Mysterious journey

Chapter 940 Technology 1

"Shoot!!" the middle-aged woman shouted in command.

Bang bang bang.

Scattered gunshots rang out, and four human hunters fell down at once, while ten more continued to rush over.

They moved very fast, each one letting out a deep gasp, and in a few seconds they reached the bottom of the wall, and began to use their hands and feet to grab onto the wall and climb up.

Moreover, the man hunter who had been shot down before actually got up again, seemingly only slightly injured, and rushed towards the wall quickly, which made everyone despair. Another chaotic gunfire rang out.

This time Ren Shou was hit and didn't even have to move to fall to the ground, he just carried himself forward. Both ray guns and bullet guns are too weak against them.

At this moment, a big wild wolf rushed out of the basement at the back again, this was the fifth one. At the same time, Dong Peilan also brought out Garen's order.

"Everyone, retreat and let the big bad wolf attack them!"

Although some were reluctant and some were still hesitant, seeing the manhunting climbing up the wall immediately, the six people quickly got off the wall and ran halfway down the stairs when they heard the roar of the big bad wolf behind them. And the screams coming from the hunter.

The five big wild wolves are like wolves in a flock of sheep. As long as their claws touch a human hunter, they can open a terrible wound.

They ran along the wall at great speed, hunting down anyone who dared to come up.

A big wild wolf pounced on a manhunter who had just climbed up the wall. Before the opponent could react, the big wild wolf stretched out its claws and grabbed the manhunter and pulled him to the ground. He lowered his head and gave the manhunter half of his body. The heads were bitten off and chewed and swallowed.

The other big wild wolf faced the three humans who had climbed up together. It used its two claws, one for each claw, and directly tore off half of the human hunter's head. However, it was also severely grabbed on the neck by the remaining claws of the hunter. A bloody wound appeared.

The big bad wolf turned around and jumped away, then kicked off his hind legs, sending the remaining hunter flying high off the wall. He fell hard on a rock in the distance, and it looked like he was dead. The entire back and spine were broken.

In less than thirty seconds, when the last human hunter was torn apart by the big wild wolves, half of it was taken away by you and half of it, everyone, including Dong Peilan, felt a little stunned.

They imagined that the Big Bad Wolf might be very powerful in combat, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Fourteen human hunters were all killed by these five big wild wolves, and now they even gnawed away the corpses.

When all this happened in front of everyone, the first thing everyone felt was a deep sense of security! !

"Maybe we can survive!!" Mei Long murmured in a low voice.

No one refuted, everyone was in the same mood at this time.


Garen was in the basement, constantly observing the five big wild wolves that were released.

He found that by eating, the survival time of these big wild wolves seemed to be greatly maintained. The twisted seed seems to be able to stabilize the gene chain that is about to collapse by eating, which is something he has not discovered before.

Under normal circumstances, even a cannon fodder unit after parasitization would not survive for more than three hours, but he found that after each meal, it was completely replenished, which could extend the survival time. After eating once, the survival time was extended to five hours. , the second time of eating, the time was extended by another ten hours.

He discovered that this seemed to come from the twisted seeds he had released.

"It seems that the twisted seed has many abilities that I haven't discovered yet." He recalled the records and information about the Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu.

There is not much description of the twisted seed above, but it is true that if the parasite of the twisted seed can only be maintained for a short time, then the cold hell peacock skill must continue to parasitize. How many times does it take to achieve a parasitic level? Considerable enough to cause chaos?

Such an ability is simply not practical.

Garen vaguely understood that perhaps the creature parasitized by the twisted seed could ensure its own survival by eating, and eating in large quantities.

"Looking at it this way, if the woman I parasitized last time was lucky, she might still be alive now." Garen was thinking of the woman who was a fifth-and-a-half-month master that he parasitized last time in order to escape.

"Then my previous deduction was also wrong. The units that explode after being parasitized by the Twisted Seed can theoretically exist forever. There is no duration to speak of." Garen muttered.

He felt his energy mark control module and found that the simplified Big Bad Wolf already had five heads, and he could still control five heads. This was his current limit.

Unless his level of energy master is improved and his consciousness is further enhanced, the ten big wild wolves will be the limit of what he can control now.

"Based on my calculation power, if I can delay it for some time, I can definitely enter the third-level energy master level in a short period of time, and then increase the upper limit again. If necessary, I can only reduce the scope of defense." Garen thought about it in his mind. Ten big wild wolves are already a very impressive fighting force.

Judging from the previous battles, one big wild wolf can be equivalent to at least five human hunters, so ten wolves are equivalent to the combat power of fifty human hunters. A head-on confrontation may not be able to defeat thousands of those human hunters, but if it is just defensive If it's a small area, it should be fine.

"Just defending like this is not the answer. We need to change to a location that makes better use of garrison defense. This town is surrounded by grasslands, and the area that needs to be defended is too large. It is simply not possible." Garen began to consider changing the defensive stronghold.

"Put this issue aside for now. It is difficult to find a more suitable defense point on the grassland. First try to use the resonance technology of the totem world. If successful, then fighting each other can break through the number limit and create a large number of big wild wolves."

Garen began to use the computing power of the energy mark to calculate the feasibility.

The Energy Mechanical Seal is like a computer installed in the brain. It is powerful and very convenient. In addition, the biochemical pool has also been constructed, and Galen also has some basis for research experiments.

While continuing to cultivate the Big Bad Wolf, he began to study how to use resonance technology for simple control. Fortunately, the Totem World has ready-made information and a large amount of experimental data for reference. Gallon only needs to test the accuracy of the parameters and compile a set of simple control devices with resonance as the core unit, and everything will be solved.

time flies.

Despite having a large amount of reference materials from the totem world, Galleon's imitation crystal ball deducer still encountered a lot of trouble.

The upper limit on the quantity is difficult to lift. He has tried his best to save the conscious control that can be saved, but he still encountered a bottleneck. The main issue is the material, what material should be selected to achieve the effect, what kind of transmission medium is required for resonance encoding, etc.

None of these have any laboratory culture conditions. Gallon has nothing in his hands.

After a period of exhaustion, Garen put down what he was doing and told no one in Dongpeilan outside to come in. He released the sixth big wild wolf he had cultivated, then locked the basement door, picked up the key and began to enter the supernatural space.

If he doesn't enter, he will probably be defined as breaching the agreement. He doesn't want to be unable to enter the supernatural space again in the future.


"Hey, you're finally here, Galleon." Xiaolan in the store bulged up when she saw Galleon. "You came so late. You really came at the wrong time."

Garen smiled sheepishly. This was the first time in his life that he was despised by a kid smaller than himself.

"Where's Minga? I'll go help right away."

"How is the energy mark? Is the fusion adaptable?" Xiaolan asked with concern.

"No problem. I have tried using it and the effect is very good." Garen replied with a smile.

"Ming Jia is inside. Now Senior Sister is going to participate in the Art Mechanic Art Competition, so he is the only one who can support me. There is nothing I can do. Please help Senior Brother more." Xiaolan whispered.

"Yes, I will." Garen nodded, opened the store's hoarding and walked inside, followed the small corridor to the left, and soon came to the experimental room.

"I'm coming." He knocked on the door.


Mingga's voice.

Garen opened the door and saw that his real hands were clinging to a large floating ball with his eyes slightly closed. There seemed to be a ball of red marshmallows gestating in the ball, and he didn't know what kind of energy mark he was creating.

"What do I want to do?" Garen asked. The first time he started, he didn't know how to insert the work.

"Within a week, as long as you can independently produce a qualified first-level basic energy weapon mark, it will be enough." Mingjia opened his eyes and said calmly. "You can try a smaller pregnancy ball. The small pregnancy ball represents a simpler mark of pregnancy, but the size is larger."

"Well, okay," Garen walked up to a nurturing ball, and Mingjia began to explain to his ears how to start guiding consciousness into the nurturing ball, how to perform micro-operations, and how to finely carve the production part on the synthetic energy machine imprint.

First of all, you need to try to understand the object that needs to be conceived and what kind of imprint it is. For example, what kind of biological imprint is to be studied. If you want to learn the imprint of saber-toothed tiger, then you must know the biological genetic structure of saber-toothed tiger well and use your own The energy weapon mark and the brain work together to completely master it. In this way, when making the energy machine mark, you can have an extremely clear understanding of the process required to produce a saber-toothed tiger and cultivate it.

"In fact, we have analyzed the genes of many organisms to an incredible level, so as long as we remember the part of the gene chain we need to use, remember how they are combined, what environment and conditions are needed to successfully cultivate them, etc., We can find the most cost-effective way to produce cannon fodder during the manufacturing process."

Mingjia explained, "You can't just look at the power and combat effectiveness. You need to look at the comprehensive aspect. For example, the saber-toothed tiger originally had a genetic aura ability called Wang Wei. This ability can make certain families and genera Creatures will be involuntarily afraid of it when they see it, but this ability is completely useless when facing a strong opponent, and it requires a lot of materials to create, so we need to cut it off."

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