Mysterious journey

Chapter 939 Big Bad Wolf 2

"With this big guy, we can relax a little bit." Mei Long murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, it can hunt people by smell. It also has night vision and is very fast. It can patrol the entire town in a few minutes." Garen nodded.

At this time, even though it was already one day before the large army of human hunters arrived, heavy pressure was placed on everyone, but after seeing this powerful new force joining their own team, hunting invisible human hunters everywhere, There was a deep hope in everyone's heart.

No one spoke. The survivors just stared at Garen quietly, with strong hope in their eyes. They only knew that Garen was a local who was rescued by the leader, and the rest knew nothing. But this At that moment, when everyone was in the most difficult time, Garen stood up and gave everyone hope.

"Why didn't you take it out earlier!!??" Suddenly an angry voice sounded from the crowd.

A young man with a scar on his forehead stared at Garen with his face flushed.

"If you had taken it out earlier, we wouldn't have killed so many people! If you had taken it out earlier, would we have ended up like this?!" The young man rushed out and punched Garen hard.

"It's all your fault!! It's all your fault that we are in this situation!!"

He roared wildly, yelled and punched Garen hard.

Garen reached out and squeezed his fist.

"Idiot. If I could have taken it out earlier, why would you come out and say it now?!" Garen said coldly. "If your leader hadn't saved me, I wouldn't have bothered to care about your life or death. It's none of my business whether you live or die??" He said directly without any concealment.

"You!! Everyone listen! Listen! Is he speaking human language?!" the young man roared loudly.

But no one responded to him. The rest, including his companions, just looked at him coldly. No one in the radiation belt is a fool. No one knows what a young man wants to do when he rushes out like this. Maybe he just finds an outlet for his pure emotions. But no one will accompany him crazy.

"Barr, your sister and father were killed by the Invisible Hunter. This has nothing to do with Mr. Gallon. As he said, if the leader hadn't saved him, he wouldn't have bothered to care about our lives. And Gallon The husband has been busy in the back, and we all know that the big wolf dog has never appeared before, and now it has appeared, and everyone can think of the connection." An older, middle-aged woman came out and said in a deep voice. "If Mr. Gallon could have taken it out earlier, he would have taken it earlier. There were more of us earlier, and with the strength of the big wolf dog, the chance of survival in defense was obviously higher, but he didn't. What does this mean? Does it mean Mr. Gallon doesn’t want to live anymore?!”

The more she spoke, the more severe she became, staring at the young man Barr. The latter's sadness and anger slowly subsided, replaced by a face full of shame.

"Okay, we only have this few people left in Lion Town, but they all came back in the worse times before." Dong Peilan walked out and said loudly. Taking advantage of the fact that the people were not here yet and the surroundings were still calm, she We must also unify everyone’s ideas as much as possible.

"Do you still remember the last mutated ghost attack? How many of us died? In the end, there were only fifteen people left, and the town was re-established later."

"Yes, all the new ones are dead, and the rest here are old people." Someone echoed.

Others nodded.

Dong Peilan looked around and said calmly.

"So, now that Mr. Gallon has given us hope, from now on, all of us will follow Mr. Gallon's arrangements. Maybe there is hope to survive this crisis!"

This is handing over power. Although a town with only ten people left has no rights at all, it is showing its attitude.

No one had any objections, the vote went smoothly, and everyone could see that the only hope now may lie with Garen. This person who appeared mysteriously in the domain seemed not to be as desperate and pessimistic as the others. It was obvious that he had a certain degree of certainty.

Driven by Garen's calmness and quietness, everyone, including Dong Peilan, felt much better and regained their energy.


The sound of a big wild wolf hunting a manhunter could be heard again in the distance, and apparently another invisible manhunter was killed.

This makes everyone's hopes grow bigger and bigger.

If only there were a few more big wild wolves like this.

"From now on, everyone must obey Mr. Gallon's arrangements, and my position as leader is officially transferred to him. Do you have any objections?" Dong Peilan said loudly.

No one spoke up, everyone acquiesced.

"Now, Jialong, what are your plans?" Mei Long opened his mouth and looked at Jialong.

"There are big wild wolves in the town patrolling and hunting people who may be nearby. Just keep the wall and wait for my instructions later!" Garen nodded lightly, turned and walked towards the biochemical pool behind the town.

"There is still one day left before the human-hunting army. We must accumulate strength as much as possible."


The turmoil was calmed down, and Garen became the nominal leader of Lion Town. Although everyone is still led by Dong Peilan, this change will gradually transition over time.

Back in the basement, Garen poured the second batch of materials into the biochemical pool again, squatted down and held the edge of the pool with one hand.

Suddenly, a large number of energy machine mark consciousness threads spread out and poured into the biochemical pool to form a large line of things like blood vessels.

Second production of Big Bad Wolf begins!

The second production lasted a full two hours.

Garen also trimmed its control method, and then gave it instructions, letting it go to the wall to help everyone patrol and defend. After being strengthened by the twisted seed, the big bad wolf is much more powerful than ordinary cannon fodder, not to mention the wolf. , even ordinary people, after their physical fitness is three times stronger, coupled with powerful fighting instincts, they will become a perverted killing machine.

Garen didn't know how strong the strengthened Big Bad Wolf could be, but it was undoubtedly much stronger than the average first-level human hunter.

outside world.

When the second big bad wolf appeared, everyone let out a muffled cheer.

The huge and ferocious body, the long and sharp claws, and the strong muscle outline are undoubtedly a symbol of safety in the eyes of everyone.

As soon as this twisted parasitic creature, named the Big Bad Wolf by Garen, appeared, everyone's faces felt faintly relieved.

Then it was lunch time again, and five people were left on the wall to serve as sentries, cooperating with the big bad wolf on guard. The rest came down to eat under Garen's order.

Dong Peilan followed the big wild wolf in the town who was hunting the Invisible Man and found a hole in the wall where the Invisible Man had entered the town. After having it completely blocked, there was no safety risk anymore and the empty hole was The Big Bad Wolf was also ordered by Garen to go up the wall as a defensive force.

After coming down, Mei Long and others kept their heads down, drinking broth and eating mixed flour cakes made of dried vegetables. From time to time, they looked up at the two big wild wolves that were swimming on the wall and occasionally making low whistles. They couldn't help but feel a sense of security in their hearts. feel.

"It really feels a lot better to have such a powerful pet defending the town."

The middle-aged woman who had previously scolded the young man Barr said with emotion.

"Yes, thanks to Mr. Gallon's help." Mei Long smiled and glanced at everyone squatting or sitting. Although the atmosphere in the town was much cooler at this time, it was no longer as desperate and depressing as before. .

"Mr. Garen should be a powerful weapon master. I once saw such strong men when I was young. They were so high and mighty that even the pilots did not dare to act arrogantly against them." Mei Long whispered.

"A skilled mechanic." The middle-aged woman seemed to be yearning for him, "Mr. Garen is still so young."

"If I can also become a magician." A little boy on the side clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He and another little girl were the only two minors to survive among all the children in the town.

Soon another two hours passed, and a large wild wolf nearly two meters in size ran out of the basement at the back of the town.

This big guy came out of the basement, climbed directly onto the wall from behind the town, and began to defend the back of the town.

The three big wild wolves stopped and ran on the wall from time to time. Their speed was much faster than ordinary people, and they could recover after taking a rest occasionally. It gave everyone a great sense of security for a while.

It was getting late, and everyone divided into groups. Five people went up to the wall to continue the defense. Five people were left to rest and recover their strength. With the three big wild wolves, the manpower seemed to be sufficient.

Mei Long took two people to collect drinking water from the water purification machine and at the same time repair the energy block collector. Although collecting energy blocks in the town was slow, it was better than nothing.

Everyone was busy. After Dong Peilan arranged the defense, he went to the basement and was ready to listen to Garen's orders at any time.

By seven o'clock in the evening.

A big wild wolf ran out of the basement again, this was already the fourth one.

Four big guys, nearly two meters tall, were running around the town wall, stopping and moving, evenly guarding one direction like an army.

This may not be strict for a small town that can accommodate hundreds of people, but the speed of the big bad wolf is amazing. People rush from here to there in a short while, and the distance of more than ten meters is swept by.

In the evening, just as everyone was starting to change shifts, the two people who had not yet completely walked out suddenly shouted.

"The hunter is coming!!"

The shout was like a thunderclap, waking everyone up instantly.

Everyone took up arms and rushed to the wall, ready for a defensive battle at any time.

There are only six middle-aged people left in the town who can hold a gun, not counting the remaining two children and Mei Long, an old man, and Dong Peilan as the leader, so there are only six people who can actually fight.

But with the presence of four big wild wolves, there were actually ten people.

Mei Long leaned on the wall and looked down under the moonlight.

I saw more than a dozen human hunters running towards the wall on their hands and knees. Their eyes were red, and they actually chose the night when the human hunters hated them the most to attack.

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