Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1482 Damage and Three Faces

At this moment, in the building closest to Ghost Lake.

It is dark here, all the lights have disappeared. Even if there are lights occasionally, they will be extinguished immediately due to the influence of the supernatural. However, this building is a line of defense that prevents evil spirits from entering Dahai City. The person in charge here It is a team formed by Li Yang, Tong Qian, Su Fan, Zhang Lei and others.


There was a sound of the door being suddenly pushed open, followed by a painful scream that echoed.

next moment.

Lin Long fell to the ground. His face was ashen, and his life was rapidly fading. Some kind of terrifying supernatural force attacked him, causing him to suffer heavy injuries in an instant.

"How is this possible?" Li Yang on the side opened his eyes wide with an incredible look.

Just before, a fierce ghost walked out of the ghost lake and entered the building they were responsible for. Therefore, their team decided to work together to deal with the ghost. As a result, Li Yang had just passed Su Fan's precognitive ability. , determined the location of Li Gui, and successfully locked Li Gui into the house. As a result, such a scene happened in the blink of an eye.

The ghost's supernatural attempt to block the door failed, and the door was forced open by the ghost. Lin Long didn't know whether it was because he was close or because he was unlucky, but he was attacked the moment the ghost knocked open the door.

"Use a scapegoat, hurry up, maybe you can find a way to save him." Su Fan reminded from the side.

All this happened so suddenly that Lin Long didn't have time to use it even if he had a scapegoat and a red ghost candle.

"I'll come." Zhang Lei quickly ventured closer without saying a word. He was holding a scapegoat doll and wanted to walk over and soak it in Lin Long's blood.

Only the scapegoat doll stained with Lin Long's blood can help Lin Long die.

Zhang Lei's approach was actually a huge risk, because the ghost behind the door could open the door and kill Lin Long, which meant he could be killed, even if he mastered the new supernatural balance with the help of Yang Jian , possessing more powerful supernatural power, but still seem a bit inadequate in front of such a fierce ghost.

This is a ghost that would give the captain a headache if he faced it.

"I'll help you." Li Yang felt a little guilty. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward without hesitation.

The supernatural power of the ghost blocking the door once again came into play, and the door that had just been opened slammed shut again, but even so, he did not relax at all, because the evil ghost could easily break open the door he had blocked with supernatural power. He did this It was just to buy some time for Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei quickly came to Lin Long's side, tore a hole in his body and then poured his blood on the body of the scapegoat.

The scapegoat doll stained with Lin Long's blood immediately became active.

But the strange thing is that the scapegoat doll is not as lively as before. Instead, it is very sick and has no energy. It even has no strength to struggle and jump out of Zhang Lei's hand. Zhang Lei only succeeded in letting go of the scapegoat doll. fell to the ground.

However, the scapegoat doll that fell to the ground couldn't get up for a long time, and the body sewn from old rags was still aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then collapsed directly.

However, although the scapegoat was in very bad condition, Lin Long's condition also improved rapidly.

The ash on the face was quickly disappearing, and at the same time the weak breath of life was becoming strong again. Everything was rapidly reversing at an incredible speed, and it seemed that it would soon be completely improved.

However, the scapegoat did not last long, and soon it lay completely on the ground unable to move. The body made of old rags was also completely destroyed at this time, leaving only a few remaining pieces of cloth.

"The scapegoat is dead. Lin Long's condition is also improving. He should be fine." Wen Zhong whispered from the side.

Zhang Lei's face was red, as if there was a fire burning in his body. At this moment, he stared at Lin Long: "No, he hasn't woken up yet. The situation did get better just now, but now it has worsened."

Li Yang took a look.


Lin Long's face, which had just regained some color, turned gray again, and this time it deteriorated very quickly, even more than before.

"The ghost's supernatural power is still on Lin Long's body. Although the scapegoat has transferred some of the damage, it is not enough." Li Yang's eyes became serious.

"How could this happen? Can't the scapegoat be used as a substitute for death? Could it be that the scapegoat is ineffective?" Su Fan asked in surprise.

Li Yang shook his head and said: "No, it's not that the scapegoat lost its effect, but that it was used too late. Lin Long didn't use the scapegoat before he suffered a supernatural attack, but after he suffered a supernatural attack. You must know that some supernatural attacks have a curse effect. This curse will remain on the living person until death. However, after the person dies, the curse is still there and still plays a role. It is just that the dead person cannot die again. Therefore, No one will care."

"Continue to use the scapegoat to see if this supernatural power can be exhausted. Don't stop."

After saying that, Li Yang threw a scapegoat out, and it landed directly on Lin Long's wound just now, staining his blood.

The second replacement doll was used, and the situation was exactly the same as before.

Although Lin Long's condition recovered in a short period of time, his condition continued to deteriorate with the death of the second scapegoat.

"Come again." Su Fan also stepped forward and used one of his scapegoats without hesitation.

But the third scapegoat doll had some changes. It was not as listless as the previous two scapegoat dolls. Instead, it had some energy and started walking around after being contaminated by Lin Long's blood.

However, as he walked, the surrogate doll gradually became discouraged and became listless. Finally, he lay motionless on the ground with his head tilted, while his body collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sure enough, it works. Maybe Lin Long can be saved with another scapegoat doll." Wen Zhong said immediately, and then he also took out the scapegoat doll.

But right now.


The door that Li Yang had blocked was knocked open again. The force of the knock on the door was not strong, but it left him unable to stop it. Although the ghost blocking the door was also powerful, it only slightly disturbed it at this moment and did not completely stop it. Prevent.

"No, the ghost is here again, be careful."

After a reminder, Li Yang gritted his teeth and opened the door directly instead of blocking the door while he was reacting.

This is the second supernatural power he controls, the door-opening ghost.

As soon as the door is opened, the person inside will definitely die.

This is the supernatural power obtained from the ghost post office, and now it has been skillfully controlled by Li Yang.

Although this mortal supernatural being cannot kill the ghost, the ghost will suffer a huge impact if it withstands such a supernatural attack, and may even fall into stagnation for a long time.

After the door opened, the room was dark.

But there was movement, a heavy and suppressed footsteps.

At this moment, the footsteps did not leave the room, but took several steps back.

"It works, but the effect is not as great as expected. The ghost just took a few steps back." Li Yang broke into a cold sweat.

At this moment, he had completely felt the terror of this ghost.

Sure enough, only the captain can handle this thing. Even the candidate captains are not qualified. Fortunately, several people have joined forces. If not, Li Yang feels that he has been killed by ghosts.

"Lin Long is dead."

However, the next moment, extremely bad news came from Zhang Lei next to him.

"How could it be? You were fine just now."

Wen Zhong was shocked and confused. He had already arrived at Lin Long's side, and the scapegoat in his hand was about to be used.

This was less than three seconds before and after.

"Lin Long died the moment the door opened." Zhang Lei's red face looked particularly ugly.

The others fell silent immediately, feeling particularly solemn.

You must know that Lin Long's strength is not weak, but such a person was attacked by a ghost before he even had a chance to take action. He used three scapegoats to save him. If the ghost attacked others just now, he would probably end up Also like this.

"If we don't find out the killing pattern of this evil ghost, we will easily die if we just rush up to it. This is a evil ghost that even Yang Jian's ghost lake cannot sink. If it were placed outside, it would most likely be an S-level supernatural event. Su Fan said.

"You all get out of the way and I'll handle it." At this time, a strange voice sounded.

Tong Qian finished her makeup at this moment, and he strode over.

Li Yang, Zhang Lei, Su Fan, Wen Zhong and Liu Qi all looked at him.

"According to the previous plan, Su Fan predicted the ghost's movements and location, Li Yang was responsible for restricting it, Zhang Lei, Wen Zhong, Liu Qi, and Lin Long worked together to fight against the ghost to delay the time, and finally waited until I came to end it. Although it appeared There was an accident, but the plan still has to go ahead.”

Tong Qian spoke and then strode into the dark room.

The moment Tong Qian entered the room, everyone saw that all three of her faces had changed. One of the faces was recognized by everyone, it was Wei Jing whose codename was Gui Cha, but the remaining two faces were a bit unfamiliar.

However, Li Yang recognized it. One of the remaining two faces was that of a woman. She was very beautiful and stunning, as if she had been painted. Such a person could not be found in reality.

This face is that of He Yuelian. No, no, it’s not He Yuelian. It should be the woman in the ghost painting.

The last remaining face was old, dull, and covered with corpse spots. It turned out to be Luo Wensong, the ghost who knocked on the door and the first manager of the ghost post office.

Ghost missions, ghost paintings, ghost knocking on doors.

Three terrifying supernatural powers converged on Tong Qian at this moment. Although possessing this kind of supernatural powers was short-lived, at this moment he already had captain-level strength.

"This Tong Qian is a little crazy. He actually drew three faces when he came up." Li Yang was shocked.

But then he understood.

This ghost was so terrifying that Lin Long died when he came up, and even the scapegoat could not be saved, so Tong Qian, who stayed aside and finished drawing the two faces, did not want to leave anything behind, and then drew the last face. Get rid of the ghost in the room in one go.

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