Mysterious journey

Chapter 941 Technology 2

Minga put his hand down from the big ball in front of him and looked at Garen.

"We need to find a way, a way that consumes the least amount of money and creates cannon fodder that is powerful enough or useful enough. What you are choosing now is a ball of a pet lion. As a pet lion, it is usually used as a pet for people. He needs It’s not the sharp teeth and claws with bloody grooves, but the cute and naive appearance, the gentle and gentle personality, and the beautiful and majestic appearance. Of course, individual people have a soft spot for beasts.”

Garen nodded in understanding.

"So how do I analyze it? What is needed to operate the gene chain?"

"This is the gadget most commonly used by our laboratory's weapon masters." Mingjia walked to one side, took a small white ball from the window sill, and threw it directly to Garen.

After the ball was thrown, it slowly decelerated and then floated in front of Garen.

It is a silver-white ball, the size of an egg, with something like a camera lens in the middle, which is still rotating and adjusting slightly.

"The Genetic Operator is an ultra-precise instrument that can only be used by the consciousness of the Mechanic." Mingjia clapped his hands, "This thing is worth more than 100,000 crystals, remember to use it carefully. There is a computer operation screen next to it, you can check your There are many things you need to memorize for the various biological gene chains you want to query, so I suggest you choose the easiest one to start with."

After saying that, he turned and left the experimental room, leaving Garen alone.

Garen picked up the ball and played with it. As soon as he touched it, he felt that his right eye was a little blurry.

He blinked, and suddenly he felt that the field of vision of his right eye was instantly expanded. Everything in front of him was magnified instantly, as if he was passing through an extremely deep tunnel. After a slight dizziness, Garen saw a little dust floating in front of his right eye. There was a strange hexagonal hole on it, and a strange-looking little insect made it its home, constantly showing a black head in the hole.

"Is this a magnification effect?" Garen immediately realized that his right eye seemed to be zoomed in on a certain point in front of him.

No longer hesitating, he used his left eye to locate it and looked for another birthing ball. Soon, he found a small ball that gave birth to the mark of a wild wolf.

Among ordinary cannon fodder, wild wolves are low-cost creatures that consume a lot of money and are not very powerful. But what Garen has got now is the wild wolf mark. He is going to study the principle of the wild wolf mark and see if he can find more. A simple and convenient way to limit the number of contacts.

I tried to release the threads of my consciousness, and sure enough, the threads that I looked at in the past were the size of hairs, but with my right eye that was magnified many times, they were actually made up of many, many, countless thinner threads. . Every thinner thread can be manipulated. Garen tried it and got positive results.

He began to try to manipulate the silk thread to get close to the gray cotton inside the gestation ball, which contained a very primitive gray cell. Oval shape, the cell nucleus inside is like an almond, surrounded by three small black dots like satellites.

"How to operate?" Garen took the laptop in one hand. There was a lot of internal information on it. Using the genetic operator requires strong computing power, because it consumes a lot of computing power of the energy mechanic every minute and every second. Long felt like a water tank being filled with water. The burden of computing power was like water being added continuously. As time went by, he felt heavier and heavier.

After operating the consciousness ultra-fine wire for a while, Garen had to stop and take a rest to relieve his somewhat heated brain. After reading the information on the computer carefully, he found that the genetic information about wild wolves was hundreds of megabytes in size of text data, which was equivalent to tens of millions of characters when converted into text. He needed to memorize these words. information.

"So all the energy masters are perverts!" Garen couldn't help but curse. "No wonder you need the Mark of Energy to continue to improve. Without the storage function in the Mark of Energy, most people can't memorize so much information and data in a lifetime."

He took a rest and began to carefully let the computer turn the pages quickly so that his eyes could scan and store them into the energy mark. However, the page turning speed was very fast, and most people's eyes could not see what the content was after several pages.

This is the part of the imprint responsible for computing power. The computing module has complete functions, including basic functions such as storage, calculation, and transmission. But the things that exist in it do not mean that they are yours. They need to be continuously memorized into the real memory area of ​​the brain.

To put it simply, this so-called energy mark is equivalent to a brain chip woven with consciousness. It can assist the energy mechanic to perform various complex operations.

But all this is nothing to Galen, who is an expert in biology. He has deep genetic knowledge in the totem world.

Creating energy machine imprints can make use of the gene fragments that exist in organisms, but more importantly, through understanding the biological gene chain, one can synthesize a new gene fragment by oneself and embed it perfectly.

Cut, add required functions, typify the organism, specialize the functions, and then reduce energy consumption and production time, etc. This is what the energy mechanic needs to do to create the energy weapon imprint.

"The deeper our understanding of biology, the more we know what kind of genetic fragments this creature can withstand without causing body collapse. At the same time, it also needs to reach a delicate new balance." Gallon quickly understood the job meaning.

It is indeed difficult to thoroughly study an organism, including its genetic information, every stage of its body development, visceral function balance, endocrine exchange and metabolism, etc. This is a very difficult task.

But Garen had a good foundation in this, and coupled with his terrifying computing power, which was far superior to that of an average second-level energy mechanic, he soon began to try to modify the production module of the Wild Wolf Mark. The first attempt undoubtedly ended in failure.

But with the stability of his operation and the constant correction of his calculation power, he could easily master such a first-level basic imprint quickly. It only took two attempts and it was easy to succeed.

What Ningjia originally thought would take him a week to master, he completely mastered in just two hours.

There is no doubt that Garen is a powerful genius who has invested many potential points in his intelligence.

But with the lessons learned from the last time, Gallon did not stop after successfully producing a wild wolf mark with an energy consumption of less than 10%. Instead, he continued to modify the mark beyond recognition, deliberately making several difficult mistakes. , fully showing what a normal general energy mechanic should look like.

It's not necessarily a good thing to be too good and express yourself casually.

Looking at the time, Garen realized that more than two hours had passed. Mingjia hadn't come back yet, and he had finished reading the information, so he simply started to carefully study the upper limit of control on how to increase cannon fodder.

A random search on the computer network revealed a lot of information in an instant, all about how to increase the upper limit of cannon fodder control through various methods.

Among them is the single control consumption that reduces consciousness used by Galleon. There is also the use of foreign objects, an auxiliary consciousness amplification device, to amplify, which can also achieve the purpose of greatly increasing the number of cannon fodder.

In addition, some people have developed an optimal combined cannon fodder control method, using electronic implanted chips to assist control, which can greatly replace the disadvantages of conscious control and so on.

One of the papers mentioned it.

‘There is no doubt that the Mechanicist is a powerful profession developed and optimized by ancient modulators. It is also the single combat unit with the greatest potential in history, bar none! Even the most powerful heritage-level pilots are not as capable as the large-scale combat potential of the Mechanic Masters. The upper limit of controlled creatures has always been a big problem for low-level energy masters. The flow of cannon fodder can indeed achieve unexpected results in many cases. So in order to solve this problem, I am going to propose a new concept here, which is the self-shunt control unit, or L unit for short. This technology allows the weapon master to control a small number of other cores, and then use these cores to control a large number of cannon fodder creatures, and a small number of the cannon fodder creatures can also control the next level of cannon fodder creatures, so that the layers are layered to form Strong hierarchy. ’

This article clearly put forward the definition of a unit, which made Gallon sigh that this is indeed the age of science and technology, and all kinds of top scientists are not covered by it. What he has achieved is just more than the accumulation of civilization in another world. Compared with these people in other aspects, there is indeed a certain gap.

"This is a hierarchical control system similar to the army, but it requires a large amount of resources to maintain. Rather than cultivating such a unit, it is more effective to use a large amount of resources to focus on cultivating an elite unit." Garon shook his head slightly.

The following are the details of this paper, including the manufacturing process of a basic unit, but it was shelved due to the lack of key core technologies. In the interstellar era, there are too many weapons of mass destruction, and no matter how much cannon fodder is, it is not as powerful as a top master. .

Such technology has naturally been shelved and no one is interested in it. No one has provided additional research funds for in-depth research. It is estimated that even the author himself has almost forgotten about it.

However, Gallon read it carefully and found that the concept of this paper was very suitable for use in his resonance technology.

Use the principle of resonance to encode a command and control system, use consciousness to control this system, and then use this system to connect other external energy sources to control the large number of cannon fodder below.


Gallon couldn't help but sigh, and quickly memorized this paper, but it mentioned the need for production equipment for manufacturing component chips, safe implantation equipment, and the lack of a reliable control core communication technology that is not easy to interfere with. It cannot be because Attenuated by distance.

The first two are difficult points, but the latter can be completely replaced by resonance technology.

"That's him!" Garen closed the webpage and felt very happy.

As long as this technology is realized, the upper limit of cannon fodder control for energy mechanics can be exceeded. In other words, as long as the Big Bad Wolf has the materials, it can use the biochemical pool for cultivation without limit. .

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