Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 283 The creator of the succubus?

God the Father? !

What the hell kind of name is this?

Could it be that "I" in another life caused the sin?

Abner looked at the charming woman with her iconic long green hair, wearing tight clothes, and immediately judged that she was a witch.

And she is a witch at the angel level, but she is not a living person.

Well... the main material of this "Ghost Empire" is actually Monica, the former "Doomsday Witch" who was tricked by the "Night Emperor".

Could it be that the soul in front of me is Him?

Does He really have a relationship with "me"? No wonder the world in "Ghost Empire" is full of all kinds of déjà vu...

Could it be that it's all "my" fault?

As his thoughts turned, Abner asked with a controlled tone:

"Are you Monica?"

This is not entirely pretentious. After all, the other party only has a remnant soul, and Abner is not afraid of him.

"It seems that 'Father God' has not fully recovered his memory." The green-haired woman smiled sweetly, even more charmingly, "Actually, I am Monica, but Monica is not me."

"What should I say?" Abner frowned and asked.

While speaking, he waved the captain away from this "other world" because he had a premonition that what the other party was about to say was not suitable for ordinary people to listen.

"'Father God' is really indifferent... Shouldn't you ask me why I am in this situation?" "Monica" squeaked, and then she organized her words and replied unhurriedly, "In During the time of Solomon’s First Empire, I knew Trunsoest and had a good memory...

“So after Constantine, who had been fighting with me for many years, was besieged and killed by Chic, I directly led the entire family to surrender to him who had just become the ‘Emperor of the Night’.

"But who would have thought that Trunsoest would have colluded with Chike a long time ago...

"In short, after Chic took away the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Doomsday Witch' and reduced me to a 'disaster' using special means, Trunsoest used the power of the outer gods to control my soul...

“Built me ​​into this ‘Ghost Empire’.

“But He doesn’t know that I am the first ‘succubus’ in this world, that I was ‘created’ by you, ‘Father God’, and that I already have your imprint on my soul.

"His control is not perfect, so I found an opportunity and used your power to 'cut out' the remaining uncontrolled soul.

"So, I am Monica, but Monica is more than just me!"

The first "Succubus"... Did "I" also create the "Succubus" race?

No wonder it didn’t appear in the original work!

But I remember that the "Succubus" appeared much earlier than the "God of Luck". At the beginning of the second era, when the "Abyss" was just born.

In other words, is this the work of "Liu Bo" before the "God of Luck"?

Heh, speaking of the two major witch families in the Fourth Age, one is a direct descendant of "me", and the other is a dependent race created by "me"...

As a result, Chike got the better of him in the end!

Should I say that the plot has strong inertia, or are they too useless?

Abner sighed, then shook his head and said, "Although most of what you said should be true, they are just to cover up that lie."

"Oh? Which of my words does 'Father God' think is a lie?" "Monica" didn't show any panic at being exposed on her face, but instead asked with interest.

"For example, your current 'remnant soul' is not the part that was cut out with the help of my power... but the part that was contaminated by the 'original moon'!"

Abner said as he looked at the wheat vegetables that had turned into monsters in the field.


Calvin, and he can’t stand it anymore…

That's all for brain is too muddled to figure out more...I'll make up for it tomorrow when I wake up...

In addition, please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month



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