Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 284 Captain’s Room

In fact, Abner noticed the abnormality of the remnant soul in front of him early on.

Not to mention that the "unknown land" had no reaction when facing him, but those "out of control" crops made Abner doubt the nature of the other party.

What's more, based on the intelligence obtained in the past, Abner could vaguely guess the purpose of the "Night Emperor" to create a "Ghost Empire"... Then, the "Trunsoest" clan member suddenly disappeared without allowing any of the "Trunsoest" tribe members to board the ship. "Monica" should still be in control of most of the ship's functions, rather than being sealed in this "world".

In other words, the part that was "cut off" would not be the part that remained free due to the power of "Liu Bo", but the part that was controlled by the "Night Emperor" using the power of external gods!

In this regard, "Monica" with long green hair did not deny it, she just showed an admiring expression and said:

"As expected of 'Father God', he immediately saw through my true nature..."

Having said this, He smiled charmingly at Abner and asked, "So, what are you going to do with me?"

Abner showed a playful expression and said with a half-smile:

"You 'took the initiative' to welcome me out of the castle, and took advantage of the opportunity of punishing your subordinate to establish a relationship with me. Then you talked about so many of 'Monica's past events, didn't you just want to delay it? Time, so that you can completely get out of trouble?

"After all, the seal established by the 'Emperor of Knowledge' is not that easy to get rid of, is it?"

Hearing these words, "Monica"'s expression finally changed. She stared into Abner's eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Since you guessed it, why didn't you stop me immediately?"

Abner smiled and replied: "Why should I stop you?

"If you don't solve your problem completely, how can you open the 'door' leading to the main control room, or in other words, the captain's room?

"Rosell was also contaminated by the 'primordial moon', so he had no choice but to seal you.

"But do you think there's nothing I can do?"

Hearing this, "Monica" stroked the ends of her hair and showed a "charming" expression again:

"'Father God', if you are still the same person as before, you can naturally solve it easily...

"However, I don't know why you can't cause harm to me even though you have only the strength you have now... After all, I have the protection of 'mother'."

Having said that, He seemed to have finally gotten rid of Russell's seal, and opened his arms to welcome the power of "Mother".

However, half a minute passed and nothing happened.

"What's going on?" "Monica" finally couldn't hide her emotions anymore, and looked at Abner with a pale face.

In her opinion, "Father God" must have done something.

Abner shrugged and said innocently: "You have been 'sealed' for too long, and you may not know that the 'original moon' has changed its 'person'!"

In other words, your "mother" is now Lilith's "stepmother", how can she lend you power.

Although "Monica" who lost her "foreign aid" was a Sequence 1 "Doomsday Witch" during her lifetime, she turned into an "evil spirit" after her death. Especially since she was still in the state of "remnant soul", she could only rely on angels. The personality barely exerted the power of Sequence 4 level, and was no match for Abner.

Therefore, after "Monica" figured out her situation, she immediately used the "Petrified Demonic Eye" to slow down the pace of "Father God", but He himself chose without hesitation "Run away".

As long as you leave here and hide in any "world" in the "Ghost Empire", "God the Father" will never be able to control this giant ship and find Him.

After all, the so-called final "world", the so-called "correct" route, is actually to find the "world" where He is.

He himself is part of the "core" of this ship. Only by controlling him can he have the authority of the "Ghost Empire".

In other words, He Himself is the final “door” and exit!

Faced with "Monica's" sudden change of attitude, Abner seemed to have been prepared for it. With a wave of his hand, he made the "Petrified" ability invisible. Then he looked at "Monica" who was stopped in place and could not move even half an inch. , jokingly said: "Unfortunately, your 'mother' loves me even more now..."

"Monica's" face changed continuously, and finally she put on a "poor" expression, and her eyes seemed to be covered with mist: "'Father God,' can you keep my personality? Or let me Dominate the fusion with the main body? You know, I admire you very much!"

However, no matter how much he begged, Abner remained unmoved. He knew very well that there were no good people among the witches, even his own creations and descendants. It was more reassuring to control them in his own hands.

Therefore, he directly opened the "Pure White Eyes" and brought "Monica", who was fixed in place by "Mother" and completely unable to move, into the "Unknown Land".

On a street in the outer world, the captain of the armed team had not recovered from the shock of the sealed "monster" calling the new "saint" "Father God" when he suddenly realized that he was back in the city. The teammates who had just "sacrificed" were all not far away, and they were also in shock.

"Captain...are we all dead?" The observer still held the ring in his hand, but the grenade used to kill them all disappeared.

"This is our city...not the world after death." Another team member looked around and denied his companion's statement.

Seeing that the team members were still "alive", the captain was overjoyed and tears flowed down uncontrollably again.

This startled the rest of the team members, and they all became alert, wondering if the captain was also possessed by some monster.

But at this moment, an inexplicable message suddenly came into everyone's mind. It was obviously a text they didn't know, but everyone understood the meaning of the message:

"The other world disappeared from now on, and the 'Foundation' was declared disbanded."

In the castle of the "Primordial Plain", three ladies, Xio, Edwina, and Philina, also successfully joined Abner at this moment, and looked at the "maid" standing beside Abner with a scrutinizing gaze. "Monica", the ancestor of succubi.

"Who is she?" Xio asked first.

"He is the monster of the so-called 'primordial plain', and is also the last 'door' of many worlds in the 'Ghost Empire'." Abner explained with a smile.

"'Gate'?" Edwina looked at various parts of Monica's body with an "academic" eye, and asked in confusion: "Where is it?"

Abner did not answer Edwina's question directly, but turned to "Monica" and ordered:

"'Monica', the captain's quarters of this ship."

"Yes, Father God!" "Monica" bowed respectfully, and then the surrounding scene suddenly changed. The originally contemporary castle disappeared, and was replaced by a scene full of "science fiction":

The all-metal operating platform, the liftable seat, and the "projection screen" that displays the conditions of each "world" look very advanced...

"But in fact, this is just a 'skin'. It's just a fake. It doesn't have any technological content. It's essentially the use of extraordinary abilities." Abner complained and continued, "However, with 'Monica' Auxiliary, I can barely be considered the owner of this ship now, but most of its functions are still unavailable."

Edwina and the others were just about to take a look around, but at this moment, an "alarm" sound suddenly sounded in the captain's room:


"The 'Monica' is about to arrive at its destination, but it lacks 'certificates' and cannot enter the port..."

"Alarm again, lack of 'credentials', unable to enter the port!"

This sudden sound attracted the attention of several people, and they all turned their attention to the central "projection screen" that was turned on.

Immediately afterwards, a projection of the "country" blocked by gray-white fog appeared in front of the four people.

At this time, the "Ghost Empire" stopped at the only gap in the fog.

At the same time, a ring on Abner's finger shimmered, fleetingly.

Backlund, MI9 headquarters.

Her Highness Vera, who was reviewing the documents, suddenly had a look on her face, and then said with a smile:

"You are indeed sleeping there...Chike!

"Is this the 'Witch of Chaos' hiding in the 'State of Disorder'?"


Please give me monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~~~Additional update at nine o’clock~~~



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