Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1481 Illusion on the Lake

The confrontation between the ghost ship and the captains in Dahai City officially began at this time.

The ghost fell off the ghost ship and tried to enter Dahai City, causing horrific supernatural events. The captain of the headquarters could not let it go, so he used the ghost lake to block off the entire area to build the first line of defense, and then cooperated with all the captains and The top ghost masters at the headquarters formed a second line of defense.

The two lines of defense represent all the manpower of the headquarters. If the evil ghost can ignore the ghost lake and get past the captain's defense, then the evil ghost will no longer have any shackles and can run rampant in Dahai City.

After all, there is no one in Dahai City to deal with a ghost that even the captain cannot deal with.

As time goes by.

The number of ghosts escaping from the ghost lake has increased. The captains can already feel a lot of pressure at this moment. After all, the ghosts they have to face are very scary. They are not ordinary things that can be imprisoned at will. Some of them are Li Gui may even be killed if he is not careful.

The ghost Yang Jian is facing now is terrifying.

He was hallucinating now. He was standing in front of an old red stage. The red color of the stage was dim and depressing, making it look particularly weird. On the stage, the tall and thin ghost in costume was already singing and listening. I don't understand the drama, as if he was performing a good show for Yang Jian.

"Impossible. Just now I raised the red spear in my hand and threw it at the ghost. The ghost's supernatural power should not be able to affect the gun body formed by the wishing ghost, let alone the coffin nails. The shot that flew out would definitely hit. Why was I pulled into this terrible illusion in just a moment?"

Yang Jian was standing under the stage at the moment. He couldn't move, but it didn't affect his thinking. At this moment, his expression was changing unsteadily, and his mind was rapidly analyzing the current situation.

"If my consciousness is affected, then the vicious dog stored in my memory will react at this time, but I did not hear the roar of the vicious dog, which shows that there is no problem with my consciousness, and I wasn’t invaded by other supernatural beings, but my body couldn’t move, but I didn’t feel attacked by other supernatural beings either. If I had been attacked by other supernatural beings, I should have felt it just now.”

"What happened before me completely overturned my understanding of the supernatural. Sure enough, there are some ghosts on the ghost ship that are beyond common sense. No wonder the king's organization is sure that it can defeat us with just one landing of the ghost ship. If it weren't for the ghost lake, it could Reduce the number of ghosts, otherwise the captain will be killed if he directly encounters this thing in the chaos."

But the fierce ghost on the stage would not stop just because Yang Jian was thinking.

Although the ghost in costume was still singing weirdly, its black face had some changes. The black face was no longer cold and stiff, but had some expressions, but the expression seemed very angry. Even his eyebrows were raised.

It's just that this kind of anger is not majestic at all, but instead reveals a gloomy feeling everywhere, which makes people's guts stand on end.

"The ghost neither attacked me nor affected my consciousness, so there is only one possibility. My immobility is actually an illusion, and this illusion even affects my ghost eyes." Yang Jian's eyes flickered, and through his own He made a very bold guess about the situation.

He thought he could move and was not affected, but that he was in an illusion and couldn't tell even if he was moving.

This is just like a person sitting in a car looking at the trees outside the car window. After looking for a long time, he feels that he is not moving, but that the trees are constantly retreating.

The hallucinations caused by supernatural beings are even more terrifying. The whole world is changing around you, making you think that you can't move even if you stand where you are.

"If my conjecture is true, everything in front of me is an illusion, but the sense of touch cannot lie. If I am really still walking on the ghost lake, then my body should have feelings. Or should I say this ghost? The supernatural power made me hallucinate even the sense of touch?" Yang Jian felt a little incredible in his heart.

If this were the case, this illusion could simply trap people for a lifetime.

To confirm this conjecture, he tried to move forward.

Although his consciousness was moving, his body was still unable to move and was still frozen in place as before.

But Yang Jian once again observed that there were ripples in the water under his feet, as if something was shaking the water. When he stopped moving in his mind, the ripples disappeared.

"Sure enough, my guess was right. The ghost can make me hallucinate, but there is no way to make the ghost lake hallucinate, so the ghost has no way to affect the ground, so this perfect illusion has a flaw."

The guess was confirmed, and Yang Jian immediately began to take action.

He closed his eyes and ignored everything around him, trying to find the ghost scissors.

As long as he uses the ghost scissors, some cursed threads will appear in front of him. Only he can see these threads, and there is a high probability that they will not be affected by hallucinations.

Following the previous method, Yang Jian quickly used the ghost scissors successfully.

Even though he didn't move, thin lines appeared in front of him, one of which connected him to the ghost on the stage.

It can be seen that Yang Jian is now being targeted by the evil ghost on the stage.

"Cut this thread and everything in sight will disappear." Yang Jian's ghost controlled his body to try to cut the thread that represented the curse.

The ghost on the stage seems to be singing to the final stage of the play at this moment. The black face is becoming more and more fierce, and the flesh on the face is wrinkled and twisted, becoming particularly terrifying, and even the entire stage is shaking slightly.

The fierce ghost actually walked toward Yang Jian while making a weird singing tune.

Every time he got closer, Yang Jian's face became darker, as if it was soaked in ink, and it seemed that it would soon completely turn into a black face, and even the clothes on his body changed at this moment, like It gradually turned into a costume.

This ghost actually wants to turn Yang Jian into a ghost in costume.

Yang Jian felt at this moment that if this ghost walked out of the stage, he might become the next ghost to sing on the stage.

However, facing the fierce ghosts that kept coming, Yang Jian's expression was very calm: "It's too slow. I have cracked this supernatural attack method. Now you ghost should disappear from my eyes."

He ghost scissors fell.

The thin line connecting him and the ghost in front of him was disconnected, and as the cursed line was disconnected, everything in front of him was quickly disappearing.

The stage, the ghost, and the red bench are all illusions and not real.

As soon as the hallucination disappeared, Yang Jian's eyes returned to normal again. He found that he was still standing on the ghost lake, but his position had changed a little from before. He should have gone some way forward, but the scene that happened in front of him made him think again. Surprised.

At this moment, a red spear flew from mid-air to the ghost not far away, and directly penetrated the ghost.

Is that the spear he just threw?

"Are you kidding?" Yang Jian's eyes suddenly shrank.

Could it be that the long time he was attacked by ghosts after he had hallucinations only lasted a second outside? Or even less than a second? Therefore, it was not that his attack was ineffective, it was just that the ghost attacked him first before he attacked the ghost.

But why can the ghost scissors be used? Why can I walk on the ghost lake?


But this situation has already made Yang Jian feel chills in his back.

But at this moment, this terrifying ghost has been penetrated by the coffin nails and has completely lost its threat, and its body is slowly sinking into the ghost lake.

Yang Jian appeared directly at the place where the body sank. He was holding a red spear. He didn't even dare to pull out the coffin nails. Instead, he chose to remove the coffin nails directly, and then used a hatchet to dismember the ghost in front of him. This was the only way. Only then can you be foolproof.

To be cautious, he even dismembered the evil ghost into six pieces and scattered as many supernatural puzzle pieces as possible before he dared to pull out the nails from the coffin.

Although the ghost in costume is very scary, the coffin nails are too incomprehensible for the ghost, and it is still imprisoned by Yang Jian.

Seeing the six pieces of corpses quickly sinking into the ghost lake, Yang Jian's hanging heart was relieved.

"It's not time to rest yet, a new ghost has surfaced."

Then, Yang Jian withdrew his gaze and looked in the direction of the ghost ship again.

On the water not far away, a lifeless old man with tattered clothes stood motionless on the water, and looked towards Yang Jian with a pair of muddy, dull eyes.

The old man appeared very suddenly, as if he had been standing there for a long time, and he seemed to have just appeared.

Obviously, this is another very scary ghost, and there is no way for the ghost lake to sink it.

Yang Jian didn't hesitate or complain. He picked up the red spear and strode towards the scary old man. He had to deal with this ghost in the shortest possible time. After all, he didn't want to face the attacks of multiple ghosts at the same time. , one by one, the pressure is the least, and there must be no accumulation.

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