Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1277 Collision in front of the painting

Although the Ping An Building was broken into two parts, the remaining building was still more than a dozen floors high, and the remaining dozen floors were still covered by supernatural powers, making it impossible to peek into it easily and had to be investigated in person.

But there are great risks in taking risks.

The ghost in Ping An Mansion is the terrifying ghost painting, and there are also ghosts lingering in the ghost painting.

Even the captain might die here if he encounters one of these ghosts.

More importantly, there seem to be strange ghost masters hiding in the Ping An Building. They seem to be here for the ghost paintings. They are likely to be related to Zhang Xianguang, and even Zhang Xianguang himself is here.

"If Zhang Xianguang is here, then even if the captains join forces, they may not be safe. He and I have fought through the medium, and he is a very scary existence."

Yang Jian was secretly wary at this moment.

But right now, he, Li Jun, Li Leping, Liu San and Cao Yang are joining forces just in case.

Walk down the collapsed floor.

Just walking one level, everything around him became dim, as if all the light had been absorbed, and he couldn't see his fingers. Even if the bright sunlight above his head shone down, it only looked down. Just a little more layers.

But soon.

Dots of green fire appeared in the surrounding air.

This fire can dispel darkness and bring light. Although this light is very eerie, it can illuminate the surrounding roads and prevent people from getting lost in the darkness.

Everyone understood that this was Li Jun's will-o'-the-wisp. He was dispelling the darkness and lighting the way forward.

But the fire was very weak and could only barely provide some light.

"This kind of darkness is abnormal, like a ghost realm of ghosts."

Yang Jian frowned: "I have some suspicions that Gui Cha may have escaped from Gui Hua and been released. If this is the case, Gui Cha's suppression quota will probably reach an unimaginable level now, and after so long, , its killing pattern has probably been restored.”

He had briefly misled Gui Cha by modifying his memory, causing Gui Cha to have a logical conflict and mistakenly believe that his suppression quota was 0. In this way, Gui Cha was useless. It could only kill ordinary people and could not attack ghost controllers. , and can even interrupt its growth, so that the number of ghosts suppressing the fierce ghosts will always be stuck at 9.

And the ghosts are restricted to the ghost paintings. There are no ordinary people in the ghost paintings. This is equivalent to the perfect solution to this S-level supernatural incident.

However, Gui Cha had stayed in the ghost painting for such a long time, and he was not sure whether the logical conflicts set by Yang Jian were covered by other supernatural beings.

If Guizhan has really gotten rid of the logical conflict created by Yang Jian, then the current Guizhan will be very terrifying.

"I have read the files on the ghost incident. It was indeed an unsolvable S-class supernatural incident. Although I was not involved at the time, this supernatural incident was the most terrifying of all the supernatural incidents I have ever encountered. At that time The training base was attacked by ghosts, Yang Jian, it's really a miracle that you survived."

Liu San was amazed.

The ghost's killing pattern of killing when alone is really suffocating, and the unsolvable suppression is even more despairing.

The most terrifying thing is that the number of ghosts suppressing the evil ghosts will continue to increase.

"The threat of ghosts is indeed huge, but now we know the killing patterns of ghosts and as long as we get together, nothing will happen."

Cao Yang said seriously: "I just don't know how many ghosts are suppressed now, and whether there are any new changes."

Li Leping said at this moment: "A ghost has really been released. The ones who should have a headache are those who invaded the Ping An Building."

"Liu San, let a paper man explore the way."

Yang Jian felt that staying together was not safe enough, so he asked Liu San to send a paper man down first to test the situation.


Liu San did not refuse. Soon, another Liu San appeared on the collapsed roof. This Liu San was a pure paper man. He jumped directly from the roof of the building.

The paper man fell quickly, quickly surpassing the floor where Yang Jian and others were, and then disappeared into the darkness downstairs.

After falling for a long time, I didn't hear the sound of landing.

Liu San's paper man seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness, and no movement came out.

"It doesn't seem to have any effect." Cao Yang took a look.

"There's no rush, you have to wait." Liu San said.

"Speed ​​up the pace, we are moving too slowly."

Li Jun was a little impatient. He was eager to understand the situation here, so he quickened his pace.

Yang Jian said: "Walking fast may not be useful. If you are too reckless, you may easily get into trouble."

"There are five of us here, and there are several captains outside. There is no need to be too cautious. I believe we can deal with the situation. If so many captains can't deal with it together, there is no point in being vigilant, don't you think? "

Li Jun said and glanced at Yang Jian.

"What you said makes some sense. Since you want to take a risk, then act quickly."

Yang Jian thought for a moment and didn't refuse.

What Li Jun said is indeed correct.

There are eleven captains inside and outside the Ping An Building. If you can't handle this, then it's useless no matter how cautious you are.


Action sped up.

The five people continued to go deep into the floors below.

There was no danger in the floors I passed, and I didn't even see anything unusual. I didn't see any corpses on the floors. They were all normal items, such as dusty tables, withered green plants, and broken glass. Everything remained intact. This is what it looked like when the Ping An Building was sealed off.

"There weren't even any footprints left. That's very wrong." Yang Jian frowned.

His ghost eyes can see clearly despite the influence of darkness.

If someone had walked on the dusty ground, they would have left clear footprints, but there was no trace of a living person along the way.

And this Ping An Building was indeed invaded by someone.

The only explanation is that the other party has been in a certain ghost realm so he did not leave any footprints. Of course, it does not rule out that the other party knew Yang Jian's killing method and deliberately avoided leaving footprints.

Continue downstairs.

Passed another floor.

This time the situation was discovered.

At the entrance of the corridor, everyone saw a broken corpse. No, that was not a corpse, it was Liu San's paper figurine.

The paper figure broke into several pieces and became shapeless. It completely lost its spirituality and became a pile of waste paper.

"My paper man was attacked here and died." Liu San frowned.

He observed his surroundings.

Very clean.

No trace was left behind.

"Do you think this was killed by a ghost or a human?" Cao Yang stared at it.

Yang Jian glanced at him and said: "This paper man was killed by someone, not by a ghost. The surrounding area was too clean, as if all traces of hands had been deliberately erased. A ghost would not do such a thing. .”

"Speed ​​up, the killing of the paper man means we have alerted the enemy."

He wants to catch the opponent off guard and must seize the opportunity.

Although it is dark and full of dangers, the other party is also facing this problem.

"Follow me, don't stop."

Yang Jian reached out and grabbed it at this moment, and he already held a golden cracked spear in his hand.

His ghost eyes opened, and the ghost realm spread, completely dispelling the surrounding darkness.

However, the area covered by the ghost domain is very limited. It only covers an area of ​​one floor, and it is difficult to spread further down.

"The supernatural influence of ghost paintings is rapidly decreasing." Yang Jian was shocked.

He started to have a bad feeling.


The red light enveloped several people and began to invade downward layer by layer.

Eleventh floor, tenth floor, ninth floor, eighth floor

The red light was like an elevator descending rapidly in the darkness.


When it reached the seventh floor, the red light suddenly flashed a few times and then suddenly went out.

The ghost realm was suddenly unusable due to some supernatural interference.

"The ghost paintings are on this floor." Yang Jian's deep voice sounded.

The only supernatural thing that can directly disable his ghost eyes is ghost paintings.

"I see."

Before Li Jun finished speaking, little fires appeared around him. Then the fire gradually grew bigger and turned into balls of fire floating in the air. The fireballs emitted green light, illuminating the floor. It's lighting up everything here again and dispelling the darkness here.

He was also very decisive and wanted to light the fire first before talking.

Anyway, there are no ordinary people here anymore, only ghosts and enemies, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

The fire was lit.

In the middle of the empty floor, a huge oil painting stood on the ground.

The oil painting depicts a woman wearing a red dress. The figure of the woman is blurry, but her white hands are particularly clear. Those hands seem to have really stretched out from the painting.

This oil painting was originally hidden in darkness, but was illuminated by the fire of a will-o'-the-wisp.

Yang Jian just glanced at it and immediately closed his ghost eyes, not daring to peep.

This is not a derivative painting, it is the real source of ghost painting.

"Don't look at that painting randomly. The killing pattern of ghost paintings is memory. Once you see it, don't recall the appearance of the ghost painting in your mind, otherwise you will be targeted by the ghost painting." He reminded in a suppressed voice. .

Cao Yang was shocked and immediately withdrew his gaze. He only looked at a corner of the ghost painting and did not dare to peek into the whole picture.

Li Jun also immediately let the will-o'-the-wisp stand in front of the ghost picture to prevent everyone from peeking and avoid triggering the murder pattern.

"So that's it. No wonder you want me to act together. It turns out that's the reason." Li Leping said expressionlessly.

He controlled the Forgotten Ghost and could forget other people's memories. Once the captain triggered Gui Hua's killing pattern, he could immediately make him forget the appearance of Gui Hua to avoid being targeted by the evil ghost.

"Who's over there?"

Suddenly, when Li Jun drank, he noticed something.

There was darkness behind the ghost painting, and even the will-o'-the-wisp could not completely illuminate it. However, the will-o'-the-wisp blocking the front of the ghost painting still illuminated several blurry figures. They hid there with the ghost painting as the boundary, and Yang They are not far apart.

"You are late, we are taking this painting away."

A low, hoarse voice sounded, and a cold, stiff palm stretched out from the blurry light and rested on the frame of the ghost painting.

"Pretending to be courting death." Yang Jian shouted coldly.

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, a cracked spear flew out with a roar.

He couldn't use the ghost realm with the ghost painting in front of him. Even so, he had to throw the spear and try to nail someone.

But the next moment.

There was a sound of metal collision, and the thrown spear was bounced away and fell to the side.

In the darkness, a rusty, old-style sword loomed.

"Zhang Xianguang? It's really you."

Yang Jian squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the big knife.

At the same time, a vague figure behind Gui Hua tried to get close to the spear that fell aside, trying to take it away.

"Don't touch it. There's a curse on it. This guy is seductive and is deliberately tempting us."

A slightly older voice stopped the man from touching Yang Jian's weapon.

"Is this voice Chen Qiaoyang?" Yang Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do it." Cao Yang also shouted at this moment.

The surrounding strong wind whipped up, carrying a strong smell of corpses. The will-o'-the-wisp was swaying constantly. At the same time, his body was slightly bent downward, making him shorter than the person behind the ghost painting.

This is ghost oppressing people.

The devil must be shorter than the opponent to be able to press on the opponent.


A figure suddenly staggered and almost fell down.

Li Leping was expressionless. He stepped aside and walked towards the group of people. He was ignored, had no sense of existence, and was forgotten by everyone.

"It's not time to fight yet. Our goal has been achieved and it's time to leave." A cold voice sounded, giving the order.

Gui Hua was caught, and several blurry figures retreated quickly.

"Leave it to me."

Li Jun shouted, and he rushed forward, the will-o'-the-wisp burning to engulf everything in sight.

He wants to fight tooth and nail and leave his enemies behind.

If the ghost paintings were taken away by these people, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But the next moment.

A strange dead body came out of the darkness. It blocked the will-o'-the-wisp, and its whole body was burning, but it remained indifferent.

This is a fierce ghost, driven by someone. It appears at this moment not to fight back, but to resist Li Jun's attack.

"Chen Qiaoyang, it is indeed you." Li Jun said angrily.

There is no doubt that the person who used this method of driving evil spirits was the one he met in Dadong City.

"Bite him to death."

Yang Jian's voice sounded with murderous intent, and the low roar of a vicious dog echoed in the darkness.

A huge vicious dog rushed over and rushed to where Chen Qiaoyang was.

next moment.

The vicious dog disappeared and invaded someone's mind.

"Ghost Dream? Don't delay, retreat immediately." The cold voice was a bit surprised.

The surrounding darkness was rolling back, and the figures and ghost paintings hidden in it quickly disappeared together.

Just at this time.

The forgotten Li Leping took action.

With a charming smile on his lips, he reached into the darkness with one hand and caught someone who was moving slowly.

At this moment, the fatal murder law is triggered.

"What? Who is this person?" Someone made a surprised voice in the darkness.

But then, a person was pulled out of the darkness and fell to the ground.

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