Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 395 Memory Theater

The "Memory Theater" is suspected to be a path from the outer god "High Dimensional Overlooker", and is a magical object manifested by its authority.

There is a high probability that it was brought back to the "Unknown Land" by a certain "Liu Bo" before the "God of Luck". After all, the "High-dimensional Overlooker" can be seen from the name, and its authority is very consistent with the time traveler. High, must be the priority.

Since the "Memory Theater" is deep in the "Unknown Land", Abner's current strength cannot reach it without being contaminated, so under normal circumstances it is impossible to use its ability.

In fact, the first time Abner knew of its existence was because Bernadette accidentally triggered it when she used "Pale Death" to explore the secrets of "Liu Bo" after she was promoted to an angel.

And now, for some reason, Aglaia's method of transmitting memories made the "Memory Theater" react again.

When Abner regained consciousness, he immediately understood his situation. After all, he had had an experience before.

In reality, there are still many "intelligent eyes" managing the body, so he is not too worried about being trapped here.

"Why is it that in this 'script', I am a corpse?

"You still can't control it at all... Do you want to be a 'vegetative' until the end of the 'theater'?

"Well, it should be that the ability of the 'Memory Theater' has not been fully 'activated', so I can only 'play' the 'role' that is most relevant to me.

"And the 'Source of Depravity', as the body of the former 'Liu Bo', is naturally the closest to me..."

Abner lay motionless in the dark coffin and began to "think randomly" out of boredom.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly heard footsteps approaching, and then a male voice also sounded:

"Is this the place Mr. Men mentioned? It is indeed a source of pollution at the level...

"And the pollution on this 'Father of Succubus, Lord of Desire, and Source of Depravity' seems to be very similar to mine, but slightly different...

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“As for the other one, it’s very similar to how Jaldabao felt at certain times.

"Tsk, it seems that she probably housed both the 'Shadow World' and the 'Brood' during her lifetime! Even if she is not killed by the 'Omniscient and Almighty', she will go completely crazy sooner or later.

"Aglaia, do you think Liu Bo...oh, Lai Yin at that time, why would he put such a corpse in the ritual room?"

Although he couldn't see it, the person speaking was undoubtedly Russell, and Abner was very sure.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's to arrange some important ceremony?" Aglaia was a little hesitant at first, but then it became smoother.

But such a contrast did not seem strange to Russell at all, and he just said to himself: "I guess she wanted to use the 'source essence' breath on the corpse and the power of Mr. Door to communicate with the source. She transforms her own soul into a special state and indirectly obtains the power of essence...

"But she didn't seem to succeed... Haha, it was probably Vicente who sabotaged it.

"Forget it, it's useless to know this, it has nothing to do with us!

“We have only two purposes here. One is to find a place for you to maintain your spiritual body;

"The second is to use the rituals here to make some arrangements in advance to make up for the mistakes I made on the moon."

Upon hearing this, Abner immediately understood that Aglaya was also played by an "actor", and it was most likely him himself.

She just used the contrast in attitude to tell herself this, and at the same time, she also "pointed out" a rule of the "Memory Theater".

In other words, as long as the "acting" is not too outrageous, the "plot" will continue to develop along the "memory", or "history", and will not be "ng" because of it.

"Well, the 'theater' that Bernadette triggered last time seemed to be like this... Although her previous performances were certainly different from those in history, they did not cause any consequences until she asked about the meaning of the word 'hometown'. That led to the collapse of the theater.

"But it doesn't seem to have any impact after the theater collapsed..."

While Abner was thinking, Russell had already left the castle to prepare materials for the ceremony, but Aglaia was left behind.

After a while of silence, the former "Doomsday Witch" took the initiative and said: "I didn't expect you to be the reincarnation of 'Father'... You should have told me earlier, otherwise you wouldn't have ended up like this.

"However, if your wish to understand the cause and effect can be fulfilled, you still have to watch it directly at the scene... But we don't want to go out in a short time. After all, this matter spans hundreds of years."

At this point, she seemed to have thought of something, and then said, "By the way, although this 'theatre' is built based on my 'memory', it will also be drawn from the 'spiritual world' and from the 'river of destiny'. 'Find the corresponding information and fill in the 'plot', so the 'plot protagonists' will definitely not be you and me. The main perspective of the 'cameraman' will not be here now, so you don't have to worry about the scene collapsing and you can talk.

"Well, according to what my father said at the beginning, the 'Memory Theater' comes from the 'Cameraman' path of the outer god 'High-Dimensional Overlooker', and is the concrete product of the 'uniqueness' of this path.

"As for what a 'cameraman' is, my father said that it is a 'profession' that will only exist in the future... You should be able to understand it now, right?"

I do understand, but how can I speak with a corpse? After Abner complained, he tried to control the body, and unexpectedly found that it was not as immobile as before.

Although he could not use his hands and feet, he could barely control his facial features, so Abner tried hard to shake the air and asked with difficulty: "Actively change and cause collapse...can't you go back immediately?"

"The problem is that 'memory theater' is not a simple 'acting'... Once the changes to the 'script' exceed a certain limit, all the changed things will cover reality in the form of 'information', and the impact will definitely be' Continental disaster' level.

"For example, if you kill one more person in the 'Memory Theater' than in history, then when this 'information' reaches reality, all relevant personnel will remember that the person was killed, and newspapers and other carriers will also have such an extra piece of information. , even the spirit world will have records of its death.

"Although history has not changed, and that person has not really died in reality... But everyone thinks he is dead, and all records show that he is dead. Even he himself thinks so and treats himself as a dead person. The rest of the journey of life...

"Except for the King of Angels, True Gods, and the Old Ones who cannot be fully covered by the information, history has actually been rewritten.

"Of course, just one person's change cannot reach the standard line for 'memory theater' to activate 'information coverage'... So, once the 'theater' collapses, how much change will it cause to history? What are the consequences? It’s scary to think about.

“It will definitely attract the attention of the True God and the Old Ones.

"It would be nice if you could control the 'Memory Theater', but you obviously can't do it now." Aglaia gave examples and metaphors, as if he was afraid that Abner would not understand the horror of the "Memory Theater".

"0" level sealed objects can cause national or even continental disasters. If the "Memory Theater" is truly unique, then it is not surprising that it behaves like this...

But Aglaia, you are the "Doomsday Witch", shouldn't you be happy that you can cause such a disaster? Why are you more afraid of this so-called "changing history" than me?

In addition, the "script" caused by Bernadette ended up in "collapse", but it did not cover the reality with the information...

With this thought in mind, Abner also asked.

Hearing "Father"'s question, Aglaia was silent for a while, then sighed and said:

"Okay, I admit that the consequences of theater collapse are sometimes not as serious as I said... because if it involves changes in high-level existence, it will also collapse... But this 'history' cannot be rewritten, because 'memory' Theater' can't do it.

"However, as the price of collapse, 'I' will become an 'official actor' in the 'theater' and need to complete the 'script' regularly..."

"This is nothing. After all, there are ways to escape from the control of uniqueness.

"But, you should know that it is dedicated to the 'unknown'... and once you become its 'actor', it means that you will be infected by the power of the 'unknown'."

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