Mysterious journey

Chapter 991 Reward 1

Garen carefully observed this special sound wave technique. Like the previous double-speed punch, this technique seemed to mobilize all the energy and blood to participate, and then burst out from the throat in an instant, forming a terrifying sound vibration.

After circling the black man for several times, Gallon clearly understood the general rules and range of the black man's sonic power.


He narrowly dodged a ball of sound waves in advance and disappeared silently into the darkness behind him.

Garen took a deep breath and turned a little pale. The speed of the sonic ball was too fast, and he could only dodge it once every two times. He would not be able to improve if he tried to improve it.

"This technique seems to be an upgraded version of the Double Speed ​​Fist just now. It seems that these two creatures are of the same origin."

Garen's heart moved slightly, and he used the double-speed fist technique just now. The energy and blood in his body slowly circulated, and began to gather and flow in the body like countless streams. Then slowly condense and compress it in the throat.

The strange operation method causes the blood to continuously compress and compress in the throat.

Garen held his breath, his face turned slightly red, and the blood vessels and veins on his face popped out one after another.

At this moment, the black man turned his face, opened his mouth and suddenly charged up, about to burst out a new sound wave skill.

In an instant, Garen suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a violent sound wave of air.

Roar! ! !

A sharp arrow-like transparent air flow was shot toward the black man with huge sound waves.

Chi! !

The black man's head was hit hard by the arrow before he could react. With a bang, it completely rotted into countless tiny black pieces and completely collapsed.

Garen stopped panting, feeling almost faintly exhausted all over his body, but the terrifying recovery power inside his body also began to recover at an accelerated rate.

"Another good killing technique, the sonic technique. This time the results are pretty good." Garen slowly inhaled and exhaled with satisfaction, beginning to soothe his somewhat damaged lungs.

It's not that he can't create similar techniques, it's just that he has been immersed in cultivating consciousness before and didn't think much about it. Moreover, such a complicated flow of energy and blood cannot be created in a day or two. He once In the world of secret martial arts, the maximum power of similar techniques that I learned was only one-tenth of this killing technique. They usually used sound waves to frighten and shock the enemy, and simultaneously defeated the opponent, instead of being able to directly kill them. The remaining shock kills the opponent.

The gap in the middle is huge.

Fortunately, martial arts lead to the same goal through different paths. The level of Jialong martial arts is extremely high. Facing such a not too complicated killing technique, it is not an exaggeration to be able to quickly imitate and master it. However, if it is an extremely advanced and complex technique, it is different. The body in this world is completely Different from before, the simple operation of Qi and blood can be simulated and restored, but it is different when it comes to advanced levels. Garen is completely unfamiliar with the rules of Qi and blood of the body in this world, and many things can only be explored step by step and form a new system. . What kind of changes will occur at each stage is completely unknown.

So low-level skills are okay, but high-level skills can only be accumulated relevant experience again.

‘If you win the second stage, you can receive relevant rewards. ’

The inspector's voice echoed in the space.

The surrounding darkness suddenly faded away like a tide. Garen's eyes lit up and he suddenly found himself standing in the Silver Sphere Square.

The supervisor looked at him with a smile, his attitude was much improved than before.

Garen nodded politely to the other party, then looked around and found that someone had come out of the dark space. March, Ruola were there, and Wei Di, leaning against an obelisk alone, closed his eyes and meditated. .

Among them, Ruola actually looked vaguely injured, which made Garen's pupils shrink slightly.

"The black man's lethality isn't very strong, how could he be?" He felt a shiver in his heart.

"Little guy, if you hadn't used similar skills to defeat the black people at once, you would probably still be beaten by a group of people inside now. Hehe." The inspector seemed to have noticed his doubts, and smiled softly to explain through the message.

"Senior, what do you mean?" Garen looked over puzzled and asked directly through the message.

"That kind of dark creature has normal attacks that are indestructible. Attacking it in other ways cannot kill it. It will continue to absorb energy, and then it will split into new individuals. The more you fight, the more you fight. If you don't use the same Technique, use the same vibration frequency to kill the first mother body. Once you kill it once by other means, you will face two identical individuals the second time, four the third time, and then eight. Sixteen, it can be split up to hundreds. The sonic power of each one can be superimposed. Hehe, you can imagine that situation."

The inspector explained with a teasing smile.

"But if you kill that kind of mother body, the resources you get are not bad. You can check your body and see for yourself."

Garen was stunned for a moment, and then quickly checked his overall condition.

Suddenly, he discovered that the surface of his body was actually covered with a layer of light black mist. I don't know what this layer of mist was, but it actually condensed and never dispersed, covering the surface of his skin.

There was no time for him to think too much. Among the people not far away who were closing their eyes and concentrating, Yue Yue seemed to feel something and opened his eyes.

"Huh?" He stared at Garen in the distance in surprise, "This kid actually came out!?"

Galleon's direct refusal to sell had already made him dissatisfied. Unexpectedly, this kid who was less than thirty years old could actually pass the second floor?

You must know that those who fail will be thrown directly out of the mothership and are not allowed to stay inside. This is also the key reason why there are only a few of them in front of them.

He managed to hold on until thirty-two individuals surrounded him, which was much better than the sixteen last time. The rule was to hold on until there were sixteen or more for three seconds. This time it should be considered passed.

"Perhaps it was just luck that forced me to dodge successfully." March didn't take it seriously. As long as he didn't attack and kept dodging, he could delay it for a long time. In this way, he could barely pass, but he wouldn't get any rewards. He guessed that Garen had probably been hiding inside to delay the passage.

Considering the boy's previous strong resilience, this is very possible.

"This kid is lucky." Yue Yue looked away. He had arranged for Yi Ling and others to wait outside for Galleon to be thrown out. They waited and waited. They didn't go out for the time being, which allowed this kid to escape. .

However, Galleon's matter can only be considered a trivial matter. Even the essence of more than 10 million yuan only makes his heart flutter slightly. The most important key is the result of this second level.

March's eyes moved to the other two old rivals.

Wade's face turned pale. It was obvious that he was constantly attacking black people like himself, which led to a large number of divisions before he could no longer hold on and was forced to leave. I just don’t know how much this guy lasted.

If Ruola's strength is even worse than his own, he shouldn't be stronger than him.

Sanyue analyzed in her mind, her eyes moving slowly on the two of them.

The results of the second level are related to gene transplantation, the top bloodline transformation surgery!

Once you can get the first place, you can choose a suitable gene from the gene pool for transformation and transplantation. The gene pool on the ghost mothership will be stronger and richer than the local gene pool in Kitsumi State at the end, and A gene transplant operation, plus the value of the gene itself, is at least in the hundreds of millions, and at the very least it can be in the billions!

One billion spar, this is an astronomical number!

Therefore, throughout history, the only one who can get this kind of transformation is the single strongest disciple at the core of the sect. If the others want to get the transplant, they can only start with the ghost mothership. This kind of expense is something that ordinary small schools cannot afford even if they go bankrupt. Not only the expense, but also the technology required.

"Testing over."

The time seemed to be up, and the inspector slowly spoke.

"The ones who pass are the four of you. I will give you rewards one by one according to your ranking. Of course, the premise is to see what you choose."

He waved his hand, and the rankings of the four people slowly appeared on the silver sphere.

Sure enough, the first place was March, the second place was Weidi, then Zola, and the last place was Galen.

Four people lined up in a row from top to bottom.

"The prizes will be randomly assigned to ten suitable numbers for you to choose from. After the selection is completed, you will be transported directly to the outside of the mothership. This test is closed." The inspector said calmly, stroking his beard.

Close it?

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Yue Yue's eyes, and she stood up and faced the inspector directly.

"Master Inspector? Even with my scores, I still can't pass the second level and enter the third level test?"

"There's still a long way to go." The inspector glanced at him indifferently. He had passed through many large and small states and had seen anywhere from a thousand to eight hundred top geniuses. He didn't bother to pay attention to March's inquiry and just responded casually.

"Then I would like to ask, Lord Inspector, what standards are required to enter the third-level test!?" He took a step forward and said loudly and unwillingly.

"Choose." The inspector was too lazy to pay attention to him. With a wave of his hand, a huge turntable suddenly appeared in front of the four people, with ten different icons arranged on it.

"Master Inspector!" Yue Yue was unwilling to give in. He raised his voice again and took a step forward. He was not willing to give in! This may be the last time he is qualified to participate in the Ghost Mothership. After passing the age, he will no longer be qualified to enter here. If he still cannot be qualified to enter the third level this time, then he will be almost completely stereotyped for life! This is not something he can tolerate. He is destined to be a genius who breaks through the boundaries of the two hearts and enters the resonance stage of the three hearts! The basic level of inheritance is not his end!

Unexpectedly, the inspector stopped looking at him and directly looked away, looking at Garen on the other side.


March clenched her fists, making a faint rattling sound as her muscles and bones squeezed and rubbed against each other, and her face looked surprisingly ugly. He has received the rewards for the second test many times. Although they are precious, they are not worth mentioning compared to the third level. The types of genes transplanted are all below the inheritance level, and only at the third level will mutant genes above the inheritance level be transplanted.

"Mituki, accept your fate. Those who have reached the third level at this age are not the kind of geniuses we in Hosumi Prefecture can have. Hey, such talents have already entered the big sects in the central city, and they will still stay in a small place like ours. ?You think too much." Ruola gloated and sarcastically said.

"you shut up!"

March Hansheng glared at Ruola.

Ruola’s smile froze and her expression changed. "Who do you think you are? You want me to shut up? Your master Juyu will be the same in the future!"

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