Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1276 The Disappearing Painting

The blocked Ping An Building did not know what was going on at this moment. There was some movement inside, and then the whole building twisted and shook unreasonably, as if an earthquake had occurred, but there was nothing around it. Feeling of shock.

Obviously, this is not an earthquake, but some strange and terrifying force affecting the building.

The building shook, glass shattered, and large amounts of debris fell.

Fortunately, the area had been cordoned off and no pedestrians were passing by, so no harm was caused.

But there's more to the building than meets the eye.


For some unknown reason, a large piece of the building was suddenly missing.

Without support, the other half of the building could not support the weight of the entire building. After several loud noises, the load-bearing columns and steel beams collapsed instantly, and the entire building began to tilt in one direction, and it tilted. The speed is getting faster and faster, and in the end it is no longer tilting but directly collapsing.

"The building collapsed."

Although it was raining heavily at the moment, many people working in the building saw this scene from a distance through the glass windows. They were all shocked and then picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

"No, it's not good. The building is falling this way."

However, people in the other direction were not in the mood to take pictures when they saw this scene, but instantly panicked.

Because if this building falls down, it seems that it will hit my own building, which will be a big disaster.

"Run quickly."

Frightened screams echoed, and people in several buildings began to flee, trying to avoid dangerous areas and go to safe places.

But a building fell down so fast. Even if someone reacted and started running away, how far could they run?

For more than ten seconds, they couldn't even reach the elevator entrance.

However, the building is about to collapse.


A miracle happened.

A ray of red light shrouded from one direction outside the city. The moment the red light arrived, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared instantly. They all disappeared. The darkness in the city was instantly replaced by the dazzling sunshine.

In the blink of an eye, the sky cleared after the rain, and the sky was clear.

The weather changed instantly.

But what's even more horrifying is.

The collapsed building stopped abruptly at this moment, stagnating in mid-air and unable to fall down again.

"There is someone, there is someone in the air."

Someone in a nearby high-rise building saw that scene and exclaimed, yelled, and pointed in one direction.

This cry attracted many people to watch.

Many people in the building looked around.

They saw the most unforgettable scene in their lives.

In a way that goes against common sense, a man stood in the air out of thin air, stretched out his hand to lift up, touched the leaning and collapsing building, and actually supported it.

This is truly a building that is about to collapse.

"I really held on, this is not a dream."

Someone was almost sluggish and suspected that he was dreaming. As a result, he rubbed his eyes and slapped himself, but the scene in front of him still existed and did not disappear.

This is not a dream.

Someone really held on to the collapsed Ping An Building.

"What happened to this world? Is it still the world I know?"

Some people are already doubting themselves.

This is a supernatural phenomenon, and there is no way to explain what you see.

"Someone invaded the Ping An Building and the ghost paintings seemed to have disappeared."

Standing in mid-air, Yang Jian opened the six-story ghost realm and stopped the building from collapsing.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to do it.

Because there are terrifying ghost paintings hidden in the building, under the supernatural influence of the ghost paintings, no one's ghost realm can have an impact on the Ping An Building, not even Yang Jian.

But Yang Jian at the headquarters couldn't just watch the Ping An Building collapse, so he decided to take a tentative shot.

I thought it would not succeed.

But I didn't expect that it actually happened.

"The mysterious disappearance of the ghost painting means one thing. The ghost painting has either been imprisoned, or it is no longer in the Ping An Building. It has been stolen."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly and he began to think quickly.

"It's too bold to steal ghost paintings while the captain's meeting is in progress. Aren't they afraid of being discovered and killed by the captain?"

"Furthermore, it is unbelievable that the S-class supernatural incident Ghost Painting ended in such a short period of time. Is there really anyone in the supernatural circle who can handle Ghost Painting so quickly?"

He thought a lot.

But the top priority right now is how to deal with the aftermath.

Supernatural events cannot occur here, otherwise they will have a huge impact.

Looking at the Ping An Building that had collapsed into two parts, one of Yang Jian's ghost eyes closed, and the six-story ghost realm directly turned into a five-story ghost realm.

A scarlet light shrouded it.

The collapsed building immediately disappeared before our eyes, as if we were instantly transported to another world.

The crisis is temporarily over.


There are endless supernatural phenomena around.

Burning fire, cold wind, and thick smoke.


The captains suspended the meeting and rushed over through the ghost realm.

But at this moment, only half of the Ping An Building is left, and the other half has disappeared.

"Why is this happening all of a sudden? What happened to Ping'an Building? Is the ghost painting out of control?"

Cao Yang frowned and looked around.

But he didn't feel anything strange around him.

Li Jun immediately replied: "No, the ghost painting is not out of control."

"Could it be that Zhang Xianguang is here? He has been here before, and now it is very likely that he will take advantage of our meeting time to enter the Ping An Building."

A paper figure of Liu San came out from nearby, and he reminded him loudly.

"There are ghost paintings imprisoned in the Ping An Building. The ghost paintings are still out of control. Anyone in the supernatural circle who enters the Ping An Building has no guarantee of being able to come out alive. This is an extremely dangerous place. That Zhang Xianguang would be so stupid at this juncture. Can you go inside?"

Wei Jing walked out of the darkness. He felt that it was impossible for Zhang Xianguang to dare to enter Ping An Building.

"It's impossible to tell."

Yang Jian looked solemn at this moment and said: "But I can feel that the supernatural power in Ping An Building is dissipating. These symptoms are very consistent with the state at the end of a supernatural event. If the ghost painting is still there, there is no way that Ping An Building will collapse. I It’s impossible to use the ghost realm to affect this place.”

"But there is still supernatural power shrouding it inside, and I can't see clearly."

"Then go inside and investigate."

After Li Jun finished speaking, a gloomy fire enveloped him, and he immediately appeared on the top floor of the incomplete Pingan Building.

He looked down along the collapsed floors.

The darkness below was so deep that it made people feel heart-stopping.

But Li Jun was not afraid, and he still walked down the stairs.

"We need to be vigilant outside, and we need to investigate inside. We divide our work and cooperate." Yang Jian said.

"Let me go with Li Jun." Wei Jing said.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "No, you can't. There are ghosts in the ghost paintings. You can't touch the ghosts. Liu San, Cao Yang, Li Leping, you guys go in with me and have a look. Wei Jing, let the captain who comes after you take care of them." This place is sealed, if you see an unknown ghost master appear, kill him immediately."

"Take me with you. I also want to go in and have a look. I can make a big difference."

Zhou Deng appeared out of nowhere and shouted loudly.

Yang Jian ignored it and took action immediately.

Wei Jing did not refuse, but nodded numbly. The darkness around him began to spread, preparing to seal the place.

Then other captains began to arrive one after another.

Lin Bei, Lu Zhiwen, He Yinger.

Looking at the empty conference table, Wang Chaling stood up and said with some embarrassment: "Well, deputy minister, can you arrange a special car to take me there? Everyone has gone to the Ping An Building. It seems that I am staying here. I'm a little embarrassed, I have to show my face."

Cao Yanhua looked at him and said, "Ten captains have already rushed over. You might as well stay at the headquarters, just in case."

Although Guiyu can rush back in an instant, Cao Yanhua is still worried that there is a lack of captain-level figures at the headquarters. It would be terrible if something unexpected happens.

"This is the best." Wang Chaling breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to get involved.

What if you get caught by something strange? After all, the ghost paintings held in Ping An Building are ghost paintings.

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