Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal

Chapter 423, Faction Battle! The situation is turbulent!

At the same moment, above the sky.

Wang Teng had seen the content of everyone's chats a long time ago, and was somewhat worried in his heart.

He is also very concerned about the next hegemony rules.

That may be a key point of victory or defeat.

Of course, if he has enough strength, he doesn't care about these at all.

However, his strength is not strong enough to ignore any strong person in the Fengruo Star Realm.

If he wants to become the final winner, he must continue to become stronger!

Having said that, it is really difficult to refine the Awakening God Embryo!

His fission body has not been refined yet.

I don't know when it will be refined?

Also, it will take seven or eight hours before Dijiang's birth.

That little guy was destined to be born in battle!

Thinking of this, Wang Teng frowned slightly.

Whether it was refining the Awakening Divine Embryo or the birth of Di Jiang, it was of great help to his strength improvement.

"Master, during the waiting period, I checked, and our heavenly court is now going to be upgraded to level 11, and we are still short of some conditions."

At this time, Feng Xi's voice sounded beside Wang Teng's ear.

Wang Teng's heart skipped a beat.


If Tianting is upgraded, it can also improve his strength.

Immediately, he said: "So, we have to think of a way to upgrade the Heavenly Court. What conditions are still missing?"

Feng Xi hurriedly said: "Originally, there were three more! Now that everyone in the family is in the lower realm, the most difficult one has already been completed. Now there are only two conditions left!"

"The first condition is that the number of generals must reach 15, and we only have 10."

"The second condition is that the number of territories has reached 300, and we now have 277."

Wang Teng nodded slightly: "The first condition, we can fulfill it at any time."

It turned out that after Tianting was promoted to level 10, a career hall was established.

There are Royal Tokens for sale there.

Wang Teng wanted to bestow the position of Heavenly General on his traveler, so he didn't use it for a long time.

If necessary, he can use it at any time, so that the number of heavenly generals can reach the standard.

Thinking of this, he said: "In other words, our Heavenly Court is only one condition away from being upgraded to level 11, and that is that the number of territories must reach 300!"

Feng Xi sighed: "Yes! That's all! Now that the second round of hegemony is over, we won't be able to get the land deed scroll if we occupy any hunter forces. Only by eliminating the mysterious forces can we have the land deed scroll."

Wang Teng nodded slightly: "In this way, we can only expand the territory by attacking the mysterious forces in other competition areas."

Feng Xi smiled wryly: "That's the only way! However, if they voluntarily surrender, it's also okay to hand over the title deed scroll."

Wang Teng smiled slightly: "After the territory reaches 300 seats, the feedback of my breaking through 10 million combat power will be automatically unlocked!"

Feng Xi's eyes lit up: "Yes! Master, if you unlock the 10 million combat power feedback, your strength will skyrocket! It seems that the third round of hegemony and expanding the number of territories will also be our main task!"

Wang Teng smiled and was about to speak...

But in the next second, he seemed to sense something, and his eyes lit up!

At the same moment, an earth-shattering roar resounded in his sea of ​​consciousness...

There was also a reminder from the familiar mechanical sound...

Refining the Awakening God Embryo was successful! The Ninth Consciousness has been successfully activated! 】

The fusion of nine senses...]

Fusion success! You gave birth to the mind and soul (flower bag), and your sss-level avenue of consciousness has reached a state of perfection! 】

Congratulations on giving birth to the Mind Consciousness Embryo Flower Pack, your power of spiritual consciousness has been doubled, and the scanning range of your spiritual consciousness has reached 2 million miles. 】

Congratulations on giving birth to the flower bag of mind and spirit, your soul body has been greatly strengthened, and your combat power has increased by 15 million points. 】

Reminder: Your mental fetus is actively merging with Sanshengtong...]


At this moment, between Wang Teng's eyebrows, the looming vertical red line shot out a holy white light.

This immediately startled Feng Xi and the others on the side.

In the next second, Wang Teng's breath began to skyrocket!

Fusion success! Your Sanshengtong is fused with the mind and spirit, and is automatically promoted to the peak level of the middle-grade god rank, and you have obtained 25 million permanent combat power feedback. 】

You have comprehended the supernatural power of children's art - the divine light of heaven's punishment. 】

Divine Light of Heaven's Punishment: Divine power at the peak of the mid-level god rank. 】

"Card!" "Card!" "Card!"

At this moment, the vertical red line between Wang Teng's eyebrows slowly split open, revealing a golden child's eye.

In the depths of the child's eyes, there is a lotus flower as white as jade, with nine petals in total.

That is the heart lotus conceived by the divine fetus, which has been integrated into the Sanshengtong.

At this time, the divine fetal heart lotus is in the state of a flower bag, and nine pieces of flower bags are wrapped together.

Each petal represents a kind of consciousness!

When the heart lotus is in full bloom, it is the time when Sanshengtong is promoted to the upper rank of God.

At this point, the integration is completely complete!

Wang Teng's brow prodigy slowly closed!

The next second, he opened his eyes with joy on his face.

He finally refined the Awakening God Embryo before the opening of the third round.


Just then, a white light flashed!

The fission body hidden in the palm of the Buddha Kingdom actively integrated into Wang Teng's body.

Afterwards, Wang Teng checked himself, and showed joy again...

After refining the Awakening God Embryo, his spiritual consciousness and Sanshengtong have been greatly strengthened!

His comprehensive combat power also skyrocketed to 1.47 billion!

With such combat power, Wang Teng has more confidence in the next competition.

"Master, have you made another breakthrough?"

As soon as Wang Teng opened his eyes, the four daughters of Feng Xi stepped forward to inquire.

Wang Teng nodded with a smile: "The Awakening God Embryo was finally refined by me, which gave me a lot of strength!"

As soon as these words fell, the four daughters were all overjoyed.

They naturally hope that Wang Teng will become stronger and stronger!

"Boom! Long! Long!"

At this moment, the sky suddenly shook!

The cold mechanical sound resounded through the entire Harvest Star Realm.

Announcement from the Star Realm: In one hour, the third round of points competition will start, and the rules of the competition are announced in advance...]


As soon as this news came out, the entire Fengrao Star Realm became a sensation!

All the forces are waiting eagerly, their ears are pricked up, listening nervously.

There was an uproar in the Tianting Territory, Hanging Island Square!

"Everyone, the rules are finally announced!"

"I don't know if it's good or bad for us! I'm so nervous!"

At this moment, heaven and earth were extremely tense.

Everyone was anxiously waiting.

In the air, Wang Teng also looked up at the sky, waiting silently.

The ethereal mechanical sound also continued...

The hegemony rules are as follows:]

This round of hegemony will take the form of camps to fight, and will be divided into three camps: red, blue and green. 】

Tianting is the main force of the red camp, Liudaoling is the main force of the blue camp, and the Guangyin tribe is the main force of the green camp. 】

Mysterious forces can make a voluntary choice to join one of the camps, and the choice must be completed before the start of the game. 】

Once the camp is selected, it cannot be changed! 】

The forces in the same camp must obey the dispatch of the main force and must not fight each other. 】

Different camps kill each other, and they can get rich points, combat power, and experience rewards. 】

This round of hegemony will open the surrender mode. Only the leaders of the Heavenly Court, Liudaoling, and Time Clan have the authority to accept the surrender of the enemy forces. 】

Surrendering forces will lose their qualifications to continue participating in the competition and will be punished accordingly! 】

Accept the surrender of the loser, and the winner gets double the reward. 】

The winner can also refuse the surrender of the loser and slaughter them all. 】

Hearing this, Wang Teng was a little surprised!

There is actually a surrender mode in this third round!

Obviously, this is the will of the Great World to protect those mysterious forces and give them a chance to survive!

After all, it is not easy to cultivate a mysterious force.

However, surrender is not necessarily useful!

If the winner is not willing to accept the opponent's surrender, then there is only the fate of being destroyed.

And there are only three people who have the right to accept the surrender of the enemy!

That is Wang Teng and Jiang Taichu. Taishi.

In other words, whoever masters this year's Heaven-Suppressing Artifact can accept the surrender.

Just as Wang Teng was thinking, the ethereal mechanical sound continued to remind...

This round of hegemony adopts a points system. The camp with the highest total points will be judged as the winner! 】

The leader of the Tiantian faction of the winner camp was elected as the candidate for this year's star master. 】

Time limit for this round of hegemony: seven days]

Reminder: After the end of this round of hegemony, if Heavenly Court, Samsung Cave, and Heavenly Kingdom are not the winning camp, the number of territories will be automatically reduced, and only one territory can be reserved. 】

Hearing this reminder, there was an uproar in the heavenly court!

Wang Teng also realized for a while.

Obviously, after the third round of hegemony, if the Heavenly Court cannot win, it will only retain one territory like other mysterious forces.

Of course, Tianting can also develop station!

Stationary points are different from territories!

In addition to the establishment of teleportation circles, the station cannot create other public buildings, which will lose many convenient functions.

Of course, these are small things!

More importantly, there is only one territory left, which means that the Heavenly Court cannot be upgraded in the future.

Wang Teng will also not be able to unlock, a higher level of combat power feedback!

This will seriously affect the development of Wang Teng and Tianting!

"Master, the last reminder seems to be aimed at us!"

Xiaodouzi's voice sounded beside Wang Teng.

Her tone was full of worry.

Feng Xi also said: "Yes! Limiting the number of territories is to curb the expansion of the challenger's power, so that the power can no longer be upgraded!"

"At that time, like other mysterious forces, we will no longer be swept up by the will of the great world."

Speaking of this, Feng Xi was filled with emotion.

Her tone is swayed!

Wang Teng pondered: "After all, this is the last battle for hegemony! If we fail, we will become a mysterious force and even die. It seems that we need to fight with our backs to win this third round of hegemony!"

Feng Xi nodded: "Only by winning the hegemony can we keep the advantage of the challenger forces!"

Wang Teng also nodded slightly.

The promotion of the Heavenly Court, the feedback of one's own combat power, these are the advantages of the challenger forces.

This advantage is very important to him and Tianting, and must be preserved.

With this thought, Wang Teng felt a sense of urgency.

The third round of hegemony!

He must win!

At this moment, the ethereal mechanical sound came to remind...

All the mysterious forces, please start choosing your camp...]

Before the start of the hegemony, those who did not choose will be judged to give up automatically, and will be severely punished by heaven! 】

The countdown starts now: 60:00...59:59...]

As soon as this reminder came out, the entire Harvest Star Realm was once again a sensation!

All the mysterious forces became tense.

They must make a choice within an hour!

Otherwise, it is equivalent to abandoning the game and will be severely punished!

At this moment, everyone chatted nervously in the Tianting chat channel.

"Everyone, why do I feel that the rules of this competition for hegemony are very unfavorable to us!"

"Yes! Those mysterious forces choose according to their own wishes. They will definitely choose the old forces Liudaoling and Time Yin Clan! And our Heavenly Court is just a new force, how could they choose us?"

"That's right! After all, this is a matter about the interests of the whole family, who dares to neglect it?"

"Everyone, if you say that, maybe there is no one who chooses us! If that's the case, it will be too bad for us!"

"That's right! In the Faction Points Contest, if there are fewer people who choose us, then our ability to obtain points will be reduced!"

"Damn! Such a rule is extremely detrimental to our heaven!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone in the heavenly court became a little uneasy.

At this moment, Liu Erlong's head twitched.

Liu Erlong: "Everyone, don't think about it too much! Maybe there will be a mysterious force that has more insight, and thinks that we can be directly promoted from a challenger force to a heaven-suppressing force, and there must be something extraordinary, so they will choose our Heavenly Court! "

"Yes! I think everyone just wait for the news! Let's see what choices those forces will make?"

"Oh! That's the only way to go."

Just like that, Heaven and Earth waited with trepidation for the choices of those mysterious forces.


At the same moment, above the sky.

Feng Xi and the others also thought of this, and felt a little uneasy.

At this time, Feng Xi said to Wang Teng.

"Master, do you think this time, how many mysterious forces will choose our red side?"

Before Wang Teng could speak, Qian Lingxue shook her head and said, "If my predictions are correct, many mysterious forces really look down on us!"

As soon as these words fell, Xiaodouzi and Xiao Goumang were a little unconvinced.

In their view, Heavenly Court is the strongest in the world, and anyone who dares to look down on Heavenly Court must be careful with their fists!

Looking at the different expressions of the four girls.

Wang Teng took a deep breath and said, "Actually, we don't have to worry too much! The key to determining the outcome of this hegemony depends on the strength of the strongest players in each camp! If I can defeat Patriarch Liudao and Patriarch Guangyin! Then their people No matter how much it is, it is useless!"

Hearing this, Feng Xi and the others nodded slightly.

It seems that the final outcome depends on the master!

At the moment, Wang Teng and his party stopped talking and waited quietly for the choices of those forces...

At the same moment, in the second competition area, in a hidden valley.

A refined middle-aged man stood outside a simple thatched cottage, saluting respectfully to the wooden door.

"Old Ancestor, the third round of hegemony is about to begin. The rules this time require us to choose a side. Which side should our Taibai Academy choose?"

The middle-aged man asked respectfully.

This man's name is Bai Ji, and he is the master of the Taibai Academy!

Taibai Academy is the first of the top ten mysterious forces in the second division.

All the mysterious forces in the second division have always followed their example!

Therefore, the Taibai Academy's camp selection has a great impact!

At this moment, an old voice came from inside the thatched cottage!

"Ji'er, in the three-party camp, the red Fang Tianting is not worth mentioning, so don't even think about it! A challenger force, relying on luck and means, can reach that level, which is already the limit."

The voice in the thatched hut is very vicissitudes.

Baiji's expression was extremely respectful.

Because the person in the house is the greatest reliance of their academy—— Patriarch Taibai, an extreme power in the False God Realm.

"Old Ancestor, I also feel that the Heavenly Court is not a climate! After removing the Heavenly Court, should we choose the Guangyin Clan or the Liudao Mausoleum?"

Baiji asked respectfully again.

Inside the house, Patriarch Taibai pondered for a while.

After a while, his voice was heard again in the room.

"Ji'er, this time, we choose the Guangyin clan. The friendship between the old man and the ancestors of Guangyin is deeper than that of the ancestors of Liudao!"

"Yes! I see!"

At that moment, Baiji saluted and began to operate and choose...

At the same time, similar things are happening in all competition areas.

Those mysterious forces, when faced with a choice, will always ask the secret hiders behind them.

Without exception, those forces are not optimistic about Heavenly Court, and no one dares to choose Heavenly Court...

Those who are entangled in forces, should they choose the Liudao Tomb or the Time and Yin Clan?

Of course, there is one exception!

That is the Oblique Moon Samsung Cave!

They are discussing, should they support the Heavenly Court?

This is about their life and death, they have to be cautious...

At this time, the chat channel of Wuzhuang Temple was already full of noise.

"Everyone, we have to make a choice quickly! If we don't choose, we will be punished! What should we do!"

"What's there to consider? It must be supporting Heaven!"

" the three-party camp, Heavenly Court is obviously at a disadvantage! If we choose Heavenly Court, we will definitely not escape the fate of failure!"

"Hey! Then we can't just watch our compatriots fight alone?"

"Yes! The battle for hegemony has not yet begun, everything is possible! Even if there is only a 1% chance, we have to give it a try!"

"It makes sense! Whoever says they support Heaven will definitely lose?"

"There is one thing to say, the winning rate of supporting Tianting is the lowest, and it is also the most dangerous. We have more than ten thousand people!"

"This... I don't know what to do! This matter depends on the Cave Master."

"Yes! No matter what the Cave Master chooses, I will support it unconditionally!"

At this moment, everyone in Sanxing Cave was arguing over whether to support Tianting or not.

Everyone wanted to support Tianting very much, but they were afraid of the fate of being destroyed.

At this moment, in a secret room.

Bodhizi and several confidant disciples gathered together to discuss the important matter of choosing a camp.

Those disciples were all frowning, worrying about whether to choose Tianting.

Bodhizi also changed his frivolous look and looked sad.

At this time, Wei Shao's voice sounded in the field.

"Master! We have to make a decision! We will be punished if we don't make a choice after the time limit!"

Bodhizi took a deep breath: "How do you think you should choose?"


Shao Wei hesitated.

Afterwards, he smiled bitterly and said, "I personally support Tianting, but I'm just worried that in case of failure, more than 10,000 lives in Samsung Cave will be sacrificed in vain! Therefore, I dare not speak nonsense."

As soon as he finished speaking, another young man in Taoist robe took over the conversation.

"Master, from a rational point of view, if we support the Heavenly Court, there is a 99% probability of failure. If we are lucky, we can surrender to other clans. If we are unlucky, the Three Star Cave will disappear directly!"

"But if we choose the Six Dao Tombs or the Time Clan, our chances of victory will be great!"

"In order to preserve the fire of our country, it is the best choice to choose these two races!"

As soon as these words fell, Shao Wei opened his mouth to refute!

"Third senior brother, then we choose the Guangyin Clan or the Six Tombs, are you sure we can win? Then will the Guangyin Clan win? Or the Six Tombs?"


The three senior brothers couldn't answer immediately.

But then, he sighed: "In terms of probability, no matter whether you choose the Time Clan or Liudaoling, there is a 50% chance of winning."

"But choosing Heaven is almost a doom. Do we still have to make such a choice knowing that we will die?"

Shao Wei was annoyed: "If you don't choose Tianting, do you want to fight with Tianting in the next hegemony?"

The third brother was stunned: "This... I just came to the conclusion through big data analysis, and it's not wrong!"

"Everyone be quiet!"

Bodhizi interrupted their argument impatiently.

With more than 10,000 lives at stake, he dared not make rash decisions.

At this moment, Bodhizi frowned and looked out of the window with a look of thought.

After a long time, he sighed: "That's all! We can't just ignore death! Even if we lose, we Chinese have to stand and die. I choose to support Tianting!"

As soon as the words fell, Bodhizi let out a long breath, as if to spit out the suppressed breath in his heart.

Shao Wei also heaved a sigh of relief.

Even the nerdy third senior brother nodded slightly in favor of this decision.

Although the third senior brother has always liked mathematics and science, knowing that the probability of choosing Tianting is extremely low, but emotionally, he still favors Tianting.

"Master, is this the decision?"

Wei Shao confirmed again.

Bodhizi nodded: "Go to the chat channel and announce to everyone!"


Wei Shao quickly opened the chat channel, ready to announce his decision.

"Huh? By the way, how could I forget about this!"

But at this moment, Bodhizi seemed to have thought of something, and slapped himself on the head.

All the disciples looked at Bodhizi in surprise.

"Master, what's the matter?"

I saw Bodhizi raised his head and his eyes were shining: "Hey! I forgot something, but I have the Book of Changes in my hand! It can be called the book of calculating everything, and with it, we can judge the good or bad of an event!"

Shao Wei's eyes lit up: "Master, if you have this treasure, you didn't tell me earlier, you quickly calculate, if we support Tianting, what will be good or bad?"

All the disciples also urged one after another.

At this moment, everyone's curiosity is aroused!

Bodhizi rolled his eyes and murmured: "Then let's make a deal, no matter whether the result calculated in a while is good or bad, we support the decision of the heavenly court, and it cannot be changed!"

"Even if it's a bad omen, we have to support Heavenly Court! Who of you agrees? Who opposes?"

Hearing this, all the disciples looked at each other face to face.

After a while, all the disciples nodded slightly in agreement.

Seeing this, Bodhizi summoned a simple book with a wave of his hand, which is the original book of changes!

As soon as the book of changes came out, it exuded an aura of vicissitudes from ancient times!


Bodhizi stroked the palm of his hand, Zhou Yi shook, and slowly unfolded, an endless golden torrent soared into the sky, turning into a divine page.

Afterwards, Bodhizi pinched the seal formula with his hands repeatedly, manipulating his divine page!

The golden light of the divine page continued to bloom, and seal characters emerged on it, containing endless dao rhyme.

Shao Wei and the others opened their eyes wide and watched nervously.

They don't know those seal scripts, but they can understand the meaning of those seal scripts at a glance.

In this way, Bodhizi launched the Book of Changes, speculating on good and bad fortune.

As for whether he really forgot that he could use the Book of Changes to decide which force to choose, it is not important anymore...


At the same time, the mysterious forces in other competition areas were also making their own decisions.

At this time, in the third division, the Baili Clan Hall.

A middle-aged man was sitting in the center of the hall.

He is the patriarch of the Baili Clan - Baili Xuance.

Below him, there are still nine strong men sitting.

Those nine people are all leaders of mysterious forces.

"Patriarch Baili, which faction are you going to choose?"

"Yes! I hope you make a decision as soon as possible, and I will wait for the nine major forces to advance and retreat with you!"

Baili Xuance looked at the attitude of the nine chiefs, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he was very satisfied.

He enjoys this feeling of being respected!

"Everyone, which side do you think is better to join?"

Baili Xuance picked up the fragrant tea in his hand and took a leisurely sip.

"The old man thinks that we should support Liu Dao Mausoleum!"

"The concubine does not agree! Then the Guangyin clan should be stronger!"

At this moment, the nine leaders below started arguing.

Baili Xuance put down his teacup and said with a smile, "None of you support Tianting?"

When Heavenly Court was mentioned, the nine people below all showed disdain.

An old man in black robe even sneered: "Patriarch Baili, the strength of that court, I can't wait to know it all too well, each and every little challenger force, by virtue of luck, has become the power to suppress the sky. Mud farewell!"

Another old woman echoed: "That's right! In the face of absolute power, all tricks and luck are nothing!"

"That's right! There is no difference between choosing Heaven and choosing suicide! Do you choose suicide? Anyway, I don't choose!"

"I don't choose either!"

"Look, no one is suicidal!"

As soon as these words fell, there was a burst of laughter in the field.

Baili Xuance also smiled.

Even his Baili clan has not become a force to suppress the sky, but what qualifications does the Heavenly Court have?

This made him a little jealous!

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the sky above the hall.

"Xuance, this time, we support Liu Dao Mausoleum!"


As soon as the voice came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

An invisible breath instantly enveloped the entire hall.

At that moment, everyone looked up one after another, but they only heard his voice, but could not see him.

Baili Xuance got up in panic, and bowed his hands to the air.

"Old Ancestor, Xuan Ce understands!"


At the same time, the sixth division, Heaven God Kingdom.

Those Baise people, Bangzi, Curry people, etc. are all cheering!

As soon as the rules of hegemony came out, they laughed heartily.

In their view, the rules this time are extremely unfavorable to the Heavenly Court, and those Chinese people must be dead.

At this moment, Pope Matthew's fat face was full of smiles.

The stickman Jin Zhongshuo on the side is even more flattering non-stop.

"My lord pope, God has manifested himself! This time, the people in heaven are absolutely doomed!"

Matthew gloated and said, "Oh! It's no surprise that these heretics will end up like this!"

Jin Zhongshuo asked again: "Master Pope, which side should we choose this time?"

"This is a difficult choice!"

Matthew was also hesitant.

"Oh! We can do this. The Guangyin Clan and the Six Dao Tombs, where there are more forces supporting us, which side should we choose?"

Jin Zhongshuo quickly said: "My lord, you are still smart!"


At this moment, behind the two of them, there was the sound of the door opening.

It turned out to be Teresa, who staggered out of Matthew's home.

"Oh! Dear Teresa, the Pope is very happy now, you come to my home with me, let's have a glass of red wine to celebrate!"

"By the way, don't wear nun clothes this time, I have another one..."

Teresa was taken aback for a moment, as if she had thought of something, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

However, she still nodded: "Okay, His Excellency the Pope."

Then, under Jin Zhongshuo's envious eyes, Matthew hugged Teresa and walked into the home again...


At the same moment, also in the sixth division.

The territory of the Tianji clan, a forbidden valley full of spiritual flowers of various colors.

Wearing a long purple dress, a beautiful woman with exquisite facial features and snow-white skin was looking in the direction of the first competition area, her eyes revealing a look of contemplation.

This beautiful and dignified woman is the current head of the Tianji clan——Ji Ziyue!

The Tianji clan is the number one mysterious force in the sixth division!

And behind Ji Ziyue, stood a little girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, she was also extremely cute.

"Patriarch, have you thought about it, which camp do you want to choose?"

The little girl asked concerned.

Ji Ziyue pondered for a while: "Think it over! Support Tianting!"

"What... what?!"

The little girl opened her eyes wide in shock.

"Patriarch! Are you kidding me?"

Ji Ziyue said with a serious face: "Yuluo, go and inform all the elders to come to the meeting hall. I have something important to announce to everyone!"

"oh oh!"

Yuluo nodded, and left in a daze.

She still couldn't believe it, if the patriarch really wanted to support Tianting, wouldn't that mean he was going to die?

After Yuluo left, Ji Ziyue looked in the direction of the first competition area and let out a long sigh.

"Hey! It's been more than seven thousand years! I don't know if what the ancestor said is accurate, it's really disturbing!"


Just as the Tianji clan was about to hold a clan meeting, something happened in Sanxing Cave.

At this moment, Samsung Cave, a secret room.

Bodhi's hands pinch seal formula!

On the divine page, a series of hexagrams emerged...

The result of divination is out!

Bodhizi quickly looked at the hexagram.

Shao Wei and the others couldn't understand the hexagrams, so they held their breath and waited quietly for Bodhizi to explain the hexagrams.

I saw that Bodhizi's face turned white, blue, and red for a while, which made everyone's moods fluctuate one after another.

"Master, how is the hexagram?"

At this time, Shao Wei finally couldn't help asking.

Bodhisattva stroked his beard and smiled: "The hexagram is unexpectedly good! This divination, the hexagram obtained is that the fortune has turned from bad luck to good fortune, and the future is bright and limitless!"

As soon as these words came out, the disciples were stunned!

How can this be?

Will the heaven they support have a bright future?

"Master, are you counting in heaven?"

"Yes! This hexagram does not seem to match?"

"Master, could it be that you manipulated the Zhouyi deduction and made a mistake?"

Shao Wei asked tentatively.

Bodhizi frowned, and patted his head displeased.

"Stinky boy! Is it a scammer to be a teacher? How could I make a mistake in such an important matter!"

"The hexagram is like this, everyone should be relieved! Go to the chat channel and announce our decision. We have to choose a side for the teacher!"

"Yes! Master, do you want to tell everyone the result of the divination?"

Wei Shao asked for opinions again.

Bodhizi pondered for a moment and said: "The secret of heaven must not be leaked! The less people know about this, the better, so as not to leak it out, causing artificial changes and changing the hexagram image!"

"It makes sense!"

Shao Wei responded, opened the chat channel, and announced Bodhizi's decision.

Bodhizi also began to operate the camp selection...

At the same time, in the sixth competition area, Tianji clan, in the conference hall.

Ji Ziyue sat on the central throne.

Below, dozens of elders all looked strange.

Just now, the patriarch informed everyone that she wanted to support Tianting.

This immediately caused an uproar!

At this moment, a white-haired old man stepped forward.

He said to Ji Ziyue with great respect: "Patriarch, this is absolutely impossible! The Liudao Tomb and the Guangyin Clan have profound backgrounds, and the Heavenly Court is no match at all!"

The old man's respect for Ji Ziyue came from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Ziyue looks to be in her twenties on the outside, and her realm is the realm of heaven and man.

The old man is also a realm of heaven and man.

But in front of Ji Ziyue, she didn't dare to be presumptuous in the slightest.

Because although Ji Ziyue's realm is the realm of heaven and man, her comprehensive combat power has reached 300 million, which is a proper middle stage of the False God Realm.

In this world full of killings, the stronger the strength, the more respected.

Calculated, Ji Ziyue is less than two hundred years old.

She has the ability to be so powerful, she is completely amazingly talented!

She is also recognized as the number one genius in the Abundant Star Realm!

Jiang Taichu and Taishi are not as good as her.

According to the agreement of all the bosses, she should run for the star master candidate in the next term.

Of course, if she didn't have the support of her ancestors, it would have been her turn long ago.

In short, the Tianji clan became the number one mysterious force, all because of her.

Unlike the No. 1 forces in other competition areas, it is all because there is a powerful ancestor of the False God Realm behind them!

The Tianji clan originally had ancestors.

It's just that the ancestor left the Fengrao Star Realm seven thousand years ago.

In short, the current status of the Tianji clan is due to the existence of Ji Ziyue.

Everyone respected Ji Ziyue extremely.

But today, Ji Ziyue's decision scared all the senior management.

At that moment, as soon as the old man finished speaking, all the elders echoed.

"Patriarch, think twice about this!"

"That's right! Listen to my advice, if you choose Heavenly Court, maybe you will destroy our family forever!"


All the elders spoke to each other, persuading them earnestly.

Ji Ziyue had expected the current scene.

She smiled slightly and looked at the elders.

"Everyone, I made this decision today for a reason. Listen to me..."

Hearing this, the elders couldn't help being curious.

In their eyes, the patriarch has always been rational and wise, but today he is uncharacteristically, maybe there is another reason...

At this moment, the ethereal mechanical sound came to remind...

Announcement from the Star Realm: In the second competition area, Taibai Academy supports the Guangyin clan and joins the green camp. The current number of forces in the green camp: 2]


As soon as this news came out, the entire Fengrao Star Realm was shocked instantly.

Finally have the power to make a choice!

It is still the number one mysterious force in the second division!

It's very meaningful!

At this moment, the Time Clan, inside the Temple of the Forbidden Land.

"Father! Taibai Academy chose to support us!"

Taishi's tone was full of surprises.

Patriarch Guangyin stroked his beard and smiled: "Patriarch Taibai is the ultimate power of False God. With him joining, our strength will greatly increase!"

Taishi also smiled and said: "Yes! It seems that other forces in the second division will also join us."

As soon as these words fell, the ethereal mechanical sound came...

Announcement from the Star Realm: In the second division, the Black Eagle clan supports the Time and Yin clan...]


In the blink of an eye, the top ten mysterious forces in the second division all chose the Time Clan.

At this moment, the cold mechanical sound continued to announce...

Star Realm Announcement: In the third competition area, the Baili tribe chose to support Liudaoling and join the blue camp. The current number of forces in the blue camp: 2]


This news shocked the Fengrao Star Realm again!

The Baili tribe is the number one mysterious force in the third division!

This choice of it has driven the wind direction again!

Star Realm Announcement...]


At this moment, all major competition areas are making camp selections.

The ethereal and icy mechanical sounds came and went one after another!

Either join the Guangyin clan, or join the Six Dao Tombs.

No one joined the Heavenly Court!

This embarrasses Heaven and Earth!

Who doesn't want face?

But none of those forces are willing to support Heavenly Court.

Especially the Baise people and their lackeys in the Kingdom of Heaven and God are watching the jokes of the Heavenly Court.

In a blink of an eye, most of the forces have chosen.

Only the Samsung Cave in the fifth division remained, and the entire sixth division remained silent.

Because the number one force in the sixth division, the Tianji Clan, has not yet made a decision, and the other mysterious forces are watching.

The Kingdom of Heaven and God is also in the sixth division. They are also watching, but their mood is gloating.

They were so happy that Heavenly Court ended up in such a miserable situation...


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