Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 243 Klein is feeling more and more uncomfortable

An agreement between Mr. Fool and the goddess? game?

Sure enough, Mr. "Fool" has a tacit understanding with the goddess on certain things... The "old man" guessed really accurately! "Star" Leonard was not too surprised by this, but nodded suddenly.

Is the "world" already able to participate in the affairs between gods? Or, as Mr. Fool's favored one, he is showing his sincerity to the goddess? Is it the same as the ancestor of the blood race sending the "moon" into the Tarot Club to show sincerity?

Yes, the newly added Mr. "Star" may have the same identity as "Moon"... No wonder they all look "innocent". "The Hanged Man" Alger's lips curled up slightly, feeling that he had finally seen clearly a corner of the "chess game" between the gods. This made him look very excited, and it was rare for him to bring out some proud emotions.

"Hermit" Cattleya's focus was on the disappearance of "The World" after entering the Chanis Gate. As a "secret spy", she vaguely realized that the place where "The World" went after disappearing was the " Game” focus.

"I really want to know what happened... It's a pity that 'The World' doesn't seem willing to go into details..." Thinking of this, "Hermit" Cattleya glanced at Abner again, feeling a little pity that "The World" wasn't like He has a "tower"-like temperament, otherwise he might be "showing off" right now.

"Justice" Audrey quietly breathed a sigh of relief at this time, as if the big stone that had been weighing on her heart was gone: ever since she believed in Mr. Fool, she always felt that she had betrayed the goddess, and she was somewhat uneasy. Now she found that the goddess and " Mr. Fool was an ally, and her guilt was immediately relieved a lot.

Next to "Justice", "Judgment" and "Magician" also want to know what the so-called "game" is, but they are not in a hurry, because based on their understanding of Abner, they can tell him at a glance. I "know" it again, so I plan to ask again after I get back.

As for Miss Temperance, of course she knew everything about what Klein did that night.

Looking at the people with different thoughts, Klein paused, and then controlled the "world" and continued: "By the way, Zaratul, the leader of the 'Secret Order', has escaped from the trap and returned to reality. You should be careful."

He didn't say the reason for "Beware of Zarath", because everyone who understands understands it, and those who don't understand can figure it out.

After hearing this, Abner glanced at the lowest position. Of course, he knew that Klein's words were more to remind him... Although it was completely useless, after all, the so-called Zaratul now was actually his vest.

On the contrary, "Hermit" Cattleya paid more attention to this information. To a certain extent, she was also considered an Intis and had a considerable understanding of the "Secret Order".

Everyone was silent for a while, as if they were digesting the news, until "Star" Leonard cleared his throat and once again threw out a more important piece of information:

"One of the ancestors of the Abraham family, Alvin Abraham, was promoted to an angel and announced to the entire continent... announcing that the Abraham family has returned to the stage of power on the continent."

Abraham? After hearing these words, "The Hanged Man", "Justice", "The Hermit" and others all focused their attention on Miss "Magician".

Forsi was startled and glanced at Abner subconsciously. When he saw him nodding, he calmed down and said: "It is indeed the case, but I don't know much..."

After receiving the confirmation from Miss Magician, Audrey "Justice" turned back to look at the "Star" diagonally opposite, and said thoughtfully: "Mr. Star, you said that His Highness Alvin declared Him to the whole continent. News of the promotion...why didn’t I receive any information?”

Not even in the intelligence network of the "Psychological Alchemy Society".

"Star" Leonard recalled the old man's tone at that time and imitated: "That declaration can only be heard by angels and above."

In other words, you... no, there is an angel behind you? "The Hanged Man" Alger, "The Hermit" Cattleya and "The Judgement" Xio immediately grasped the key points of his words and made inferences.

This made "The Fool" Klein almost facepalm for the third time today.

"I'm afraid if we continue to discuss this, the poet classmate's 'underwear' will be stripped off!" Klein complained in his mind, while outwardly giving Abner a subtle look.

Although he didn't know about the birth of angels in the Abraham family, he was familiar with the name "Alvin". The "Book of Stars and Elements" written by him had been kept by Mr. "Tower" for a long time. Stored above the gray fog.

Moreover, Klein knew that "Alvin" was actually "Liu Bo" in a certain life, and he guessed that Abner had awakened and advanced his former self through some means.

As soon as he thought of this, he heard "Magician" Forsi add after careful consideration: "In fact, as far as I know, His Highness Alvin Abraham was promoted to Sequence 2 with the help of Mr. Fool... He Now he is an angel under Mr. Fool!"

This was naturally what she heard from Abner, or it could be said that Abner told her deliberately in order to give Klein a "surprise".

Really "surprised"...

When everyone looked at him with either shock or confusion, Klein could barely maintain the "majesty" of Mr. Fool, and he couldn't help but think "sadly" in his heart:

Directly blaming "The Fool" for things that Mr. "The Fool" has never done...

Mr. "Ta", are you becoming less and less pretentious? You're making it difficult for me... I don't even know if I should continue to "pretend"!

I'm afraid you'll expose me directly with your next sentence. How embarrassing would that be?

Although he was sure that "Tower" would not expose him in public, the fact that his every move looked like a "curly baboon" trying hard to perform in the eyes of others still made Klein feel a little uncomfortable.

Although you have added strength to "The Fool" in disguise, you still can't hide the fact that you are just having fun!

As soon as he thought about this, Klein immediately controlled "The World" to divert the topic, lest Mr. Fool, who knew nothing, make more mistakes. He "shared":

“Last week’s great earthquake in Trier was actually caused by the Prime Minister of Intis colluding with the devils of the North family and using the emotional power gathered by the parade to cause the ‘abyss’ to descend.

"However, fortunately, this disaster was solved by Mr. Tower and 'Queen of Mystery' working together."

"Judgement" and "Magician" were stunned when they heard this, and then focused their attention on Abner at the same time, and they thought in unison: It turns out that you were unconscious on the "Teleportation Altar" that day because you prevented the "Abyss" from coming. !

"The 'Queen' was promoted to an angel because of this." At this time, "Hermit" Cattleya also nodded and confirmed the "world" statement.

Is it true that behind the "Hermit" is the "Queen of Mystery"? And the pirate king was also promoted to "Angel"... "Star" Leonard once again confirmed his guess, no one in this party is simple.

As for "The Hanged Man" Alger, he smelled something bad:

“The abyss” descends;

"Queen of Mysteries" promoted to angel;

Zaratul, the leader of the "Secret Order", escapes from trouble;

Members of the “Abraham Family” return to the stage of power in mainland China;

"The Fool" and the Goddess form an alliance...

Each of these is a major event that shocked the mainland, but they all appeared in a concentrated manner in just two weeks... It's like before a big storm comes, there are always some signs on the sea... This is definitely unusual!

Could it be said that history has reached a special "node"?

What big changes will happen next that can change the world?

Thinking of this, Alger felt a little bit of fear and some inexplicable excitement.

After all, Emperor Russell once said, "Chaos is the ladder of ascent"... Without major changes, it would be difficult for people like him to make progress again and become demigods.



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