Mysterious journey

Chapter 928 Awakening 1

Far away from Lion Town, on an abandoned road between remote mountains.

At this time, groups of short-braided men riding red motorcycles were yelling and making strange noises, waving the metal chains in their hands, and constantly swinging them into black shadows hovering above their heads.


"Discovered a new town, hahaha!!"

"Looks like there's new food!"

"Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!!" someone yelled.

On the motorcycle leading the team, there was a man with the longest whip on the back of his head. His eyes were slightly swollen and his skin was pale. Strangely, the whip behind his hair was different from the others. The black whip actually twisted automatically like a living creature. crawling slowly around his neck.

"I haven't eaten for five days, I'm so hungry," the leader of the men said in a low voice.

The motorcycles that the group of people were riding slowly rushed towards a small town in front of them. That town was a nearby town that had always been in competition with Lion Town - Vulture Town.

The leader of the town is a strong and proud man with outstanding skills in heavy artillery.

"The pig caught yesterday said that there are a total of five towns in the area ahead. They all rely on garbage mountains to live. They have a large population, at least two to three hundred people. It seems that we can have a good meal again. Come on!" A motorcycle came up quickly from the side, screaming and laughing with the leader.

"Kill the town in front first!" The leader raised his right hand high, his fingers as red as blood, sharp and slender, like five sharp little daggers.

"Go forward!!" He roared violently, and a powerful sound wave surged out of his throat, causing the entire road ground around him to tremble violently.

In the distant town under the morning sun, on the observation deck, a sentry quickly rang the electronic alarm clock.

The beeping sirens continued to spread from the town in all directions.

The gathering and hunting teams that were still working outside quickly returned.

The town was in a state of hustle and bustle. The leader, a strong man with short hair, was quickly climbing up to the only observation tower, taking the electronic telescope and looking over here.

"It's a hunter," the strong man said in a low voice.

"Human hunters?! Aren't they always active in the Northeast!? Why did they suddenly come here!" The deputy next to him was startled and asked hurriedly.

"Perhaps there is some trouble over there, or it may be for other reasons. These monsters are everywhere, so it is not surprising to come here." The strong man threw the telescope to the deputy, "See for yourself."

He turned around and looked at the dozen or so young and middle-aged men in the town who had begun preparing for battle.

"Ready to fight!!"


The people below raised their guns and knives in response.

"Boss, we have never fought a human hunter before. Do we need to find people from other towns for support?" The deputy felt a little uncertain.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here!" The strong man glanced at him and said a little contemptuously.

Human hunters are a unique race of people in the radiation belt. They are a type of infected people who mutate from the radiation disease. They like to eat human flesh raw. They have a ferocious and bloody temperament and are powerful. However, most of their personalities are affected by the instinctive desire to eat, and thus become He was reduced to a ball of paste, and he only knew how to attack by instinct, but he didn't quite understand the more complicated logic and operations.

In the radiation belt, the number of human hunters is the largest. Everywhere, people who were driven out of the area were infected with radiation sickness and became human hunters. This proportion can generally account for 60%, and the rest are either dead or dead. It is relatively rare for someone who becomes a target of exploitation to survive and still be a normal human being.

The most cruel thing is that the lifespan of human hunters is not long, only five or six years, but their fecundity is very terrifying, comparable to that of spiders. One litter can give birth to five, six, seven or eight, or even more than ten. indivual. And once they become human hunters, they will be infected with powerful germs, enough to infect a normal radioactive person into the same low-level human hunter in a short period of time. This is the scariest place.

Reproductive power, coupled with pollution, is also the key to human hunting being able to become stronger and stronger in this era of technological mass murder.

In fact, they are the most numerous people in the radiation belt. Most of the normal radiation people build defense systems, not only to resist the ubiquitous threat of mutant beasts and insects, but mainly to prevent them.

The terrifying fecundity and tyrannical bodies of human hunters make them like locusts in radiation belts. In recent years, they have increased in number and occupied an increasingly larger area.

boom! !

A heavy artillery shot was fired from the town, hitting hard not far in front of the man-hunting convoy.

The huge impact and explosion force overturned the abandoned road, and hit the head and body of Renshou with the flying cement stones. It actually only made small wounds, and then it was unable to bounce away.

The leading men's faces were covered with blood, and they wiped their faces ferociously. They howled louder and looked at the town in the distance with more ferocious eyes.



A group of people yelled, and some even knew how to pronounce a few simple words.

The entire human hunting team consisted of more than twenty people, forming two long snakes and rushing toward the town at high speed.

Boom! Another long-distance heavy artillery hit, causing rocks and soil to fly across the ground. A man was blown up on the spot, his flesh and blood turned into sauce foam, and the battle began.


lion town

Dong Peilan looked down at the sand table model in front of him.

The two deputies were squatting beside her, staring at the sand table with frowns as well.

The three of them are the highest combat power in the entire Lion Town. Both deputies are second-level consciousness experts, while Dong Peilan herself is a third-level expert, which is one of the key reasons why she can become the leader of Lion Town.

"Ajie, who was on sentry duty, came over earlier to report that he saw traces of Man Shou in the northeast. I didn't believe it yet. Unexpectedly, Xiaodong came again just now. They got specific photos of Man Shou rushing towards Vulture Town. It was almost They were discovered by the hunter at one o'clock. Once discovered by these monsters, these little kids will definitely not be able to come back!" Deputy Custer said in a low and solemn voice.

"How many people are there specifically?" Dong Peilan stretched out his index finger and bit it slowly in his mouth.

"At least twenty or so, look at the photo," Custer replied.

The other deputy, Mei Long, is an older man with a big beard, and there is a hint of white in the beard.

"I once encountered a human hunter in a small town in the east. They are very crazy and very strong. The strongest ones can even fight against some powerful mutant beasts, but their life span is short. The most troublesome thing is that the human hunter likes to feed on human flesh. There is no way to negotiate and solve the problem. We can only kill!"

"How is the combat effectiveness?" Custer asked.

"It's very difficult to deal with, but as long as there are no level 2 human hunters, there is no big problem with other ordinary level 1 hunters. They are all afraid of firearms, but the quantity must be paid attention to. Mainly, the level 2 or above human hunters have the ability to harden their skin. Generally, firearms It was only a minor injury, except for heavy artillery, it can't be killed at all!" Mei Long said helplessly, "I still shudder when I think of that man-hunting attack on the city."

"Do you think Vulture Town can be defended?" Dong Peilan asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Mei Long shook his head. "It should be okay if there are no Level 2 human hunters. If there are, I'm afraid we have to be prepared to face a large number of human hunters. They contaminate the environment very quickly."

These words caused both Dongpelan and Custer to shiver.

"I hope Vulture Town can hold on!" Dong Peilan stood up, "Immediately let people send out drones to monitor Vulture Town. It doesn't matter if the energy blocks are consumed a little, now is not the time to save!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Mei Long nodded.

"Also check everyone's weapon reserves, how many energy blocks are in stock, how many bullets are in stock, and send a few more people to the processing workshop."

"There is only one automatic bullet production line in the processing workshop. We can't increase the output even if we send people there. We can only produce two thousand rounds of bullets every day. The energy blocks are quite sufficient, but I'm worried that the ray gun is not powerful enough." Mei Long He smiled bitterly.

"We can't let everyone use knives to fight with humans, right?" Dong Peilan was also a little annoyed.

"What about the other towns?" Custer asked in a low voice, "If it's really difficult, let's withdraw?"

"Withdraw?" Dong Peilan was also thinking about this issue. With the old encyclopedia Mei Long here, they all have a very clear understanding of the strength of the human hunters. As long as there is one second-level human hunter among the more than 20 human hunters, this group of people will be really in trouble. The second-level human hunter In fact, it is equivalent to the powerful combat effectiveness of a second-level fully armed pilot driving a standard mecha. Although this is only a theoretical comparison, the second-level pilot is definitely stronger than the second-level human hunter, but this also illustrates how powerful and difficult it is in disguise.

While the three of them were hesitating, the simple pager on Custer's waist rang again.

"Uncle Custer, another hunter has appeared!!" There was a somewhat chaotic call from the other side.

"So many. So many!!" "Run! Go back to town!"

"Oh my God! There are at least fifty or sixty people!!"

A chaotic mix of human voices made the faces of the three of them look increasingly grim.

"What's going on? Tell me!" Custer yelled.

"Everywhere, all around town! All around town! Oh my God!?" the man holding the pager shouted back.


The three of them quickly ran out of the room, climbed onto the only observation deck, and looked into the distance.

At this sight, the three of them were completely shocked.

I saw densely packed groups of people hunting everywhere around the town. They all had swollen eyes, pale skin, and black hair and short braids on the back of their heads. All of them are agile and vigorous. Some mouths were still dripping with sticky and disgusting saliva.

The hunting and gathering teams around Lion Town all returned. A team of about thirty people in total quickly poured into the town, and soon, the four-sided defense system of Lion Town, built like a war fortress, was quickly activated.

The steel gates fell hard and hit the ground.

The entire town soon formed a cylindrical black and gray fortress. The walls and gates were made of alloy as thick as a hand. Thirty young adults above the wall picked up their weapons and stood up. Looking down the wall.

Many people looked nervous, but most of them had natural expressions. Although they had never been in contact with human hunters, they had experienced many battles and were very confident in the guys in their hands.

The expressions of the three leaders standing calmly and confidently on the observation deck also infected them and gave them confidence.

"Free attack!" Dong Peilan raised his hand and shouted with the loudspeaker handed by his deputy in one hand.

Bang bang bang! !

A series of gunshots began.

Several human hunters were knocked to the ground, with blood streaming from their heads.

These hunters seemed to have no leader, and were not very hungry. They were just wandering around in a daze. At this time, they were forced by the gun and stopped immediately. The whole town was surrounded by a circle.


Suddenly, there was a violent and high-pitched whistling sound in the distance, which seemed to be the howl of a human hunter.

"It's a second-level human hunter!!" Mei Long's face changed slightly and he whispered.

Dongpelan and Custer also felt that the problem was difficult.

"What to do?!" Custer looked at Dong Peilan.

"How fast are humans hunting?" Dong Peilan asked in a low voice.

"Soon, we probably won't be able to escape." Mei Long shook his head.

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