Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 175: The Interception of the

After Forsi returned to reality from above the gray fog, he and Xio left Audrey's lounge one after another.

She wandered around the dance venue casually, declined invitations to dance from two gentlemen she didn't know, and drank a glass of Olmir worth nearly 150 gold pounds before entering the bathroom without attracting any attention.

Then, she sealed the surrounding area with her spirituality, took out a card from the secret pocket sewn on the inside of the dress, then unsealed it and took out the "Lemanno Travel Notes".

She turned to the last page of the magic book, which was a piece of burnt yellow paper with a pattern of "pupilless eyes".

Along with the rising gray mist, Forsi grabbed the void ahead.

Her arm suddenly sank, and she quickly pulled it back, dragging out a figure simply wearing a white shirt.

This figure has brown curly hair, deep features, and a handsome face. He is Abner Brain.

Abner's eyes moved slightly and quickly got rid of their dullness, becoming just like a real person.

Then he walked to the bathroom sink and placed the gold-rimmed glasses placed there on the bridge of his nose.

Then Abner turned around, smiled and said to Forsi, "Well done."

Although most of the spiritual power of "Historical Projection" was "paid for" by "Lemano's Travel Notes", Forsi himself, who inspired this ability, also borne part of the consumption, so his spirit seemed a little sluggish at this time.

She seemed to realize something and asked: "Your true body is now in the 'answer maze' of those glasses?"

"In that case, why do you have to let me use this magic book to pull out the projection? Wouldn't it be the same if you came out and used it?

"Could it be are deliberately trying to make me mentally exhausted and have no energy to ask you...that matter?"

Abner waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's nothing! My body is always outside, after all, I can feel it... that 'disaster witch' is always locking me with special means.

"The main purpose of placing 'Alvin's Answer Maze' here is for you to go in and escape."

"Should I go in and hide?" Forsi's brain, which was sluggish due to spiritual consumption, could not keep up with Abner's train of thought. "In that case, if you two appear outside, wouldn't it arouse that person's suspicion?"

"Look who I am now?" Abner chuckled, simulating the ability of the "Faceless Man" and turning into his appearance in the blink of an eye.

Forsi looked at the "image" in front of him that was like his twin sister, and sighed: "It's this trick again... I understand!

"You can find a room in that 'maze' and I'll go in now."

Abner looked her up and down, shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, there's still one last step left..."

"What's the difference?" Forsi asked puzzledly.

Abner pointed at the dress she was wearing, smiled and said, "Same as last time, I have to lend you your clothes..."

In the kitchen of the Hall family villa, under Audrey's order, the "bag-carrying assistant" Esilante easily hypnotized all the chefs and servants and asked them to leave the kitchen, and asked everyone before leaving. The open flame that was extinguished in time ignited some flammable materials.

The fire started small, but quickly spread. By the time the chef and the servants came to their senses, the fire had swept through the entire room and showed signs of spreading outward, making it difficult to control.

Standing in the hidden room, Audrey looked at the "fire" she had created with her own hands in order to end the dance early, and couldn't help but murmur to herself:

"Fires are also 'disasters'... After I created this 'disaster' with my own hands, can it replace other 'disasters' that would have happened?"

"The next step is to have Hibbert discover the fire as soon as possible and evacuate the guests...

"But I made some mistakes. The chef at home actually wanted to put out the flames while the fire was not too big, instead of reporting it... This, this might lead to a real disaster!

"Wait, generally speaking, animals can always sense danger in advance, right?"

Thinking of this, Audrey unconsciously lowered her head and glanced at Susie at her feet.

Susie seemed to feel something, raised her head and looked at Audrey, then stood up quickly and said:

"I see!"

After saying that, it trotted out of the hidden room with brisk steps, not forgetting to close the door.

"...I haven't said anything yet...Susie's research on psychology seems to be more advanced than mine..." Audrey blinked, rarely feeling a little frustrated, "Maybe take Susie in 'Dream Labyrinth Tower', can you pass the seventh floor relatively easily?"

No! I can't let myself be inferior to a dog! Think of it like I am Susie's assistant... However, being better than a dog doesn't seem to be a compliment... Audrey puffed up her cheeks in a self-deprecating tone, then opened the door and walked out, ready to say "Look for A fire was discovered in the name of a dog.

On the other side, after "Forsi" came out of the bathroom, through the connection with the main body, he quickly found Abner, who had a good chat with Hibbert.

"Lord Hibbert, can I borrow the Viscount from you for a while?" "Fors" said politely with a smile.

"Beautiful lady, this is your right." Hibbert would naturally not let such a thing disgrace him, not to mention that the intention to acquire the shares of "Bicycle" has been reached, and most of the goals of today's dance have been achieved.

Next, Abner and "Forsi" entered an empty "lounge" under the "ambiguous" eyes of interested people, and then quickly exchanged identities.

That is, Abner's body changed into the appearance of Forsi, put on her clothes, and the "historical image" changed back into Abner.

Just a few minutes later, the news of the fire in the kitchen finally reached Hibbert Hall's ears, and the young gentleman's face suddenly became ugly.

Although forcibly disbanding the ball in the middle of the party would definitely be detrimental to the reputation of the Hall family and even more harmful to his personal ability evaluation, out of consideration for the safety of the guests, he still arranged the guests in an orderly manner with the help of the butler. They evacuated.

During this period, a certain viscount's "historical image" took advantage of the chaos to "leave" the two female companions and call a carriage to leave alone. No one paid attention to it... except for a lady in black dress with ulterior motives.

When "Abner's" carriage traveled to a slightly quiet road, the surrounding scenery suddenly turned upside down with reality.

"Abner" knew in his heart that he had been pulled into the "mirror world"!

At this time, a serene and seductive female voice came from my ears like a serenade:

"Mr. Blaine, don't leave in such a hurry... I have something to ask you...

"What exactly are you carrying on your body? Why do I feel like I want to be close to you so much?"

"Abner" turned his head subconsciously, and then saw his own shadow reflected in a pair of eyes as bright as the night sky.

At some point, the woman who sat next to him was the "Black Saint", the angel of the "Witch Sect"!

"Okay..." With a coquettish tone, "Black Saint" brought her perfect face closer to "Abner", and they could hear each other's breathing, full of "charm".

"Ma'am, I'm sorry...I refuse!"



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