On the other side of the long table, "Judgment" Xio who observed this scene once again confirmed his previous judgment - unless he was an acquaintance, Abner rarely showed his "bad taste".

And she had long discovered that Abner was inexplicably familiar and tolerant of that "Red Glove" Leonard... just like when he first met her and Forsi, they seemed to be old friends for many years, even As soon as they met, they asked each other to write poems.

"Star" Leonard obviously didn't notice the little thoughts of the other members. After listening to Mr. "Tower"'s introduction, he didn't think this old monster would deceive him, so he asked directly: "How much does it cost?"

"Don't worry about the price now. I'll tell you after I actually get it." Abner said with a smile.

Is this old monster planning to steal from some church? No, according to the old man, he has extensive contacts and has very good relations with many gods. Maybe he can come directly... As his thoughts were turning, Leonard hesitantly asked: "There will be no problem with the origin of that item. Bar?"

Abner could guess what he was thinking without using his powers, and immediately decided to add a time limit to the "transformation" ability of the item that had not been released yet... It would last 24 hours without any change, so don't even think about changing it back!

"Don't worry, there's definitely no problem with the origin!" Abner smiled meaningfully.

"That's good..." Leonard obviously didn't know what he would encounter in the future. While imagining the powerful abilities of the "Witch", he looked around again and asked:

"Does any of you have any clues about the 'pair of fangs of the skeleton demon wolf'?"

With his current contribution, it would be difficult to exchange for promotion opportunities within the church, so he had to prepare the materials himself.

"A pair of fangs of the Skeleton Wolf"... This seems to be one of the main ingredients of the "Spirit Witch" potion. So, Mr. "Xingxing" is probably a "Soul Master"!

Coupled with his suspected status as an official Beyonder... he is a "Nighthawk"?

"Magician" Forsi glanced at Mr. "Star" and nodded thoughtfully.

The reason why she knew the magic potion formula of "Spirit Witch" was because she received the commission from "Tower" and got it from the Abraham family.

"'Skeleton Demon Wolf'... As far as I know, there is a skeleton demon wolf entrenched in a ruined city-state south of our Silver City. It can drive powerful ghosts and is extremely difficult to deal with in the dark, even for six The elders of the People’s Council are not sure of winning it either.”

"Sun" Derrick said honestly after thinking for a while.

"Silver City?" Leonard was a little confused. He had no idea where that place was. He only vaguely guessed from the description of "The Sun" that the environment in the so-called "Silver City" should be very harsh.

Seeing this, "The Fool" Klein leaned back on his chair and seriously reviewed himself in his mind:

After pulling Leonard into the gray fog and ensuring that he drew the "Star" card, he stopped caring about him and did not write a letter to introduce the general situation of the Tarot Society. This is somewhat inappropriate!

Klein was about to manipulate "World" Gehrman to explain to "Star" Leonard, but saw "Moon" Emlyn glance at the poet beside him, and heard him say with a faint smile:

"The 'Silver City' is located in the 'Land Abandoned by the Gods'. It was formerly the 'Silver Country' that believed in the 'Giant Queen' Omi Bella."

This was what he had read in the blood clan's classics, and even that stupid "Sun" city-state didn't know its own origins.

After saying that, "Moon" Emlyn didn't care and fell into a daze. Leonard, who said no more words, turned to cut off his words and said to "The Sun":

"I need a Sequence 5 artificial vampire extraordinary characteristic. What do you want?"

Although Emlyn spent all his savings to buy the limited edition "Snow Queen" some time ago, just yesterday, a set of 12 different "Queens" that he bought home at a sky-high price through frugality was stolen again... ...As before, the abominable thief also left the gold pound corresponding to the doll this time, and even a little more...

However, this could not calm Emlyn's anger at all.

And after what happened this time, he also figured out that only by improving his strength could he catch that abominable thief and protect his lovely "queens", so... he wanted to use the money left by the other party to become stronger. !

Of course, the money in his hand is still not enough to buy a sequence 5-level "artificial vampire" with characteristics, and he is not a vampire who likes to take loans in advance. Even the latest and best dolls cannot make him shameless. Borrowing money from others will only make you save more frugally and harder.

But after many Tarot sessions, he had already realized a problem, that is, "The Sun" did not accept cash at all. To the residents of Silver City, there was no difference between Rune's gold pounds and waste paper.

Therefore, Emlyn believed that “The Sun” would make requests for items, and if he knew about it earlier, he could make preparations earlier.

Moreover, "The Sun" is not that clear about the market conditions outside. Maybe what he wants is only worth 5,000 pounds... "Moon" Emlyn, with the mentality of waiting for a surprise, raised his chin slightly and stared at "The Sun" next to him.

Derrick "The Sun" thought about it seriously and warned tactfully: "The characteristics of 'artificial vampire' contain serious mental pollution...Mr. 'Moon', do you want pus all over your body?"

"Moon" Emlyn suddenly became as sluggish as "a star", but he quickly raised his head again and said "confidently": "You just bid, and I will solve the pollution."

Naturally, he has no solution, but he feels that there must be a solution within his own clan. The most important thing now is to finalize the characteristics first.

"Sun" saw Mr. "Moon" insisting, thought about it again and said: "Uh... the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 5 of the 'Warrior' path."

He didn't ask for it for himself, but for the friends he made while inquiring about the former chief's tomb. So he planned to help the other party ask.

Coincidentally, the friend he made was the lady who lived on the same street as him and whose deformity was cured by the secret technique "Veolite's Perfect Restoration Technique" he brought.

Sequence 5 of "Warrior"? That is the extraordinary characteristic of "Guardian"... This is difficult to buy. Even Father Utravsky is still a "Dawn Knight" in Sequence 6... But his big sword weapon should be "Guardian" It is built with special features, and I don’t know if he will sell it. "Moon" Emlyn was not sure how to answer, when he heard Mr. "World"'s hoarse voice:

"I have."

He does, and that's what he got in "Land of Night."

For a moment, the palace, which looked like a giant's residence, was silent, and all the members of the Tarot Club felt a little numb.

Is Sequence 5 so common... "Moon" Emlyn felt inexplicably tired when he thought that he was not yet at Sequence 5 level. He calmed down for a few seconds before asking:

"How much?"

Klein calculated the financial situation of Emlyn White, causing Gehrman Sparrow of the World to laugh in a low voice:

"Seven thousand pounds."

If I didn't have money now, I would definitely give you a fortune!

7,000 pounds? Emlyn was stunned for a moment, then said without hesitation:

"make a deal!"

Derrick the Sun on the other side also nodded happily and approved the deal. At the same time, he was also happy for his friend.

Until the end of the deal, Leonard's mind was still full of the term "The Land Abandoned by the Gods," and he felt like a fantasy or myth had come into reality.

He instinctively adjusted his understanding of the Tarot Club and truly understood the weight of the ordinary words "members come from different places".

Sure enough, everyone here is not simple, they are all "protagonists"!

Leonard was thinking a lot and thought of his deal again, but Derrick "The Sun" couldn't be sure that Silver City would be able to win the "Skeleton Wolf", so he didn't offer a price. He just said to go back and ask for him.

But Leonard had to give up temporarily.

At this point, the trading session ends, and the Tarot Club automatically enters the stage of free communication.

This time, it was "Star" Leonard who was the first to say: "A serious accident occurred in 'Saint Samuel's Cathedral'. 'Crazy Adventurer' Gehrman Sparrow disguised himself as an internal guard and broke in. Chanismen, then disappeared mysteriously..."

While he said this, his eyes were looking at the "world" at the bottom.

While "Justice", "The Hanged Man", "The Hermit" and other members of the Tarot Society, while looking at "The World", they all thought in unison: It turns out that Mr. "Star" is the official Extraordinary of the "Church of the Night". !

One sentence exposed both of us! Klein almost covered his face again. Although it is no longer a secret in the Tarot Club that the "world" is Gehrman, at least Miss Justice can only guess and cannot confirm it.

With this thought in his mind, "The World" looked back at the "Stars" and laughed hoarsely: "I did it..."

"Actually, I went there because of an agreement between Mr. Fool and the Night Goddess...or in other words, a game."



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