Three questions? You, a witch, also abide by the principle of equal exchange? Um, could this be what I taught you?

Abner complained in his heart, but after thinking about it for a while, he repeated the original question:

"Are you really Aglaia Constantine?"

This question is very important. It is directly related to the strategy Abner will adopt towards it, so it needs to be answered directly by the other party.

It is very difficult to deceive Abner, who has multiple lie detection abilities, when answering directly.

The evil spirit on the coffin was obviously a little surprised by this question. She was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "When I was alive, I was the 'Doomsday Witch' Aglaia Constantine, and now I am named 'Aglaia Constantine'. Constantine's evil spirit."

No problem... It seems that she is indeed the daughter of the "God of Luck" and the "Queen of Disaster"... Abner nodded, his attitude softened a little, and then asked again:

"Were you brought here by Russell?"

As long as this question can be answered accurately, his previous speculation will be effectively supported, and the rest can be "insighted out" by himself without asking.

"Yes..." Aglaia first gave an affirmative answer, then organized the next sentence and continued, "I was killed by Chike and another unseen angel with the authority of 'Order' in a sneak attack. Later, the soul fell into the hands of the 'Night King' and was imprisoned in a 'cage' built with 'rules'.

"Although it's interesting enough there, it's definitely not friendly to a 'Doomsday Witch' who has lost her body..."

“By the time Bethel wanted to take me away from the Night King, my condition had deteriorated to the point where I was almost completely crazy.

"In the end, I relied on the deep sleep in the 'Scroll of God' to recover a little.

"Later, Russell found some people to believe in me and help me stabilize my humanity... But that was just a delay... The essence of my problem is actually that after losing the support of my own characteristics, my own authority and symbols are gradually being lost. Strip out the spirit body!

"Once the symbol is gone, even if my soul has undergone a qualitative change, it will slowly degenerate and turn into an irrational monster.

“So, I needed a place full of ‘disaster’ and ‘doomsday’ atmosphere to solidify my own symbol.

"And this ritual room, which is polluted by various sources, is a good location... Haha, this may also be the last gift from my father to me.

"Of course, I also want to thank Russell for bringing me here..."

Perhaps it was because he hadn’t spoken to anyone for a long time. Even though he only needed to answer a “yes” question, Aglaia kept talking for a long time, and finally said, “Although my current state is still not very good, it has recently symbolized separation. The signs are gradually weakening...

"Maybe it's because the end is approaching?"

Madam, there is no need to explain those trivial matters in such detail. With a few clues, I can "see" for myself like Arrodes.

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner observed Aglaia's spirit body and said with some confusion:

"I've seen the evil spirit of the 'Red Angel' before, and he doesn't seem to have the trouble of losing his symbol like you do..."

Arglas glanced at him and asked with a smile: "Is this the third question?"

"Of course not... this is just an academic discussion, you can choose not to say anything." Abner shook his head.

Aglaia sat on the top of the huge coffin, shook her dangling legs, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I can tell you for free... because the answer is very simple, the reason why the 'Red Angel' evil spirit is okay is because There is no true god in the 'Hunter' path!

"Once someone visits the 'Red Priest', Medici's symbol of the 'God of War' will naturally fade away, and the particularity of his spiritual body will inevitably become common over time."

So that's it... Then maybe the reason why you feel that your symbol is no longer fading recently is not because the end is approaching, but because Chike was "confined" by Vera...

Abner looked astonished, and after pondering for a while, he asked the third question:

"Can you tell me in detail the ins and outs of the ceremony held here eleven years ago?

"Well, only what you know."

When asked, Aglaia glanced at him meaningfully, the curvature of the corners of her mouth became wider, shook her head slightly and said: "I thought you were honest, but I didn't expect you to be as cunning as Russell!

"This question covers a lot of information!"

Although he heard Aglaia's sarcasm, Abner still said with a shy face: "I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

I want to ask a question. What's wrong with some word games? And I have been very restrained. I have not asked you to repeat everything you know. I am already taking care of my "daughter"...

"You are the favored one of the 'Lord of Mysteries' and a descendant of Bethel...I won't argue with you...but that is a long story, and I don't have much time to tell it..." As Aglaia said, she stretched out a palm and patted the coffin beneath her, and then the altar shook.

"Let me ask you one last time, do you really want to know all the causes and consequences of that incident?" Aglaia asked solemnly.

Abner somewhat guessed what He wanted to do. After a brief "prophecy", he found that there was not much danger, so he nodded and said: "Yes, I want to know!"

"Okay then..." Seeing his resolute attitude, Aglaia continued to activate the runes on the coffin, opening a small gap in the coffin lid.

"I will borrow the power of my father's previous body to transfer this knowledge to your heart. You'd better not resist...

"Of course, if you feel in danger, you can also let the power of 'Origin Castle' interrupt the 'transmission' at any time."

Before she finished speaking, Abner noticed something creeping into the island of his mind, and the "Pure White Eyes" suddenly opened at this moment.

"What's going on? Why is the power of the mind out of control? What did you do? How did it directly enter your mind island..."

Aglaia's expression changed when he saw this, and he murmured a few words to himself, but then his eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible:

"Wait! This... this is the power of 'unknown'... 'Memory Theater'?! You... are you another reincarnation of dad?

"Oops! His reincarnation is not yet an angel. The 'Memory Theater' is not under his control. It should have been accidentally activated by the power of the body of the 'Source of Fallen'...

"And as an 'intruder' judged by the 'Memory Theater', I'm afraid I will have to enter a certain memory scene with my father...

"I hope the ability of the 'Memory Theater' is not activated too much, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

There is another chapter after 12 o'clock

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