Mysterious journey

Chapter 929 Awakening 2

"Then prepare with all your strength, see if they can't get through!" Dong Peilan had a ruthless look on his face. "We have guns and defenses, and our food reserves should last for two weeks. I don't believe they can surround us for that long!"

The two deputies nodded, went down and quickly began to inspect possible defense loopholes around the town.

Divide the people who came up to defend into two groups, with fifteen people in each group dispersed, while the other group went back to rest.

Soon, the people outside were running towards the direction of the sound. After a while, they were as fast as a car, and soon they disappeared on the horizon.

This also made the people in the town breathe a sigh of relief.

But only Dong Peilan saw it with a telescope. There were people all around in the distance staring at this place.

"We are being targeted by them." She understood clearly in her mind that although the human hunter was not very intelligent, he still had some logical IQ. At least we can make simple arrangements.

She had also seen the speed of the people hunting just now. If they left the town where they were stationed, they would be overtaken in no time. Without defense, they would have no power to resist at that time.

"It seems we can only hold on."

A deep sense of crisis surged into her heart.

What she didn't know was that not only here, but also in the entire radiation, wherever there were cracks in the ground, a large number of human-hunting monsters were constantly pouring out.

They kill people when they see them and destroy towns when they see them! Like wild dogs in the wilderness, the once-in-a-hundred-year human hunting wave broke out in advance, which no one expected.

This is a disaster that only occurs in radiation belts. In each major domain, isolation shields slowly rise one by one, completely cutting off the communication between the domain and the radiation belt. Each domain is like an island in the sea, standing in the radiation belt. Some of the outposts in the White Light and Black Disk Domains also withdrew their personnel and all returned to the territory.

The reason why the domain is powerful but does not expand everywhere, allowing the Radiant people to enjoy the mineral deposits in many places, allowing them to dig them out and then trade them to the caravans coming out of the domain, is also for this reason. Their strength is only enough to hold on to this point in the wave of human hunting. scope. It's not that they don't want to expand, but the outbreak of the human hunting wave that most people in the area don't know about will cause them to experience terrifying pressure that increases geometrically every time they expand a little bit.

On the entire surface of the mother star, each domain, including the Central Academy, as well as a large number of domains in the four major areas of southeast, northwest and north that are distributed around the center like stars, are surrounded by countless human hunters.

Most of the strongholds in the radiation belt live in retreat. This kind of hunting wave will last all day long and will not retreat until night falls.

Every day. Only half a day also gave the radiation people hope for life.


Night falls quietly.

Although it was quiet all day during the day, the nervous fatigue consumed Dong Peilan greatly.

She has always had to be at the forefront to stabilize everyone's hearts so as not to cause chaos in the town. As the most powerful radioactive person in the town, if even she is shaken, the entire town will collapse.

Returning to the bedroom, she glanced at the thigh component in the corner. The entire bottle of nutrient solution upside down on it had been completely absorbed, leaving only a gray hard shell covering the surface of the component. That was when the nutrient solution had been absorbed. Finally, the remaining impurities remain.

"Has it really been absorbed?" Dong Peilan walked over in surprise, picked up the bottle, and looked at the mouth of the bottle. Sure enough, it was empty, with nothing in it.

"Anyway, this kind of highly radioactive nutrient solution was used to grow flowers and plants in the past. There are so many of them, I want to see how much you can absorb!" Dong Peilan walked out of the bedroom and asked someone to take more than ten bottles of waste nutrients. Liquid comes.

All of them were placed upside down on the surface of the thigh part.

Suddenly, the surface of the component was covered with a clear blue color, and the nutrient solution in the bottle dried quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Tsk, tsk." Dong Peilan's curiosity became more and more intense. She had seen all kinds of radiation mutated beasts in the radiation belt since she was a child, and she had never seen such changes before.

And just inside the parts she couldn't see.

Garen's crouched body has returned to a normal human figure. His eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to have some consciousness.

What is strange is that the two energy master marks suspended behind him slowly light up at this time.

The Mechanic Master's Key on Garen's body, which had not yet been shattered, began to ripple slightly.

‘The qualification of the second-level energy mechanic has been verified and confirmed. Do you want to participate in the nearby supernatural space trading market? ? ’

A subtle wave of consciousness asked Garen.

"A market for skilled mechanics?" Garen had just woken up from his coma when he heard such a question.

".join in."

'Confirmation is complete, the separation of consciousness begins, and the supernatural space is entering.'

When Garen just woke up and opened his eyes, he suddenly saw that the surrounding area was suddenly dark, and then he soon seemed to have entered a rainbow-like cylindrical tunnel and flew upwards quickly.

Not long after, the end of the tunnel appeared, a round mouth glowing with white light.

Flying out suddenly, Garen blocked his eyes for a moment to let them adapt to the sudden change in light.

He was in the same square as he had been last time.

But this square is slightly different.

The ground is made of white jade, and the fountain in the middle is a white dolphin leaping high without any support below. It seems to be suspended anti-gravity technology.

There are not many shops surrounding the square, only five or six. So that the whole square seems smaller.


Suddenly a woman's voice came from not far away.

Garen looked up and saw Xilin running over quickly with a haggard look on his face. There were not many people around except them. Twenty or thirty people at most.

Some magicians squatted on the stalls and communicated silently with the stall owners. Some people stood there and seemed to be searching for something.

There were also people standing together in twos and threes, talking quietly. Xilin came over quickly without attracting anyone's attention. She ran over in a few steps. He grabbed Garen and walked towards the corner.

"Don't worry, only you can hear my voice!" Xilin said loudly, the expression of joy on his face undisguised. "I knew you were still alive!"

"I also thought I was going to die." Garen shook his head helplessly, "It's such bad luck. The fight between the two factions directly implicated me. This may be the disadvantage of Mu Xiu Yulin."

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin? What a metaphor." Xilin nodded, his eye circles a little red. "I have been waiting for you here for more than ten days. The human hunting wave broke out. The supernatural space is the only place where energy masters can exchange and trade items. Moreover, this place is completely disconnected from the major domains. The domain's influence is very small here, so Even if you are wanted, no one here will pay attention to you. The heinous Mechanic Masters are just equal members here. As long as they do not violate the agreement and laws of the Mechanic Masters Alliance, nothing from the outside world can be brought here."

"That's good!" Garen also breathed a sigh of relief. Recalling what happened this time, he didn't expect that Teacher Fanduo would give up on him after all, and their opponent, Fengshen General, would never allow Fanduo's faction to have another powerful genius appear, so they took the opportunity to attack, and the result was that they were weaker. Fan Duo retreated.

A dead and crippled genius is not called a genius. This may be the key to Fan Duo giving up in the end.

"Where are you now? If you need any help, please come as soon as possible. I went to the Aurora Domain. The protective shield here has not been completely closed. You must have escaped from the domain, right?" Xilin asked quickly.

"How do you know!?" Garen said in surprise.

"The Mechanic Master Key on your body has a weak signal here. Except for me, no one knows that you have obtained this and entered the supernatural space, so I can probably sense your vague location." Xilin Answer quickly. She looked around, looking a little nervous.

"Listen, I can't do anything about most of your things. I tried my best to get the unique mecha, but I still couldn't get it, and it was taken away by Fila. And I hid some of the rest of the Zhineng Mine for you in advance. , there is another one, your biochemical pool preparation materials, only Mila cells, I have hidden them for you in advance, and the other rare materials you have collected in the past two years were all taken away by your teacher Fan Duo. Yes, if you want the Mila cells, I can send them to you right away before the wave of people hunts breaks out in the air area."

"Did Van Duo take it away?" Garen was slightly startled.

"You don't believe it?" Xilin also showed a hint of sarcasm. "When you were unlucky, your teacher immediately sent someone to your public residence and searched through it to get your technical information on refining the colored light stone. Unfortunately, he couldn't find it. He thought he was concealed enough. Okay, but you don’t know that I will arrange for someone to be at your place at any time.”

Garen remained silent.

"Now I am also being monitored by them. I don't have much time. Not only the family, but also people from your teacher have come several times and asked me to hand over your technical information. Haha." Xilin laughed sarcastically. "There is no movement at Fila's side now. Instead, your teacher Fanduo sent people to guard my side all day long. He also did it in your house. Fila doesn't even bother to do anything to your family."

Garen was silent for a moment before asking.

"What happened to my family?"

"She was detained. Your sister was caught and sent to Fanduo. I don't know what she did. I went over as quickly as possible to take her out, but it seemed that she had been given some medicine and became a little confused. Ask whatever you want. After the examination, it was found that it was an extremely powerful mantra potion, and the brain may have been damaged. I have already arranged for surgery to recover. But your parents' company has been closed, and their whereabouts are unknown. Don't worry, I I won't let anything happen to them!!" Xilin said firmly in a low voice.

Garen took a deep breath. Although he had no feelings for Nonosiwa's family in this world, he was the one who brought this disaster to them after all.

"Thank you." He patted Xilin's shoulder vigorously.

"What are you going to do?" Xilin asked worriedly, "Don't be impulsive! You can't fight them!"

"Don't worry, if I can't be a pilot, I still have the path to become a mechanic." There was a cold glint in Garen's eyes. The Seventh Wind God General, Fan Duo, and Fila. In fact, he didn’t blame the Wind God General and Fila. As enemies, it was normal to use any method to deal with the enemy.

What is sad for him is that as his teacher, Fan Duo did not teach him any important knowledge. Black Wind's knowledge is also something that everyone in the Black Annihilation sect knows. However, in the end, he was defeated because of the struggle between the two sects. And became a victim, an exchange of interests. In the end, the one who benefited the most was Fan Duo himself.

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