
The "Black Saint" stared at "Abner"'s face for a few seconds. She was a little surprised that this Viscount with a bad reputation could resist her "charm", but then she showed an ambiguous smile and then said Sitting astride "Abner", he put his white palms into the other person's clothes...

"Lord Viscount, you have no right to refuse..." As she said this, she was going to give "Abner" the ultimate "pleasure" and completely break his will.

However, at this time, "Abner" who let her do what she did, sighed and pretended to be regretful: "Although I am also very curious about 'Happiness', but... the time has come!"

"Time's up?!" The "Black Saint" with her black hair hanging loose stopped moving and frowned for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the figure beneath her quickly fade and disappear in an instant.

"Historical projection?!" This "Black Saint", who has existed since the time when the three major witch families of the Fourth Age coexisted, is also well-informed, and she immediately recognized the state of "Abner" just now.

"No! This may be a bait!" The "Black Saint" felt nervous and wanted to use the "mirror shuttle" to leave here as soon as possible.

But the next moment, her face suddenly became ugly, because she realized that the "mirror world" she had created had fallen into a "secret" state at some point.

Not only that, there is more inexplicable white mist in this "mirror world" than before, and a lady with a high nose, plump lips, dark gray eyes and a pretty face is walking out of the mist. walked out.

"Letitia Tamara? Didn't you fall?" Seeing the visitor, the "Black Saint"'s face became even more ugly. When the "Succubus Family" followed the "Night Emperor" to besiege the opponent, she also participated of.

In fact, the reason why she called herself the "Black Saint" after defecting to Chike was because of her nostalgia for that experience.

"It turns out to be Medea...you actually took refuge in Chike? It seems that Chike will take away the properties of the 'Doomsday Witch' from Molika, and later be turned into a ship by Trunsoest, and you will be indispensable. It’s your credit!” Letitia, or Princess Vera said with a smile.

Of course, although her expression was smiling, her tone was terrifyingly cold.

"That was His Majesty's order. I was loyal to His Majesty the Night Emperor from beginning to end, and I did not betray him." The "Black Saint" shook her head calmly, and then she looked at the "mist" around Letitia. He frowned and said, "You are not an Extraordinary of any path now...is it the mist that gives you power?

"What are you now?"

Hearing this, Letitia laughed "haha" and said, "It's normal that you don't know, because I am now a dependent of 'Unknown'!"

Before she finished speaking, the body of the "Black Saint" suddenly exploded and turned into glass shards all over the ground. Not far away, the "Black Saint" quickly appeared, and the buttons of her dress fell off, revealing the white Alluring scenery.

"You can directly 'execute' me without using powerful words to declare?" "Black Saint" Medea, as the liaison between the "Witch Sect" and the Loen royal family, and as a former subordinate of the "Night Emperor", Naturally, he is no stranger to the abilities of the two paths of "Judge" and "Black Emperor".

In her eyes, the ability displayed by Letitia in front of her was no less than that of a "Hand of Order"!

The "Hand of Order" is very restrained against a witch like her who creates "disasters" and returns the world to "chaos".

"I am no match for even Letitia, not to mention the person who covers this 'mirror world' with 'secret' is probably an angel...

“With two against one, I have no chance of winning!

"It's better to run away first... and then go back to the viscount to collect today's debt."

Thinking of this, although it was strange that Letitia was not in a hurry to continue attacking, the "Black Saint" still directly revealed the form of a mythical creature like "Medusa", and then her eyes shot out the "Light of Time" ”, causing a loophole in the power of “secret”.

In the face of a time that is older than ancient times, not only "death", even "secret" cannot withstand the erosion of "time" and will also disappear.

Not daring to waste this precious opportunity, the "Black Saint" rushed out of the "secret" loophole at extreme speed, and was about to use "mirror jump" to escape.

And until the end, she, who had been on alert, didn't notice any movement from Letitia, so she couldn't help but look back before "jumping", and then she saw the other party's eyes full of teasing.

"Joking?" the "Black Saint" secretly thought, but it was too late. A silent "scream" resounded all around, and her body began to shrink rapidly, and she was about to turn into a chicken...

The next moment, the chicken's body exploded to pieces, and the figure of the "Black Saint" returned to the "Mirror World" again, and the "secret" gap seemed to be almost closed.

"There is an 'ancient evil' outside!" "The Black Saint" felt cold in her heart, but she quickly made up her mind and took out a strange crown full of rust and blood and put it on her head.

This is a sealed object formed by the "Witch Sect" using a "Prince of Slaughter" characteristic and the "Conqueror" characteristic exchanged by the Loen royal family. This exchange is also the basis for the cooperation between the two.

Although the negative effects are extremely shocking, this item has the ability to defeat most of the "authority" powers and "conquer" the enemy without hesitation.

So, in front of Him, the "secret" was broken, the "curse" was broken, the "bond" was broken, the "imprisonment" was broken, and the "Black Saint" rushed to the outskirts of Backlund in an instant, and then she had to stopped.

But at this time, the negative effects of the crown suddenly came.

The "Black Saint" tried her best to suppress it and was about to hide, but at this moment, she suddenly saw Viscount Braine looking at him with a smile not far away.

Next to the viscount, there was a lady wearing a hooded classical robe, with black eyes and hair, and a beautiful but dull face.

Before the "Black Saint" could react, the beautiful lady looked over, and then the "crown" disappeared centimeter by centimeter, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"You are..." Seeing this, the "Black Saint" couldn't help showing a look of horror, but before she could finish her words, her whole body began to retreat!

This is not His own subjective behavior, but everything He has just done, except for the crown with the characteristics of "Conqueror", is going backwards, and in an instant he has returned to the "mirror world" surrounded by "secrets".

“The ‘reboot’ of Serpent of Destiny?!”

How many angels are ambushing me? ! The "Black Saint" looked at Letitia Tamara, who was still looking at her teasingly, and once again experienced the feeling of playing the "Despair Witch".

At the same time, on the outskirts of Backlund, the beautiful but slightly dull lady, the "Mother of Heaven" smiled and looked at Abner next to her:

"Drink the 'Insighter' potion now to advance..."

"With me by your side, your luck can temporarily return to normal."



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