Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1275 Sudden changes

The captain's meeting is still going on.

But at this moment, the city has been enveloped by a heavy rain. This heavy rain is extremely exaggerated, and the vision is blurred. The streets are empty of pedestrians. No one dares to brave such a heavy rain.

The heavy rain washes away the filth in the world, but it cannot wash away the supernatural in the world.

On a street, several blurry figures were walking from a distance against the heavy rain. They were not wearing raincoats or holding umbrellas, and were just walking in the rain.

The heavy rain seemed to be separated from their bodies, not intersecting with each other.

No matter how heavy the rain is, it can't get these people's clothes wet.

Such a weird scene happened on the street. Someone saw it and was extremely surprised. When he was about to pick up his mobile phone to take a picture, he found that it was pitch black in front of the camera, making it impossible to take a picture.

But the strange figure left just as quickly as it came.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared on the street, and when they reappeared, they had already reached the other side of the road and left through another intersection.

And straight ahead along that intersection is a street that has long been blocked.

There is a building in the middle of that blocked area.

That's Ping An Building.

Several figures in the rain curtain walked straight towards the blocked building.

No one stood in the way during this period.

Because now is the captain meeting, all the captains are having a meeting, and many ghost masters are gathered at the headquarters. Even though the Ping An Building is not far from the headquarters, no one cares about what happens here, because no one would think that in this At this critical moment, a group of people broke into the Ping An Building.

You must know that there are no precious and valuable things in the Ping An Building. On the contrary, it is full of darkness and terror. Anyone who rushes in will only die.

But these people who came in the rain were obviously not afraid of death, and they were not going for anything valuable in Ping An Building.

These people have only one goal.

That strange oil painting that once buried a city was called a ghost painting in the supernatural archives.

The rain continued to fall.

But the figure in the rain has disappeared into the Ping An Building.

at the same time.

At the conference table at the headquarters.

In the sun-shrouded land, the captain's meeting continued.

However, this meeting is almost coming to an end, because several important things have been discussed at the meeting, especially the Noah's Ark plan mentioned by Cao Yanhua, which really surprised everyone.

"I believe Zhang Xuan will be fine while abroad. He is very careful and prudent, and he has the ability to protect himself, so we don't need to worry too much about this matter."

Cao Yanhua continued to speak at the conference table.

"You should already know the general content of the Noah's Ark plan. Although this thing may not really happen, we have to be prepared just in case. If there is such a day, I hope you can give up on each other. Some grievances and grievances, united together."

"This is natural. No one wants to see supernatural events completely out of control."

"If the day comes, I will stop it."

"Don't worry, Deputy Minister. Personal grudges are not worth mentioning in the face of the overall situation."

These captains nodded one after another, saying that they would definitely contribute when the time comes.

After all, they won't feel comfortable once a supernatural event is completely out of control. After all, no one is born an orphan. Everyone has relatives, friends, and family members. No one wants to live in a world where supernatural events are out of control.

"Thank you." Cao Yanhua expressed his sincere thanks.

Yang Jian said: "As long as we are alive, this thing you are worried about will never happen, but you can continue to have people investigate. If there is anything unusual, I will call all the captains again to deal with it."

Cao Yanhua nodded.

Of course he will continue to send people to pay attention to this matter. Now the situation is finally stable. If those lunatics abroad really implement the Noah's Ark plan, then all the hard work over the years will be in vain.

"Let's talk about the fifth thing you said. This meeting should not last too long. It is not a good thing for all the captains to gather together. Therefore, it is better to end this meeting as soon as possible." Yang Jian said .

"I agree with this. Without the support of the captain, things can easily go wrong in many places." Wang Chaling immediately agreed.

He couldn't wait to go back to Dadong City as soon as possible.

Now that Ye Zhen has been sent away, he can start his own plan.

Cao Yanhua immediately said: "That's right. This meeting really shouldn't last too long. Let's talk about the fifth thing."

"Wait a minute." But as soon as the words came out, he was interrupted.

Li Jun said seriously at this moment: "Before that, I want to ask Yang Jian a personal question in front of you."

Cao Yanhua paused and immediately understood what Li Jun wanted to do.

He wanted to dissuade him, but gave up after thinking about it.

"What's going on?" Yang Jian looked at him calmly.

"Regarding Wang Xiaoming, Professor Wang's death, I want to know why you killed Professor Wang at that time?" Li Jun said seriously.

Wei Jing on the side also said numbly: "I also want to know your reason for killing Professor Wang."

Others looked at Yang Jian.

Some captains didn't even know about it. After all, Wang Xiaoming died in the morning and the meeting was held at 1:30 in the afternoon. Some captains didn't even come to the headquarters when the incident happened and were still on the road, such as Lin Bei and Zhou Deng. Didn't know anything about it.

"Did Wang Xiaoming be killed by Yang Jian?" Lin Bei was slightly shocked.

Although he didn't know Wang Xiaoming very well and didn't have much dealings with him, everyone in the domestic paranormal circle knew that Professor Wang from the headquarters studied paranormal research and solved the problem of ghost recovery, and his status was very high.

Yang Jian was not surprised. He looked at Li Jun and then said: "He shot and attacked me and was killed by me. It's that simple. It is wrong for anyone, including Wang Xiaoming, to attack a captain." Yes, what’s wrong with me killing him?”

"Professor Wang was a patient at the time. You could completely ignore him. Why did you have to kill him?"

Li Jun still asked seriously: "I know your methods very well. Professor Wang can't hurt you at all. I want to know the real reason why you killed him."

"The real reason?"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Yang Jian's mouth: "It's not impossible to say it, but can I convince you with the real reason?"

Li Jun said: "Regarding Professor Wang's death, I don't want there to be any hidden secrets. No matter what the truth is, I will accept it."

"The truth is very simple. He just wanted to die in my hands, that's all." Yang Jian said.

"Is it just that?" Wei Jing asked Yang Jian again with a darkened face.

Yang Jian said: "It's just that, his physical condition can't last for a few days, you know very well, so Wang Xiaoming is looking for someone who can kill him, otherwise why would he shoot and attack me? If you are right about this answer If you are not satisfied, then I will not give you a second answer."

"That's true." Li Jun fell silent.

He, Wei Jing and Cao Yang all investigated and came to the same conclusion as Yang Jian's answer.

Professor Wang is begging for death. He is using his own death to end everything and open up a new situation.

There is no shady story or any grudges in it.

"I understand, then the matter of Professor Wang's death is over." Li Jun then lit up another cigarette and took a deep drag.

He actually didn't blame Yang Jian for being cruel, he just couldn't accept Professor Wang's death, so he needed to seek the truth. This was a comfort to himself.

"Why do you need to ask more questions when you already know the outcome?" Cao Yang shook his head, feeling that Li Jun was a little unwise.

But it is this upright character that makes him Li Jun.

"Okay, the meeting will continue." Cao Yanhua glanced at everyone and ended the topic, not wanting to discuss the death of Professor Wang.

This matter is over. If we continue to discuss it, it may cause conflicts.

"The fifth thing is about."

But the words had just been spoken.


Liu San stood up suddenly in front of the conference table, and then looked in one direction of the city with a solemn face.

Immediately afterwards.

Not only Liu San, but also He Yin'er, Li Leping, and Lin Bei all changed their expressions and glanced in the same direction at the same time.

"What, what's going on? Did something happen?" Zhou Deng looked around, a little confused.

Wang Chaling frowned and was a little confused.

He is not a ghost controller, and his sense of the supernatural is not very strong.

"The Ping An Building collapsed." Yang Jian's ghostly eyes turned restlessly as he peered into the distance.

I’ll add another chapter later to make up for yesterday’s.

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