Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal

Chapter 424, Words of Divine Inspiration! 10x rewards!

At this moment, the Time Clan, the Forbidden Temple.

Taishi and the ancestor of time are discussing.

"Father, the mysterious forces in the second division, the fourth division, and the tenth division all support us. In this way, we have 31 forces in the green camp!"

"The third, fifth, and eighth divisions support Liudaoling, and the blue side has 30 forces. From the current point of view, we have a slight advantage!"

Taishi analyzed it carefully.

The patriarch of time was stunned: "It is also supported by three competition areas, why does our camp have one more force?"

Taishi smiled and said: "According to my investigation, the problem lies in the fifth competition area. There is still a three-star cave there, and there is no vote. The three-star cave is a mysterious force newly promoted from the challenger force. It is estimated that we are still waiting and watching."

The corner of the patriarch's mouth twitched slightly: "The challenger power is not worth mentioning! Our current focus is still the sixth division."

Taishi nodded: "Yes! They haven't made a decision yet."

Patriarch Guangyin: "Then Ji Ziyue, the head of the Tianji clan in the sixth division, has the strength of the middle stage of the False God Realm at a young age. This talent is far beyond what I used to be!"

When Ji Ziyue was mentioned, Patriarch Guangyin was full of praise.

There was also a strange look in Taishi's eyes.

Not only is Ji Ziyue's talent the best in the star realm, but she is also extremely youthful, which has long made him fall in love with her.

At that moment, he took a deep breath: "It depends on how she chooses which side the balance will fall in the end!"

Thinking of this, Tai Shi felt a little uneasy.

He has a heart of admiration for Ji Ziyue, and really doesn't want to be his enemy!

That Jiang Taichu had similar thoughts with him.

If Ji Ziyue chose Jiang Taichu instead of him.

Then he must have been hit hard!

Thinking about it, Tai Shi became even more apprehensive...

At the same time, the territory of the Six Dao Tombs.

Jiang Taichu and others hang in the air, also waiting for the choice of the sixth division.

Today's blue-green camp can be described as evenly matched.

It depends on which side the Sixth Division will fall to.

And the forces in the sixth division are all waiting for the Tianji clan.

As for Heavenly Court, it seems to have been forgotten...

At this moment, the Tianji clan, the main hall of discussion.

All the elders also regained their composure and looked at her one after another.

"Patriarch, through the faction selection just now, you have also seen that from the beginning to the end, no force dared to choose Heavenly Court. Patriarch, do you still want to insist on choosing Heavenly Court?"

"That's right! Even if we choose Heavenly Court, we can't stand alone. Do we want our clan to fight against more than 30 other forces?"

"That's right! Even if there is a force that is willing to support the Heavenly Court, the old man will not say such words!"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders echoed.

"Yeah! It's obvious that no power will choose Heavenly Court."

"This is tantamount to seeking death, and there will be absolutely no one who can't think about it! The old man dares to guarantee it with his head!"

boom! Long! Long!

As soon as these words fell, the sky shook.

Star Realm Announcement: The Fifth Division: The Three-Star Cave of the Oblique Moon chose to support the Heavenly Court and join the red camp. The current number of forces in the red camp: 2]


As soon as this news came out, the entire Fengrao Star Realm was in an uproar!

Finally, a force that supports the Heavenly Court has appeared!

Inside Tianji Hall.

The faces of the elders were flushed, and their old faces were slapped.

This time, everyone was speechless and at a loss for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ziyue smiled slightly.

Then, she looked around at the elders.

"This deity knows that you have a lot of doubts in your mind, and now I will tell you the truth!"

Hearing this, all the elders pricked up their ears and listened quietly.

"Actually, this matter is not my decision, but the decision of Patriarch Void!"


As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

"Patriarch, you say this is the decision of the ancestor?"

"This... is this true?"

"But Patriarch Void has been away for a long time!"

The elders were both surprised and puzzled.

Patriarch Void is a myth in the Abundant Star Realm!

He is ever,

The best star master candidate in the Harvest Star Realm was once only one step away from getting the star master position.

It's a pity that he failed in the end, leaving a trace of regret!

However, the achievements he has created have so far been unmatched by anyone in the Abundant Star Realm!

And when he was in the Fengrao Star Realm, the Tianji clan was the well-deserved number one clan in the Star Realm.

All powerful old monsters, in front of him, have to dormant obediently, not daring to come out of the world.

It was only later that Patriarch Void left the Fengrao Star Realm, and the Tianji clan was in decline.

It wasn't until the birth of Ji Ziyue that the Tianji clan started to improve again.

"Patriarch, what is going on?"

At this moment, some elders couldn't believe it.


Ji Ziyue tossed it casually, and a quaint scroll flew to the sky above the main hall, bursting with golden light, and slowly unfolded.

"Words of divine revelation!"

As soon as they saw the scroll, someone in the field exclaimed.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the scroll.


The scroll slowly unfolded in the air, revealing the golden divine pattern.

Looking at the corner of the scroll, there is also the soul imprint left by Patriarch Void.


This is really a divinely inspired word left by the ancestor!

"Seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven years later, there will be a son in the star world. He will be born as a challenger. He will create the heavenly court and become the leader of the heaven. Our clan should respect him as the master, and then he will fight in all directions, and he will be established forever. Merit, leave a name through the ages!"

The words of divine revelation were not long, but the elders became more and more frightened the more they watched!

These divine texts are simply the current template.

This is a divinely inspired word from more than 7,000 years ago!

The accuracy is simply terrifying!


The elders are a little numb!

Ji Ziyue said again: "Everyone in my family knows that Patriarch Void has a fetish in his hands, which can be used to calculate the future. It has always been a plan without exception, and this time will be no exception!"

Hearing this, the elders nodded slowly.

They thought of the divinely inspired words left by their ancestors, and each of them came true!

A recent divinely inspired word predicted Ji Ziyue's birth.

Thinking of this, the elders began to slowly digest this revelation and tried to accept it.

"Patriarch, do you want us to recognize the Lord with this revelation? Do I want to be that Wang Teng's servant?"

Ji Ziyue took a deep breath: "It's too early to say about the recognition of the Lord! What Wang Teng is capable of remains to be verified. However, I can choose to support the Heavenly Court first, and then talk about the future, and it is not a violation." The will of the ancestors."

As soon as these words fell, the elders nodded one after another.

At the moment, Ji Ziyue stopped talking, directly opened the faction interface, and began to choose...

"Boom! Long! Long!"

At this moment, the sky shook.

Star Realm Announcement: In the sixth division, the Tianji clan chose to support the Heavenly Court and join the red camp. The current number of forces in the red camp: 3]


As soon as this announcement comes out!

The entire Rich Star Realm was extremely shocked!

"What? The Tianji clan chose us?"

Heaven and Earth were also stunned!

Even Wang Teng was a little stunned.

He really didn't expect that there were old mysterious forces supporting them!

Wang Teng didn't know that the Tianji clan was not an ordinary mysterious force, but the mysterious force that ranked first in the sixth division.

The significance of this is extremely important!

Because of this, those veteran forces were even more shocked than Heavenly Court.

Both the Guangyin Clan and Liudao Mausoleum were stunned on the spot.

Jiang Taichu and Taishi opened their mouths even more!

They never expected that the goddess they were thinking of would choose Wang Teng instead of them.

At the same time, all the mysterious forces in the sixth division went completely insane.

They originally wanted to wait for the Tianji clan's choice, but they didn't expect such an astonishing result.

At this moment, in Heaven God's country.

Those Baise people and their lackeys are all stunned!

Today, the Tianji clan is a force in their same competition area!

Still the number one force in their division!

This time, the Kingdom of Heaven and God was completely stunned!


Matthew ran out of the home in disheveled clothes.

Just now, when he was heading straight to the sky, he heard the shocking news, and immediately withered, and ran out anxiously.

"My lord pope! What should we do?" Seeing this, Jin Zhongshuo hurried up.

"Oh! Falk! Did the Ji family go crazy that day!"

Matthew is furious!

"Yes! If we choose another camp, we will become the enemies of the Tianji clan! The Tianji clan is the number one force! We are not their opponents!"

Jin Zhongshuo was very anxious.


Matthew looked at the sky angrily.

After a while, he finally said helplessly: "Hmph! This competition area is not dominated by the Tianji clan, let's see how the barbarians choose!"

Jin Zhongshuo's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

It turns out that the barbarians are the second-ranked mysterious force in the sixth division.

Even before, it was the number one force in the sixth division.

It's just that Ji Ziyue rose up decades ago, defeated the Tengman ancestor in one fell swoop, and won the position of the first power.

"Boom! Long! Long!"

At this moment, an ethereal mechanical sound resounded in the entire Harvest Star Realm...

Star Realm Announcement: In the sixth division, the barbarians support the Time and Yin tribe and join the green camp. The current number of forces in the green camp: 32]


As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation again!

But not long after, the cold mechanical sound came to remind...

Star Realm Announcement: Canghai Port supports the Time Clan in the sixth division...]


Announcement from the Star Realm: In the sixth division, the Kingdom of Heaven and God supports the Time Clan...]


Another series of announcements!

This time, the sixth division was completely divided!

The nine mysterious forces headed by the Teng Barbarian chose the Time Clan to oppose the Tianji Clan!

So far, all forces have been selected!

The first division, Heavenly Court, Hanging Island.

Everyone also came back to their senses.

At this moment, Feng Xi and the others all had expressions of disbelief.

"I really didn't expect that there are old mysterious forces supporting us!"

"Yes! Why did the Ji clan do this that day?"

Feng Xi and the others were all puzzled.

Wang Teng also took a deep breath: "No matter why they are, since they chose us, we are a front!"

Feng Xi nodded slightly: "The situation of the Tianji clan in the sixth division is not optimistic!"

Wang Teng pondered for a while: "I will send a clone to the sixth division to help the Tianji clan, and I will also send a clone to the fifth division to help the Samsung Cave."

Hearing this, the girls secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In their view, as long as Wang Teng takes action, the Tianji clan and Sanxingdong will be safe.

"Boom! Long! Long!"

At this moment, the sky shook!

The ethereal mechanical sound sounded again...

Star Realm Announcement: Congratulations to all of you for completing the faction selection. Currently, the faction statistics are as follows:]

Time clan, the number of forces in the green camp: 40]

Liudao Mausoleum, the number of forces in the blue camp: 30]

Heavenly Court, the number of forces in the red camp: 3]

It is detected that the number of forces in the red side camp accounts for less than one-tenth of that of the blue side and the green side. In order to improve the fairness of the hegemony, the rewards obtained by the red side camp for killing enemies will be automatically increased by 10 times. 】


As soon as this announcement came out, the entire Fengrao Star Realm was shocked!

They never thought that this rule is so biased towards heaven.

This time, both the blue and green camps were dumbfounded!

The red camp headed by Tianting was full of surprises!

In this way, it will be easier for them to score.

Wang Teng was even more ecstatic!

The heaven and earth cheered.

At this moment, the sky above the Six Dao Tombs.

Jiang Taichu roared filial piety loudly.

"Father, how can the will of this great world be so unfair?! We are more powerful, so why suppress us like this?"

Patriarch Liu Dao also looked depressed.

Afterwards, he sneered coldly: "What are you upset about! Even if Heavenly Court takes advantage, it will not change their fate of destruction!"

"The three forces in the area are like ants in front of our absolute strength!"

Jiang Taichu said angrily: "That's right! Even if the reward is doubled, they don't have that life. We have to speed up the elimination of the red side, and we can't let them miss it!"

"Boom! Long! Long!"

At this moment, the ethereal mechanical sound came again...

Star Realm Announcement: In 10 minutes, the third round of points competition will officially begin...]

From now on, we will revoke the sky barriers in the top ten competition areas, and announce the power map of the rich star realm...]

"Boom! Long! Long!"

As soon as the announcement came out, the entire Harvest Star Realm trembled!

In every corner, there was a roar!

The sky that blocked the top ten competition areas is slowly disappearing.

At the same time, in the minds of the disciples of the three camps, a map of the forces of the Fengruo Star Realm began to emerge.

The power position and leader position of each camp are clearly visible.

"It's time to act!"

Wang Teng looked at the two red dots outside the competition area and muttered to himself.

As soon as the words fell, except for the water clone guarding the hanging island, the other four clones flew towards four directions respectively.

Jin Xing's clone flew to the fifth competition area, and Wooden Xing's clone flew to the sixth competition area.

The Fire Xing clone flew to the third competition area, and the Earth Xing clone flew to the fourth competition area.

Wang Teng looked at the map again and smiled.

It turned out that when his four clones moved, they were not displayed on the map.

After finishing these, Wang Teng looked down.

"Xi'er, go and inform everyone, get ready quickly! As soon as the match starts, we will all head to the second division!"

As soon as these words fell, Feng Xi and the others were a little surprised.

However, both Xiaodouzi and Xiaojumang were extremely excited.

These two little guys are very aggressive!

Feng Xi took a deep breath.

The master's four avatars have already gone to the four major battlefields, and now, another battlefield is about to be opened!

With the opening of the five major battlefields, it seems that the master is going to make some noise!

With this in mind, she respectfully agreed: "Feng Xi understands!"

As soon as the words fell, she flew to the square below and began to arrange everyone's actions...

At the same time, the sky above the territory of Liudao Mausoleum.

Patriarch Liudao looked at the red dots on the map and smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Beiming, the little red dot is Wang Teng's son. This kid has two Holy Land access orders, maybe even three!"

Patriarch Beiming also stroked his beard and smiled: "After a while, the hegemony will start, and you and I will go directly to the first competition area!"

The Patriarch of Six Paths smiled and said: "This old man has exactly this intention! The points for hegemony are important, but the token in that kid's hand is equally important!"

As soon as the words fell, he turned his head to look at Jiang Taichu again.

"In the early days, when the battle for hegemony begins, you will bring Ji Yin and our army to the sixth division!"

"The child understands!"

Jiang Taichu quickly took orders.

He knew what his father meant.

His father asked him to go to the sixth division to find trouble with the Kingdom of Heaven and God.

The original Bible in the hands of the heavenly kingdom of God is likely to be transformed from the pages of the current god's book.

He naturally wanted to get this treasure too.

Besides, he also wanted to trouble Ji Ziyue!

He still couldn't understand why Ji Ziyue supported Wang Teng?

This time, he's going to the sixth division, so let's find out!

At the same time, the Time Clan, inside the Forbidden Temple.

Taishi finished reading the map.

At this moment, he looked at Patriarch Time.

"Father, the battle for hegemony is about to begin! The Wusheng Patriarch you invited is about to arrive!"

Patriarch Guangyin nodded slightly: "The old guy should be coming soon! After a while, the battle for hegemony will start, and I will fight to the first competition area with Patriarch Wusheng, trying to kill Wang Teng and get the Holy Land Token before Liu Dao succeeds!"

It turned out that the ancestor of time, like the ancestor of Liudao, also invited a powerful helper.

That Wusheng Patriarch is also a great power at the early stage of the True God Realm, and his strength is extremely powerful.

"Father, when you go to the first division, the boy plans to take people to the sixth division!"


"The sixth competition area is now divided into two factions, one is the Tianji tribe, and the other is the Nine tribes including the Teng barbarians. The strength of both sides is equal. Now, the Teng barbarians have joined us. We should help them and defeat the Tianji tribe!"

Patriarch Guangyin nodded slightly: "Alright! The Ji clan didn't open their eyes that day, just let them exterminate the clan!"

Taishi was overjoyed: "Father, I will arrange for that child!"

As soon as the words fell, he left the hall excitedly.

He went to the sixth division not to destroy the Tianji clan, but to capture Ji Ziyue alive and forcefully occupy her...

After finally encountering such an opportunity, how could he miss it?

Just when Taishi left the hall, there was only one minute left before the third round of hegemony began...


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