Mysterious journey

Chapter 990 Secret War 2

"The level of Shui Jing has almost reached the peak of ordinary people's exploration. Isn't this enough?" the inspector asked.

"It depends on his qualifications. The inheritance level is a hurdle. If he can't pass it, everything will be in vain."

"That's right." The inspector nodded in agreement, "But it's rare to see a little guy with such a high level of fighting, especially in a place like this. Even my fighting level has not reached this level. If this little guy is lucky enough to pass the second At this stage, I’ll give him a little preferential treatment.”

"It's up to you. But I think he won't be able to pass it, if only based on his current strength." The voice replied calmly.

"I think it's somewhat possible." The inspector smiled.

"It's impossible, you can't pass it. You need at least a level 5 weapon master to pass the second stage. Your judgment is wrong."

His own judgment was denied in person, and the supervisor was a little embarrassed.

"I hate your absolute tone the most! Anything can happen to everything in the world, so you are so sure that your judgment will not cause any accidents?" He said unhappily.

"I may be wrong in my judgment, but the chance is one in a hundred thousand, and the judgment in the martial arts realm is one in ten million."

"If you are wrong, you call me Grandpa for a day. If I am wrong, I will call you Grandpa for a day. Do you dare to bet!?" The inspector pointed his finger in the sky and shouted loudly.

".Do you dare to lose more?"

"I'm just asking, do you dare to bet!?" The inspector is famous for being shameless. Looking at the lewd smile on his face, you know that this guy must have discovered something.

"I won't bet with you. If I lose, I can consider the option of opening up part of the privileged library resources to this little guy." The voice said lightly.

"No courage!" The inspector chuckled.

"My grandson is already your age. If you ask me to call you grandpa if you lose, it will be really embarrassing!" The voice said speechlessly. "But it's appropriate for you to call me grandpa according to your age."

"Isn't he just five hundred years older than me?" the inspector said disdainfully.

"Isn't it just five hundred years old? Many low-level energy masters will only be five hundred years old in their lifetime, and you sound like this."


"This kind of trajectory."

Garen stared attentively at the faint ripples left by the Black Loach King's continuous tail-swinging explosion.

The data calculated and detected by the energy machine imprint were quickly restored into details of each force-generating technique in his mind.

The realm that was once above the King of Century after the breakthrough in the totem world has been dormant for a long time, and is finally being slowly used again. For ordinary energy masters, these power-generating skills are beyond reach, and many of them are simply incomprehensible principles. The use of qi and blood has reached an incredible level, but for a master like Garen who uses qi and blood, it is not possible. In other words, every difficulty was quickly overcome and solutions were found.

The regular vortex composed of ripples, in Gallon's mind, was reduced to the most exquisite details, and then recombined and restored, constantly trying new combinations.


A scar appeared on Garen's shoulder. At this time, all the black loaches had been shattered by him, leaving only the last black loach king. But at this time, the movement speed of the black loach king had also reached an exaggerated level. Even Garen could barely see his shadow.

He could only barely see the explosive ripples left by the opponent.

At the same time, all force-producing structures of Garen's muscles and internal tissues, bones, ligaments, tendons, etc. began to slowly and rapidly adjust their vibrations according to the various methods Garen tried.

This absolute control over oneself, the depth of control, and the level of control are the true essence of the martial arts realm.

The biggest difference between a person and a martial arts master is the degree to which they can control themselves.

Even if ordinary people have the same body, they can only control their own limbs and brain, but powerful masters are different. They can even transcend the outside world and control their own internal organs. Even more powerful ones can control their own endocrine and blood every moment. The flow rate, heart rate, whether the circulatory system is on or off, etc. These subtle levels of control can allow a martial arts master to use the same resources to produce incredible effects.

And Galleons are like that.

In this predicament, if King Black Loach does not find his breakthrough point, he may not just be injured.

His high-speed battle with the Black Loach King consumes a lot of Galleon's physical strength every moment. His chest is violently breathing like a bellows, breathing a large amount of oxygen, which can be clearly heard in the entire dark space.

Garen had carefully calculated that he could last for ten minutes at most. If he still couldn't do anything when the time came, then he would be out.

The resources on the Ghost Mothership are top-notch resources that are difficult to obtain among all factions. Being eliminated like this is simply unbearable for Garen.

He himself knew his situation. With his body's qualifications, it would take at least ten years to break through to level five. If you can't find good resources to accelerate, you will be outsmarted by geniuses at the same level. As for the test in Nagadako Capital, the qualification he showed was that he had reached the third level of energy weapon master at the age of about 20, but others thought he relied on his qualifications. In fact, he knew that he relied on his intelligence points. That is to say, he can be called a genius at the beginning, but his subsequent intellectual growth rate is far behind those of the truly top talents. After all, his high intelligence was generated through potential points.

The Ghost Mothership is a great opportunity.

His brain was constantly running at high speed, and the muscles in Garen's body were constantly trembling and trembling.


The Black Loach King swung its tail and hit another air blast in mid-air, bursting with speed and hitting Garen directly on the head.

At this moment, Garen's eyes caught the little ripples of the Black Loach King's tail. The muscles in his right hand twisted and vibrated in a strange state.

"found it!!"

Suddenly, Garen's right hand bounced up quickly, like a poisonous snake shot out of the grass, and instantly pointed at the flying Black Loach King.

But the speed of the right hand is obviously much slower than that of the Black Loach King.

"Explosion!!!" At this moment, Garen suddenly roared.

The muscles of the right elbow suddenly twisted, as if a spring that had been tightened to the extreme was suddenly released.

There was a muffled sound, and a circle of faint transparent ripples erupted behind Garen's elbow. The speed of the entire right hand suddenly increased three times! ! !

He clenched his fist with his right hand and fiercely chased the side of the Black Loach King. The two collided in an instant.

grumble! !

In a piercing scream.

boom! !

The fist collided with the Loach King fiercely, and then beat it into a ball of blood mist, which dissipated in the dark space.

"I've mastered it." Garen felt relieved. "I finally mastered this explosive technique. The speed tripled in an instant, and the impact it brought was unparalleled."

I just feel a slight pain on the fist surface. This move can only be used once in a short period of time and cannot be used continuously.

"Since I learned it from this black loach, the effect is a short-term burst of acceleration. Let's simply call it double speed punch."

Garon directly named this technique.

The Double Speed ​​Fist is learned from the Loach King's swing burst. It can exquisitely leverage huge power, accumulate it, and explode out in an instant, producing a violent and powerful acceleration effect.

Of course, it must be combined with a strong physical defense, otherwise if the speed increases, your fist will collide with others, and if the hardness is not enough, it is impossible to say who will be injured first.

Garen's physique is close to five points, far above the average level. According to his own estimation, it is considered normal among fifth-level energy masters. There should be no problem in using double-speed boxing techniques at this level as long as they are not excessive. In addition, his recovery ability is super strong, even if he suffers a minor injury, it doesn't matter.


Suddenly, a faint sound slowly came from right in front of the darkness.

Garen quickly looked over and faintly saw a black humanoid figure quickly forming, standing upright in front of him, more than two meters tall.

The human form resembles a human being wrapped entirely in black cloth, through which blurred and irrelevant outlines can be seen.

He opened his hands and opened his mouth, but no teeth could be seen, only darkness, and an unpleasant sharp sound slowly came out.


The sharp sound waves rushed towards Garen's front, growing from small to large, from weak to strong.

boom! !

Suddenly, a huge distorted sound wave shock ball was ejected from the black man's mouth, and it directly hit Garen's body in front of him like lightning.

The transparent sound wave ball distorted the air, and the light could only be seen for almost an instant before it landed directly in the middle of Garen's chest.

Bang! !

He was hit hard and flew backwards. He vomited blood in mid-air. When he landed, he staggered back to cushion himself and almost rolled to the ground.

"Another use of a killing technique?!" Garen was not surprised but overjoyed. He could clearly feel that the black man on the opposite side was obviously using a huge sonic attack technique that relied on his strong physique.

Others may just look back and sigh, but he is different. He has a strong physique and terrifying resilience. Coupled with the top level of martial arts, he can quickly find out the secrets of this technique, so he may be able to use it as a weapon. For personal use.

In this closed dark space, long one-on-one battles completely gave me an environment where I could focus on my thoughts without any distractions.

His heart moved slightly. After Garen was attacked by the sonic attack at first, he saw the black man open his mouth for the second time, so he cautiously moved away, trying to avoid the sonic attack.

boom! !

Another twisted sonic ball flashed past. The speed of the sonic ball was so terrifying and its concealment was so strong that Garen couldn't react at all and was hit directly.

But the second time there was resistance, the muscles tightened, and the injuries suffered were much less.

After being hit twice, Garen became more careful and began to slowly move around the black man.

boom! !

Another sonic ball shot out.

Garen barely managed to dodge half of it the third time, but could only resist the other half.

With a bang, he felt as if his forehead had been hit hard by a hammer. His head felt dizzy and he seemed a little dazed.

"Amazing! This is not only the damage caused by the impact, but also a weird vibration transmission. But the main reason is that the speed is too fast and the power is too concentrated. It is impossible to prevent it and can only resist."

The terrifying physique once again came into play, and he quickly recovered from his injuries. With the addition of potential points, Garen returned to his peak condition again and continued to wander around the black people.

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