Fei Baiyun's level, and is definitely not something that ordinary forces can hire. Garen looked at this person carefully. He was close to thirty years old and already over twenty-five. There must be no hope of making another breakthrough.

"If you" Before he finished speaking, a harsh ghostly scream suddenly sounded.

Wow! !

Like a baby's cry, it was strange and harsh. The stabbing sword in Xikafei's hand flashed, turning into a silver thread and piercing Garen's left chest. The sound was extremely irritating, and it was clearly the strange sound coming from the vibration of the rapier blade.

The rapier was extremely fast. As soon as Garen heard the sound, he saw the silver thread flying towards him, and it reached his chest in just a blink of an eye. Different from the previous times, this time there was a faint coldness on the tip of the sword, which actually caused goosebumps to appear on the skin through the clothes.

Annoyed by the noise, Garen's reaction was more than a beat slower. He had no time to block it, so he had to pick up a cloud of sand under his feet and throw it at the opponent's face. At the same time, he felt a pain in his chest and was stabbed.

The two retreated as soon as they came into contact, each standing a few steps away. The red-haired woman Sikafei had small wounds on her face from a few larger sand particles, while the clothes on Garon's chest had a big hole, and her naked white chest In the middle, a hint of red is clearly visible.

Without saying much, the two of them rushed towards each other again.

The silver sword turned into silver snakes and kept intersecting with Garen's fist.

The stabbing sword stabbed Garen's body again and again, barely making red dots and not even breaking the skin. Garen's fists were easily dodged every time. The speed difference is too big.

The two kept spinning, changing positions several times in just ten seconds. From time to time, the rapier will suddenly make a harsh ghost whistle, which makes people feel uneasy. Whenever the ghost scream sounds, the speed and power of the rapier will suddenly become stronger, and Garen will stir up the mud and sand with his feet every time. past. Many actual battles made him more proficient in the use of skills and gained a lot of experience. From time to time, he would let out a low roar, which shocked the woman all over. Her movements were sluggish for a moment, and she was almost hit by a punch several times. She was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat.

Gradually, Garen became familiar with Xikafei's routines, and gradually adapted to the sudden impact of the Wailing Sword. The four major forms of Baiyun's fighting skills were used in his hands in succession, and his movements were natural and smooth. At the back, almost every move he made was vaguely carrying the characteristics of the four major shapes.

"Step!" Garen rushed towards Xikafei, but was sidestepped by Xikafei, and actually rushed over and turned his back to the opponent.

"Opportunity!" Xikafei was overjoyed and took a step forward. She raised the sword and heard howling ghosts again. However, she suddenly saw Garen's back turned to her and struck back with her elbow, like a sharp arrow shot from a bow string, with extremely explosive force. powerful.

"not good!"

Her expression changed, because her body was about to rush forward to attack him, so it was too late to change direction immediately. She didn't expect Garen to suddenly combine his moves and use such a seductive move. , he has always been upright and all his moves were real moves, but he didn't expect that the move just now was actually a feint. Just to seduce her and give it a try.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Xikafei suddenly burst out with secret martial arts, his ghostly scream suddenly turned into a scream, and he barely raised his stabbing sword in front of him to block his body.

Garen's face was expressionless, and he was fully focused on this fierce battle. He felt that the four major forms that had never been coherent before were actually becoming more and more coherent and natural at this moment, and he could easily use the most suitable moves at will. , to maximize the lethality of physical strength. This feeling is amazing.

His right elbow instantly collided with the blade of Sikafei's rapier.


Garen felt a pain in his waist and tilted his elbow slightly. He just rubbed it on the stabbing sword and directly knocked Xi Kafei away several meters away. He staggered and turned pale. He barely managed to use his sword to stand still.

Garen quickly glanced at his waist, where there was actually a long brass bullet embedded in it.

"There are snipers!!" He reacted suddenly, and for a moment he felt a stinging pain in the center of his eyebrows, as if something was aiming at him. He tilted his head hastily.


There was another gunshot, and a stream of hot air flew past Garen's face in an instant.

This time Xikafei also regained his breath and rushed forward again with his sword in hand.

While Gallon was dealing with Sikafei's attack, he was also wary of the sniper touching his vital parts, and did not dare to use his full strength. However, his four major shapes are becoming more coherent and natural, and their combinations are extremely wonderful.

"We must fight as quickly as possible!" He knew that he couldn't delay it for too long. It would be okay if he was alone, but there were still junior brothers and sisters who needed to be taken care of.

A series of punching, throwing, shooting and stepping, the four major forms were used instantly within two seconds. It was the first time for Garen to use it like this. The burst of energy and blood was slightly blocked, and the injury in the abdomen began to hurt slightly. It was obviously caused by Old wounds.

The last step of the step actually stirred up a cloud of sand and splashed it on Xikafei's face. The beating made her step back.

"Die!" Garen grabbed the opponent's throat with one hand. He moved faster than ever before. This time, at the cost of aggravating his injuries, he continued to explode in exchange for this perfect opportunity. As long as this woman is dealt with, it will be much easier to deal with the sniper.


Another bullet hit Garen hard in the neck, causing his body to tilt and deviate slightly from the direction. The palm of his hand grazed Xikafei's neck, leaving two traces of blood.

"Damn it!" Garen was completely furious. He almost had two chances to kill his opponent, but they were all interfered with by snipers.

He took a deep breath, his chest expanded instantly, and the skin on his open chest suddenly turned slightly blue and black.

Roar! !

A roar.

Xikafei was shocked to the point where his ears were numb and his whole body felt dizzy.

Garen took the opportunity to pounce forward, avoiding the two bullets, holding her face down and slamming her into the ground.


Xikafei's head was smashed like a watermelon. The Howling Sword in her hand immediately fell to the ground, and Garen grabbed it, rolled to her feet, and ran in the direction of the sniper's bullets with a few strides.

From a distance, he saw a bald man upstairs in a double-story red house nearby, putting away his gun in a panic and trying to escape.

He rushed over in a few steps, thrust a claw into the man's chest, lifted it hard, and with a tearing sound, a large piece of flesh and blood on the man's chest was torn off alive. It screamed like a pig.

"Boss! Save me!!" He cried in horror.

Garen slapped him directly on the head, and the bald sniper's screams suddenly stopped, and his whole body went limp and breathless.

Looking in the direction where the man was calling for help, he saw another person standing in the corner of the house. He was a strong, bald man. His eyes were red, he was breathing heavily, and he was holding the same hand. Holding a sniper rifle, he was obviously involved in the shooting just now.

After Garen killed a sniper, he vented his anger a little. When he saw another sniper appear, he immediately snorted and rushed towards him.


A ray of silver light flashed in front of him instantly.

"Reverse Ten Stars!!" Garen finally couldn't help but became furious, "Don't go too far!!"

A silver thin sword lay between Garen and the bald sniper. Nishixing stood aside with a mocking look on his face and looked at Garen with a sneer.

"I'm sorry, but you can't kill this person either."

"You're looking for death!!" Garen couldn't bear it anymore. His whole body expanded ferociously, growing from 1.7 meters to more than 2 meters. The clothes on his chest were bursting.


The torn clothes flew away. Garen's upper body was naked, and his muscles were black and blue. The big tendons were like black snakes lying under the skin and twisting slightly. His body shape is actually much bigger than when he was in the ring.

The reverse star finally changed its color.

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